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Christ Church College, turn R into: From end of Hill Top Road on grass area by entrance 'Broad Walk', at far end exit L into Rose Lane, turn R to Jack Howarth House, enter Warneford Meadow, across front of: turn L, follow path around meadow, passing R of care Botanic Gardens, turn L up steps & R onto: home buildings and L at mini roundabout to exit onto Magdalen Bridge, across River Cherwell, then cross main road, at traffic lights, cross to N side: via traffic island to N side, turn R into: Warneford Lane, turn L & enter: St.Clement's Street, then turn L into: Gheney Lane, enter gateway on R (not school entry), York Place, follow round S-bend & walk fonrvard to skirt back of Cheney School playground, Brookes riverside, turn R and then L to gateway to: University & reservoir keeping L of Centre for Sport Angel & Greyhound Meadow, enter & turn R along to: riverside & exit by second footbridge on R, then turn L Headington Hill Footbridge, cross & turn R on along riverside path, turn R into: footpath to top of hill, then L into: Gave Street, after first building turn L into: Pullens Lane, turn L into: Dudley Gardens, at path junction turn L back to Guckoo Lane alongside stone wall, to: riverside path, turn R to: Marston Road, cross, turn R, then L to. Gherwell Street to: King's Mill Lane, to: Headington Hilljunction, cross via traffic lights & turn 'Mesopotamia' walk (University Parks) between river R alongside Park fence into: channels for 0.5 mile, then L over bridge, then R to Morrell Avenue, after c.150 yds pass through iron cross cycle track & onto path to main: gate into: University Parks area, then turn R to South Park, cross aiming for principal grass gap high follow Cherwell River to: up between trees, to reach gate beyond play area Pond, bear L around pond, L at T crossing, then R to: into: Exit University Parks and cross: Warneford Lane, cross near roundabout & enter: Norham Gardens into: Fyfield Road, to: Divinity Road, turn L into: Norham Road, go R 10 yds, then cross L into lane, Hill Top Road, at far end, enter: after 100 yds, L through stone archway into: Warneford Meadow by Jaek Howarth House. Park Town, follow path and road, bearing L, to cross: Banbury Road (pedestrian lights), go L, then R into: PleaSe be advised: North Parade, continue across Winchester Road to: Church Walk, to: Some secfions of this route are alongside watercourses, Woodstock Road, cross & turn R for 0.5 mile, so avoid watking on the immediate edge. then L into: us e caution when crossing roads, use pedestrian FrenChay ROad, CrOSS bridge over OxfOrd Canal, crossrngs or cross whereioad visibility is good. turn L down to canalside & on R, enter: Dogs to be kept on leads. 2. Trap Grounds (OX2 6TF), walk circuit within & Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times. return to: Bring a hat and sunscreen and wear clothing and Oxford Ganal Towpath, turn R for 1.25 miles footwear suited to the conditions on the day. Note: the (passing close to 'The Anchor', a source of towpaths, river-side paths and meadow paths may be sustenance a short distance over the next bridge at muddy' Aristotle Lane), follow sign to: Water will be available at each registration point but Hythe Bridge Street, cross - pedestrian traffic lights please carry water with you. available to R. (lf required, turn L for City Centre, R Toilets are available for use near each registration point. for railway station). Down steps to: The watk witt take place whatever the weather, but Fisher Row, and follow Mill Stream Walk to steps up activities may be cancetted. to: A more detailed map & route description, showing points Park End Street, cross & continue on Walk to: of interest, will be avaitabte on the day at a smalt cost. St.Thomas Street, cross to: at: paradise street as far as road bridse. Do not bear L '#Y:rt.i:r1:,i;:l.X'fr1:#';:r";:;;:;ind but continue alongside stream to footbridge and www.parkandride.neU onward to building site. Follow diversion L around www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/publictransport site to: Thames Street / Oxpens Road, cross lt is a condition of entry that, save to the extent required (pedestrian lights R) to: by law, The Oxfordshire Branch of the Campaign to 3. oxpens Meadow (oxl lRx), traverse to: 1:,1T::i;Jx',;!t?i:i,z:;;i:,i"',:if'!'{,':ii:ii:t:!",0 Thames main channel, then turn L on riverside path Green Spaces SponsoredWatk. to footbridge, cross river, and continue on opposite contact number on the day : 07766 624990 bank to:.
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