ISSN: 0029-7739 $ 1.00 per copy THE OBSERVER Official Newspaper of the Catholic Diocese of Rockford Volume 78 | No. 6 http://observer.rockforddiocese.org FRIDAY JANUARY 18, 2013 Catholic Schools Week Award Program Begins This Year Honor Your Favorite Diocesan Teacher D I O C E S E — C a t h o l i c Schools Week in the Rockford Diocese this year includes what Vote for your many hope will become a new favorite Catholic tradition. school teacher at For the fi rst time, the Dioc- www.ceorockford. esan Education Offi ce and The org/ed/Schools/ Observer are joining forces to Outstanding Inside honor our excellent Catholic EducatorAward.aspx School teachers. Anyone may nominate a fa- vorite teacher for the new Out- standing Catholic School Edu- cator Award. “We are inviting students, parents, pastors and grandpar- ents to nominate a teacher for a special recognition during Catholic Schools Week, Jan. Aquin to Host 5th 27-Feb. 2,” says Margo Shifo, Xtown Classic Jan. 27 Continued on page 3 (Observer illustration from CNS photo/Bob Roller) YO, pgs. 8-9 Quick News 40 Years After Roe v. Wade, Pro-life Remember This Weekend’s National Appeal Parishes throughout the Movement Strengthens its Resolve Rockford Diocese will be col- lecting for this year’s National BY CAROL ZIMMERMANN city to a large waterfront plaza. Appeal at Masses Jan. 19 Catholic News Service This year, participants will be and 20. joined by Archbishop Carlo WASHINGTON —Forty Maria Vigano, apostolic nuncio Jan. 26 Simulation to years after the U.S. Supreme to the United States. Foster Understanding of Court legalized abortions, Muntean told CNS from Domestic Violence the pro-life movement hasn’t San Francisco that the large ST. CHARLES—St. John stepped back in its resolve to number of young people who Neumann Church will host see the decision reversed. participate make the effort of a conference on domestic Each year near Jan. 22, the organizing it worthwhile. Af- violence, Jan. 26. day of the Roe v. Wade and Doe ter recently hearing a group of v. Bolton decisions on abortion, The session will include a teenagers talk about how the tens of thousands of protesters simulation, “In Her Shoes,” to event inspired them to be more march in Washington and San help participants understand actively pro-life, Muntean said the situtations faced by bat- Francisco and also take part in that might be its “biggest fruit” tered women. local events across the coun- — inspiring and energizing There will also be a dis- try hoping to change abortion youths. cussion of the dynamics laws. In Washington, the Arch- of abuse and how to help This year will be no excep- diocese of Washington will victims. tion. sponsor two parallel events for Registration begins at 8 a.m. The annual March for Life in young people. A Youth Rally (Photo provided) and Mass for Life is set for at the church, 2900 E. Main Washington will take place Fri- On Jan. 20, 2012, Rosary High School students and chaperones trav- St. day Jan. 25 — instead of Jan. eled from Aurora bus to Washington, D.C., to participate in last year’s the morning of Jan. 25 at the The morning conference is 22 — to accommodate par- March for Life. This year bus-loads of adults and students from the Verizon Center for local resi- free, but donations to defray ticipants because the anniver- Rockford Diocese will again travel to the nation’s capital to take part dents. A second rally and Mass costs will be accepted. sary date is the day after public in the March for Life on the 40th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s for out-of-town marchers that Walk-ins are welcome, but ceremonies for the presidential Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion in the U.S. morning takes place at Com- registration is appreciated. inauguration, which would cast Center at the University of Conference sponsor is St. have made it diffi cult to secure “huge pro-life loss during the and even a joy” at the march Maryland in College Park. John Neumann Ministry to enough hotel rooms for the election” and the “somber real- because most participants are The night before the march Victims of Domestic Abuse. thousands expected to descend ity” of the 40-year anniversary younger than 25, noted Mona- the annual National Prayer Vigil for Life will be held at Info: Sister Judy Nickels, 630/377- on the nation’s capital. of the Supreme Court’s deci- han, a 40-year-old who attends the Basilica of the National 2797, ext. 112, or adulted@ Jeanne Monahan, the new sions. St. Patrick Church in Washing- Shrine of the Immaculate Con- stjohnneumannchurch.org. president of the March for Life “People are very passion- ton. Education and Defense Fund, ate about this issue ... and Across the country, the ninth ception. Boston Cardinal Sean This Issue which organizes and runs the they want to make their voices annual Walk for Life West P. O’Malley will be the main celebrant at the evening Mass. Bishop Malloy ............................. 2 rally and march each year in heard,” she said. Coast will take place Jan. 26. Washington, told Catholic Monahan likened the march Eva Muntean, a walk co-found- The vigil will conclude with a Headliners ..................................... 3 News Service that hotels re- to a somber but energetic event, er and organizer, said the event Solemn Mass for Life celebrat- Nation/World .......................... 4, 6 served for march participants focused on the fact that “at least — which drew 40,000 partici- ed the next morning by Bishop Media/Arts .......................7, 14-16 fi lled a month earlier than usu- 55 million abortions have been pants last year —was inspired Kevin J. Farrell of Dallas. Young Observer ..................... 8-9 al, serving as just one indica- performed” in the past 40 years by Washington’s annual march. After the rally, marchers will Around the Diocese .......... 10-11 tion that this year’s event will but fueled by the overwhelm- It starts with a rally featuring walk the familiar route along Faith Forum ............................... 12 draw record crowds. ing number of young people in several speakers at a San Fran- Constitution Avenue to the Viewpoints ................................ 13 She said she expects a bigger attendance. cisco plaza and then a two-mile Supreme Court. Participants For the Record ......................... 14 turnout this year because of the “There is a positive energy walk through the heart of the Continued on page 3 2 FRIDAY JANUARY 18, 2013 | The Observer We Will Mark a 40th Anniversary The Observer (ISSN 0029- That Carries No Joyful Memories 7739), is published weekly, except five times a year by the Diocese of Rockford, BY BISHOP DAVID J. MALLOY 555 Colman Center Dr., P.O. Box 7044, Rockford, IL 61125 s you probably know, (I always wondered why no one 19 million people. The number and perhaps even reflection on Phone: 815/399-4300; Fax different anniversa- asked why something safe and of abortions since Roe v. Wade abandonment by the father or 815/399-6225. ries are marked by legal should also need to be is about two and one half times other pressures that led to the Periodical postage paid at gifts of particular rare). the population of the whole abortion can bring about a life- Rockford, Ill., and additional mail offices. Astones. Now, however, after four de- state of New York. time of regret. For this too, we According to custom, the cades, we have a bit of histori- The population of Spain is need to pray and offer our sup- POSTMASTER: send address 10th anniversary is marked by a cal distance to judge the results. 46 million people. The popula- port especially to the women changes to The Observer, 555 diamond, the 20th by an emer- Some of the numbers related to tion of England is about 53 mil- who suffer in silence from past Colman Center Dr., P.O. Box 7044, Rockford, IL 61125 ald, the 25th with silver, and the abortions during these 40 years lion people. abortions. 30th by a pearl. should weigh heavily on our You get my drift. Because of I was asked recently if I ex- For ADVERTISING information: By the time married couples consciences. abortion, it is as though whole pect our abortion laws to be Contact The Observer at the or others are celebrating 40 Estimates are that that deci- countries and states simply do changed or abolished any time address above or call 815/399- 4300; fax 815/399-6225, years, the gift of a ruby marks sion has resulted in more than not exist. soon. Legal scholars or sociolo- how special the anniversary is. 50 million children who have gists can probably answer that E-mail: rbergman@ I suppose we can all come rockforddiocese.org. Unfortunately, we are rapidly not been allowed to live since up with images that would de- question better than I. approaching another 40th anni- 1973. scribe if not capture that reality. I certainly do not see an end Send NEWS information to The versary that is anything but joy- A few calculations afford us Observer at the address or fax Mine is a late fall day with grey to the legal protection for abor- ful. It is the 40th anniversary of some illustrative comparisons. tion in my lifetime, even as we number above, or send e-mail skies, cold temperatures, barren the Supreme Court decision of To put this in perspective, the continue to work toward this to Observer@rockforddiocese. trees, wind and no people.
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