INDIAN COUNCIL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH ANNUAL REPORT 1998-99 PROGRAMMES STATEMENTS OF ACCOUNTS ARUNA ASAF ALI MARG. NEW DELHI-110 067 INDIAN COUNCIL OF SOCIAl, SCIENCE RESEARCH ANNUAL REPORT 1998-99 PROGRAMMES STATEMENTS OF ACCOUNTS ARUNA ASAF ALI MARG, NEW DELHI~llO 067 Publication No. 209 2000 Non-Priced Printed at Shivam Offset Press, Al2/1 Naraina Industrial Area, Phase-!, New Delhi-!! 0 028 and Published·:by the Indian Council of Social Science Research, Post Box 10528, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, Jawaharlal Nehru University Institutional Area, New Delhi-110 067. CONTENTS PROGRAMlVIES I. General II. Research Promotion 7 ill. Documentation 14 IV. Publications 21 v. Data Archives 24 VI. International Collaboration 28 VII. ICSSR Regional Centres 49 VIII. Other Programmes 61 IX Research Institutes 68 APPENDICES I. Members of the Council 81 2. ICSSR Senior Officials 1998-99 83 3. Projects Sanctioned 85 4. Researches Completed 90 5. Fellowships Awarded 98 6. Grants-in-Aid for Documentation and Bibliographical Services 107 7. Publicatior~)Jrants 108 8. Sale.and Distribution of Publications Ill 9. List of Data Sets Acquired During 1998-99 114 10. Institutions Providing Guidance and Consultancy Services in Data Processing 115 II. Scholars who have availed of the Guidance and Consultancy Services in Data Processing I 16 12. Scholars who went Abroad for Attending Conferences/ Data Collection 120 13. Final Allocation and Disbursement of Grants to · the Research Institutes during 1998-99 122 Research Institutes 124-217 STATEMENTS OF ACCOUNTS 219 ICSSR Annual Report 1998-99 I GENERAL This is the Thirtieth Annual Report of the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) covering the period of 1 April 1998 to 31 March 1999. The ICSSR' s main deliberative body known as the Council. has twenty six members - a Chairman, eighteen Social Scientists, Six representatives of the Government of India nominated by the Government and a Member­ Secretary appojnten by the .lCSSR with tJn~ approva} of the Governmenl of India (Appendix I). On March 31, 1998, the term of following members came to an end, viz. (I) Prof. S.C. Gupte (2) Prof. D.Sundaram (3) Prof. D. Ravindra Prasad (4) Prof. Atul Sarma (5) Prof. A.P. Padhi (6) Prof. Sutnati Kulkarni (7) Prof. Y. Madan Gandhi (8) Prof. (Ms.) Niru Hazarika (9) Dr. M. Zuberi (10) Prof. (Ms.) D.J. Modi (ll) Prof. A. Vaidyanathan and (12) Prof. Mihir Rakshit. The Government of India has nominated twelve members against the vacancies caused on 31 March 1998. The new members are(!) Dr.U.S. Chaudhari (2) Prof. S.K. Gupta (3) Dr. RavindraNath Pal (4) Dr. (Mrs.) N. Vijaya (5) Dr. A. Sukumaran Nair (6) Dr. S.N. Navalgundkar (7) Dr. Saradindu Mukherji (8) Prof. M.L.Chhipa (9) Prof. P.K. Das (10) Dr. P.N.Chopra (II) Dr. S.U. Kamat and (12) Prof. Janak Pandey. The ICSSR has a total strength of 68 Officers (Appendix 2). The officers of the Council shall be the Chairman, The Member-Secretary and such other employees of the Council who can be so designated by the Council. The Chairman shall be honorary and he shall be nominated by the Government of India in the Department of Education. The Member­ Secretary shaJI be appointed by the Council with the approval of the Central Government. The Council has apart from itself, seven other committees comprising members drawn both from the Council and also from outside (not more than three). The following table shows the number of meetings of the Council and its standing and functional committees held during the year 1998-99. 2 Council/Committee No. of Meetings Indian Council of Social Science Research 3 (Three) Planning and Administration Committee 3 (Three) Research Committee 3 (Three) Committee on International Collaboration I (One) Research Institutes Committee I (One) Data Archives Committee Nil Committee on Training I (One) Committee on Documentation Services and I (One) Research Information IMPORTANT ACTIVITIES OF THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS OF THE COUNCIL PROJECTS The ICSSR organized a national seminar on 'Status of Health Care in India' under the ICSSR-ICMR Joint programme on Health on 9 and I 0 March 1999 at the Conference Hall of the ICSSR. Prof. S.R.Hashim, Member, Planning Commission inaugurated the seminar. Dr.N.H.Antia, Director, Foundation for Research in Community Health, Mumbai chaired the inaugural session. Dr. (Mrs.) R. Barman Chandra, Member-Secretary, ICSSR and Dr.Padam Singh, Additional Director General, ICMR welcomed the participants. There were nearly 70 participants in the seminar representing social sciences, medical sciences, NGOs, state and central governments. The seminar focussed on issues such as financing of health care, implementation of health programmes and policies and changing patterns of health concerns. Nine papers were presented by eminent scholars on the subject. The papers presented include: 1. Health Care Financing in India; (2) The Relative Role of the Centre and States in Health Sector Financing; (3) Financing of Health Care in India: Regional Aspects; (4) Hospitals and Their Role in Health and Family Welfare Service Delivery; (5) Role of NGOs and Private Sector in Health Care Delivery; (6) Human Resource Development in Health Sector; (7) National Health Policy and Programmes: Issues in Implementation; (8) Changing Scenario of Health Concerns and (9) Statement on the Health of the Indian People (Prepared on behalf of the ICSSR-ICMR Joint Panel). The papers evoked considerable interest among the participants. In the concluding session it was suggested that the statement on Health of the 3 Indian People prepared by a Committee under the Chairmanship of Dr. N.H. Antia need be up-dated and made comprehen:;ive so as to enable the bureaucrats dealing with health ~elated matters in government and the general public to understand it easily. A Committee was set up under the convenorship of Dr.N.H. Antia, Murnbai to address this task. COMPLETED RESEARCH PROJECTS During the period 85 project reports against the target of 90 were received. Project Directors w.<;re reminded regularly to furnish their final reports in time but due to academic com.mitments and other administrative responsibilities, some of them could not finalize their report in the stipulated time frame. A major problem which is responsible for delay in completion of projects in time is the meagre emoluments which we are still providing to the project staff and with the result no suitable staff are found to work for the projects. Besides, Project Directors sometimes face problems in dealing with the affiliating institutions/universities so far as getting funds in time from them is concerned. PUBLICATIONS During the year, the Council continued its efforts to achieve the fundamental objective of the Council to disseminate research information to social science community through its various journals of abstracts and reviews in different disciplines of social sciences, publication of doctoral theses as well as research and fellowship reports published under the publication grant scheme. Besides, the four volumes on Antiquity to Modimlity in Tribal India were brought out. Under the programme of Research Survey, the Council brought out the Fourth Survey of Research in Geography. The publication of the Fourth Survey of Research in Psychology (in three volumes) by M/s Sage Publications was in progress. Also, the publication of Understanding Greying People of India (edited by Arun P. Bali) was in its advanced stage: the volume is expected to be out early next year. The /CSSR Newsletter, a quarterly, provided useful information about the various research activities of the ICSSR to the research scholars. OTHER PROGRAMMES GRANTS TO PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS Under its research promotion activities, the council provided maintenance and development grants to various professional organizations of social scientists to facilitate their day-to-day research activities as also to run their journals. DATA ARCHIVES The ICSSR Data Archives was established to promote and coordinate the organization of quantitative data in easily processable form and to facilitate sharing of available data. It is to help research scholars get access to data collected by other agencies and to act as a liaison between the data gathering agencies and users. It is engaged in activities, such as, development of data repository, providing guidance and consultancy services in data processing to scholars, sponsoring training courses in research methodology and computer applications and compilation of National Register of Social Scientists in India. Some of the highlights of the activities during the year are as under: I. With sustained correspondence with sixty project directors, thret: data sets were acquired. 2. As reported earlier, fifteen commissioned papers on the status of available socio-economic data were discussed in a National Seminar organized by the ICSSR. These are to be brought out as an ICSSR publication under an Editorial Committee. The Committee has met and worked out the modalities to bring out the publication towards the end of 1999. 3. In all six training courses under the programme of training courses in research methodology and computer applications in data processing in social sciences were sponsored. Mention may be made of a three.weeks research methodology training course organized in the North-Eastern region by the North-Eastern Regional Centre, Shillong. 4. A computerized data base containing information on academic background and research interests of over 5,000 scholars engaged in research and/or teaching in different social science disciplines is being maintained in the National Register of Social Scientists in India. Efforts are being made to increase its coverage through advertisements in journals and newsletters. 5. The scheme of guidance and consultancy services in data processing to help researchers tackle their data processing problems is being administered through eleven research institutes besides ICSSR Dat<1 Archives. During the year, forty research scholars from all over India availed of these services, at different institutes.
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