WASHINGTON ~ILY STATE UNIVERSITY ¥ERGREEN February 23, 1987 Established 1894 Vol. 93; No. 112 1\;1u(r Df\Y National Organization for Women Shake up ·Group files 'false practices' complaint Several university officials have by Cathy Lewis "I think they should say they are NOW included with its complaint refuse to comment on a proposed Evergreen Staff anti-abortion, because that's what it comes statements from former Open Door cli- "shake up" in the Housing and down to," NOW spokesperson Uta Hut- ents, health care professionals and local Food Service and the Department of The Pullman chapter of the National nak said. "We would like them to adjust physicians. Residence Living. Organization for Women (NOW) has filed their advertising." Hutnak said these statements demon- Story, Page 2 a complaint against a local counseling The organization is asking the Wash- strate that inaccurate medical information center for what it calls "deceptive, mis- ington State Attorney General's office to and condemnation of abortion are used at leading, and false" practices. prohibit Open Door from advertising that Open Door to frighten and dissuade In the complaint, the women's group it offers counseling on "all the options," women considering abortion. Women's Hoop accuses the Open Door Crisis Pregnancy from advertising in the Yellow Pages "We don't want Open Door to shut its Center of using deceptive advertising by under "birth control information center" door - that's not our goal;' she said. The women's basketball claiming to offer "accurate information on and "clinic" headings, and from using team beat Arizona State all options" in its brochures and advertise- what NOW says is inaccurate medical See Complaint, page 6 University Saturday, giving ments. information when counseling women. the women their second con- secutive win. Leno laughs at Story, Page 9 everyday life -~'lof(tb, by Keith Erickson Features Editor .MOSCOW (AP) - Andrei sakharov called Sunday for the Big .s~s don't talk to little people ... or do they? release of an imprisoned Soviet ~ timid knock on the door last Friday evening brought a dissident who refused to pledge predictable response. not to engage in "anti-Soviet" "Come in." activity if he is freed. And so I entered the room, expecting to see managers, agents and fellow. reporters. Instead, I saw Jay Leno. Alone. .LONDON (AP) - A conser- He was relaxing on a fluffy couch, wearing a dark T-shirt and socks that matched ~e blood-red carpet I stood on. vation group concerned about the He plopped down his Cycle magazine and greeted me, not mass slaughter of toads by traffic overly anxIOUSand certainly not prudish. is building tunnels under a busy "A real gent," I thought. street to give toads safe passage Suddenly, I wondered why I'd gone through so much trou- during their annual journey to ble to speak with this man. ponds to mate and spawn. "He's busy," I told myself. "Thousands of people waiting to be amused and here I am, not even sure what I want to know." I ·r 1\'Tr.<U·····, f '\ r But instead, he seemed in the mood to talk about things. 1 .r - - - - r_"'-J Not,~o~ed~ or his life. on the circuit - just things. ThIS IS what ~ like to do before going (on stage)," he .wASHINGTON (AP) said, peering at hIS motorcycle magazine. "Cycles let me Congressional investigators will escape from the intensity." question the former personal sec- Intensity may be good for some people, but for Leno, giv- retary to Lt. Col. Oliver North ing 300 shows a year can get a little ... welI, intense. who reportedly helped North Leno makes us laugh. But he doesn't do it the old-fashioned destroy White House records cru- way, with props and. generic sc.enery. He does it by himself. cial to the Iran-Contra probe, a Him, his hands and hIS sultry VOice. "Gimmicks don't make comedy, people do," he said. member of the Senate committee Leno does just fine with no additional hel~. examining the affair said Sunday. He derives his material fro"!, everyday slt~ations. Nothing fabricated to "pull more harrs, as .he put It. Just common .VOLCANO, Hawaii (AP) - everyday things. A lava flow from Kilauea Volcano On Reagan: "We're always heanng about the President's was moving slowly downhill Sun- senior advisers ... how can a 76-year-old man have senior advis- day, increasing th.e danger t~ ers? What could they tell him that he doesn't already know?" homes about one mile away, SCI- Sex: "By the time we really get to know about the joys of sex, we're too old. These high sc.hool students .in their prime entists said. waste all their ambition on magazmes. By the tune you know Daily Evergreen/Gary Foster Jay Leno performed his 'gimmickless' act at the See teno, page 7 Coliseum Friday night. r"r-, ..r'. J \ ;..r··'>r'. rt '-./"- 1;" .....,....;;...;. .RlCHLAND, Wash. (AP) - H Two Hanford nuclear reservation Police searchinq for plutonium operations, shut down since Oct. 8 because of safety commercial burglar concerns, are being restarted, Energy Department officials say. by Micbael A. O'Hara businesses reporting burglaries Evergreen Staff include: The Small Place, Cou- .SEA TILE (AP) - Two phy- Pullman police are search- 'I'm not saying ing for a man suspected of sicians from the national Centers Committing at least six com- these burglaries are for Disease Control have come to mercial burglaries in the down- . all connected, but Seattle to help health officials bat- town area Saturday night. tle a hepatitis epidemic. it appears that way ''I'm not saying these bur- glaries are all connected, but it on the surface.' appears that way on the sur- -Mark Sires \~(I r; '\'"f'f-fFH face," Pullman police Sgt. I '/ Lr - ...--- - Mark Sires said. gar Cafe, Pat's Attic, Pullman Expect scat- Radio and TV, and the optome- tered snow Police report the .man ~as try office of Dr. Robert De seen leaving UniversIty Print- Vleming. showers today, ing, N. 134 Grand, at 6:22 decreasing· late p.m. Saturday. The. man fled See Burglar, page 2 afternoon. High police composite of burglar suspect. on foot, police said. Other upper-lOs. Page 2 Daily Evergreen Monday, February 23, 1987 Housing and Food, Residence Living Departments may be 'realigned' Peace Corps coming to WSU A Peace Corps representative is coming to WSU in March. by Michael A. O'Hara menting. " reorganization. and Lamar Stone He added that the changes "Everything we do benefits There will be an information booth from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. March 2-3 in Johnson Hall, a slide show, Peace Corp in the Evergreen Staff have been "received very enthu- the student," he said. siastically" by Residence Living Pacific, 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. March 2 in CUB 208 and a Housing and Food Services and Food Service officials. While most university offi- Director Bill Bierbaum said not film, "Toughest Job" 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. March 3 in Scott Hall. cials have refused comment Smith said there is nothing all details (of the reorganization) The Peace Corps representative will also be conducting about a proposed "shake-up" of secretive about the changes and have been worked out, and added interviews 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. March 17-18 at the Career Ser- Housing and Food Services and that officials were just waiting that he is interested in what is vices office, Ad Annex. the Department of Residence for the information to be released going to happen to his staff. He People interested in the interview are required to sign up in Living, one person who would in an orderly fashion. said he will know more "when advance. talk was Washington State Uni- and if a story is released." versity President Sam Smith. Vice-Provost for Student Smith said the changes are The Daily News reported the Affairs Maureen Anderson "shake-up" is expected to occur refused comment on the situa- the result of six months of study in the operation of Washington tion. as to how the two offices could Library award available State University's Department of G.A. "Jay" Hartford, be "more closely aligned." He WSU's Vice President of Busi- said the changes are going to be Residence Living and Housing The WSU'libraries are accepting nominations for the sev- and Food Services. The report ness and Finance, said, "I don't one of the most positi ve moves know why there is so much he has seen at WSU. enth annual Library Faculty Award. said that Housing and Food Ser- attention being paid to this. It's vices will essentially be dis- The reorganization of the The award, part of National Library Week, is presented to a just a small reorganization." He banded. Department of Residence Living WSU faculty member who has contributed to the operation then refused further comment. and Housing and Food Service Most of the university offi- and development of the WSU libraries. Matthew Carey, Director of will produce "greater effective- cials contacted said that details The recipient will be recognized with a gift and a commem- the Compton Union Building, ness, " Smith said. still need to be worked out. orative plaque at a ceremony on Wednesday, April 8. said he was "not at liberty" to "Students will see increased WSU President Sam Smith The selection is based on efforts to encourage use of the services and higher quality of said what is happening is "not a discuss the situation. library, contributions to the libraries' collections or services, those services," he said.
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