FOR WEEK ENDING JANUARY 31, 1987 ©Copyright 1987, Billboard Publications, Inc. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, ideo retailin Billboard® recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. VIDEOCASSETTESTYRENTALS TOPi Store Has Best Of Worst á Compiled from a national sample of retail store rental reports. Y Y U Va. Shop Offers Classic Stinkers w Ó o over his head for the rest of the mov- to Ñ ui TITLE Copyright Owner, Principal ' d BY BILL HOLLAND ie. He thought viewers wouldn't no- 1 3 Manufacturer, Catalog Number Performers > e WASHINGTON With a business tice. They did. * * NO. 1 * * philosophy that could be summed up Fans of such terrific tripe come Steve Guttenberg 1 1 7 SHORT CIRCUIT CBS -Fox Video 3724 1986 PG as offering the best of the worst, Jim from all over the suburban Washing- Ally Sheedy and Jane McCabe's one -shop -only ton- Maryland- Virginia area to rent Warner Bros. Inc. 2 2 8 COBRA Sylvester Stallone 1986 R Video Vault, in the staid, upscale Old (and sometimes buy) at the Video Warner Home Video 1 1 594 Town section of Alexandria, Va., is a Vault. McCabe even says a few very INDIANA JONES AND THE TEMPLE OF Paramount Pictures Harrison Ford 3 3 11 PG certified success. enthusiastic members drive in from DOOM Paramount Home Video 1643 Kate Capshaw 1984 In fact, if "Saturday Night Live" Baltimore and Richmond, Va. Jobeth Williams 4 4 8 POLTERGEIST II THE OTHER SIDE MGM /UA Home Video 800940 1986 PG -13 were still doing the "Really Bad More than 250 of the 2,000 titles at Craig T. Nelson Films" segment, the McCabes would the Video Vault are of the so- called Touchstone Films Nick Nolte 5 7 17 DOWN AND OUT IN BEVERLY HILLS 1986 R have merited a guest shot on the cult variety. The rest are current best Touchstone Home Video 473 Richard Dreyfuss show. sellers, kid yids, and a large selection DEC Inc. 6 6 4 MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE Emilio Estevez 1986 R The couple opened the shop, locat- of classics and foreign films. The Karl Lorimar Home Video 395 ed on the first floor of a three -story, shop also carries some music video DEG Inc. 7 5 10 RAW DEAL A. Schwarzenegger 1986 R 18th- HBO /Cannon Video TVA9982 century brownstone, in Decem- longform not easily obtainable yet ber 1985. They soon found their audi- from area stores, especially the titles 11 Mickey Rourke 8 14 9 1/2 WEEKS MGM /UA Home Video 800973 1986 R ence Video. Kim Basinger by offering cult films unavail- from Rhino The store carries able elsewhere in the area. adult material, but it is not a big part ABC Motion Pictures Kate Capshaw 9 8 9 SPACECAMP 1986 PG Vestron 5174 Lea Thompson Cult films? We're talking Russ of the business. Meyer's schlocky '60s teasers, Her- Jane McCabe, who works part time John Lithgow 10 9 3 THE MANHATTAN PROJECT HBO /Cannon Video TVA3907 1986 PG Christopher Collet schel Gordon Lewis' drive -in splatter at the store when she is not working gorefests, and just plain horrible low - as a lawyer for the Department of Amblin Entertainment Tom Hanks 11 10 14 THE MONEY PIT 1986 PG MCA Dist. Corp. 80387 Shelly Long budget classics like "Creeping Ter- Transportation, chuckles at the ob- ror," in which the monster was a rug servation that the cult films are not Marius Weyers 12 12 9 THE GODS MUST BE CRAZY Playhouse Video 1450 PG Sandra Prinsloo 1984 with college students underneath, displayed in the front room. "Some of their sneakers occasionally showing our customers looked at the titles and Universal City Studios Robert Redford 13 13 19 OUT OF AFRICA MCA Dist. Corp. 80350 Meryl Streep 1985 PG through. the cover art and were a little dis- Jim McCabe has been a fan of the mayed, so we decided to put that Bryan Brown 14 17 17 F/X HBO /Cannon Video TVA3769 R Brian Dennehy 1986 foul since he was a kid and sets cer- stuff back in the third room." tain standards. "A good bad movie McCabe he believes his shop Paramount Pictures Molly Ringwald says 15 15 15 PRETTY IN PINK 1986 PG -13 Paramount Home Video 1 858 Jon Cryer may be technically bad, but it's good is the first in the country to specialize Nine in movies, he POLICE ACADEMY 3: BACK IN Warner Bros. Inc. Steve Guttenberg fun -like 'Plan From Outer cult and hopes to add 16 14 11 TRAINING Warner Home Video 20022 Bubba Smith 1986 PG Space.' A plain bad movie is some- another shop soon in Maryland. Paramount Pictures Judd Nelson thing like 'Heaven's Gate.' " Knowing where to get the hard-to- 17 18 3 BLUE CITY Paramount Home Video 1649 Ally Sheedy 1986 R "Heaven's Gate" is a widely famil- find titles is one of McCabe's talents. RCA /Columbia Pictures Home Video 6- iar title, but some perhaps have not He often finds himself dealing direct- 18 16 7 JO JO DANCER, YOUR LIFE IS CALLING 20683 Richard Pryor 1986 R heard of "Plan Nine." McCabe ex- ly "with little companies, one -person Cannon Films Inc. Karen Black plains it is a 1959 stinker by Ed Wood companies," when larger distributors 19 23 2 INVADERS FROM MARS Media Home Entertainment M877 Hunter Carson 1986 PG Jr. that starred Bela Lugosi, at least don't come through. "I'll ask for a Island Pictures until he died a few days after shoot- movie I've read about that's on video, 20 19 10 THE TRIP TO BOUNTIFUL Geraldine Page 1985 PG Embassy Home Entertainment 1 341 ing began. Wood replaced him with a and they'll say, 'Sorry, it's not avail- New World Pictures Grace Jones much taller friend, who wore a cape able.' But I'll know it is." 21 27 7 VAMP New World Video A86150 Chris Makepeace 1986 R 22 NEW 1111. RAN CBS -Fox Video 3732 Tatsuya Nakadai 1985 R VIDEO BIZ IS SOLD FOR SECOND TIME IN 6 MONTHS Amblin Entertainment 23 26 34 BACK TO THE FUTURE Michael J. Fox (Continued from page 48) MCA Dist. Corp. 80196 Christopher Lloyd 1985 PG Universal City Studios Tom Cruise announcement of the acquisition depositions still being taken, con- 24 25 10 LEGEND 1986 PG MCA Dist. Corp. 80193 Tim Curry (Billboard, Aug. 23, 1986). firms the November sale of the Adventureland, charging that the company to the Florida partners, 25 22 13 SLEEPING BEAUTY Walt Disney Home Video 476 Animated 1959 G Video Biz partners had misrepre- saying, "Ed [Fainelli] owns Video Cannon Films Inc. sented the size and worth of the Biz." 26 20 12 MURPHY'S LAW Charles Bronson 1986 R Media Home Entertainment M849 company, sought a rescission of the Moffett says that he and Fenster Universal City Studios Alan Alda acquisition and $15 million in dam- held their Video Biz collat- 27 21 6 SWEET LIBERTY 1986 PG stock as MCA Dist. Corp. 80434 Michael Caine ages from Moffett and Fenster. In a eral security on Adventureland's Orion Pictures Sean Penn countersuit, Video Biz alleged that down payment on the company. Ac- 28 24 11 AT CLOSE RANGE 1986 R Vestron 5170 Christopher Walkin Adventureland had no intention of cording to Moffett, after 30 days, Paramount Pictures Craig Sheffer paying the full 29 32 3 FIRE WITH FIRE 1986 PG -13 purchase price for Adventureland failed to make good Paramount Home Video 5812 Virginia Madsen the firm and sought a dismissal of on the payment of outstanding Paramount Pictures Susan Dey the 30 NEW ECHO PARK 1986 R original complaint and $6.5 mil- sums due Video Biz (alleged in Vid- Paramount Home Video 2391 Tom Hulce lion in damages from the Salt Lake eo Biz's suit to be $150,000). RCA /Columbia Pictures Home Video 6- Jon Voight 31 35 3 DESERT BLOOM 1986 PG City company and several of its Moffett and Fenster began dis- 20689 Jobeth Williams principals. cussions with Fainelli about the sale Corey Haim 32 33 11 LUCAS CBS -Fox Video 1 495 1986 PG -13 Former Video Biz president Mof- of the withheld stock in mid- Novem- Kerri Green fett, while acknowledging that set- ber. According to Moffett, Video RCA /Columbia Pictures Home Video 3,3 28 2 VIOLETS ARE BLUE 6- Sissy Spacek tlement of the suits is pending, with Biz's 20690 1986 PG -13 attorneys gave Adventureland Kevin Kline notice of the impending sale: "We Warner Bros. Inc. 34 29 16 WILDCATS Goldie Hawn 1986 R gave them the right to step in to Warner Home Video 11583 NEW RELEASES prevent the sale." He claims that no 38 12 HIGHLANDER HBO /Cannon Christopher Lambert 35 Video TVA3761 1986 R (Continued from page 49) matter how the litigation between Sean Connery the two companies eventually Paramount Pictures Michael Keaton 36 31 18 GUNG HO 1986 PG -13 JOHNNY SHILOH shakes out, "[Adventureland] Paramount Home Video 1 751 Gedde Watanabe Brian Keith, Kevin Corcoran couldn't unseat the sale." Mitch Gaylord e IF Walt Disney 310/869 95 37 30 11 AMERICAN ANTHEM Karl Lorimar Home Video 386 1986 PG -13 Adventureland offers no com- Janet Jones WISE GUYS Danny DeVito, Joe Piscopo, Don Hedaya ment about the new Video Biz sale. Cannon Films Inc. Jon Voight 38 34 16 RUNAWAY TRAIN 1985 R 4 CBS/Fox/$79 .98 MGM /UA Home Video 800867 Eric Roberts r As for its suit against Video Biz, Kevin Millecam, the Salt Lake City 37 2 DREAM LOVER To get 39 MGM /UA Home Video 800819 - Kristy McNichol 1986 R your company's new video releases firm's manager of communications, listed, send the following information -ti- quotes Adventureland's attorneys Mary Tyler Moore tle, performers, distributor /manufacturer, 40 36 3 JUST BETWEEN FRIENDS HBO /Cannon Video TVA3919 1986 PG -13 Ted Danson format(s), catalog number(s) for each for- as saying it "is still in litigation, and mat, and the suggested list price (if none, we expect to prevail." Recording ndust y Assn.
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