Fa Fo sh r io Sp n ri ng November/December 2012 Volume 40 Number 10 $5.00 www.racquetsportsindustry.com HHeeaalltthhyy BBuussiinneessss!! CCaarrddiioo TTeennnniiss CCoonnttiinnuueess TToo GGrrooww,, BBeenneeffiittiinngg CCoonnssuummeerrss aanndd PPrroovviiddeerrss TTiimm HHeecckklleerr:: UUSSPPTTAA’’ss DDrriivviinngg FFoorrccee TThhee CChhaannggiinngg PPrroo SShhoopp NNTTCC''ss IInnddoooorr TTrraaiinniinngg CCeenntteerr SPIN CONTROL COMFORT Zo Dart ~ fti ~ ~ '-------------" GAmmA. GAmmA. I Zo Verve Contents Contents RSI NOV/DEC 2012 FEATURES INDUSTRY NEWS 24 Healthy Tennis With 1.3 million participants after just 7 USPTA names seven years, Cardio Tennis continues to John Embree as new CEO improve and grow—benefiting con - sumers and providers. 7 Task force to look into 28 New Fashions Spring to the Net! single teaching pro group Colors, styles and patterns make their marks in playable soft fabrications that 8 Hingis, Stich among are tough on the court and kind on the Hall of Fame nominees body. 30 A Driving Force 8 ASBA Tech Meeting After 30 years at the helm of the in Orlando USPTA, Tim Heckler’s departure leaves some impressive tennis shoes to fill. 9 Gamma introduces new 34 Pro Actions RZR Bubba frame Tennis Hall-of-Famer Gigi Fernandez 9 7 facilities gain USTA honors brings her talents to bear on a new state-of-the-art facility in Connecticut. 9 PTR, Norwegian 36 Shopping Centers Federation sign deal Tennis facility pro shops are having to change with the times, and it’s the con - 11 Antigua tennis announces sumer who is determining the direction. 2013 apparel line 38 The Inside Story Thanks in large part to the vision of for - 11 Racquet Art to mer USTA President Alan Schwartz, the distribute Ardor strings NTC’s Indoor Training Center is a year- round boon for tennis. 13 SGMA launches rebranding plan 14 Dunlop announces 2013 racquet range 16 USPTA recognizes leaders in tennis DEPARTMENTS 21 Retailing Tip 4 Our Serve 22 Tennis & Health 7 Industry News 30 Pioneers in Tennis 15 Community Tennis 40 Ask the Experts 17 Tennis Retailers 42 String Playtest: Gamma Zo Dart 17 19 TIA News 44 Your Serve, by Jon Vegosen 2 2 RACQUET SPORTS INDUSTR Y November/December 2012 www.racquetsportsindustry.com Our Serve Common Goals (Incorporating Racquet Tech and Tennis Industry ) Publishers t the TIA Tennis Forum, held in New York City just David Bone Jeff Williams before the US Open, TIA President Jon Muir present - Editorial Director ed a slide to the 300-plus industry leaders, teaching Peter Francesconi pros, manufacturers, retailers and others in the room that [email protected] said the TIA will be working with the USPTA and PTR to Associate Editor A Greg Raven form a task force to look into forming a more unified teach - ing pro network “that can strengthen the position, econom - Design/Art Director ic growth, and industry impact overall for coaches and Kristine Thom tennis professionals, as one organization.” Contributing Editors Robin Bateman Finally, someone decided to put aside politics and say publicly what many in Cynthia Cantrell this industry have been thinking and talking about privately for years: Let’s get Joe Dinoffer together and look into how we may be able to have one unified teaching pro orga - Kent Oswald nization. A single organization has been the elephant in the room for decades. Bob Patterson Politically, all of us in this industry, myself and RSI included, have tended to tread Cynthia Sherman a fine line, not taking a stand publicly one way or another. Mary Helen Sprecher Tim Strawn But let’s open our minds for minute. For teaching pros and coaches, a unified organization may well provide them with the credibility they deserve for the hard RACQUET SPORTS INDUSTRY work and dedication they put in. It can provide a clear pathway to education and Corporate Offices certification that is understandable by the public and that this entire industry can PO Box 3392, Duluth, GA 30096 endorse and promote. Phone: 760-536-1177 Fax: 760-536-1171 Email: [email protected] For consumers and recreational players … I don’t think most know enough Website: www.racquetTECH.com about each of the two teaching organizations to really care. Worse, though, two Offic e Hours: Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Pacific Time separate entities probably are confusing to most players (and especially to begin - ners), who can’t make sense of different terminologies, methods and defini - Advertising Director tions—and can’t figure out which is “better.” John Hanna From a manufacturers’ and organizations’ point of view, there are a lot of 770-650-1102, x.125 [email protected] advantages to dealing with and supporting one, rather than two, teaching pro groups. In fact, here’s a direct comparison: In 2003, manufacturers were support - Apparel Advertising ing two industry magazines: Racquet Tech (the publication of the USRSA) and Cynthia Sherman Tennis Industry. At the urging of the major manufacturers and others in the 203-263-5243 industry, we merged to form Racquet Sports Industry . Manufacturers continued [email protected] their reach into the industry audience, but with greatly reduced costs; we bene - Racquet Sports Industry is published 10 times per fited from pooling our resources. It was the right thing to do and formed a year: monthly January through August and combined stronger publication all around. issues in September/October and November/ The USTA has shown great restraint in not stepping in years ago and—like December by Tennis Industry and USRSA, PO Box 3392, every other country in the world—certifying pros on their own and running a Duluth, GA 30096. Periodcal postage paid at teaching pro organization. I’m sure from a USTA viewpoint, they’re thinking Duluth, GA and at additional mailing offices (USPS #004-354). Nov/Dec 2012, Volume 40, Number 10 © about how much further along important initiatives would be if there weren’t the 2012 by USRSA and Tennis Industry. All rights confusion, entanglements and duplicate efforts of different organizations looking reserved. Racquet Sports Industry, RSI and logo are for their slices of the pie. trademarks of USRSA. Printed in the U.S.A. Phone Muir said the goal of the Task Force is to have recommendations for next advertising: 770-650-1102 x 125. Phone circulation steps by the end of this year, adding, “This is a great opportunity for us to initiate and editorial: 760-536-1177. Yearly subscriptions something that can be very positive for the industry and strengthen the delivery $25 in the U.S., $40 elsewhere. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Racquet Sports Industry, PO Box system.” It’s time now for healthy, constructive, politics-free conversations. 3392, Duluth, GA 3009. Peter Francesconi Editorial Director RSI is the official magazine of the USRSA, TIA,and ASBA 4 RACQUET SPORTS INDUSTR Y November/December 2012 www.racquetsportsindustry.com RSI NOV/DEC 2012 IINNDDUUSSTTRRYY NNEEWWSS INFORMATION TO HELP YOU RUN YOUR BUSINESS Task Force to Look Industry Veteran John Embree Named Into Single Teaching As New CEO/Executive Director for USPTA Pro Group ndustry veteran John Embree is the new CEO/Executive Director of the U.S. Professional Ten - TIA President Jon Muir said the nis Association. Embree will take the administrative reigns from Tim Heckler, who will retire TIA will work with the USPTA Iat the end of the year, after 30 years in the position (see page 30). and PTR to form a task force After interviewing several candidates in conjunction with the search firm that will look into the possibility GSI Executive Search Inc., the USPTA Search Committee offered the posi - of creating a single, unified ten - tion to Embree. The contract was ratified by the USPTA Executive Commit - nis teaching professional organi - tee in late August. zation. “I began my tennis odyssey during college as a teaching professional in Muir made the announcement to Virginia. After more than three decades of working in the sport that I began more than 300 tennis providers, playing at 6 years old, my career has come full circle, back to my foundation teaching pros, coaches, facility as a grassroots advocate. I am thrilled to have been chosen to help lead the managers, retailers, media and USPTA in the years to come,” said Embree. industry supporters at the TIA Tennis Forum in New York just “We are pleased to welcome John into the USPTA family. His vast tennis before the US Open, which was industry expertise, contacts, and company management skills will serve the part of The Tennis Show (see USPTA well,” said USPTA President Tom Daglis. page 20). Embree has held a variety of tennis industry roles, including serving as president of Prince Sports, The Americas; president of Balle de Match; and vice president/general “The goal with a single organi - zation would be to strengthen manager, Racquet Sports Division for Wilson Sporting Goods. Most recently, he launched a tennis the position, economic growth consulting practice. His client list included the USTA, Intercollegiate Tennis Association, Peter Bur - and industry impact overall for wash International, Off the Grid Technologies, and Donnay USA. coaches and tennis pros,” Muir Embree has served on many national USTA Committees, including the USTA Nominating Com - said. “It’s a great opportunity for mittee in 2005-2006 and currently as the vice chair of USTA Professional Circuits Committee. In us to initiate something that can addition, he recently served as presidential appointee of the Board of Directors of USTA Middle be very positive for the industry States section, is a past member of TIA Board of Directors and Executive Committee, member of and strengthen the delivery the Board of Directors of American College of Sports Medicine Foundation, and past president of system.” the Chicago Tennis Patrons Foundation.
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