REGISTER ^ 1 9 3 4 VOLUME 14 NUMBER 182 Washington, Wednesday, September 21, 1949 TITLE 5— ADMINISTRATIVE of appointment and shall in no case ex­ CONTENTS PERSONNEL ceed one year from the date of notice. (b) Reassignments to continuing po­ Agriculture Department Page Chapter I— Civil Service Commission sitions in local commuting area. Reas­ See also Commodity Credit Corpo­ signment is required in lieu of separation ration. P art 20—R etention Preference R egula­ or furlough, within the local commuting Notices: tions for Use in R eductions in F orce area, without Interruption to pay status County committees, appoint­ SEQUENCE OF SELECTION, ACTIONS, AND whenever possible, to an available posi­ ment, and designation of tion for which the employee is fully quali­ chairmen _____________ 5766 APPEALS fied, unless a reasonable offer of ressign- 1. Effective upon publication in thement is refused. No displacement will be Alien Property, Office of F ederal R egister, § 20.8 is amended to required to permit the reassignment of an Notices: read as follows: employee unless such employee is fully Vesting orders, etc.: qualified to perform the duties of the Bender, Hans_____________ 5775 § 20.8 Sequence of selection — (a) position in question. Subject to these Kosak, Franz Alexander____ 5776 Actions. Within each competitiveJevel conditions, reassignment is required in Minderlein, Babette________ 5775 action must be taken to eliminate all em­ each of the following cases: Moritz, W. A., S. en C______ 5776 ployees in lower subgroups before a (1) Any employee in subgroup A-l Plus, Nagar, Louise_____________ 5776 higher subgroup is reached, and within to a continuing position of like seniority, Stiller, Minna Elise, et al___ 5775 each subgroup of retention groups A and status and pay. (Sec. 8, 54 Stat. 890; Wasserstrom, Kathe________ 5776 B action must be taken concerning all sec. 9, 62 Stat. 614; 50 U. S. C. App. 308, Army Department employees with a lower number of re­ 459) Rules and regulations: tention credits before an employee with (2) Any employee in any subgroup in Military reservations; use of real a higher number of retention credits is Group A, with competitive status in a reached, except as provided in paragraph estate------------------------------ 5762 position in the competitive service, if Civil Service Commission (c) of this section. there is a position in the competitive (b) Breaking ties. Whenever two or service held by an employee in a lower Rules and regulations: more employees are tied as to total re­ subgroup. Reductions in force, retention tention credits in retention group A or B (3) Any employee in subgroup A-l or preference; sequence of selec­ the tie shall be broken first by consider­ A-2, with competitive status in a posi­ tion, actions, and appeals___ 5753 ing half years of service in excess of total tion in the competitive service, who had Commodity Credit Corporation full years for which retention credits were previously been promoted, if there is a Rules and regulations; granted. If a tie still exists it shall be competitive service position the same as Peanuts; loans and prices, 1949_ 5760 broken by administrative decision, which the position from which he had been Producer loans___________ 5755 may take into account such factors as promoted within the same competitive Purchase program________ 5758 official conduct, efficiency, number of de­ area (installation in the field service) Sheller loans_____________ 5757 pendents, length of service, or fitness for held by an employee in the same sub­ the job. Defense Department group with fewer retention credits. See Army Department. (c) Exceptions. An exception to the (4) Any employee in subgroup B-l, in regular order of selection may be made a position in the competitive service, if Federal Communications Com­ only when the employee to be retained is there Is a competitive service position mission engaged on necessary duties which can­ held by an employee in a lower subgroup. Notices : not be taken over, without undue inter­ (c) Reassignment to continuing posi­ Hearings, etc.: ruption to the activity, by any employee tions in other commuting areas. Where Afro-American Broadcasting with higher standing on the retention a reassignment cannot be made within System, Inc____________ 5768 register who is reached for action. In all the local commuting area, a reassignment Bessemer Broadcasting Co__ 5768 such cases, each employee affected ad­ in another commuting area acceptable to Coston-Tompkins Broadcast­ versely by the exception must be notified the employee is required, within sixty ing Co-------------------------- 5769 of the reasons, and of his right to appeal days after termination of pay status Eastland County Broadcast­ to the Civil Service Commission for a whenever possible, to an available posi­ ing Co-------------------------- 5770 review of such reasons. tion for which the employee is fully qual­ Lake Huron Broadcasting Co. 2. Effective upon publication in the ified, unless a reasonable offer of reas­ (WKNX) and Booth Radio Stations, Inc___________ 5770 F ederal R egister, § 20.9 is amended to signment is refused. Subject to these read as follows: conditions, reassignment is required in Lawrence Broadcasting Co___ 5769 each of the following cases: Lubbock County Broadcasting § 20.9 Actions—(a) In general. Em­ (1) Any employee in subgroup A-l Co. and Plains Radio ployees who cannot be retained in their Plus, to a continuing position of like sen­ Broadcasting Co. (KFYO)_ 5767 positions because of a reduction in force iority, status and pay. (Sec. 8, 54 Stat. Morales, Felix H., and John shall be reassigned to continuing posi­ 890; sec. 9, 62 Stat. 614; 50 U. S. C. Add F. Cooke----------------------- 5768 tions, furloughed or separated. Fur­ 308, 459) Pasadena Presbyterian loughs shall not extend beyond the term Church (KPPC) and Po­ (Continued on next page) mona Broadcasters______ 5763 5753 5754 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS— Continued CODIFICATION GUIDE— Con. / Federal Communications Com- Page Title 24 pa^e FEOERÄLÄREGISTER mission-—Continued Chapter VIII: Notices—Continued Part 825_______________ 5760 Hearings, etc.—Continued Title 26 Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, United Farmers’ Telephone & Chapter I: and days following official Federal holidays, Telegraph Co. and Inter- Part 183___________________ 5761 by the Division of the Federal Register, the state Telegraph Co---------- 5771 Part 185 (proposed)--------------- 5763 National Archives, pursuant to the authority Watertown Radio, Inc., and contained in the Federal Register Act, ap­ Rock River Valley Broad­ Title 32 proved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as Chapter V: amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B), under regula­ casting Co--------------------- 5768 Part 552__________________— 5762 tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ WO AX, Inc. (WTNJ) and mittee, approved by the President. Distribu­ Morrisville Broadcasting Title 47 tion is made only by the Superintendent of Co. (WBUD)___________ 5769 Chapter I: Documents, Government Printing Office, Proposed rule making: Part 3 (proposed) (2 docu­ Washington 25, D. C. Television broadcast service: ments)_____________ — 5765,5766 The regulatory material appearing herein, is keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, Procedure for cross-examina­ which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant tion___________________ 5766 (2) Any employee in subgroup A-l or to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Testimony at hearing---------- 5765 A-2, with competitive status in a position amended June 19, 1937. Federal Power Commission in the competitive service, who has at The Federal Register will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Notices : least five years of creditable service, if per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad­ Florida Power Corp.; hearing— 5772 there is a position in the competitive vance. The charge for individual copies Housing Expediter, Office of service held by an employee in a lower (minimum 150) varies in proportion to the Rules and regulations: group. size of the issue. Remit check or money Rent, controlled; housing and (d) Reasonable offer of reassignment. order, made payable to the Superintendent rooms in rooming houses and An offer of reassignment must be to a of Documents, directly to the Government specific position which is expected to con­ Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. other establishments in cer­ There are no restrictions on the republica­ tain States_______________ 5760 tinue at least three months. Any offer of reassignment is reasonable if accepted tion of material appearing in the Federal Immigration and Naturalization Register. by the employee as reasonable with Service knowledge of the facts. An offer of reas­ Notices : signment which is not acceptable to the 7 949 Edition Organization change of Central employee will not be considered as rea­ Office; Assistant Commission­ sonable if it requires a change in local er, Research, Education and commuting area when a reassignment CODE OF FEDERAL Information Division---------- 5774 under the foregoing provisions could be REGULATIONS Internal Revenue Bureau made within the local commuting area, Proposed rule making: or if it involves a reduction in rank or The following book Is now available: Distilled spirits, warehousing; compensation when a reassignment under the foregoing provisions could be Title 20 ($2.75) simplification and standardi­ zation of warehouse records_ 5763 made without reduction in rank or com­ Previously announced: Title 3, 1948
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