PROCEEDING OF THE DISTRICT EDUCATIONAL OFFICER, SPSR NELLORE DISTRICT Present: Sri. M' Janardhancharyulu, B'Com', B'Ed Rc.No.3806 /B2/20t9 Date:06-03 -2020. Sub: APSESS - Filling up of the School Assistant and its Equivalent cadres in Mandal Praja Parishad Upper Primary Schools I Zilla Praja Parishad High Schools / Govt High Schools under class II of Category 1 to 25 under APSESS - by way of promotion on adhoc basis- orders -lssued. Read: 1.G.O.Ms.No.145 dated:15-06-2004. 2.G.O.Ms.No.10 Edn Dept dt'23.01'2009. 3.G.O.Ms. No.15 Edn Dept dt.26'01.2009. 4.G.O.Ms. No17 Edn dt.26,01.2009 5.G.O.Ms.No.30 Edn(SE.SER.1) Department Dated 23.06.2010 6. Procs.Rc. N o.7 661 C3-U2O7O Dated 29. 1 1.20 10 of the Commissioner and Director of School Education, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad 7.GO Ms.No.42 WCDS Depaftment dated 19.10.2011 8.G.o. Ms. No. 748 GAD(Ser-C) Dept., dated 29. t2.2ooB. 9. Proceed i ngs Rc. No. 54 (Dt-4)2012-A dated 1 7, 0 t.2012 & 18. 0 1. 20 1 2 of the Commissioner and Director of School Education, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad 10.Procs.Rc.No.4.C3-1/20t2 Dt.l7 .01.2012 of the Commissioner and Director of School Education, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad' 1 1.Prcds. Rc. No.3/Esst.IV - t /2015 dated : 27- 1 -20 1 5 of the Commissioner of School Education, AP, Hyderabad. 12.Memo No. ESEO1-13023/!/2078-SER-1-SE DEPT dated. 21-06-2019. 13.Proce. Rc.No. 13027/7 /2019-EST 3-CSE dated : 27/06/2079 and 05-08-2019 of the Commissioner and Director of School Education, A.P, Amaravathi. 14.Counselli ng Date : 06 -03-2020 at District Ed ucational Office, S. P. S. R Nellore District. ORDERS: Under rule 10(a) (1) of for A.P. State & Sub Ordinate Service rules 1996, and as per the instructions issued by the Government'/ Commissioner of School Education / Reglonal Joint Director of School Education from time to time In the references (12) and (14) cited, the teacher of class II of Category 1to 25 mentioned in the annexure are hereby promoted as School Assistant and its equivalent cadres in Mandal Praja Parishad Upper Primary Schools lZilla Praja Parishad High Schools / Govt High Schools and posted against the vacancy noted against their names as per their option exercised during the counseling held on O6-O3-2020 at O/o District Educational Officer, SPSR Nellore District The above promotion is purely temporary on adhoc basis and liable for termination at any time without any notice and without assigning any reason thereof for such termination, They are not entitled for TTA and joining time as the promotion now ordered as per their option only. The concerned teachers are requested to join in the promotion post with (15) days from the date receipt of these orders failing which they will forfeit their right for promotion in the present and in the future as per G.O.Ms.No.193 GAD dt.23.04.1999. The Heads of institutions concerned are requested to make necessary entries in the S.R of the teachers concerned, if they fails to join/relinquish to their promotion under proper attestation specifically whether they relinquished for First Time/ Second Time. The promotion orders now issued is subject to outcome of OA No.247O, 2670 and 267L ot 2O18 pending in the APAT. The Heads of institutions are requested to relieve the teachers mentioned in the Annexure with instructions to join at their new post. The dates of relief and joining should be reported promptly to this office along with a copy of joining report of the teacher concerned The receipt of the proceedings should be acknowledged forthwith. Sd/- M.lanardhancharyulu, Encls: Annexure DISTRICT EDUCATIONAL OFFICER, S.P.S.R NELLORE DISTRICT. I I Attested/ / To ,n Copy to the Deputy Educational Officer concerned for information Copy to the Sub-Treasury Officers concerned. Copy forwarded to the Chief Executive Officer, Zilla Praja Prarishad, Nellore for information Copy forwarded to the Deputy Director, District Treasury, Nellore for information. ANNEXURE Roster Details of the post s.N Name of the teacher and posted Cycle - Place of working which the teacher was Place of where o Desitnation Point Dromotted 28193801503-MPU PS REG. 0801219-MARELLA 28192901202.MPPS MOLLUR, MUTHUKUR SCHOOL ASSISTANT . 1 UDATHAVARIPALEM, 5/22,SC-W JAYALAKSH M l, SGT-Telugu Mandal MATHEMATICS CHILI-AKUR Mandal 2819090100s-ZPHS 0800886-DEHARAM RAMA 28191501303-MPPS BEERAMGUNTA AW, SCHOOL ASSISTANT 2 REG-s/23, YERUKOLLU, DUTTALUR ALLUR Mandal MATHEMATICS DEVI, SGT-Telugu Mandal 0801133-YANAMANDRA SAI 281915OO204.MPUPS SINGAPETA, ALLUR SCHOOL ASSISTANT - 28T9 44O2LO2.ZP HS KA LLU R U, 3 REG-'124, SARADA, SGT-Telugu Mandal MATHEMATICS DORAVARISATRAM MANdAI 28191000604-ZPHS REG. 0838321-MACHA 28191801102.MPPS PENUBALLI GC, ASSISTANT. 4 GANDIPALEM, UDAYAGIRI 5/2s,ST-G BUCHIREDDIPALEM Mandal MATHEMATICS'CHOOL LALITHAMMA, SGT.TeIugu Mandal 28194s04203-ZPHS 0833076-Kuppachhi 28194401103.MPPS VADDIKANDRIGA, D V ASSISTANT - 5 REG-s/26, RAGANNAPATTEDA, DEVASENA, SGT-Telugu SATRAM Mandal MATHEMATICS'CHOOL SULLURPET Mandal Sd/- M Janardhanacharyulu District Educational Officer SPSR Nellore District // Attested /l Page 1 of 1 ANNEXURE Edqcational Offieer,.!!SR Nellore District) Local Roster s.N Name of the teacher and Details of the post Cycle - o Designation Place of working which the teacher was Place of where posted Point promotted 0818445-THALLURI 28190500104.M PPS KONDABITRAG t REG-4/96, RAVINDRA BABU, SGT- U NA SCHOOL ASSISTANT - 28190501018- ZPPHS CR G/C, BOGOLE Mandal Telugu ENGLISH PALEM, BOGOLE Mandal 28192503008- zPHS 0833064-EGA DURGA 281924O3OO2.MPPS MARRIPALLI 2 REG-4/98, DIGUVA, SCHOOL ASSISTANT. HOUSING BOARD COLONY, REDDY, SGT-Telugu PODALAKUR Mandal ENGLISH KALLURUPALLI, NELLORE, NELLORE Mandal 0813898-LINGAMGUNTA 28192503203-MPPS 28192800203- MPUPS 3 REG-4/99, KALIVELAPALEM G/C, SCHOOL ASSISTANT - NARUKUR, PENCHALA RAO, SGT-Telugu NELLORE Mandal ENGLISH l'HOTAPALLIGUDUR Mandal REG. 0821289-YELLASIRI SANTHA 28194100907- zPHS 4 281919OO7O1.MPPS MARRIPADU, SANGAM SCHOOL ASSISTANT. 41700, CHITTAMUR, CHITTAMUR KUMARI, SGT-Telugu Mandal ENGLISH Mandal Sd/- wt Janardhanacharyulu District Educational Officer SPSR Nellore District // Attested // A Page 1 of 1 ANNEXURE 9ffiqe'lpSB Xellqre pistrict) tocal _ Roster Details post s.N Name of the teacher and of the Cycle - Place of o Designation working which the teacher was Place of where posted Point promotted 28192501504-ZPHS REG-5/64- 0821611-PAMAMJI 28191500511.MPPS PERANTALA L THOPU, SCHOOL ASSISTANT - BC.D-W KRISHINAGAR, VIMALAMMA, SGT-Telugu ALLUR Mandal BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES NELLORE,"MandaI 28191300203-MPUPS REG-s/6s- OS2OT06.TATIPARTHI 281918OO1O2.MPPS REDDYPALEM, SCHOOL ASSISTANT. sHOUTA BHEEMAVARAM, 2 oc-w BALA,I, 5GT-TeIugU BUCH IREDDYPALEM Mandal BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES qNUMASAMUDRAMPET,"MA rdal REG-s/66- ]818794.POLAVARAPU 2819O6OO5O3.MPPS 28190500505-zPHS 3 KOVURUPALLE GC, SCHOOL ASSISTANT . sc-w RUDRAKOTA, SUMATHI, SGT-Telugu BOGOLE Mandal BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES KAVALl,"Mandal REG-s/68- 0823219.DEVARALA 28 19 1202043-ZPHS 4 28191201.201.MPPS MAHIMALUR MAI N, SCHOOL ASSISTANT. 9C-D-G PERAREDDYPALLI, MALYADRI, SGT-Telugu ATHMAKUR Mandal BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES ATMAKUR,"Mandal REG-s/59- 0816025-SARVEPALLI 28191202011.MPPS 28190801126-2PHS 5 SANTHINAGARAM, SCHOOL ASSISTANT. BC.E-G VINJAMUR, MADHAVI, SGT-Telugu ATMAKUR Mandal BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES VlNJAMUR,"Mandal O8O12O3.ARIKATLA REG-5/7O- 28191500106-ZPHS 28192901205-MPPS DUWURIVARIPALEM, SCHOOL - 6 DORASANAMMA, SGT- ASSISTANT BC-A.G PARLAPALLI, MUTHUKUR Mandal BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES Telusu VlDAVALUR,"Mandal REG-s/71- OS2lOO8.TIPPAVAJJALA 28191701104.MPPS 7 NTR COLONY, SCHOOL ASSISTANT - 28191600405-2PHS VAVtLLA, 0c-w IAYALAKSHMI, SGT-Telugu KODAVALUR Mandal 3IOLOGICAL SCIENCES VlDAVALUR,"Mandal REG-s/73- ]813291-GURRAM FRANCIS, 28 193 100304-M PU PS 8 281938OO1O1.MPPS CHILLAKUR, SCHOOL ASSISTANT - oc-G CHERUKUMUDI, 5GT-Telugu CHILLAKUR Mandal BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES MANUBOLU,"Mandal REG-'174- O832279.BETHIREDDY 28190302602-MPUPS 9 28190302601-MPPS RAMANUJAPURAM SCHOOL ASSISTANT - BC-B-G SRIt AKSH RAMANUJAPURAM, MI, SGT-Telugu HW, KONDAPURAM Mandal BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES KONDAPURAM,"MandaI Sd/- M Janardhanacharyulu District Educationa I Officer SPSR Nellore District ll Attested // t 16 Page 1 of 1 ANNEXURE (Prcds RC No. 3805/82/2019,Dated: 06-03-2020 of the District Educational Officer, SpSR Nellore District) Local Roster Details of the post s.N Name of the teacher and Cycle - Place of worklng which the was posted o Designation teacher Place of where Point promotted 28192800304-MPUPS REG. OS2lOlO.RACHAPUTI 28191701511.MPUPS RAMAPURAM, SCHOOL ASSISTANT - L PEDURU, THOTAPALLIGUDUR 71100, TASODAMMA KODAVALUR Mandal SOCIAL STUDIES Mandal 28193403303-M PUPS 28193501301-MPPS PAPAMAMBAPURAM, SCHOOL ASSISTANT - 2 REG-8/1, 08293 32- NAK KALA PO I.AIAH ALTHURUPADU, DAKKILI VENKATAGIRI Mandal SOCIAL STUDIES Mandal REG- 28192501302-MPU PS 0806741-Thotapalli 28192801202-MPPS PEDACHERUKUR, SCHOOL ASSISTANT 3 B/2,SC-W- CHINTHAREDDYPALEM, SUNDHARA BHARATHI I.P.GUDUR Mandal SOCIAL STUDIES Lapsed NELLORE Mandal 0818078-YERRA 2819O5OO7O4.MPPS AKUTHOTA GC, KAVALI SCHOOL ASSISTANT . 2819O5O1212.MPUPS 4 REG-8/4, BKR MARKANDEYULU Mandal SOCIAL STUDIES NAGAR, KAVALI Mandal 28192801707-ZPHS O8O6892.AMULURU SURYA 28192502101.MPPS AKKACH ERUVU PADU, SCHOOL ASSISTANT. 5 REG-8/s, VARIGONDA, NARAYANA RAO NELLORE Mandal iOCIAL STUDIES THOTAPALLIGUDUR Mandal REG. 28192s01111-ZPHS 0834248.NUKARAJU JAYA 28192600515.MPUPS GUMMALI.ADIBBA, ASSISTANT. 6 8/5,PHC-G. NARAYANREDDYPET, PRAKASH KOVUR Mandal ;OCIAL'CHOOL STUDIES VH NELLORE Mandal REG. 28193000606-ZPHS ]833194-SUNKARA 28193000201 .
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