OUR LADY OF LORETTO CATHOLIC CHURCH 1806 Novato Blvd., Novato, CA 94947 415-897-2171 FAX 415-897-8251 Parish Office Hours Monday-Friday 9am to 5pm Jesus said to his disciples: "The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure buried in a field, which a person finds and hides again, and out of joy goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. July 30, 2017 17th Sunday of Ordinary Time OUR LADY OF LORETTO PARISH “Empowered by the Spirit of God we celebrate Jesus’ presence in Prayer, Liturgy, Sacrament and Service” Mass Intentions July 29 through August 6 BC: Fr. Brian Costello JML: Fr. Juan Manuel Lopez TR: Fr. Tom Reilly Day Time Intentions Priest Saturday 7/29 9:00am Harold Shapiro + TR 5:00pm Eleanor Angulo + BC 7:00pm Victor and Jacy Meshkovsky JML Sunday 7/30 8:00am Maria Cresine + TR 10:00am Margaret McNern + TR 12 Noon OLL Parishioners JML Monday 7/31 9:00am Mario Minolli + TR Tuesday 8/1 9:00am Mike Doolittle + Wednesday 8/2 9:00am Frank Baczynski + Thursday 8/3 9:00am Jacquie Marie O’Rourke + Friday 8/4 9:00am Bianca Erlenbach + May all our deceased Parishioners rest in the loving arms Saturday 8/5 9:00am Bianca Erlenbach + of Christ especially: 5:00pm Sally McGillis + 7:00pm Luis Olague + John Schoonover Sunday 8/6 8:00am OLL Parishioners Andy Zwald 10:00am Joe Guth + 12 Noon Adelfo Limeta + and Juan Lise + Please pray for our parishioners who are sick and suffering that they may know the embrace of Christ’s healing love. Avinia Family, May Barnett, Margaret DeMartini, Bonnie de Rutte, Anette Diaz, Delmida Edwards, Jesse Fuette, Claudia Gitson, Anne G. Graham, Margaret Ham- lett, Lanny Leemaster, Benita Lopez, Marybeth Miller, Paola Tirado Moreda, Ray Os- tertag, Roy Ottolini, Tearah Parker, David Wilson We are updating our prayer list and have removed names which have been on the list for some time. Please call the Rectory to have someone included on the Prayer List. Our 2017 MASS BOOK IS FULL VISIT THE RECTORY IF YOU WISH TO HAVE A MASS SAID IN 2018 Rev. Brian Costello Mass Times [email protected] Ext.227 Monday—Friday 9:00 am Pastor Saturday 9:00am Rev. Juan Manuel Lopez 5:00 pm (Vigil Mass) Parochial Vicar ext. 221 7pm Spanish Vigil Mass Church of the Assumption Parish 1-707-878-2208 Sunday 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12 Noon Spanish Mass Patrick Reeder EXT. 234 Parish Manager Eucharistic Adoration Every Friday Office Staff 9:30am-5:00 pm Erin Troy EXT. 222 Allen Shirley EXT. 236 Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday3:00pm-4:00pm Our Lady of Loretto School Mrs. Kathleen Kraft, Principal Rosary 415-892-8621 Monday—Thursday after Parish Religious Education 9am Mass and 5:30pm Friday after 9am Mass and at 5pm Amy Bjorklund Reeder, Dir. Grades 1-6 Sunday at 3:00pm Kathleen Pitti 415-897-6714 Baptisms Please contact the Rectory- Sandro Garcia Grades 1-3 Catechesis Required en Espanol 415-897-2171 ext.225 Marriages Please contact the Rectory at least Annie Troy, Dir. Youth Ministry 6 months in advance and Confirmation 415-897-2171 ext.277 Our Lady of Loretto St. Vincent de Paul Society 415-497-5090 PRIEST EMERGENCY NUMBER Visit us on the Web www.ollnovato.org 415-301-0514 E-mail us: EMERGENCIES ONLY PLEASE [email protected] 2017 Special Collections Schedule ONLINE REGISTRATION Religious Education registration September 17—Priest’s Retirement Fund opens July 1st for Grades 1-12 in English and Grades 1-3 in Spanish. October 22—World Mission Sunday Please visit www.ollnovato.org to November 5—St. Patrick’s Seminary register online. November 19—Campaign for Human Paper registrations will not be ac- Development cepted. December 10—Retirement for Religious Parents, you must register your child online by September 1 for the 2017- 2018 school season. Classes begin mid -September. Dear Friends, Thank you, Father Tim, on your marvelous presentation on the Columban missions last Sunday. I was told that our second col- lection was almost as big as our first. Thank you, one and all, for your support of the Columban’s missions throughout the world. Welcome Father Tom! Father Tom was born and raised in The City, went to school in The City, before becoming a Missionary of Africa, formerly know as the White Fathers. Father Tom worked in Zambia for 24 years before retiring to the Community’s Mother House in Washington D.C. Father Tom will be with us until mid August. When you read this I will be in San Diego at the Steubenville Conference with 25 of our young people. Thank you for supporting our Youth Ministry Pro- gram, especially our recently held Golf Tournament, for making this possible. Father Sebastian will be here on Thursday, August 17th, to celebrate the 10 o’clock Mass. Father Sebastian founded the male branch of the Missionaries of Charity and was a close friend of Mother Teresa. After Mass, there will be a talk on Mother, some Q and A, followed by a reception. I hope as many of you can make this Mass and talk as possible. School starts on august 17th, What happened to Summer ??!! There will be a second collection this weekend for SVDP. As you have in the past, I know you will be generous. Have a Great Week! Father Brian TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION LISTEN TO YOUR DREAMS The achievement of the late 1960s and early God visits Solomon in a dream, and the 1970s in enriching the "euchology" or scripture story nowhere tells us that Solomon "words of thanksgiving" available in the awoke to have this conversation with God! Church's prayer is important on many levels. So, still in his dream, Solomon answers Ecumenically, it means that the Latin Rite God's question about what he desires most, now reflects the wealth of the East in having and God grants his request for wisdom in more than one prayer available to the abundance. Church. Pastorally, it actually acknowledges In our waking hours, we are much distracted the place of the assembly in prayer, which is by work, home, family, traffic, entertain- particularly clear in the Masses with Chil- ment, and many worries. When we try to dren. In fact, the traditional prayers of the think about what we really want out of life, Eastern Church served as models for our we have trouble even imagining what that new prayers. might be. But deep inside, our real longings In the East, what we call the Eucharistic dwell, known to God and to the Holy Spirit. Prayer is called the anaphora, and there are Our dreams, unencumbered by defenses, three main families of anaphora. Each family may hold clues to what our deepest needs has a different "recipe" for arranging the are, or what bothers us most. They could be usual parts of these prayers. All anaphora God speaking. have "intercessions" included, but the Churches of Antioch place them toward the end of the prayer, Alexandria prefers them at SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES the beginning before the "Holy, Holy," and Sunday: Seventeenth Sunday Syria puts them at the very end. One branch in Ordinary Time of the Syrian family is unique in not men- Monday: St. Ignatius of Loyola tioning the words of Jesus at the Last Sup- Tuesday: St. Alphonsus Liguori per. The Roman Canon we once prayed ex- Wednesday: St. Eusebius of Vercelli; clusively has some connection with the Al- St. Peter Julian Eymard exandrian family, but once the signal for cre- Friday: St. John Vianney; First Friday ativity was given, all the wealth of every Saturday: The Dedication of the Basilica of prayer tradition was on the table, and our St. Mary Major; First Saturday; Sunday Mass has been greatly enriched. Blessed Virgin Mary --Rev. James Field TODAY'S READINGS First Reading -- Solomon prays for an under- COMPASSION standing heart (1 Kings 3:5, 7-12). If you love the justice of Je- Psalm -- Lord, I love your commands (Psalm sus Christ more than you 119). fear human judgment, then you will seek to do compas- Second Reading -- All things work for good sion. for those who love God (Romans 8:28-30). --Mechtilde of Magdeburg Gospel -- The one who knows of the king- dom of heaven brings new and old from the storeroom (Matthew 13:44-52 [44-46]). This Week at OLL Esta semana en OLL July 30 - August 6 30 Julio — 6 Agosto Domingo: XVII Domingo Ordinario Sun. 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time Martes: Helping Hands Grupo de Oración Second Collection for St. Vincent de Paul por la Iglesia-1pm Mon. JPC Discipulados—Capilla del Convento –7pm Tue. Perpetual Help Prayer Group—6pm—Chapel Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro-Chapel-6pm Al-Anon-Convento - 7:15 pm Al-Anon/Alateen—Convent – 7:15pm Miércoles: Nuestra Señora Grupo de Wed. Our Lady’s Prayer Group—Church—7:30pm Oración- Capilla– 7:30pm Thurs. Choir Practice—Church—7:00pm Ensavo del Coro-Espanol—Iglesia—7pm Fri. Adoration—Chapel—9:30pm to 5:00pm Jueves: Sat. Cenacle—Chapel –9:30am Viernes: Adoration—Chapel—9:30pm to 5pm Sun. Feast of the Transfiguration Sab: Cenacle—Chapel—9:30am Domingo: La Transfiguración del Señor PARISH FATIMA ACTIVITIES Registro en línea SAVE THE DATE El registro de Educación Religiosa abre el 1 de julio para los grados 1 al 12 en inglés y los grados 1-3 en Sunday August 13 español. Fatima Youth Mass. We welcome all youth of the Parish to this special Mass to pray for Por favor visite nuestro sitio web you as you return to school or go on to new www.ollnovato.org para registrarse en línea.
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