Leander Public Library feedback Q1 Do you currently live in the city of Leander, Texas? Answered: 740 Skipped: 1 Yes No 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Yes 88.38% 654 No 11.62% 86 TOTAL 740 1 / 97 Leander Public Library feedback Q2 How often do you or your family members visit Leander Public Library? Answered: 740 Skipped: 1 Every day A few times a week About once a week A few times a month Once a month Less than once a month 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Every day 0.95% 7 A few times a week 9.19% 68 About once a week 12.43% 92 A few times a month 25.41% 188 Once a month 18.38% 136 Less than once a month 33.65% 249 TOTAL 740 2 / 97 Leander Public Library feedback Q3 How many times have you or your family members checked out a library book? Answered: 738 Skipped: 3 Every day A few times a week About once a week A few times a month Once a month Less than once a month 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Every day 0.54% 4 A few times a week 4.47% 33 About once a week 11.11% 82 A few times a month 22.90% 169 Once a month 16.94% 125 Less than once a month 44.04% 325 TOTAL 738 3 / 97 Leander Public Library feedback Q4 Please select any library events you or your family members have attended at Leander Public Library in the past: Answered: 602 Skipped: 139 Baby & Me LEGO Lab Gaming for Grown-Ups Adult Book Club Teen Anime Club Dinner and a Movie Leander Writers' Guild A Universe of Stories Frogs, Scales, & Puppy Dog... D&D in the Library All Ages Musical... Tinkergarten Storytime Move-N-Groove 4 / 97 Leander Public Library feedback Move-N-Groove Tween Game Night STEAM club Cooking classes Meet the local authors Family board game day Other (please specify) 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Baby & Me 30.90% 186 LEGO Lab 24.42% 147 Gaming for Grown-Ups 7.14% 43 Adult Book Club 9.80% 59 Teen Anime Club 4.82% 29 Dinner and a Movie 10.63% 64 Leander Writers' Guild 4.15% 25 A Universe of Stories 4.65% 28 Frogs, Scales, & Puppy Dog Tales 11.96% 72 8.31% 50 D&D in the Library All Ages Musical Storytime 29.24% 176 5 / 97 Leander Public Library feedback Tinkergarten Storytime 12.79% 77 Move-N-Groove 9.97% 60 Tween Game Night 8.64% 52 STEAM club 16.28% 98 Cooking classes 12.29% 74 Meet the local authors 14.45% 87 Family board game day 10.96% 66 Other (please specify) 30.07% 181 Total Respondents: 602 # OTHER (PLEASE SPECIFY) DATE 1 To Help Protest Drag Queen Story Time; AKA: Family Pride Festival and Story Time. 6/30/2019 11:02 AM 2 None 6/18/2019 10:28 PM 3 HOA meetings 6/17/2019 1:25 PM 4 New to area 6/17/2019 9:51 AM 5 None 6/16/2019 9:34 AM 6 None 6/15/2019 11:44 PM 7 Na 6/15/2019 10:45 PM 8 puppet play 6/15/2019 9:41 PM 9 summer reading program 6/15/2019 7:37 PM 10 movie night for toddlers (the big foot movie one) 6/15/2019 5:23 PM 11 Garden, Zumba 6/15/2019 4:25 PM 12 Voting 6/14/2019 8:34 PM 13 Reading dog, reading pony 6/14/2019 5:01 PM 14 Library read a thon 6/14/2019 2:50 PM 15 Computer education times/seminars 6/14/2019 1:39 PM 16 Children is story time, children's craft activities 6/13/2019 10:38 PM 17 Drag queen Storytime 6/13/2019 10:08 PM 6 / 97 Leander Public Library feedback 18 Story time 6/13/2019 9:44 PM 19 Voting 6/13/2019 9:06 PM 20 Leander ISD Employee 6/13/2019 9:05 PM 21 when my kids were younger, we attended many kid activities 6/13/2019 7:24 PM 22 Rented room for meetings 6/13/2019 6:28 PM 23 None 6/13/2019 6:25 PM 24 Quiet time to read 6/13/2019 5:39 PM 25 My use of the library extends to borrowing books and books on tape. 6/13/2019 5:32 PM 26 just check out books 6/13/2019 5:16 PM 27 None 6/13/2019 5:01 PM 28 Terrific Twos and Threes Storytime, Reptile Show, Self Defense class 6/13/2019 4:32 PM 29 Veterans Day 6/13/2019 1:14 PM 30 None in Leander, we just moved here 6/13/2019 11:18 AM 31 Unfortunately none. The toddler friendly ones are always too early for us. 6/13/2019 10:58 AM 32 None 6/13/2019 7:39 AM 33 Pokémon game day, summer program activities 6/13/2019 7:06 AM 34 Pokemon day, summer reading program activities 6/13/2019 6:40 AM 35 New to area 6/13/2019 5:15 AM 36 Rent rooms 4 baby showers 6/12/2019 10:26 PM 37 Distance learning 6/12/2019 10:23 PM 38 Summer programs, Fancy Nancy Tea Party and numerous others 6/12/2019 9:58 PM 39 History 6/12/2019 8:57 PM 40 Summer reading program activities from 2014-2017 6/12/2019 8:57 PM 41 None 6/12/2019 8:39 PM 42 Drag Queen Story 6/12/2019 7:05 PM 43 Civic events (debates, etc) 6/12/2019 7:01 PM 44 Spanish Story Time 6/12/2019 3:44 PM 45 OTHER MEETINGS IN CONFERENCE ROOMS 6/12/2019 1:54 PM 46 None 6/12/2019 1:28 PM 7 / 97 Leander Public Library feedback 47 ANYTHING EXCEPT TRANSDAMNEDGENDER CLOSED TALKS 6/12/2019 1:08 PM 48 None 6/12/2019 12:08 PM 49 The Houston, Texas group known as the Houston MassResistance activists have exposed a second "drag queen" as a 6/12/2019 5:55 AM convicted child sex offender, who was involved in reading stories to children at a local library. LifeSite News reports the man was convicted of multiple sexual assaults against four young children (ages 4, 5, 6, and in 2004. He was incarcerated and is listed as a "high-risk sex offender." The man was part of a local drag queen group called the "Space City Sisters" who were invited by the Houston Public Library to read stories to little children during an event promoted as "Drag Queen Story Hour." The convicted sex offender served as a greeter for the event, according to LifeSite News. The activists also uncovered that the man had worked as a transgender prostitute and a porn actor. 50 NEVER 6/11/2019 4:54 PM 51 Drag Queen Story Time 6/11/2019 2:15 PM 52 n/a 6/11/2019 8:22 AM 53 Summer Reading Program, petting zoo 6/10/2019 9:27 PM 54 Summer reading club. 1000 books before kinder 6/10/2019 5:22 PM 55 Draw, Write, Now club 6/10/2019 3:48 PM 56 music class 6/9/2019 7:40 PM 57 Reading with dolph 6/9/2019 11:21 AM 58 HOA MEETINGS in the past 6/8/2019 10:41 AM 59 kids programs 6/7/2019 4:19 PM 60 Voting 6/7/2019 1:01 PM 61 Reading to a GineaPig 6/7/2019 11:22 AM 62 just moved into leander, so looking forward to attending some! 6/7/2019 11:07 AM 63 Ukulele class 6/7/2019 10:55 AM 64 Reptile shows 6/7/2019 5:56 AM 65 Other events when my daughter was younger 6/6/2019 11:44 PM 66 Read with a dog, summer reading program 6/6/2019 10:01 PM 67 We really didn't go for events, went for books 6/6/2019 9:35 PM 68 Homeschool group events in rental rooms, Comic Book day 6/6/2019 9:16 PM 69 Will be going to Drag Queen StoryHour on the 15th 6/6/2019 4:07 PM 70 Read with a dog, homeschool game day, maker space labs, ukulele class, chess club 6/6/2019 4:07 PM 71 Christmas party 6/6/2019 3:07 PM 72 Summer library reading events when kids were younger 6/6/2019 12:49 PM 8 / 97 Leander Public Library feedback 73 Summer movie Monday, STEAM storytime, Around the World Storytime 6/6/2019 12:38 PM 74 We have not yet attended, but would like to attend in the future. 6/6/2019 12:30 PM 75 We do not have children but if we did, we would attend more events 6/6/2019 12:07 PM 76 Summer book club programs 6/6/2019 11:55 AM 77 genealogy talk 6/6/2019 10:47 AM 78 Summer reading program 6/6/2019 10:44 AM 79 None Yet 6/6/2019 10:34 AM 80 Meeting 6/6/2019 10:32 AM 81 None of above 6/6/2019 9:56 AM 82 Voting 6/6/2019 9:47 AM 83 None 6/6/2019 8:47 AM 84 Drag Queen Story Hour 6/6/2019 6:59 AM 85 Ukulele Club 6/6/2019 6:42 AM 86 Fancy Nancy 6/5/2019 9:52 PM 87 None 6/5/2019 7:19 PM 88 Adult Coloring 6/4/2019 9:31 PM 89 Drag Queen Story Time 6/4/2019 3:18 PM 90 Story time for 3-4 year old children 6/4/2019 3:00 PM 91 none 6/4/2019 2:56 PM 92 Ukulele 6/4/2019 2:10 PM 93 Ladie's Book Club 6/4/2019 11:27 AM 94 Voting 6/4/2019 11:18 AM 95 Comic Con 6/4/2019 10:42 AM 96 Animal visits 6/4/2019 9:53 AM 97 Drag Queen Storytime 6/4/2019 9:39 AM 98 Pokemon night 6/4/2019 9:27 AM 99 Special educational events 6/4/2019 8:53 AM 100 Books read by drag queens 6/4/2019 8:39 AM 101 Special holiday events 6/4/2019 8:31 AM 9 / 97 Leander Public Library feedback 102 not sure 6/3/2019 5:04 PM 103 Summer reading programs 6/2/2019 7:41 PM 104 Santa at the library 6/2/2019 11:46 AM 105 Summer programs 5/31/2019 3:56 PM 106 None 5/31/2019 7:20 AM 107 Drag queen storytime 5/31/2019 6:36 AM 108 None 5/31/2019 2:42 AM 109 Petting Zoo 5/31/2019 12:26 AM 110 None 5/30/2019 7:54 PM 111 Vortex Martial Arts Events 5/30/2019 7:22 PM 112 Special Summer Performers 5/28/2019 5:54 PM 113 Voting 5/27/2019 6:15 PM 114 My daughter is 12 now and we used to come for story times 5/26/2019 10:42 PM 115 Art shows 5/26/2019 5:11 PM 116 None 5/26/2019 11:21 AM 117 Dr suess production from Wiley MS 5/26/2019 11:06 AM 118 Summer kids events 5/26/2019 7:35 AM 119 Summer library activities 5/26/2019 7:21 AM 120 Minecraft 5/26/2019 12:06 AM 121 Summer events with visitors, read to a dog, Christmas events, kite building event, summer reading club party and events 5/25/2019 11:14 PM 122 Summer kids events 5/25/2019 7:50 PM 123 Visit when I want to use resources.
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