ORIENTEERING CANADA Published by the Canadian Orienteering Federation #713-1600 James Naismith Dr. Gloucester, Ontario K1B 5N4 OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE CANADIAN ORIENTEERING FEDERATION Vol. 19 No. 4 WINTER 1991 ISSN 0227-6658 CONTENTS and compete in preparation for 1993. Part of this prepara- tion will be two World Cup competitions in Canada and Welcome to 1992 the U.S. in October of this year. President's Niche 2 1992 also sees the return of the Canadian Championships Le Mot du President 2 to the wonderful "sandhills" of South Western Manitoba. This will be the 3rd COCs held in this region in the past 1991 Silva Award-Triple Play 3 10 years and it may be several years before non-Manito- Forest Pearson-Yukon's Athlete of the Year . 4 bans have another opportunity to compete in this unique terrain. Baltic Nations Accepted in IOF 4 1992 National Squads Selected In addition, this year the biennial North American Champ- ionships will be held in the U.S. It is scheduled for early 1993 Squad Selection Update . ... 5 November, near Washington, D.C. Annual Meeting Highlights 6 The 1993 COCs will be held in New Brunswick in late COF Drops .......... 6 August. It is anticipated that there will be many European Items Available from COF 7 orienteers spending extended vacations in North America in 1993 to compete and attend the WOCs. It is hoped some Technical Bulletin 8 overseas visitors will include the COC in their itinerary. COP Addresses ...... ... 8 The above major events represent only the "tip of the iceberg" of orienteering activities across Canada. For the majority of our members the local 13' meets, Wednesday WELCOME TO 1992 evening meets in city parks plus the bigger 'V meets or provincial championships satisfies their "0" needs. This is A HAPPY NEW YEAR one of the main attributes of orienteering - you can tailor AND BEST EVER '0' SEASON TO ALL your level of involvement to whatever you wish. The This issue of ORIENTEERING CANADA "kicks oft not important thing is just the joy of being in the outdoors one but TWO of the most exciting years for orienteering doing something you enjoy. in North America culminating with the 1993 World Championships (WOC) in the U.S. Future issues of ORIENTEERING CANADA will include the details of these and other exciting events. In order to The 1993 WOC will be held in the North Eastern part of continue receiving your copy of ORIENTEERING the U.S. in early October. This will be the first time that CANADA, it is necessary to be a member of your associa- the WOC will have been held in North America. tion and COF. Renew your 1992 membership now and ensure receiving the Spring issue (April 1992) which will 1992 being the lead-up year to the WOC will see most of include all COC information. the top competitors travelling to North America to train 1 PRESIDENT'S NICHE by Jack Forsyth As your President, it was a pleasure to again chair the development, including her work in COF workshops was Annual Meeting held the Remembrance Day weekend in certainly an asset to Orienteering in Canada. Her en- Ottawa. There was a free exchange of ideas and views thusiasm for and knowledge of the sport provided a with the common thread of promoting Orienteering to our significant contribution to the Board of COF. members. While all decisions were not made in unanimous fashion, it was interesting to see that the associations, Conn and I attended Sport Forum II in Ottawa, Oct. 25-27. while concerned about their own interests, did present a Over 200 delegates representing most National Sport broader outlook for the good of your national federation. Federations spent 3 days planning a future vision for sport in Canada. Sport is in transition and the sport community My compliments to re-elected Board members, George is taking the leadership role in charting its own destiny. Murphy and Winnie Stott, who along with Treasurer Jim The Federal Government is actively involved in a participa- Lee and Board members Stig Skarborn and Scott Donald tory role to help determine their future level of involve- make up the coming year's Board. ment. On behalf of the Board of Directors of COF and myself, I My sincere thanks to retiring Board member, Julie DePass, would like to wish you all Seasons Greetings and we look for all her work. Julie's involvement in promotion and forward to seeing you at meets in the coming year. LE MOT DU PRESIDENT par Jack Forsyth A titre de president de la Federation, il m'a fait plaisir de la communaute sportive a decide de jouer un rale de presider de nouveau l'assemblee generale annuelle, tenue leadership en prenant en main sa propre destinee. Le a Ottawa la fin de semaine du jour de l'Armistice. On a pu gouvemement federal est lies engage dans ce processus echanger des idees librement et partager des points de vue dans le but d'aider a etablir leur niveau d'implication futur. dont la tendance etait la promotion de la course d'orienta- tion aupres de nos membres. Bien que toutes les decisions Au nom du conseil &administration de la FCCO et en mon prises n'aient pas toujours fait l'unanimite, il fut interessant nom personnel, je vous souhaite un tres Joyeux Noel et une de constater que les associations, quoique preoccupees par Bonne et Heureuse Annee. Au plaisir de vous revoir lors leurs propres intents, ant elargi leur champ de vision pour des reunions en 1992! le bien de votre federation nationale. Je tiens a feliciter les membres du conseil realus, George 1992 EVENT SCHEDULE Murphy et Winnie Scott, ainsi que le tresorier Jim Lee et We wish to include a schedule of major events in les aurres membres, Stig Skarborn et Scott Donald, qui Canada in the next issue < of ORIENTEERING composent le nouveau conseil de cette annee. CANADA. Major events include National, Regional and Provincial Championships, major annual competi- Je desire remercier vivement Julie DePass, membre du tions and multi-day events. conseil qui se retire, pour son travail inlassable. L'implica- tion de Julie dans les domaines de la promotion et du Other major events include National Junior Training developpement, comprenant aussi son travail lors des Camps, Blue Lake Clinic, Adult Training Camps, ateliers de la FCCO, a sarement eta un ataut pour la course Coaching and Officials Clinics. d'orientation au Canada. Elle a contribue de maniare significative a l'essor du conseil de la FCCO grace a son If your club is organizing a major competition in enthousiasme et sa connaissance de la discipline sportive, 1992 contact your association and/or the COI' office and advise date, location, contact person and phone Colin et moi-merne avons assists au Forum du sport II, number. Organizers wishing to have their <events tenu a Ottawa du 25 au 27 octobre. Plus de 200 delegues sanctioned must submit the sanction form (available representant la plupart des organismes nationaux de sport from COP or copy the one in your "A' MEET (ONS) ont passe trois jours a planifier une vision future du ORGANIZING MANUAL (appendix 8). sport au Canada. Le sport est en periode de transition et 2 1991 SILVA AWARD - A TRIPLE PLAY — This year's Silva Award went not to one, not two, but THREE deserving winners - nude Stott, Jim Lee and Stig Skarborn. The nominations were ranked independently by three COF Directors and their rankings given to the COF President. The result - a 3-way tie. Rather than try to determine one winner, Mr. Forsyth decided that all three were worthy recipients and should share the honour. The winners' names will be engraved on an individual medallion to be kept by each winner. The Silva trophy will be retained by each winner for a four month period. The documentation supporting each nomination included: WINNIE STOTT: "Few Canadians have given as generously and 1987 Western Canadian. Championships and the 1988 to the Sport of Orienteering as Winnie Stott. Her efforts Trans Atlantic Cup. have benefited hundreds and all levels from beginners to champions. She has organized provincial and national "In his professional position as teacher, he has implemented championships. This year she was involved in both the a school based course in orienteering and sets courses and Ontario and Canadian Relay Championships as well as organizes meets for his own school and also for other organizing the National Team Selection Races, She has schools in the surrounding area.' written two books Armchair Orienteering I and II. STJG SKARBORN: "A dedicated leader to the sport of "Winnie has produced many school yard and park maps as orienteering at all levels. An active competitor who has well as five-colour maps for school use - all without been committed to the operations of Orienteering New compensation. Winnie has popularized many fun "0" Brunswick for almost 10 years. Whatever he does he events in the York Region - these include: Easter Egg approaches with complete dedication. When a vacuum is Hunts, Christmas Walks, Hallowe'en events and was the perceived he does his utmost to fill the void. prime force behind the introduction of String Courses in Canada. "Stig has been able to brave the halls of government bureaucracy and largely due to his efforts ONB enjoys a "As well as being very involved with the Forest Adventurers good relationship with the provincial sports ministry and of York 0. Club, she served as editor of ORIENTEERING have been able to receive a generous portion of available CANADA for seven years and editor of the I.O.F.
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