Secret Service Had Warning on Moore Psychiatric Testing Is Ordered , By David S. Broder Waglalnaton Post Staff Writer SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 23 —Sara Jane Moore was ordered today to undergo psychiatric examination of her com- petence to stand trial on charges of attempting to assassinate Pr esident Ford. The 45-year-old woman, who fired a .38-caliber bullet at Mr. Ford on Monday, was committed to San Diego Metropolitan Correctional Center for mental tests that make take up to 60 days. A plump, matronly figure in pale blue pants suit, Moore appeared calm but did not speak during the 28- Associated Areas minute proceeding before Moore arrives for court hearing in San Francisco. Federal Magistrate Owen B. Woodruff Jr. Her court-ap- pointed attorney, James F. Hewitt, described his client outside the courtroom as "vague and disjointed." Hewitt said that her de- fense against the charge of assault on the President in the shooting incident out- side the St. Francis Hotel "more than likely will be mental illness," The former accountant remains under $500,000 bond at least until Friday, while her attorney decides whether to appeal the terms of today's commitment order. Meanwhile, law enforce- ment authorities were pur- suing leads indicating that she had purchased the .38- caliber revolver used in the attack on the President at a Bay Area gun shop just hours before Monday's in- cident—the second assault Psychiatric Exam on Mr. Ford in 17 days. Officials said the evidence indicates that California's gun control law, which re- Ordered for Moore quires a five-day waiting period on such gun sales, MOORE, From Al termined to be permanently had been broken. incompetent, she'd have to. Police, alerted by a phone She smiled at acquaintances be committed to a state hos-- call from Moore that she in the audience when she pital." might "test the system" of entered and laughed twice A provision of California presidential security, had when Woodruff broke the law could be a problem confiscated a .44-caliber tension in the courtroom there. Hewitt said, because handgun from her on Sun- with small jokes. it says "you can't lock her day afternoon. But talking to reporters up unless she's gravely disa- In her court appearance after today's hearing, He- bled." today, Moore sat upright, witt said, "I'm concerned Earlier today, another per- with hands clasped in her about her mental condition." son who threatened the lap, occasionally whispering Asked if she seemed "per- President's life during his to Hewitt and another pub- fectly all right" when he tumultuous day in San Fran- lic defender, Frank Bell. interviewed her for three cisco was arraigned and ' t hours today, he replied, "I placed under 825,0e0 bond See MOORE, Al2, Col. 1 wouldn't want to say, she's on the lesser charge of ; perfectly all right, no." "threats against the Presi.. He said her conversation dent" was rambling and her un- Benedict L. Silcio, 27, of derstanding of her situation New Orleans, who had ear- "vague." lier given his name as Ron- Most of today's proceed- ald Carlo, was arrested after. ing was occupied with argu- giving two employees of the ments between Hewitt and St. Francis Hotel a note U.S. Attorney James L. reading, "Mission—to gun Browning over conditions down President Ford. Need fur the psychiatric examina- to have a room for awhile. tion. for three People." Silcio was arrested about Hewitt lost an effort to a half-hour before Mr. Ford guarantee the presence of came into downtown San defense counsel and de- Francisco for the first of fense-chosen psychiatrists two speeches and about five, during the examination. He hours before the assassins- also failed to obtain an Lion attempt while he was order barring any question- leaving the St. Francis. , ing by the psychiatrists of Chester G. Moore, an as- the circumstances of Mon- sistant U.S. attorney, was: day's shooting. asked if there was any sus-, However, W oo dr uf pected connection between agreed that a tape recording the two incidents, and said,. would be made of the psy- "None at this time." chiatric interviews and that In a third incident, the Se- the prosecution would not cret Service reported that a be given the record of the David Eugene Salisbury of mental tests until it had San Jose, about 50 miles been screened by the court south of here, had been ar-- and the defense team. rested late Monday night, Hewitt also was successful for threatening Mr. Ford's in obtaining an order pre- life in a phone call to a local:: venting law enforcement of• telephone operator. ficials from interviewing his After some initial confu-' client without his knowl- sion, police said today that edge. the shot Moore aimed at the Hewitt said if Moore is President from her vantage' found to be mentally incom- point about 40 feet away petent to stand trait she went through a wooden would likely be sent for "a planter box and hit the side- reasonable period of time" walk a few feet in front of to a federal mental hospital, him. It then ricocheted up' probably St. Enzabeths in and struck another specta-' Washington. tor, John Ludwig, a San He defined "a reasonable Francisco cabdriver. period" as six months to a Ludwig m as treated for an year, after which she would injury in the groin and was be re-examined and If de- released from the hospital. Experts Bid Ford Curtail Traveling Firm on Gums ' Cool-Off Period By Austin Scott By Stuart Aueibach WealImitori Poet Starr Writer athliigtori Port alert Writer For the second time in 17 Fading experts on vio- days, President Ford ap- lence predicted yesterday peared determined yester- that President Ford will day to show that attempts face future assassination at- on his life will neither deter tempts and urged him to him from public appear- curtail his travel—at least ances nor change his posi- long enough to provide a tion against registration of cooling off period. handguns. 1 "I think this entire thing White House press secre- will probably run a. certain tary Ron Nessen said no cur- kind of wave like a conta- tailment of the President's gion for a while," said Dr. travel schedule and no Judd Marmor, president of White House staff review of the American Psychiatric Secret Service procedures Association and a professor are being made in the wake of psychiatry at the Univer- of the single shot fired at sity of Southern California. Mr. Ford in San Francisco "I think during this pe- on Monday. riod there ought to be He repeatedly told report- greater precautions taken." ers that the President does A California psychiatrist not intend to be a specializing in violence, Dr. "prisoner" in the White David Hamburg of Stanford House, and said no White University, went farther. House staff aides have ar- Hamburg, who studied the gued with the President 1968 assassination of Sen. against that position, Robert F. Kennedy (D-N.Y.) "The President feels that and advised Sen. George his travel and his demeanor McGovern (D-S.D.) to mod- . do not represent . ify his 1972 campaign meth- flaunting himself or his of- ods, said President Ford fice in front of people who should end the random' might belong to this tiny mi- handshaking with people nority," Nessen said. "Nor who have not received seen- See PRESIDENT, All, Col. I See VIOLENCE, All, Col. 1 xperts Urge Ford fp Curtail Travel VIOLENCE, From Al cause he is the symbol of a Vt' e • government that has alien- ax cheeks and should ad- ated large numbers of ress groups only in halls in Americans. inch admission is tightly "He's the most loved and °MEI:lite& hated man in America not t. "The President certainly because of what he is but 21oes, not gain Any meaning. 'because of his position," Su 1 'exchange of information said Ottenberg. r .ideas by pressing the "It's like killing a esfi,' Hamburg said. stranger in the park The "It comes down to some victim is anonymous. He's liShttiigible exhilaration the occupier of the chair. ..incd, on the whole, that's bad "This is not a personal or presidents. It gives them conflict," Ottenberg contin- l God-like sense. It addicts ued. "It reflects the unre- ern to a high level of adu• solved tensions of the Viet- tin which no human be- nam war, the lying and g. deserves." cheating of major agencies ?F Hamburg suggested that of government and the un- Ale.problem be handled "like responsiveness of govern- olkyjacking, which was high- ment to people's needs." ,v contagious for a while," This hold especially true e said. 'Take simple secu- for Mr. Ford, he Said, who, Ay measures with those does not elicit the strong '''' oingIto meeting halls. Once emotions evoked by Presi- ere, you can have all dent John Kennedy, Sen. Ii of discussion." Robert F. Kennedy, the Rev. A- nationally known Stand• D. Partin Luther King and ford'psychologist, who asked Alabama Gov. George C. sat his name not be used, Wallace who have been as- rancientecl that the first O- sassinated or shot in the last mpt on President Ford's 12 years. e- on Sept. 5 may have. "He's well liked," said 01- yen Sara Jane Moore the tenberg, "but it's the job ffea.. for making her try he's in." 4n Monday. Phillip Zinthardo, a pro- .* "If a brief period of time fessor of psychology at Stan- elaises, it helps curtail the ford.
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