DOCUMENT RESUME ED 268 018 SO 016 975 AUTHOR Jaccaud, Robert D., Comp. TITLE Passages to Family History: A Guide to Genealogical Research in the Dartmouth College Library. PUB DATE 85 NOTE 106p.; Document printed on colored paper. PUB TYPE Historical Materials (060)-- Reference Materials - Bibliographies (131) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC05 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Annotated Bibliographies; *Family History; *Genealogy; Higher Education; History; *Library Collections; Library Materials; Primary Sources; Publications; Reference Materials; Research Tools; Resource Materials IDENTIFIERS *Dartmouth College NH ABSTRACT Intended ' ;o assist the genealogist/family historian in locating and using resources inone of the oldest libraries in northern New England (Dartmouth College Library), this selective annotated bibliography contains over 300 citations relatedto family history and genealogical research. Followingan introdt.ctory section, materials are organized under nine subheadings: researchmaterials in the reference room; the library card catalog and online catalog; approaches to genealogical/family research in the subject catalog; research materials in the Baker Library Stacks;census data; selected collections and newspapers in the Jones Microtext Center;the Map Room; special collections in archives, manuscripts, andrare books; and selected research centers. Types of materials listed include menuals and aids; guides, indexes, and records; biographical information; heraldry, peerages, baronetages, gentry,etc.; bibliographies; indexes of names/genealogies; records anddocuments; histories; serials (journals, magazines, periodicals);and guides to colleges beyond the Dartmouth College Library. An author, subject, and title index concludes the publication. (LH) *********************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best thatcan be made from the original document. *********************************************************************** "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS" me* to ira MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES I same t INFC9MATION CENTER (ERIC)." ma Meal gte IIC wattue U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION EDUCATIONAL RESOURCFS INFORMATION CENTER iERIC) V. This document has been reproduced as mewed 'rom the parson or organization onginating Minor changes have been made to improve reproduction quality. 1 I o Points of view or opinions stated in this door w ment do not necessarily represent officral NIE posrtion o, policy `s. b CJ . :1-rt), Nc N Dartmouth College Library Hanover, New Hampshire BEST COPY AVAILABLE i 985 2 COW Of ttif. I. INTRODUCTION 1 II. GUIDE TO RESEARCH MATERIALS IN THE REFERENCE ROOM 2 A. MANUALS AND AIDS 2 A B, GUIDES, INDEHES, AND RECORDS 3 V C. BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION 8 0. HERALDRY, PEERAGES, B9RONETAGES, GENTRY, ETC 9 E. BIBLIOGRAPHIES 14 F. MISCELLANRER 17 III. THE LIBRARY CARD CATALOG AND ONLINE CATALOG 18 W. APPROACHES TO GENEALOGICAL/FAMILY RESEARCH IN THE SUBJECT CATALOG 19 ll RESEARCH MATERIALS IN THE BAKER LIBRARY STACKS 22 A. MANUALS IND AIDS 22 B. BIBLIOGRAPHIES 24 C. INDEHES OF NAMES/GENEALOGIES 25 , .. D. BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION 29 -to- E. HERALDRY, PEERAGES, BARONETRGES, GENTRY, ETC. -v 31 F. RECORDS AND DOCUMENTS 32 (1) COLONIAL AMERICA 32 (2)LOCAL AND FEDERAL RECORDS AND DOCUMENTS 35 (3) FOR "IGN RECORDS AND DOCUMENTS 36 G. HISTORIES 39 H. SERIALS (JOURNALS, MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS) 40 I. GUIDES TO COLLECTIONS BEYOND THE DARTMOUTH COLLEGE LIBRARY 45 UI. CENSUS DATA 48 Ull. JONES MICROTEHT CENTER 56 A. SELECTED COLLECTIONS 56 B. NEWSPAPERS 60 VIII. MAP ROOM 62 1H. SPECIAL COLLECTIONS: ARCHIVES, MANUSCRIPTS, RARE BOOKS 64 H. SELECTED RESEARCH CENTERS 66 HI. 1NDEH 67-102 4 -1- tanetteln The Dartmouth CollegeLibiartiis a major research library serving the College community end other interested researchers. The Dartmouth College Library is nota genealogical library. The Li- brary does not attempt to collect or maintainen extensive collection of family/local histories or genealogical periodicals.However, as one of the oldest and most distinguishell libraries in northernNew Eng- land, the Dartmouth College Library does haveen excellent collection of family history-related research materials. Theseinclude a wide variety of reference sources, historical periodicals,New England his- tories, biographies, dritish histories, New Hampshire and Vermontcen- sus schedules, city directories, newspapers, maps, and many unique manuscripts. This guide is intended to assist the genealogist/family historianin lo- cating and using these resources in the Dartmouth College Library. It is a very selective bibliography and does not attempt to be enhaustive or complete. We encourage you to naming carefully these recom- mended titles and to take some time and browse for other interesting and useful genealogical sources. Also, subject headingsare noted at the end of most bibliographic citations for thepurpose of assisting the researcher in locating similar resources through the Library CardCat- alog or the Online Catalog. Librarians are available in all departments to provide guidance andas- sistance with research needs. Librarians are unable, however, toper- form any type of research for the genealogist /family historian. We wish you luck as you pursue your family history, andwe do hope that this guide will help make your research at the Dartmouth College Library both en joyable and productive. Robert D. Jaccaud, Compiler Reference Librarian/Bibliographer BEST COPYAVAILABLE 311ATAVA Y903 T238 -2- BEST COPY AVAILABLE OWIDO ISO teitlentt intelIME It Of Itlett/tt leeiff The Reference Room in Baker Library, located at the east end of the main floor, is the best place to begin family history research. Here are located the books that one consults or "refers" to for specific infor- mation. These may include encyclopedias, dictionaries, handbooks, directories, or bibliographical guides. In most instances, these tools will lead the researcher to other more detailed resources. Reference books do not circulate. Reference Librarians are available during scheduled hours to provide guidance and assistance. MANUALS AND RIDS: Doane, Gilbert H., and James B. Eakie, Arlene, and Johni Cerny, Bell. Searching iir M- eds. The Source: I1 Guidebook o. twLxThgLgWIJandUlh o_idf of American Genealogy. Salt Genealogy. 5th ed. Minneap- Lake City, UT: Ancestry rub. olis: University of Minnesota Co., 1994. Press, 1990. Already being acclaimed as the Co-authored by the former di- definitive guide to genealogi- rector of the New England His- cal research, this magnificent toric Genealogical Society, this guidebook, compiled by sixteen new edition brings up-to-date of the nation's leading family the classic study of genealogy historians, represents a unique first published in 1937 by collection of the most signifi- Gilbert Doane, the late "Dean cant record sources from Colo- of Genealogy". Earlier edi- nial times to the present. A tions in Baker Stacks. must for all researchers. Subject: GENEALOGY Subject: UNITED STAT (Ref/CS/16/.D6/1980) GENEALOGY (Ref/CS/49/.565/1984) 'fill in all you cannot escape the fact Met youres: end- ants were human icings, not merely names Mat kepi= survived in musty old records,.ay learningmore about Mem and Their times, yool/ be lie miser in. knowing 'bow we got This way." [Doane, Gi lbert H.,p.151 6 BEST COPY AVAILABLE -3- 1.18tt.itAVA Yq03 123P GUIDES, I NOEHES, AND RECORDS: American antiquarian Society. Cat- Rmerican antiquarian Society. alogue of the Manuscript Col- Inden of Obituaries in Massa- lections. 4 vols. Boston: G.K. chusetts Centinel and Colum- Hall, 1979. bian Centinel, 1784-1840. 5 An example of one of the many vols. Boston: G.K. Hall, 1961. excellent library catalogues The editors of this 18th and available in Baker Library. This 19th century newspaper made particular one represents the special effort to carry obit- manuscript holdings of one of uary notices. Nearly 120,000 the most respected New England obituaries are indexed hem institutions. baNiGik IDEETPANON MaNga: KIMBIEROVIT kRef/F/69/.R5/196 (Ref/2/6623/(1.11536) Rsh, Lee, comp. Subject Collec- BlogEaphg and Genealogy Master tions. 2 vols. 6th ed. New nden. 14 vols. to date. De- York: R.R. Bowker, 1985. troit: Gale Research, 1980 "A guide to special book collec- Twentieth century biographical tions and subject emphases as information is emphasized in repc.-ted bt' university, college, this index to biographical dic- public, ;5nd special libraries and tionaries. museu Is in the United States Svaittott EsIIiiiciaMM and Canada." [Subtitle) (Ret/Z/5305/.05556) :313 IIIIME? 5i) 1g R fijoE (Ref /2/731/.A78/1970) Butler, John P., comp. Inden, The Cadman, Ogden. Inden of Obitu- Papers of the Continental Con- aries in Boston Newspapers gress, 1774-1789. 5 vols. Wash- 1704 -1800. 3 vols. Boston: ington, D.C.: The National 1h-- G.K. Hall, 1968. chives, 1978. An index to records located at All persons, places, and subjects the Boston Athenaeum. In order connected remotely with the Con- by surname. tinental Congress are indexed in .14,5RIMERS this monumental compendium. (Ref /F/73.25/.C6) A microfilm edition of these papers is available in the Jones Ilicrotext Center. Mut:VEIMO gifiagg-0121111BRIAIL+(HiMSSII115,,E0E (Ref/Z/1238/q.13137) 7 3J8AJIAVA Y900 T838 -4- Crandall, Ralph J., ed. Genea- Directory of Historical Soci- logical Research in New eties and Agencies in the England. Baltimore: Genea- United States and Canada. logical Pub. Co., 1984. 12th ed. Nashville: Ameri-
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