Indigenous Services Canada – BC Region - State of Local Emergency and Band Office Closures List Disclaimer: The information below of July 30, 2020, is based on reporting to ISC and information posted publicly and may not be complete or up to date. The latest updates are highlighted in yellow. State of Local Emergency: 1. ?Akisq’nuk First Nation (f. Columbia Lake) 2. ?Esdilagh First Nation (f. Alexandria) 3. Adams Lake 4. Bonaparte 5. Boothroyd 6. Canim Lake 7. Cheam 8. Cook’s Ferry 9. Da’naxda’xw First Nation (f.Tanakteuk) 10. Doig River First Nation (f. Doig River) 11. Esk'etemc (f.Esketemc) (f. Alkali Lake) 12. Gitanyow (f. Kitwancool) 13. Gitsegukla (f. Kitsegukla) 14. Gitxaala Nation (f. Kitkatla) 15. Gwa’Sala-Nakwaxda’xw 16. Haisla Nation 17. High Bar 18. Hupacasath First Nation (f. Opetchesaht) 19. Huu-ay-aht First Nations (f. Ohiaht, f. Ohiet) 20. Katzie 21. Kispiox (f. Kispaiox) 22. Kitasoo 23. Kwikwetlem First Nation (f. Coquitlam) 24. Lil'wat Nation (f. Mount Currie) 25. Little Shuswap Lake 26. Malahat First Nation 27. Matsqui 28. McLeod Lake 29. Nadleh Whuten (f. Fraser Lake) 30. Nak’azdli Whut'en (f. Nak'azdli, f. Nescoslie) 31. Neskonlith 32. Nicomen 33. Nooaitch 34. Nuxalk Nation (f. Bella Coola) 35. Old Massett Village Council 36. Penticton 37. Peters First Nation (f. Peters) 38. Semiahmoo 39. Shackan 1 GCDOCS # 62217840 Indigenous Services Canada – BC Region - State of Local Emergency and Band Office Closures List 40. Shuswap 41. Siska 42. Skeetchestn 43. Skidegate 44. Snuneymuxw First Nation (f. NanaIo) 45. Splatsin (f. Splatsin First Nation) (f. Spallumcheen) 46. Squamish 47. Sts’ailes 48. Stswecem’c Xgat’tem First Nation (f. Canoe Creek) 49. Stz'uminus First Nation (f. Chemainus) 50. T’it’q’et (f. Lilloet) 51. Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc (f. Kamloops) 52. Tl'esqox (f. Toosey) 53. Tl'etinqox Government (f. Tl’etinqox-t’in Government Office, f. Anaham) 54. Tla-o-qui-aht First Nations (f. Clayoquot) 55. Tsartlip 56. Tsay Keh Dene (f. Ingenika, Finlay River) 57. Tseshaht (f. Sheshaht) 58. Tsideldel (f. Alexis Creek) 59. Ulkatchot'en (f. Ulkatcho) 60. Upper Nicola 61. Wei Wai Kum (f.Campbell River) 62. Witset (f. Moricetown) 63. Xat'súll First Nation (f.Soda Creek) 64. Xeni Gwet’in First Nations Government (f. Nemaiah Valley) 65. Yunesit'in Government (f. Stone) Band Office Closures: 1. ?aq'am (f. St. Mary's) 2. ?Esdilagh First Nation (f. Alexandria) 3. Adams Lake 4. Ahousaht 5. Ashcroft 6. Binche Whut'en 7. Blueberry River First Nations 8. Bonaparte 9. Cayoose Creek 10. Chawathil (f. Hope) 11. Cheam 12. Cheslatta Carrier Nation 13. Coldwater 14. Cook’s Ferry 15. Cowichan Tribes (f. Cowichan) 16. Ditidaht (f. Nitinaht) 2 GCDOCS # 62217840 Indigenous Services Canada – BC Region - State of Local Emergency and Band Office Closures List 17. Dzawada'enuxw First Nation (f. Tsawataineuk) 18. Esk'etemc (f.Esketemc) (f. Alkali Lake) 19. Esquimalt 20. Fort Nelson First Nation 21. Gitanmaax (f. Hazelton) 22. Gitanyow (f. Kitwancool) 23. Gitga'at First Nation (f. Hartley Bay) 24. Gitsegukla (f. Kitsegukla) 25. Gitwangak (f. Kitwanga) 26. Glen Vowell 27. Gwa’Sala-Nakwaxda’xw 28. Gwawaenuk Tribe (f. Kwa-wa-aineuk, Kwawwawaineuk) 29. Hagwilget Village (f. Tsitsk) 30. Haisla Nation (f.Kitamaat) 31. Halalt 32. Heiltsuk (f. Bella Bella) 33. Hesquiaht 34. High Bar 35. Homalco 36. Hupacasath First Nation (f. Opetchesaht) 37. Huu-ay-aht First Nations (f. Ohiaht, f. Ohiet) 38. Iskut 39. K’ómoks First Nation (f.Comox) 40. Katzie 41. Kispiox (f. Kispaiox) 42. Kitasoo 43. Kitselas 44. Kitsumkalum 45. Klahoose First Nation 46. Kwadacha (f. Fort Ware) 47. Kwakiutl (f. Kwawkewlth) 48. Kwantlen First Nation (f. Langley) 49. Kwikwetlem First Nation (f. Coquitlam) 50. Lake Babine Nation 51. Leq’ a: mel First Nation (f. Lakahahmen) 52. Lheidli T’enneh (f. Fort George) 53. Lhoosk'uz Dene Nation (f. Kluskus) 54. Lhtako Dene Nation (f. Quesnel, f. Red Bluff) 55. Lil'wat Nation (f. Mount Currie) 56. Lower Kootenay 57. Lower Nicola 58. Lower Similkameen 59. Lyackson 60. Lytton 61. Malahat First Nation 3 GCDOCS # 62217840 Indigenous Services Canada – BC Region - State of Local Emergency and Band Office Closures List 62. Mamalilikulla First Nation (f. Mamalilikulla-Qwe’Qwa’Sot’Em) 63. Matsqui 64. McLeod Lake 65. Metlakatla First Nation (f. Metlakatla) 66. Mowachaht/ Muchalaht 67. N’Quatqua (f. Anderson Lake) 68. Nak’azdli Whut'en (f. Nak'azdli, f. Nescoslie) 69. Nanoose First Nation 70. Nazko First Nation (f. Nazko) 71. Neskonlith 72. Nicomen 73. Nisga’a Village of Gingolx (f. Kincolith) 74. Nisga'a Village of Gitlaxt'aamiks (f. Nisga’a Village of New Aiyansh f. Gitlakdamix) 75. Nisga’a Village of Gitwinksihlkw (f. Canyon City) 76. Nisga’a Village of Laxgalt’sap 77. Nooaitch 78. Nuchatlaht 79. Nuxalk Nation (f. Bella Coola) 80. Okanagan 81. Old Massett Village Council 82. Pacheedaht First Nation (f. Pacheenaht) 83. Pauquachin 84. Penelakut Tribe (f. Penelakut) 85. Penticton 86. Peters First Nation (f. Peters) 87. Prophet River First Nation 88. Qualicum First Nation 89. Quatsino 90. Saik’uz First Nation (f. Stony Creek) 91. Samahquam 92. Scia'new (f. Beecher Bay) 93. Seabird Island 94. Shackan 95. Shíshálh (f. Sechelt) 96. Shuswap 97. Shxw’ow’hamel First Nation (f. Ohamil) 98. Shxwhá:y Village (f. Skway) 99. Simpcw First Nation (f. North Thompson) 100. Siska 101. Skatin Nations (f. Skookumchuck) 102. Skeetchestn 103. Skidegate 104. Skin Tyee 105. Skowkale 106. Skuppah 4 GCDOCS # 62217840 Indigenous Services Canada – BC Region - State of Local Emergency and Band Office Closures List 107. Snuneymuxw First Nation (f. NanaIo) 108. Songhees Nation (f. Songhees First Nation, f. Songhees) 109. Soowahlie 110. Splatsin 111. Sq'éwlets (f. Scowlitz) 112. Squamish 113. Stellat’en First Nation (f. Stellaquo) 114. Sts'ailes (f. Chehalis) 115. Stz'uminus First Nation (f. Chemainus) 116. Sumas First Nation 117. T’it’q’et (f. Lilloet) 118. Tahltan 119. Takla Nation (f. Takla Lake First Nation) 120. Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc (f. Kamloops) 121. Tla'amin Nation (f.Sliammon) 122. Tl'etinqox Government (f. Tl’etinqox-t’in Government Office, f. Anaham) 123. Toquaht Nation(f. Toquaht) 124. Ts’kw’aylaxw First Nation (f. Pavilion) 125. Tsal'alh (f. Seton Lake) 126. Tsartlip 127. Tsawout First Nation 128. Tsawwassen First Nation 129. Tseshaht (f. Sheshaht) 130. Tsideldel (f. Alexis Creek) 131. Tzeachten 132. Uchucklesaht Tribe (f. Uchucklesaht) 133. Ulkatchot'en (f. Ulkatcho) 134. Upper Nicola 135. Upper Similkameen 136. Wet’suwet’en First Nation (f. Broman Lake) 137. Wuikinuxv Nation (f. Oweekeno/ Wuikinuxv Nation) 138. Xat'súll First Nation (f.Soda Creek) 139. Xaxli’p (f. Fountain) 140. Xeni Gwet’in First Nations Government (f. Nemaiah Valley) 141. Yakweakwioose 142. Yunesit'in Government (f. Stone) 143. Yuułuʔiłʔatḥ (f. Ucluelet First Nation) EOC (Emergency Operations Center) Active: 1. ?Akisq’nuk First Nation (f. Columbia Lake) 2. ?aq'am (f. St. Mary's) 3. ?Esdilagh First Nation (f. Alexandria) 4. Adams Lake 5. Aitchelitz 5 GCDOCS # 62217840 Indigenous Services Canada – BC Region - State of Local Emergency and Band Office Closures List 6. Blueberry River First Nations 7. Bonaparte 8. Bridge River 9. Canim Lake 10. Cayoose Creek 11. Chawathil (f. Hope) 12. Cheam 13. Cheslatta Carrier Nation 14. Coldwater 15. Cook’s Ferry 16. Doig River First Nation (f. Doig River) 17. D’zawada’enux First Nation (f. Tsawataineuk) 18. Esk'etemc (f.Esketemc) (f. Alkali Lake) 19. Esquimalt 20. Fort Nelson First Nation 21. Gitanyow (f. Kitwancool) 22. Gitsegukla (f. Kitsegukla) 23. Gitwangak (f. Kitwanga) 24. Glen Vowell 25. Hagwilget Village (f. Tsitsk) 26. Haisla Nation (f.Kitamaat) 27. Halfway River First Nation 28. Heiltsuk (f. Bella Bella) 29. Hesquiaht 30. Homalco 31. Hupacasath First Nation (f. Opetchesaht) 32. Kanaka Bar 33. Katzie 34. Kispiox (f. Kispaiox) 35. Kitasoo 36. Kitselas 37. Kitsumkalum 38. Klahoose First Nation 39. Kwadacha (f. Fort Ware) 40. Kwantlen First Nation (f. Langley) 41. Kwikwetlem First Nation (f. Coquitlam) 42. Lake Babine Nation 43. Lax Kw'alaams 44. Leq’ a: mel First Nation (f. Lakahahmen) 45. Lheidli T’enneh (f. Fort George) 46. Lhoosk'uz Dene Nation (f. Kluskus) 47. Lhtako Dene Nation (f. Quesnel, f. Red Bluff) 48. Lil'wat Nation (f. Mount Currie) 49. Little Shuswap Lake 50. Lower Kootenay 6 GCDOCS # 62217840 Indigenous Services Canada – BC Region - State of Local Emergency and Band Office Closures List 51. Lower Nicola 52. Lower Similkameen 53. Lytton 54. Malahat First Nation 55. McLeod Lake 56. Musqueam 57. Nadleh Whuten (f. Fraser Lake) 58. Nak’azdli Whut'en (f. Nak'azdli, f. Nescoslie) 59. Namgis First Nation (f. NIpkish) 60. Nanoose First Nation 61. Nazko First Nation (f. Nazko) 62. Neskonlith 63. Nicomen 64. Nisga’a Village of Gingolx (f. Kincolith) 65. Nooaitch 66. Nuxalk Nation (f. Bella Coola) 67. Okanagan 68. Old Massett Village Council 69. Oregon Jack Creek 70. Pacheedaht First Nation (f. Pacheenaht) 71. Penelakut Tribe (f. Penelakut) 72. Penticton 73. Peters First Nation (f. Peters) 74. Saik’uz First Nation (f. Stony Creek) 75. Saulteau First Nations 76. Seabird Island 77. Semiahmoo 78. Shackan 79. Shíshálh (f. Sechelt) 80. Shuswap 81. Shxw’ow’hamel First Nation (f. Ohamil) 82. Shxwhá:y Village (f. Skway) 83. Siska 84. Skeetchestn 85. Skidegate 86. Skin Tyee 87. Skwah 88. Splatsin (f. Splatsin First Nation) (f. Spallumcheen) 89. Squamish 90. Stellat’en First Nation (f. Stellaquo) 91. Sts'ailes (f. Chehalis) 92. Stswecem’c Xgat’tem First Nation (f. Canoe Creek) 93. Stz'uminus First Nation (f. Chemainus) 94. Sumas First Nation 95. T’it’q’et (f. Lilloet) 7 GCDOCS # 62217840 Indigenous Services Canada – BC Region - State of Local Emergency and Band Office Closures List 96. Tahltan 97.
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