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Co. & affiliates: 2775 nsurance Co. HABLAMoS ESpANoL Gazette 9531168 CELESTE GULLO INSIDE: ‘Thomas’ chugs into 516-466-211118/21 itc FG 60 GLEN HEAD RD Children’s Museum GLENDemi HEAD Condensed Page 20 [email protected] xx Page 15 Photo by Lauren Gallery Photography VOL. 29 NO. 7 FEBRUARY 13 - 19, 2020 $1.00 1069178 St. Rocco’s priest’s legacy is questioned Sexual abuse victim calls for removal of name from church By RONNY REYES him recently resurfaced: The [email protected] attorney for a man who claims the priest abused him more than The Rev. Eligio Della Rosa 50 years ago, at St. Anthony of served the parish of the Church Padua Church in Rocky Point, is of St. Rocco for more than 15 demanding that the priest’s years. Although he first arrived name be removed in Glen Cove in 1965 from the St. Rocco for a four-year stay, parish center. The it wasn’t until he attorney, Mitchell returned in 1975 e was at Garabedian — who that he solidified his H St. Rocco’s was portrayed by legacy in the city by actor Stanley Tucci Roni Chastain/Herald Gazette re i n s t at i n g t h e for so long. Who in the Oscar-win- famous Feast of St. knows how many ning film “Spot- Good to the last spoonful Rocco’s, a five-day light,” about the festival celebrating were at risk? Boston Globe’s Alana Rios, 4, couldn’t wait to try out the chocolate Valentine’s Day treats she helped make with, the church and the series of stories from left, Zyaire Meijall, 11, Kah’manli Johnson, 11, and Kassidy Johnson, 9, at the Glen Cove city’s Italian-Ameri- ROBERT detailing the abuse Library on Tuesday. Story, Page 9. can heritage. allegations against The annual festi- HOATSON priests in Boston — val, known locally Road to Recovery s a i d h e h a d as the “Best Feast in reached an out-of- the East,” attracts court, low-six-fig- hundreds of visitors to the city. ure settlement with the Diocese A tale of two romances For Della Rosa’s work at St. Roc- of Rockville Centre last Septem- co’s, the church named a parish ber for Della Rosa’s alleged center after him and Bishop abuse of the man when he was a Local seniors share their different love stories John Barres. Della Rosa died teenager in 1964, a year before while serving at the church in Della Rosa came to Glen Cove. By RONNY REYES finding new love later in life, to er at Great Neck South High 1991. “He asked my client to meet [email protected] Helen and Rolando Francisco’s School, met Herbert Schierhorst, While he is remembered for him in the pews of the church, happily-ever-after story that has 79, a retired stationary engineer his service in Glen Cove, an alle- and my client did,” Garabedian Love can take many forms, lasted 51 years. and U.S. Navy veteran, in the late gation of sexual abuse against CONTINUED ON PAGE 19 and nowhere is that more evi- While the two couples seem 1990s, when she moved into the dent than at the Glen Cove different, whether husband and cul-de-sac where he lived in Glen Senior Center. Whether it’s a wife or significant others, they Cove. At first, Schierhorst was classic love story or a modern share an understanding of how simply a neighbor who waved take on romance, all kinds of love can bring out the best hello, but when his wife, Flor- relationships blossom at the things in life. ence, died in September 2002, center — from Olga Scileppi and Forming a new family Scileppi, a widow, visited him to Herbert Schierhorst’s tale of Olga Scileppi, a retired teach- CONTINUED ON PAGE 7 2 MEET ThE 2020 AwARD winnERs lEGACy GREEn RiChnER AwARD lEGACy CoMMUniTy AwARD Esther stephen stew Fortunoff-Greene hicks leonard, Jr. February 13, 2020 — GLEN COVE HERALD GAZETTE February 2020 — GLEN COVE 13, 03.04.20 Fortunoff Fine Jewelry Hicks Nurseries, Inc. Stew Leonard’s 6:00PM 76+ EMPloyEEs sisters in Charge Tag sales The Carltun Professionals/Relocators Eisenhower Park, East Meadow Arrow Exterminating Company, inc. Tazzetto Coffee wisdom Capital KEynoTE SPEAKERS Coach Realtors EihAB human services 1-20 EMPloyEEs Gemelli’s Gourmet Market north A&C Pest Management Guardian Bus Company Bobb howard’s General independent Coach store & Auto Repair la Bottega italian Gourmet Charles Krull & son, inc. Maple Family Centers Plumbing & heating Bernadette Phil scotto Brothers Enterprises hal Knopf Realty Castro Grucci Universe home services iconic Candy Chairman CEO & Creative Director Castro Properties Fireworks by Grucci, Inc. Vitale Properties Jim Cuccias & sons west hills Animal hospital General Contractors Keats Tax & Financial service RichnerLIVE and Herald Community Zorn’s of Bethpage Newspapers will celebrate family-owned leder’s Jewelers businesses that are successful, giving 21-75 EMPloyEEs newton shows back and moving Long Island forward. American Community Bank Pies-on wheels Bussola Restaurant Group Puma’s Auto Body PURCHASE TICKETS C&l Plumbing supply Rescuing Families, inc. www.richnerlive.com/familybusiness Cimato & sons, inc sVs Fine Jewelry To sponsor or purchase ads contact Amy Amato Corporate Relations and Events Director harry Katz Carpet one Towers Funeral home [email protected] or 516.569.4000 x224 lorraine Gregory Communications wantagh Auto Body shop our Kids Place Country Day whitting Funeral home RICHNER ConnECT • CollABoRATE • CElEBRATE A portion of ticket proceeds will be donated to EihAB human services. Special ThankS To our evenT SponSorS 1077132 COMITE CIVICO 3 ARGENTINO Vice President Hugo Amorini, far left, and HERALD GAZETTE — February 2020 GLEN COVE 13, President Lia Di Angelo present- ed a check to Dr. Edwin Moreano for his mission work in Latin America. Ronny Reyes/Herald Gazette Offering life-changing surgery for children By RONNY REYES nate children in the world who are in [email protected] need of medical assistance,” Bayville About cleft lip and cleft palate Mayor Robert De Natale said. “Bay- Although Dr. Edwin Moreano, 51, of ville is blessed to have such wonderful, Bayville, moved from Ecuador to Cleft lip and cleft palate are birth defects that occur when a baby’s lip or mouth caring and generous residents.” Queens when he was 8 years old, he fre- does not form properly during pregnancy. Cleft lip results in an opening in the upper The least difficult part of the mis- quently visited his hometown of Guaya- sions, Moreano said, is recruiting quil in the years afterward. During lip, which can be small or large and extends from the lip into the nose. Cleft palate medical volunteers, because many are those visits, Moreano met children suf- occurs in the roof of the mouth, leaving an opening. people he’s known throughout his fering with facial deformities and the Babies with these defects can have problems with feeding, speaking clearly and career. As he moved around the coun- social stigma that came with them. hearing. They can also suffer from ear infections. Children with the conditions often try, Moreano stayed connected with When he learned that those deformities have self-esteem issues when they compare their appearances with others. Surger- former colleagues, and when he were easily treated in the U.S., Moreano ies to repair the mouth and lips are usually done in an infant’s first year of life. With reached out to them about joining him pursued a career in medicine and began treatment, children can lead a healthy life. on his missions, he found they were a lifelong mission to help others. more than willing to help. Moreano graduated from SUNY Source: CDC “It really is amazing how many doc- Stony Brook’s School of Medicine in tors in the U.S. volunteer to help 1992, and did his residency at the Uni- around the world,” he said. versity of Iowa in 1997. Afterward he said. “Kids with cleft palate get ostra- months of planning, he said, to travel At last Saturday’s fundraiser, Mor- completed a fellowship at the McCol- cized. With this surgery, they can expe- with a full team and medical supplies, eano got a surprise show of support lough Aesthetic Medical Center in Bir- rience a life they never had before.” so he settled on doing one mission a from the newly formed Comite Civico mingham, Ala., before settling in at On the week-long missions, Moreano year. The trips usually cost about Argentino, or Argentine Civic Com- NYU Winthrop Hospital. and nearly 40 other volunteers try to $30,000, so Moreano depends on local mittee, whose president, Lia Di Ange- In 1999, Moreano began planning reg- evaluate as many as 300 children in the fundraisers, which normally raise about lo, of Glen Cove, presented him with a ular trips to Ecuador and other Latin cities and villages they visit.
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