ADDRESS: Lambeth Palace, Lambeth Palace Road, London, SE1 7JU Application Number: 16/07054/FUL Case Officer: Luke Farmer Ward: Bishops Date Received: 09/12/2016 Proposal: Erection of a building up to 9-storeys in height to provide a library and archive (Use Class D1) including new public library entrance via Lambeth Palace Road, together with creation of a new pond, landscaping works, removal and relocation of existing trees plus realignment of existing path. Installation of double height gate and services access via Lambeth Palace Road together with associated highways works, plus removal of a section of a modern, Grade II listed wall along Lambeth Palace Road within the curtilage of a Grade I listed building. (Planning Permission and Listed Building Consent ref: 16/07055/LB received). Drawing numbers: 100; 101E; 102E; 103E; 120; 121; 130; 140; 160; 161; 170; 180; 200; 201G; 202H; 205; 215A; 216A; 217; 218; 219; 220; 235; 236; 237; 238; 239; 260H; 261H; 268B; 271E; 273C; 276C; 280; 281; 282; 283; 500; 501; 505; 506; 507; 508; LPA-LD-100; LPA-LD-200; LPA-LD-205; LPA-LD-401; LPA-LD-402; LPA-LD-500; LPA-LD-501; LPA-LD-502; LPA-LD-503; LPA-LD-504; LPA-LD-505; LPA-LD-506; LPA-LD-507; LPA-LD-508; LPA-LD-509; LPA-LD-510; LPA-LD-511; LPA-LD-512; SK 183. Documents: Design and Access Statement; Planning Statement; Townscape, Visual Impact and Heritage Statement; Transport Assessment; Travel Plan (November 2016); Construction Logistics Plan; TfL Clarifications Report Rev. A; GLA Response on Living Roofs; Air Quality Statement; Archaeological Evaluation Report; BREEAM Ecologist’s Report; Flood Risk Assessment and SuDS Drainage Statement; Noise Impact Assessment; Arboricultural Impact Assessment; Arboricultural Method Statement; Accommodation Schedule; BREEAM New Construction 2014 Scoresheet; Ecology Report; Sustainability and Energy Statement; External Lighting Planning Assessment; Daylight, Sunlight and Overshadowing Report; Statement of Community Involvement. RECOMMENDATION: 1. Resolve to grant conditional planning permission subject to any direction that may be received following referral to the Mayor of London and subject to completion of an agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 of the planning obligations listed in this report. 2. Agree to delegate authority to the Director of Planning, Transport and Development to: Finalise the recommended conditions as set out in this report including such amendments, additions and/or deletions as the Director of Planning, Transport and Development (in consultation with the Planning Committee Chair) considers reasonably necessary; and Negotiate, agree and finalise the planning obligations as set out in this report pursuant to Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, including adding to, amending and/or deleting the obligations detailed in the heads of terms as the Director of Planning, Transport and Development (in consultation with the Planning Committee Chair) considers reasonably necessary. 3. Delegate authority to the Assistant Director of Planning and Development to refuse planning permission in the event that the Section 106 Agreement is not completed (by 30th May 2017) on the grounds that the development would have an unacceptable impact on – transport and highways; street-trees, visitor management, sustainability and local labour in construction. 4. In the event that the committee resolves to refuse planning permission and there is a subsequent appeal, delegated authority is given to Officers, having regard to the heads of terms set out in the report, to negotiate and complete a Section 106 Agreement in order to meet the requirements of the Planning Inspector. Associated Application: Application Number: 16/07055/LB Proposal: Erection of a building up to 9-storeys in height to provide a library and archive (Use Class D1) including new public library entrance via Lambeth Palace Road, together with creation of a new pond, landscaping works, removal and relocation of existing trees plus realignment of existing path. Installation of double height gate and services access via Lambeth Palace Road together with associated highways works, plus removal of a section of a modern, Grade II listed wall along Lambeth Palace Road within the curtilage of a Grade I listed building. (Planning Permission ref: 16/07054/FUL and Listed Building Consent received). Drawing numbers: 100; 101E; 102E; 103E; 120; 121; 130; 140; 160; 161; 170; 180; 200; 201G; 202H; 205; 215A; 216A; 217; 218; 219; 220; 235; 236; 237; 238; 239; 260H; 261H; 268B; 271E; 273C; 276C; 280; 281; 282; 283; 500; 501; 505; 506; 507; 508; LPA-LD-100; LPA-LD-200; LPA-LD-205; LPA-LD-401; LPA-LD-402; LPA-LD-500; LPA-LD-501; LPA-LD-502; LPA-LD-503; LPA-LD-504; LPA-LD-505; LPA-LD-506; LPA-LD-507; LPA-LD-508; LPA-LD-509; LPA-LD-510; LPA-LD-511; LPA-LD-512; SK 183. Documents: Design and Access Statement; Planning Statement; Townscape, Visual Impact and Heritage Statement. RECOMMENDATION: 1. Resolve to grant conditional listed building consent. 2. Agree to delegate authority to the Director of Planning, Transport and Development to finalise the recommended conditions as set out in this report including such amendments, additions and/or deletions as the Director of Planning, Transport and Development (in consultation with the Planning Committee Chair) considers reasonably necessary. Applicant: The Church Commissioners Agent: Wright & Wright Architects LLP For England SITE DESIGNATIONS Relevant site designations: Type of designation Applicable designation Statutory Listed Building Lambeth Palace (Grade I Listed) (within grounds of) Statutory Listed Building Boundary Wall of Lambeth Palace (Grade II Listed) Historic Park and Garden Lambeth Palace Garden (Grade II Listed) Conservation Area Lambeth Palace (CA10) Archaeological Priority Area Lambeth Palace Protected Views (London View Westminster Bridge (LVMF 18) Management Framework (LVMF)) Protected Views (LVMF) Lambeth Bridge (LVMF 19) Protected Views (LVMF) Parliament Square to Palace of Westminster – Townscape View (LVMF 27) Central Activities Zone (CAZ) Waterloo Flood Zone 3 SINC (Site of Importance for Lambeth Palace – Grade I Site of Borough Nature Nature Conservation) Conservation Importance Transport for London (TfL) Road Lambeth Palace Road LAND USE DETAILS Site area 0.75 hectares Use Class Use Description Floorspace (Gross External Area) Existing - Garden of Lambeth - Palace Proposed D1 Library 5,430 sqm PARKING DETAILS Car Parking Car Parking Bicycle Motorbike Spaces Spaces Spaces Spaces (general) (Disabled) Existing 0 0 0 0 Proposed 0 1 26 0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The application is for full planning permission and listed building consent for the erection of a new purpose built Library to the northern end of the Lambeth Palace gardens. The Library would house the collection of 120,000 books that has been stored at Lambeth Palace since the Library was founded by Archbishop Richard Bancroft in 1610. However, more recently, due to the restrictions of the Palace buildings and the poor conditions that they provide, parts of the collection have been stored off-site. The collection which relates to English social, political and economic history as well as ecclesiastical history, is of international importance and makes a major contribution to the significance of Lambeth Palace. The retention of the collection on-site is therefore of paramount importance. The application site contains a number of designated and non-designated heritage assets, including Lambeth Palace itself (Grade 1 listed), the Registered Garden (Grade II listed), and also that of the listed boundary wall (Grade II listed), part of which would need to be removed for the development. Therefore, any development within the garden of Lambeth Palace is considered to result in some harm to the heritage assets. Furthermore, the gardens are a Grade I listed Borough Site of Nature Conservation Importance. The proposed Library building is considered to be appropriate in its siting, scale, form and detailed design which would integrate well with the adjacent buildings and landscape. Despite this, due to the inevitable loss of openness that would occur, Officers consider this to result in less than substantial harm to the significance of the Lambeth Palace Conservation Area, the listed wall and to the Registered Garden. Officers do not consider there to be harm caused by the proposed development to Lambeth Palace itself. In balancing this and having afforded considerable weight and importance to any harm identified to the designated heritage assets, the proposed development would provide significant heritage and other public benefits that would outweigh the harm that would be caused. Namely, the retention of the Library on-site within a new and more accessible facility; new public views over the Westminster World Heritage Site and Lambeth Palace and onto the Registered Garden, which would be provided by the proposed development. The area of garden surrounding the Library would undergo significant improvements to mitigate the loss of this part of the garden and the existing trees in this area, and to ensure that the ecological value of the Borough SINC is enhanced. Officers are satisfied that the statutory duties in relation to the assessment of development impact on heritage assets has been appropriately undertaken in this case. The proposed development would not impact unacceptably on the neighbouring properties, including retaining the privacy of the main garden area to Lambeth Palace and the Palace
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