ft O £52S252S2SJ5SS2S25HSHS2Sffi2SJ5HS252S2S2S2S2SJ5j OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS ■pull QctfpeL President DEMOS SHAKARIAN MEN'S 8413 Lexington Road, Downey, California Executive Vice-President EARL DRAPER 1609 Belmont Avenue, Fresno, California CtfZ5ZSZ5ZWW52WWS25HWW5E5ZSc^ Vice President, Chairman Finance Committee C. C. FORD Published Monthly by 715 Crescent Drive, Denver, Colorado FULL GOSPEL BUSINESS MEN'S Vice-Presidents MINER ARGANBRIGHT FELLOWSHIP INTERNATIONAL Box 367, La Crescenta, California Incorporated January 2, 1953 as a LEE BRAXTON Non-Profit Religious, Charitable and Box 507, VVhiteville, North Carolina Educational Corporation. GEORGE D. GARDNER 35 Collier Street, Binghamton, New York Editor and Publisher Secretary THOMAS R. NICKEL FRED J. FRIEDMEYER Box 367, La Crescenta, California EDITORIAL AND PUBLICATION OFFICE Editor and Publisher THOMAS R. NICKEL Atlantic 9-5347 152 E. Garvey Ave„ Monterey Park, Calif. 152 E. Garvey Avenue Chairman Board of Directors Monterey Park, California HENRY KRAUSE 305 South Monroe St., Hutchinson, Kansas Entered as Second-Class Matter at the HENRY F. CARLSON 644 Echo Lane, Glenview, Illinois Post Office at Monterey Park, Calif. AL KONSMO Subscription Rate, Domestic and Foreign: 2415 South 12th St., Tacoma, Washington PER YEAR ..............................ONE DOLLAR JACK T. MOORE 6135 Dillingham St., Shreveport, Louisiana Printed in U.S.A. By The Foundation JEW EL W. ROSE Press, Santa Ana, California Box 313, Shafter, California LINWOOD P. SAFFORD JANUARY, 1956 8507 Colesville Rd., Silver Spring, Maryland W. E. SHAW 611 E. North St., Greenville, South Carolina REGARDING CORRESPONDENCE BEN O. SMART All manuscripts, photographs, subscriptions Box 68, Texico, New Mexico and letters concerning Full Gospel Men’s CLAYTON E. SONMORE Voice as well as memberships in Voice One 707 Kenwood Parkway, Minneapolis, Minn. Hundred Club should be addressed to FULL GOSPEL MEN’S VOICE. All other ANDREW C. SORELLE, JR. matters concerning the Fellowship should 1533 Commerce Bldg., Houston, Texas be addressed to FULL GOSPEL BUSINESS MEN’S FELLOWSHIP INTERNATIONAL. NOBLE TH ORMODSGAARD 201 East 20th St., Sioux Falls, South Dakota The mailing address for both is: Box H, Monterey Park, California, U.S.A. HOWARD C. TOY 35 Collier St., Binghamton, New York "Unto you, O men, I call; and my voice ART WILSON is to the sons of man." Proverbs 8:4 1190 Del Monte Lane, Reno, Nevada REVIVAL FIRES IN NEW YORK CITY By N. J. Roccaforte Secretary Houston Chapter Evangelist Tommy Hicks, recently Greeks and people of other races were returned from a preaching tour of unitedly praying for a great harvest Russia, addressed a great Revival Rally of souls from that night’s meeting. in the Grand Ballroom of the Waldorf- God came down in mighty power and Astoria, on Friday evening, November blessed the prayer group. With tears 25. streaming their faces, many received According to the newspapers, a the Baptism of the Holy Ghost. crowd of 6,000 jammed the luxuriously- Demos Shakarian declared, that furnished three-tiered ballroom of the while praying, he heard agonizing famed Waldorf-Astoria. groans behind him and when he turned Following a musical program and around he witnessed a Catholic priest testimonies from Full Gospel Business sobbing his heart out, who in a few Men, the Oral Roberts’ Film, “What moments received the Baptism of the God Has Shown Me Shall Shordy Holy Spirit, speaking in other tongues Come to Pass,” was shown. The film as the Spirit gave utterance. inspired the great gathering and tears At the conclusion of the film, those flowed freely down the cheeks of the who had been praying entered the ball­ viewers. room and the Full Gospel Business While the film was being shown in Men and Ministers went to the plat­ the large ballroom, FGBM FI President form charged w'ith dynamic power. Demos Shakarian was leading a great They were accompanied by the Cath­ prayer meeting in an adjacent room. olic priest. Over 100 businessmen and ministers, After some testimonies, Evangelist including three Catholic priests, to­ Tommy Hicks quickly went into his gether w'ith other Christians of various message. Step by step, he told the denominations, as well as many Jews, story of his visit to Russia. He de- CONCERNING PHOTOGRAPH ON FRONT COVER These men, together with Jack E. Cook and Pedro Rosario, not shown in photo, helped organize the Greater New York Chapter of Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International at the Waldorf-Astoria, New York City. They are, left to right: (front row) Joseph A. Lowne, President Robert R. Fernandez and Vice-President Nicholas J. Cymbala; (back row) Paul Ryan, Sec'y-Treas. Ole Gerhard Eggum, Vice-President Richard Mardus, Lloyd L. Sweet and Reuben Johnson. Many of the International Officers and Directors were present. No chapter has been launched in more ornate surroundings nor with greater blessings from God! Greater New York Chapter Established By N . J. R o c c a fo r te Secretary Houston Chapter On Saturday morning following the Steve Cummings, N. J. Roccaforte and great Revival Rally in the Waldorf- T. L. Ashcraft. Director W. E. Shaw Astoria, around 400 gathered again in came from South Carolina with three the Grand Ballroom for the Full Gos­ others in his party. Other well known pel Business Men’s Fellowship Break­ visitors at the Breakfast included Vice- fast. FGBM F members were present President George Gardner of Bingham­ from various parts of the nation. Presi­ ton, N. Y.; Director Henry Carlson, of dent Demos Shakarian and Vice-Presi­ Chicago; Director L. P. Safford, of dent Miner Arganbright had flown Maryland; Rev. Bigsby, of South Caro­ from Los Angeles. lina; Gordon Lindsay, of Dallas; and Director Clayton Sonmore had char­ many others. tered a DC-3 and brought 19 men, in­ Following the eating of breakfast cluding 3 ministers, from Minneapolis. and a musical program, a large num­ Also Director A. C. SoRelle, Jr., flying ber of FGBM F members gave their his own plane from Houston, Texas, personal testimonies. Rev. Frank Lin- had brought a delegation including quist, President of the Assembly of Henry SoRelle, Arthur Lock, Pilot God Bible School in Minneapolis, in dared, “My heart pounded in antici­ Gospel Men’s Voice. pation of the visit that lay ahead as Concluding his message to a breath­ I received my final papers in June, less audience, Tommy Hicks gave an 1955. I entered Russia by Warsaw, invitation and 750 streamed down the Poland. My first stop in Russia was aisles to the front of the platform to Stalingrad; then I journeyed on to accept Christ as their personal Savior. Rostov, Kiev, Tananrog, Khorkov, Many sick were prayed for and healed, Concases, Crimea, Voroneah, and as the meeting came to a close. many other cities. Our tour took 28 In America’s most famous luxury days, as I preached an average of hotel, in a ballroom that cost $2200 three times daily. Sometimes I preach­ for one night, God started a revival fire ed as high as four and five services in New York City. Many employees in a single day but never spending of the Waldorf-Astoria talked all the more than two to three days in a city. next day about the unusual event Needless to say, what happened in planned and directed by Lloyd Sweet those days will live forever in the of Durham Center, Connecticut. Mrs. hearts of the people behind the Iron Sweet joined her husband in sponsor­ Curtain.” A complete account of this ing the meeting and worked hard in trip was published in the October Full preparation for the great event. Never in the history of the Waldorf-Astoria has such a meeting been held as that of the Revival Rally. Testimonies were given by Full Gospel Business Men, a prayer meeting was held in which a Catholic Priest received the Baptism of the Holy Ghost, Oral Roberts' film was shown, Evangelist Tommy Hicks preached, and many were saved and healed. The rental of the ballroom, which is $2200 per day, was underwritten by Lloyd L. Sweet. Much of the publicity was handled by Richard Mardus. Newspapers reported approximately 6000 in the packed three-tiered ballroom and adjoining rooms. addressing the breakfast group declared: nine years.” “The Full Gospel Business Men’s Fel The FGBMF Breakfast meeting lowship is one of the most important proved conclusively that God is bring­ factors in America today, bringing the ing men together from all over the churches and businessmen together. world in a united effort to bring the That’s why I say God will be sending Gospel to the multitudes. us a great revival.” Gordon Peterson, another minister It was thrilling to see men who a from Minneapolis, said: “I feel like short while ago could scarcely say a few words to large groups, now blos­ I’m living in the Millennium now, as somed out as forceful speakers stirring some of us preachers who have been fighting and feuding for nine years, the hearts of men! are now working together with the Evangelist Tommy Hicks, following Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship the testimonies, delivered another great for a common objective, the winning address. He told more of his European of the lost. Frankly, I’ve hugged and trip and outlined his plans for the kissed more of my fellow ministers in future. the last few months than in the past Some 50 men and women accepted Full Gospel Business Men Flying for Christ By N. J. R o c c a fo r te • Secretary Houston Chapter On Friday noon, November 25, the until 1:30 p.m. silver twin-engined Beech airplane Two o’clock found the plane taking owned by SoRelle & SoRelle took off off from LaGuardia Field with addi­ from the Houston, Texas, airport head­ tional passengers Henry Carlson, T.
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