Turner Times Vol.15, Issue 1 Website: www.ussturner.org November 2010 NEW ORLEANS Memories BY MIKE MANIA ’53-’54 Prior to my enlisting in the Navy, been added to my nostalgia through checks for a song his good friend I had been a part-time musician. I the music that thrills me so much. Hoagy Carmichael wrote. It was enti- played a snare drum in my high Not too infrequently, I‘ll hear a tled, GEORGIA ON MY MIND. school marching band, the tympani in song that places me in a certain city That great, memorable reunion was the school orchestra, a tenor drum in or state in which one of the fantastic held in Savannah. I also heard the a state championship drum and bugle TURNER reunions was held. That‘s late, great Al Joleson the other night corps, the traps in a pretty good high when the memories doubly mani- on one of his recordings sing CALI- school dance band and in an adult fest themselves by purging all FONIA HERE I COME, and I re- dance band prior to my military ser- thoughts from my mind except the membered San Diego had hosted an- vice. After my discharge, I ended my great times I had at that particular other fabulous party for former physical association with music—but reunion. The first one I remember TURNER crewmembers, their not my love of music. So, instead of was POOR LITTLE ROAD IS- spouses and guests. One of my nov- playing an instrument, I play records, LAND—Providence. Then, CHI- elty records almost had me getting cassette tapes and CD‘s. CAGO, CHICAGO, THAT TOD- ready to SHUFFLE OFF TO BUF- Many evenings, as I sit alone in DLIN‘ TOWN—need I tell you FALO for next years get-together. my living room and tire of the imbe- where that reunion was held? Or A tune I heard last night settled cilic programs and trashy movies on this one, MEET ME IN ST. LOUIS, me into a bit of reminiscence that TV, or if my eyes water from reading LOUIS? How about I‘M ALA- really hit home. The fourth song on a too long, I‘ll listen to an hour or two BAMI BOUND? Try Mobile. Re- CD by Harry Connick Jr. was DO of some of the old ballads and nov- member Glenn Miller‘s famous YOU KNOW WHAT IT MEANS elty songs that were big hits when I PENNSYVANIA 6-5000? I‘m cer- TO MISS NEW ORLEANS? Wow. was a kid. Many are ones I used to tain Philadelphia brings back many How could I not know? I had such a play with those very same arrange- fond memories to you, also. Don‘t marvelous time just several short ments. How they bring back such forget THE EYES OF TEXAS weeks ago in that fantastic town. One wonderful memories of days gone by. ARE UPON YOU. What a time we of the outstanding memories about it However, something new has had in San Antonio. For many years Johnny Mercer was getting royalty Continued on Page 3 NOTICE The TURNER Reunion Association Committee is pleased to announce that, henceforth, handicap accessible rooms have been added to our room block at the various hotels in which we will be holding our future reunions. If you are us- ing a wheel chair or some other method of mobility, be sure to notify the hotel and Armed Forces Reunions (AFR) as such when you make your reservations. Also, please be advised that the tour buses the committee hires can only accommodate regular and battery operated wheelchairs. They are the ones that can fold fairly flat. Other modes of transportation such as the larger and more so- phisticated scooters are just too cumbersome too handle and much too large to fit the space allotted in the luggage compartments of the buses. Thank you for your cooperation. 1 Turner Times FROM THE OF THE PREZ Ship’s Store GREETINGS FELLOW SHIP- Sizes M to XXL — $50. Sizes 2XL MATES to 3XL— $55. The following items can be ordered from Carl Ackerman, 7436 Daisy ►Ship's patches: Both the Tiger and HAPPY THANKSGIVING, Double Eagle, 4" round with color Cir., Macungie, PA 18062, Ph: (610) MERRY CHRISTMAS, AND 398-0145. All items are postpaid. embroidery. Also official Navy GOOD WISHES FOR A PEACE- patch just like on the ball caps. Blue/ Please make checks payable to Carl FUL NEW YEAR. L. Ackerman. gold lettering of "USS Turner DD/ OUR ANNUAL REUNION DDR 834" around gray destroyer ►Up-to-date rosters — $5. HAS PASSED AND A GOOD profile. 3"H x 5"W. Cost is $5 per TIME WAS HAD BY ALL. THE patch. ►Turner baseball caps embroidered WEATHER IN THE NORTHERN USS Turner License Plate Frame with Turner logo — $18. CARIBBEAN (NEW ORLEANS) WAS PROBABLY THE BEST ►Mesh polo shirts embroidered with WE'VE HAD ALL SUMMER. Turner logo. Colors: Red, White or WE GIVE SPECIAL THANKS TO Navy Blue. Sizes M to XXL. All ALL THAT MADE THIS REUN- sizes come with a pocket — $45. ION MEMORABLE. THEY PUT Sizes 2XL to 3XL — $50. TOGETHER A GREAT PRO- GRAM THAT WILL BE REMEM- ►Sweat Shirts embroidered with BERED BY ALL FOR YEARS TO Turner logo. Colors: Navy Blue or COME. Gray. Sizes M to XXL — $50. Sizes 2XL to 3XL — $55. WE'RE LOOKING FOR- WARD TO THE NEXT REUNION A young man with a wild and multi- ►DVD of 1961 Med Cruise photos TO BE HELD IN BUFFALO NY. colored hairstyle sits next to an old — $10. DON'T FORGET THAT YOU WILL NEED A PASSPORT TO man on a park bench. The old man ►USS Turner Auto license plate GO INTO CANADA. stares at the young man. frame is polished chrome plating over a zinc die casting. The letters ROY TURCOTTE "What's the matter, old man?" says ―U.S. NAVY‖ are on the top of the the young man. "Never done any- thing crazy in your life?" frame and ―USS TURNER DD/DDR 834‖is on the bottom of the frame. Card holdrs, Mesh holder and cal- The old man replies: "Yeah. When I These letters are also in polished culator. 3 Interior pockets: 1 with a was in the Navy, I got really drunk chrome plate with a painted navy zipper and 1 expandable. Outside one night and had sex with a parrot. I blue background. This license plate of portfolio is zippered for security. thought you might be my son." frame is legal in all 50 states. See SEE PHOTO below. Price $20 to- photo in column 3— $20.00 tal (while supplies last) ►Auto license plate with colored picture of USS Turner… $25 (to be used indoors in your office or hung on wall). ►BONDED LEATHER 8 ½‖ X 11‖ BLACK ZIPPERED PORTFOLIO : Outside front cover silk-screened with our ship‘s logo and the printing: ―USS TURNER DD/DDR834‖. Interior Includes : 30 page 8 ½‖ X 11‖ writing pad, Elastic pen loop, ►Denim Shirts: Short sleeve, light blue with dark blue Turner Logo. Ship’s Store continued in column 2 2 Turner Times Continued from Page 1 ties, many well cared for city parks, ole, who loves with a passion, New old oaks and a genuine streetcar sys- Orleans, her native background, is knowing everyone else at the reun- seafood, tour guiding, the New Or- tem still shuttling back and forth. ion had an equally great time! And leans Saints and everyone of the Seeing the stately charm of some of yes, I certainly do miss New Orleans. TURNER people with whom she New Orleans pre-Civil War homes But before I get into the reunion came in contact. As far as I know, brought us from one century right in depth, I want to say a few words Barbara is the only tour guide who into another when we passed by some about the outer fringes of this trip— has ever been invited to attend a of the present day dwellings inhab- no less important than the main body TURNER banquet. That, in itself, ited by an elite group of upper caste of the story, I might add. speaks volumes about this woman‘s New Orleans citizens. The weather could not have knowledge of her subject, New Or- We made a stop at one of the treated us any better. It was wonder- leans, her character and personality. cities famous above ground cemeter- ful, especially if you took one of the She accepted the invitation and had ies, and as she did through the entire many paddle wheel boat excursions a great time. It was a pleasure to tour, our wonderful guide Barbara, up and down the MIGHTY MISSIS- have her aboard. We wish her con- gave a most comprehensive disserta- SIPPI. There was always a cool tinued success. tion on the cemetery and some of its breeze blowing to fan away the warm The nineteenth annual USS famous inhabitants. rays of the ever present sunshine to TURNER DD/DDR 834 reunion, As we wove through the French make it very comfortable. I took a which was held at the Doubletree Quarter, we were subjected to the tour on the Creole Queen and got Hotel—New Orleans, began on sights of independent old French and myself a bit of sunburn--nothing September 27, with the opening of Spanish cultures, yet were witness to harmful or painful. It was gone in the hospitality room and reunion their melding together as a third or two days. registration desk at 1:00 p.m.
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