CLOCK PRANKS Time inconsistencies cause much confusion and frequent campusing. See Page Six Editorial's Efje IBufee Chronicle indignant discussion. Vol. 46—No. 27 .Duke University, Durham, N. C. Friday, April 27, 1951 Omicron Delta Kappa Chooses 16 Neophytes in Morning Ritual Kick-Off Wednesday Giant Wooden Key Heralds Selection Edens' Speech Will Open Of West Leaders Development Fund Drive Heralded by the giant wooden key in front of Duke Chapel, Solicitation for the Student) Marilyn Goodman. Serving as Omicron Delta Kappa, national Drive of the Duke University dormitory chairmen under her honorary fraternity, this morn­ Development Campaign will be­ are: Louisa May, Aycock; Grace ing staged its semi-annual tap­ gin immediately following a Sales, Alspaugh; Elinor Divine, ping by choosing 16 members as kick-off banquet on Wednesday, Bassett; Ann Glenn, Brown; Hel­ prospective neophytes. May 2, in the Old Gymnasium en Willard, Giles; Jean Johnson, ODK, founded as a national on West Campus. Jarvis; Jean Corzett, Pegram; honorary in 1914, selects mem­ Dr. Hollis Edens will address Anne Barnes, Southgate; and bers of the junior and senior several hundred men and wom­ Kallie Dackis, Town Girls. classes who have distinguished en students who will serve as Chairmen for West Campus themselves by outstanding lead­ Ella Sowers as Louka, the servant girl, warns Nancy Pappas solicitors in the student cam­ dormitories are: George Pavloff, ership and service. (Raina) and Pamela Cherry (Catherine) of approaching trouble paign to aid in the drive for Bob Bush, and Nick Hennessee, The initiation of the pledges in George Bernard Shaw's "Arms and the Man," new Duke Play­ funds to match some $3,000,000 Craven Quadrangle; Scotty will be at a banquet in the Un­ ers production which opened last night in Branson Building. proposed gifts from special York, Crowell Quadrangle; Jack sources. Following the banquet, Johnston, Kilgo Quadrangle; ion Ballroom Saturday, May 5. students will be contacted in and Byron Ford, Few Quadran­ The following were tapped their rooms. gle. this morning: Richard Mitchell Blair, busi­ YWCA Will Entertain Students who are in charge of ness manager, Hoof 'n' Horn; the program are Algernon Noell, glee club; president. Hoof 'n' who is Chairman of the Steering Honorary Initiates Horn; Duke Players; Phi Alpha Board composed of Connie Theta. Mothers at Week End Woodward, Jim Young, Bob Clyde Van Arsdall Young and Lee Baldwin. Bob j Robert Darrow Cook, station YWCA members, headed by this year's president, Diane Lee, Windom is in charge of West Omicron Delta Kappa, nation­ | manager, WDBS; freshman, will welcome mothers to their annual Mother-Daughter Weekend Campus solicitation while Mart al honorary leadership frater­ j sophomore, and senior 'Y' cabi- lyn Goodman will conduct the nity, initiated Commander Clyde .nets; president of Beta Theta Pi. today and tomorrow. J. Van Arsdall, Jr., associate The full schedule will begin with sorority teas in the Pan-Hel East Campus solicitation. Mal­ Malcolm Francis Crawford, professor of Naval Science, as business manager, CHRONICLE; House from 3 to 5 this afternoon and the Duke Players produc­ colm Crawford and Norma Feas­ ter are in charge of arrange­ an honorary member in a spe­ | Men's Student Government As­ tion of Arms and the Man in cial initiation ceremony held Although President and Mrs. ments and Bob Cook is publicity sociation; cheerleader; president, Branson Building tonight. chairman. April 24. ! Beta Omega Sigma; treasurer, Registration for the guests Hollis Edens will be unable to attend the reception, a large The initiation was prior to the i sophomore class; assistant house- will take place in the Green Utilizing the slogan "To show regular spring initiation of hon­ ! master; freshman, sophomore, Room of East Duke Building number of other college officials all that we have here something will be there to greet the orary members, who are taken land senior 'Y' cabinets; Publica- from 2-4 p.m. today and from worth preserving for future gen­ from prominent members of the itions Board. mothers. erations," the student drive will 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday. Tick­ faculty and prominent alumni j Richard Joseph Crowder, two ets for the Saturday afternoon A special performance of the enable every Duke student to and Durham citizens because of Nereidian Show, "Rainbow," contribute in the same manner [varsity letters, basketball; presi- reception at the University the transfer of Commander Van ] dent, senior class; secretary, will be given Saturday night, fol­ as the alumni have given in the 1 House and for the banquet in the Arsdall to sea duty. MSGA. Woman's College Union tomor­ lowed by open houses in the dor­ past. The aims of the oyerall mitories. Mothers will be hon­ campaign are epitomized in the I Norman R. Frame, Jr. Tau row night may be obtained at i Beta Pi; vice-president, Engi­ the same time. ored at the Chapel service on slogan "brains, books, then Inside the Chronicle Sunday when Dr. James T. Clel­ bricks," which thus far has been neers' Club; president, Order of and speaks. used in the alumni drive. St. Patrick; MSGA; assistant Blood: j housemaster; treasurer, junior Horse Riding Dr. Edens stated that all the Corpuscles for Korea 'class; Hoof 'n' Horn (2 yrs.). Student Interest That afternoon at 2 p.m., Pe­ money now being received next week P. 1 gasus, East Riding Club, and the George Vincent Grupe, editor, through tuition and other sources Social: Archive; one varsity letter, foot­ Men's Riding Club will present is being used for present needs. Fraternity dances In Aptitude Test a horse show on Haynes Field. ball; Judicial Board; vice-presi­ Therefore the only way to im­ flood campus P. 1 dent, sophomore class; secretary, The Sunday night sing will fin­ prove Duke is through the de­ Drama: ish the weekend when Brown junior class. Worries Officials velopment campaign. Bob Co/>k reviews Robert Quince Jones, Chair­ House, under the direction of Arms and the Man P. Claude Wagner, will depict va­ The East Campus chairman of man, Judicial Board; manager, University and selective serv­ rious aspects of college life in the Duke Development fund is (Continued on Page Four) ice officials were alike express­ order to show the mothers ing alarm this week over the "That's Where Your Money small number of students picking Goes." up applications for the aptitude tests to be given for the govern­ **%. 0 ment here on May 26, June 16 and June 30. Edens Will Tap Draft headquarters had warn­ ed earlier that the test would virtually be required of any stu­ '51 May Queen dent to remain in school, and information received here indi­ cated that students failing to At Spring Ball take the test could expect no consideration from home boards Amid the atmosphere of when applying for deferment. casino at Monte Carlo, President Duke officials meanwhile had Hollis Edens will crown the moved to make it possible for 1951 May Queen at the spring all students to take the test here Coed Ball to be held May 4, on the May 26 date, as the spring in the Woman's College Gymna examination schedule was re­ sium. vised and proctors recruited Chosen by East Campus from from the faculty to handle the the graduating class, the May aptitude tests. Queen is selected not only for attractiveness, but also for her Concern was felt however leadership and service during over the small number of men her years at Duke. who had picked up their appli­ cations at selective service head­ Crowned as the Queen of Hearts in keeping with the M*M. quarters here. Dean Alan K. i» Manchester pointed out to the Monte Carlo theme, the queen men that the May 26 examina­ will be presented at the inter­ tion here is open to all appli­ mission of this semi - annual cants in this area and that if dance sponsored by the Social enough non-Duke men apply for Standards Committee. the Duke test, the file will be Dating Parties closed and late applicants will Following the presentation of have to take the test later the court and the members of wherever they are. Social Standards Committee, Dean Manchester noted that there will be a party for the the June testing dates would be "royalty," the sponsors, and more inconvenient for most men their dates. and strongly urged all who plan Dice, jokers and top hats will to continue schooling to apply round out the trimmings to cre­ Recognized this morning as new members of Omicron Delta Kappa were Dick Blair, Bob Cook, immediately for the test here ate the appearance of the in­ Malcolm Crawford, Diek Crowder, Norm Frame, George Grune, Bob Jones, Lee Noel, Jim Pol­ May 26. terior of a casino. lock, AI Raywid, Denny Rusinow, Jim Solomon, Bob Windom, Scotty York and Bob Young. Page Two THE DUKE CHRONICLE Friday, April 27, 1951 YoungGives Deans Call Office Oath For Listing To Raywid Of Courses New members of Men's Stu­ Students registering for dent Government Association courses and conferences, to be took the oath of office Wednes­ held from May 1-9, must report day night as Al Raywid replaced to their major departments to Jim Young as the new presiding make out course cards for the officer of the West Campus legis­ Summer and Fall semesters of lature. 1951 according to, the following Retiring President Young re­ schedule: ceived a hearty round of ap­ Rising Seniors May 1-3 plause for his work during the Rising Juniors May 3-5 past year. Third Semester He was presented the gavel Sophomores May 7-9 that he has wielded over the The time, place, and dates for weekly meetings of the MSGA consultation with major advisors for the past year as an expres­ will be posted by April 28.
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