Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration Anza Reservoir No. 2 (Project No. D1574) Prepared for: Krieger and Stewart, Inc. Consulting Engineers 3602 University Avenue Riverside, California 92501 For Submittal to: Rancho California Water District 42135 Winchester Road Temecula, California 92590 Prepared by: K.S. Dunbar & Associates, Inc. Environmental Engineering 43575 Vista Del Mar Temecula, California 92590-4314 (951) 699-2082 FAX: (951) 699-2087 Email: [email protected] January 2012 Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration Anza Reservoir No. 2 (Project No. D1547) Rancho California Water District Table of Contents Page Executive Summary ES-1 Project Description ES-1 Project Summary ES-1 Project Schedule ES-1 Impacts and Mitigation Measures ES-3 Areas of Controversy ES-7 Issues to be Resolved ES-7 Document Availability and Contact Personnel ES-7 1 Introduction 1-1 Introduction 1-1 Project Summary 1-1 California Environmental Quality Act Compliance 1-3 Purposes of an Initial Study 1-3 Contents of an Initial Study 1-4 Intended Uses of the Initial Study 1-4 Lead Agency Decision-Making Process 1-5 Approvals for which this Initial Study will be Used 1-5 2 Project Description 2-1 Project Description 2-1 Soils Storage/Disposal Site 2-1 Construction Equipment 2-1 Project Schedule 2-5 3 Environmental Setting 3-1 Introduction 3-1 Aesthetics 3-1 Agricultural and Forest Resources 3-1 Air Quality 3-1 Climate 3-1 Regional Air Quality 3-3 Air Pollutants 3-3 Ambient Air Quality Standards 3-8 Ambient Air Quality Data 3-9 Emissions Inventory 3-11 Regulatory Setting 3-11 Biological Resources 3-15 Introduction 3-15 Environmental Setting 3-16 Regulatory Setting 3-20 Cultural Resources 3-25 Prehistory 3-25 Ethnography 3-26 K.S. Dunbar & Associates, Inc. January 2012 1 Environmental Engineering Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration Anza Reservoir No. 2 (Project No. D1547) Rancho California Water District History 3-27 Information Center Communication 3-28 Field Inspection 3-28 Geology and Soils 3-29 Regional Geology 3-29 Seismicity 3-29 Soils 3-29 Hazards and Hazardous Materials 3-30 Hazards 3-30 Hazardous Materials 3-30 Hydrology and Water Quality 3-33 Regulatory Setting 3-33 Land Use and Planning 3-34 Mineral Resources 3-34 Noise 3-34 Population and Housing 3-37 Public Services 3-37 Recreation 3-37 Transportation/Traffic 3-37 Utilities and Service Systems 3-38 4 Environmental Checklist 4-1 Introduction 4-1 Environmental Factors Potentially Affected 4-2 Determination 4-3 Environmental Checklist 4-4 Aesthetics 4-4 Agricultural Resources 4-4 Air Quality 4-5 Biological Resources 4-5 Cultural Resources 4-6 Geology and Soils 4-7 Hazards and Hazardous Materials 4-7 Hydrology and Water Quality 4-8 Land Use and Planning 4-10 Mineral Resources 4-10 Noise 4-10 Population and Housing 4-11 Public Services 4-12 Recreation 4-12 Transportation/Traffic 4-12 Utilities and Service Systems 4-13 Mandatory Findings of Significance 4-14 5 Environmental Analysis 5-1 Introduction 5-1 Aesthetics 5-1 Agricultural and Forest Resources 5-3 Air Quality 5-4 K.S. Dunbar & Associates, Inc. January 2012 2 Environmental Engineering Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration Anza Reservoir No. 2 (Project No. D1547) Rancho California Water District Biological Resources 5-13 Cultural Resources 5-15 Geology and Soils 5-16 Hazards and Hazardous Materials 5-18 Hydrology and Water Quality 5-21 Land Use and Planning 5-25 Mineral Resources 5-26 Noise 5-27 Population and Housing 5-30 Public Services 5-31 Recreation 5-32 Transportation/Traffic 5-32 Utilities and Service Systems 5-34 Mandatory Findings of Significance 5-35 6 Persons and Organizations Consulted 6-1 Federal Agencies 6-1 State Agencies 6-2 Regional Agencies 6-2 County Agencies 6-3 City Agencies 6-3 Interested Entities 6-3 7 Report Authors/Contributors 7-1 Report Authors 7-1 Report Contributors 7-1 8 References 8-1 9 Acronyms and Abbreviations 9-1 Appendix A, Mitigated Negative Declaration Appendix B, Air Quality Modeling Results Appendix C, Biological Resources Report Appendix D, Cultural Resources Report Appendix E, Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program List of Tables No. Title Page ES-1 Impacts and Recommended Mitigation Measures ES-3 2-1 Typical Heavy Construction Equipment List 2-5 3-1 Primary Sources and Effects of Criteria Pollutants 3-4 3-2 Global Warming Potential of Kyoto GHGs 3-8 3-3 National and California Ambient Air Quality Standards 3-8 3-4 Ozone Trends Summary Lake Elsinore 3-10 3-5 PM10 Trends Summary Lake Elsinore 3-10 3-6 2008 Estimated Annual Average Emissions Riverside County within South Coast 3-11 K.S. Dunbar & Associates, Inc. January 2012 3 Environmental Engineering Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration Anza Reservoir No. 2 (Project No. D1547) Rancho California Water District Air Basin 3-7 Yearly Average Equivalent Sound Identified to Protect the Public Health and Welfare 3-36 3-8 Selected Traffic Counts by Caltrans 3-38 3-9 Selected Traffic Counts by the County of Riverside 3-38 5-1 Threshold Criteria for Determining Significance 5-5 5-2 Typical Heavy Construction Equipment List 5-6 5-3 Exhaust Emission Factors for Construction Equipment 5-7 5-4 Estimated Construction Emissions 5-8 5-5 Construction Worker Commute Vehicle Emissions 5-8 5-6 Total Estimated Construction Emissions by Phase 5-9 5-7 Estimated Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Emissions from Construction 5-10 5-8 Comparison of Estimated Emissions from Construction and “De Minimus” Thresholds 5-11 5-8 Construction Equipment List, Utilization Factors and Reference Sound Levels 5-28 List of Figures No. Title Page ES-1 Project Location ES-2 1-1 Project Location 1-2 2-1 Anza Reservoir No. 2 Project Site 2-2 2-2 Above Ground Reservoirs 2-3 2-3 Proposed Soils Storage/Disposal Site 2-4 3-1 Average Temperatures at Lake Elsinore, California (042805) 3-2 3-2 Average Precipitation at Lake Elsinore, California (042805) 3-2 3-3 Vegetation Map – Anza Reservoir No. 2 Site 3-17 3-4 Vegetation Map – Soils Storage/Disposal Site 3-19 K.S. Dunbar & Associates, Inc. January 2012 4 Environmental Engineering Executive Summary Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration Anza Reservoir No. 2 (Project No. D1574) Prepared for: Krieger and Stewart, Inc. Consulting Engineers 3602 University Avenue Riverside, California 92501 For Submittal to: Rancho California Water District 42135 Winchester Road Temecula, California 92590 Prepared by: K.S. Dunbar & Associates, Inc. Environmental Engineering 43575 Vista Del Mar Temecula, California 92590-4314 (951) 699-2082 FAX: (951) 699-2087 Email: [email protected] January 2012 Executive Summary Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration Anza Reservoir No. 2 (Project No. D1574) Prepared for: Krieger and Stewart, Inc. Consulting Engineers 3602 University Avenue Riverside, California 92501 For Submittal to: Rancho California Water District 42135 Winchester Road Temecula, California 92590 Prepared by: K.S. Dunbar & Associates, Inc. Environmental Engineering 43575 Vista Del Mar Temecula, California 92590-4314 (951) 699-2082 FAX: (951) 699-2087 Email: [email protected] January 2012 Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration Anza Reservoir No. 2 (Project No. D1547) Rancho California Water District Executive Summary Project Description Project Summary RCWD intends to construct, operate and maintain a new three-million gallon potable water reservoir on an unimproved RCWD-owned property adjacent to its Anza Reservoir No. 1. The project site is adjacent to Anza Road approximately one-half mile south of its intersection with Pauba Road in an unincorporated area of Riverside County (Figure ES-1) Anza Reservoir No. 2 would be either an above-ground welded steel reservoir or pre-stressed concrete reservoir serving RCWD’s existing 1380 pressure zone (PZ). Flexible expansion joint (Flex-Tend by EBAA- Iron, Inc.) pipe connections would be installed at the reservoir inlets/outlets. The reservoir would have a Tank Shark (or similar) internal mixing system. The floor elevation would be 1352 and the high water elevation would be 1382.75. A welded steel reservoir would include a sacrificial anode Cathodic Protection system. The 1380 PZ is supplied by existing wells and pump stations. A 24- inch concrete mortar lined and coated (CML&C) transmission main would be constructed from the existing piping at the Anza Reservoir No. 1 site to the new reservoir. Excavation for the Anza Reservoir No. 2 would generate up to 17,000 cubic yards of material that would have to be trucked off-site for storage and/or disposal. RCWD would use its property at Well 141 for the soils storage/stockpile location. This 5.7-acre parcel (APN: 966-080-001) is south of State Highway 79 approximately one-half mile westerly of its intersection with Anza Road. This site is approximately two road miles from the Anza Reservoir No. 2 site. Project Schedule Following is the preliminary project schedule: May 1, 2012 Start Construction July 1, 2013 Finish Construction K.S. Dunbar & Associates, Inc. January 2012 ES-1 Environmental Engineering Source: Google Earth© 10/06/2011 K.S. Dunbar & Associates, Inc. Figure ES-1 Environmental Engineering Project Location 45375 Vista Del Mar Temecula, CA 92590-4314 (951) 699-2082 Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration FAX (951) 699-2087 Anza Reservoir No. 2 (Project No. D1574) E-Mail: [email protected] Rancho California Water District Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration Anza Reservoir No. 2 (Project No. D1547) Rancho California Water District Impacts and Mitigation Measures Table ES-1 identifies each significant effect and proposed mitigation measures that would reduce or avoid that effect. Proposed mitigation measures are RCWD Staff’s and its consultant’s recommendations to reduce potential impacts associated with implementation of the proposed project.
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