Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1951-52 The thI acan: 1950/51 to 1959/60 10-19-1951 The thI acan, 1951-10-19 Ithaca College Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1951-52 Recommended Citation Ithaca College, "The thI acan, 1951-10-19" (1951). The Ithacan, 1951-52. 2. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1951-52/2 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1950/51 to 1959/60 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1951-52 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. CORTLAND GAME GIVE TO THE TONIGHT RED FEATHER HERE tttalt CAMPAIGN Vol. 23, No. 3 Ithaca College, Ithaca, New York, October 19, 1951 Oracle Sponsored WIT J Return To Air Marked Student Loan Fund Central Theme Highlights Again Available By Intensified Programming The Dean's' Loan Fund and the fund sponsored by Oracle are again avail­ Frosh Frolics Of .1951 Ith.tea College's radio station, WITJ, returned. to the air ~onday evening, Oct. 15, with a I?umber of ~e.V.: programs designed to acquaint ~he able to Ithaca College Students. Differing from former years, Frosh Frolics, a show produced by community more fully with. t~e a~tivm~s of t~e Co\\ege~ as we\\ as to give The purpose of the Dean's Loan freshman girls at Ithaca College will be typed around a central theme. students more thorough trammg m radio stat10n operation. Fund, founded by the Ithaca College To provide a unifying climax, a finale involving members of all departments This semester, WIT.T will broadcast Woman's Club, is to put at the disposal will be presented. The performance, under the supervision of the \V. C. C., more cultural and educational pro­ of the Dean, a sum· of money which will be Friday, Oct. 26, in the College Theatre. may be loaned in small amounts to Representatives from the Women's grams than have been scheduled in Grad School To Condud students in the event of personal Civic Committee responsible for sup­ · the past. T,he station also became Advanced Study Program emergencies. Since no interest rate is ervising the show are: Drama-MarJ• .affiliated with the National Associa­ IC Major's Club At charged, it is understood that the Iyo Kaplan, Shirley Swarthout; Physio tion of Educational Broadcasters this In Phy Ed At Rochester money will be repaid as soon as is Syracuse Convention and Phi Ed-Dolores Chiocco, Terry past month which will mean that The Graduate School announced to­ convenient. Crane, Marilyn l\IcMeekin; Musfc­ WITJ will have access to the large Members of the Ithaca College day that it had accepted an invita­ The fund began accumulating three Major's Club will be actively serving Joanne Bahn, Joyce Irwin; Business file of broadcnsts made available by tion from the Board of Education in years ago in the treasury of the Ithaca on many committees at a convention -Dottie Kronk, Shirley Tichnor, the N. A. E. B. Among these programs Rochester to conduct a program of College Woman's Club, an organizv.­ to be held in Syracuse in January, Judges at the performance will are the broadcasts of the British advanced study in physical education tion composed of faculty wives, women Among those serving on various com­ award a cup to the department pre­ Broadcasting Corporation in drama, in that city during the fall semester. faculty, and administrating women. mittees are Angelo Macci, Alfred senting the best skit. The girls of the and the University ot Chicago Round­ Dr. Grimshaw states this is not a new Several proposals as to the use of the Helm. Dale Resue, Jim Davis, Helen winning department are then allowed table. venture iri extension service for the monej· were considered and a commit­ Figurski, Frank Kurtak, Barbara to discard their freshman hats. New programs added to WIT J's Graduate School. During the fail tee, composed of Mrs. Helen Hood, Curtis, Angeline Bantuvanis, Ann In the event that the College schedule are Masterworks from semester of 1947, the College offered a chairman, Mrs. Rollo Tallcott, and ReYnolds, Floyd Russell, Sally Wyles, Theatre repairs are incomplete by the France, a series of half-hour concert graduate course for teachers in Ro­ 1\fiss Marjorie Hubbard, was formed to Pat Beilby, Al Peterson, and Helen performance time, the show be music programs; Music from Norway, wm chester which continued there for investigate the possibilities of a loan Ogeka. The club has also been select­ held in Foster Hall, the high school quarter-hour concert shows; and two years. The title of the course now fund. In the spring of 1949, the com­ ed to serve on the Student Educational auditorium. College Concert, well known to col­ being taught is "Supervision of Physi­ mittee reported its findings to the Exhibit. Last year the cup was awarded to lege and community listeners in Itha­ cal Education." It allows 3 semester­ group. A vote was taken and the loan )fany noteworthy speakers have the Drama department for a skit, l\lrs. ca. In popular music, WITJ has added hour credits and is applicable toward fund was established. agreed to serve on the panel of the Agony, a take-off on the Mr. Anthony Night Watcl1, broadcast at 11 p. m. a '.\laster of Science degree and per­ For this loan, one should apply Student Section Meeting. Mr. Ellis radio program. Monday through Friday, a program or manent teacher certificate. '.\lr. to the proper dean. The administrators Champlin, of the State Education Dept. popular music. Beginning the week Elmer Smith, a graduate of the Uni­ are: ilfrs. Gretchen Taylor, Dean of in Albany, wil! speak on the topic, of October 22, the college Department versity of Rochester and Associate Women; ilfr. Earl Clarke, Dean of the "The Need to Keep Abreast of New of l\tusic will present three weekly Director of physical education in General College; and Mr. William Trends and Developments In Educa­ NOV. 3 DEADLINE SET halt-hour music programs using stu­ the Rochester Public School system, Grimshaw, Director of the Graduate tion." ?.Ir. Richard Cole, of Manhattan dent and faculty members. ?.1r. Rob­ is the instructor, Enrollment in the ert Boudreaux, of the School of Fine School. College will speak on the subject, 'The °ౖFOR SCAMPERS COPY present course is 16. Public school The Oracle Loan Fund is ava!lable Need for Pupils to be More Profes­ Arts faculty, is supervising and l)lan­ teachers from Rochester. and outlying Potential writers and composers for ning this series. only to juniors and seniors. It is sup­ sional Minded." Mr. Clyde E. Cole, for­ 1952 Scampers have been given Nov. towns and cities are attending these ported by the proceeds of the an­ mally a professor of Physical Educa­ class meetings every Monday evening 3 as deadline for handing in their Air Time Extended nual "Scampers". tion at Ithaca College who is now scripts and songs, By Nov. 19 the en­ Mr. Fred Brewer, director of the in the East High School building. connected with the State Education While the spring semester program is tire show is expected to be shaped Radio Workshop, decided this year Department, will speak on, "The into its final written form. All stu­ to program from 7 p. m. to 11 p. m. not yet complete, it is very likely that Student lounge In Ad. Bldg. Methods of the Student Keeping another graduate course will be of­ dents with any ideas or budding abili­ ea.ch night rather than 5 p.m. to 10 Abreast of New Trends in Education.'' fered in Rochester beginning about Open Again This Year ties are urged to contribute to the 11.m. "The 11resent plan calls for more A student from Adelphi College will pool of material. The theme as an­ intelligent programming, will make February 1. The Student Lounge ls again avail­ speak on, "The Contributions that a nounced before is "Streets." Singing ,vrT J more of a service than a play­ able to Ithaca College students. Start­ l\fajor's Club Can Render to the Com­ thing-both to students and commun­ ed last year by Pi Theta Phi to further try-outs will he held in the very near munity". The director of a Y. W. C. A. future. ity. This will eliminate the difficulty Mr. Bube In Recital; school spirit, it offers the students that occurred in past seasons when is to speak on the topic of the bene­ For those wishing any information a place where they can get together fits derived from belonging to a the station went on the air shortly Accompanied By Wile and have a good time. There are table!! or suggestions concerning Scampers Prof. Donald B. Bube, baritone, Major's Club. before the dinner hour. Students have and chairs for lounging, a juke box to in its many phases, a consultant will to eat," :\fr. Brewer said. will present a voice recital on Sun. provide music for dancing, and coke, be in '.\Irs. Tallcott's' office in Wil­ The Ithaca College Workshop 1s evening, Oct. 28 in the College Theater candy, and cigarette machines. liams Hall. '.\iortimer Clark and/or providing numerous programs this accompanied by Harriet B. Bube. Student Directory During the day, the lounge is open. Robert )loss will be there from 1-2 year for Rural Radio Network and the First on the program will be the "Ithaca College St111lent DlrccttW:y p.m., '.\londay through Friday, to as­ Empire State School of the Air.
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