Body Group Grille and Bumper Interchange

Body Group Grille and Bumper Interchange

BODY GROUP 137 GRILLE AND BUMPER INTERCHANGE I '- 211 1648747-8 14.25 238 1686482-3 5.75 350 2276146 3.70 186 426334-3 '51 200 -Dart '63-64 446183-2 '51 exc 20 -Chrvsler '56 Windsor I; Imperial '57-58 New Yorker 239 1820058- 9 23.65 351 31. 25 G '52 -~hrysler 2266468 w/guards Packard '51-52 212 1403877 obs '58 __ -Chrysler '51-52 240 1541088 obs 9.70 2266469 w/o 187 1543528 Dart '63-64 -Packard '57 213 1373138-9 obs Chrysler '54 353 2461300 47.00 Packard '58 exc Hawk -Chrysler '51-53 Imperial '54 -Dodge '65 Coronet ser New Yorker 241 1541501-2 47.10 Packard '57 Clipper Plymouth '65 214 1346679 25.95 -Chrysler '55. -56 300 188 1407820-1 Belvedere ser -Desoto '52-53 -Chrysler '51-52 Windsor Imperial '55-56. 354 2448270--1 1.60 G Saratoga 295 2275211-2 1.05 Amber 189 1. 90 Chrysler '53 Valiant '62-63 Chrysler '63 134653~ 1753435 In 215 1 5.75 296 72.50 Dodge '63-64 880 ser 1753436 Out -Chrysler '51-52 Windsor - 2266492 355 2424862- 3 S.20 Desoto '59-61 {; Saratoga wIguard holes -Valiant '64-65 e xc Dodge '58 Chrysler '53 Windsor 2266491 Barracuda Dodge '60-66 216 1346532 obs wlo guard holes 356 29.50 Plymouth '58-66 Chrysler '51-52 Windsor Dodge '63-64880 ser 2404520 w/guards Chrysler '58- 66 [ Saratoga Chrysler '63 2404521 wlO Valiant '6~62 Chrysler '53 297 2248299 obs Valiant '64-65 Lancer '61-62 217 1324634-5 obs 14. 85 -Dart '63-64 357 2445946 4.00 Chrysle r '58 Windsor Chrysler '53 New Yorker Valiant '63 -Valiant '63-65 Chrysler '59 exc 300 G Windsor 298 2208621 358 2448651-2 2.05 Chrysler '60- 61 Chrysler '51-52 - wIguard holes -Imperial '64-66 Imperial '57-66 218 1297667 obs 2074253 359 2404622 31.00 end 190 1553859 74.50 -Chrysler '51-53 wlo guard holes 2404623 31.00 end -Desoto '56 219 1624679 11.50 31 25 2404621 72. SO cent Desoto '55 -Chrysler '57 Lance'r '61-62 Imperial '64-66 191 1599279-80 8.95 Chrysle r '58 Saratoga 299 14.50 -Desoto '55-56 G New Yorker 1904212-3 In 399 11. 60 2524930 out 192 1820733 74. SO 1904208-9 Out -Chrysler '58 Imperial '62-63 2524931 in Desoto '57-58 220 1689983-4 2.10 300 2195949 7.65 Dodge '62 880 ser 193 1321720 28.00 -Chrvsler '57 -Lancer '61-62 Dodge '63-65 -Dodge '51-53 Chrysler '57-58 300 301 2188277 obs 1. 25 Dodge '66 Coronet ser 194 1324626 obs 7.60 221 168518-9 obs 4.50 -Valiant '63 exc Charger L, H. -Dodge '51 ., -Chrysler '57 exc 300 Dart '63-64 Dodge '66 Polara ser Dodge '53 Chrysler '58 Saratoga Lancer '61-62 Chrysler '61-66 195 1329450 23. 75 & New Yorker 302 2188279 obs .35 Imperial '61-64 -Dodge '54 222 1686669 44.75 -Lancer '61-62 Plymouth '62-64 Ply m ouh '53-54 -Chrysler '57-59 300 303 2123800 72.50 Plymouth '65 Fury ser 196 1440340 2.15 223 1676500 obs 89.75 -Imperial '61-63 Plymouth '66 -Dodge '53-54 -Chrysler '57 304 2123920-1 12.85 400 2266476 5.00 197 1604210.90 Chrysler '57-59 300 -Imperial '61-63 -Dart '63-64 -Dodge '55-56 224 1676501 75.50 305 2188856-7 5.10 401 2421141 12.55 198 1599085-6 17.95 '-Chrysler '57 -Imperial '61-63 -Dart '63-64 -Dodge '55-56 Chrysler '57-59 300 306 2094600. 90 403 11. 95 199 1599317-8 16.95 225 1553853 75.50 -Dodge '61 2290761 w I» Dr -Plymouth '55-56 -Chrysler '55 Windsor Dodge '62 880 ser 2421140 wlDr 200 1612384-5 6.95 Chrysler '56 Windsor 307 1904844-5 4.35 Ply-mouth '65 Belvedere -Plymouth '55-56 226 1948081 87.50 -Dodge '61 ser 201 1604796 4.25 -De~oto '60 Dodge '62880 ser Valiant '63-66 -Plyrn0uth '55-56 Chrvsler '60 exc Windsor 308 68. SO Dart '65-66 wlo Dr 202 1604317 6. 50 227 1832043 6.40 - 2123923 404 2448825-6 1.05 -Plymouth '55-56 -Chrysler'58 w/guaro holes -Valiant '64-65 exc 203 1634054 32. 90 228 1832048.90 2123922 Barracuda ' -Plym.:>uth '55-56 -Chrvsler '58 wlo guard holes 405 2404524-5 5.00 204 1624756-7 5.25 Des~to '58 Dodge '61 -Valiant '64-65 -Plpnouth '57-58 229 1820057 41. 80 Dodge '62 880 ser 406 244576~1 11. 4S 205 1639501 45.50 --Chn's!er '58 309 2123926-7 6.25 -Imperial '65-66 -Plvmouth '57-58 230 1737407 19.85 -Dodge '61 407 2445766 6.50 206 . 162475~1 3.75 -Chrysler '57-59 300 Dcdge '62 880 ser -Imperial '66 -Plymouth '57-58 231 218843809 8.75 310 107.75 408 2575088-9 10.95 207 1624750-1 6.75 -Desoto '61 - 2123808 --Imperial '65-66 -Ply-mouth '57-58 Chrysler '61-62 New Yaker {; 300 409 68.50 208 1686272 4.95 232 1940394-523.65 2123809 2404580 wI 0 guards --Plymouth '57-58 -Desoto '60 Newport, Windsor 2404581 wI 209 2197450 2.15 Chrysler '60 {; Desoto Dodge '63-64 e xc 880 ser -Plymouth '56-57 233 1820064 98.00 Chrysler '61-62 410 2461200 48.50 Dodge '57 -Imperial '58-59 Desoto '61 -Plymouth '65-66 Fury ser Dart '63-66 234 1820766 49.50 311 2188432-3 1.55 411 2483262-3 5.95 Imperial '57 -Imperial '58-59 -Imperial '62 -Plymouth '65-66 Fury ser Valiant '63-65 235 1820063 49.50 O1rysler '61-62 412 2445304 8.25 2Hl 1648752-3 1.40 -Imperial '58-59 348 2276464-5 9.70 -Plymouth '65-66 FUI)' ser -Chrysler '56 Windsor G 236 1820742-3 14.80 -Chrysler '63- 64 413 2421483-4 5.95 New Yorker -Imperial '58-59 349 2276409 16.50 -Plymouth '62 237 1686478-9 5.65 -Chrysler '63-64 300 Valiant '6~ 62 -Imperial '57-58 138 BODY GROUP HOOD INDEX PLY\1QUTH CHRYS1£R DART '55 ...................................... *61 ~ ·149---.~~ . ''0 .. * •••••.••••••••••••••• *90 '56 ..................... *62 * '64 *99 '50 'so ..................... * '57-58 ••••••••••••••••••••• 63 '51-52 ·""",," "" """""" """"" * '51-52 .... ••• SO '65 *263 """"""" "" """ " "" " "" *57 '59 ............................ ..............'I/Il2 '53-54 '53 .......................... II *51 '66 - *279 • ." •• "••• ". "." •• "". *58 '60 ..................... *74 '55-56 ................... "'59 '54 ••••••••••••••••••••• *53 '61 .. 84- '55-56 DESOTO '57-58 ................... >-{)C ••••••••••••••••••••• 65 '62 exc 880 ser *92 159 '57 exc 300 64 '49 ••••• • •• • •• •••••••• *71 * 88() SeI' .. 84 300 66 '50 '60 ................... "'73 * '63 exc 880 SeI' *ffl '61 '58 Windsa 63 '51 * 880 ser •••••••••••• 102 • •••••••••••• '" ••• "·82 Sarato~a {; New Yaker • 64 '62 • •• •• • • • • • • •• • •• • • • "'91 '64 exc 880 ser •••••••• *101 '63 300 66 880 scr •••••••••••• 102 "." ". """ " ." "" " •• """ ~S6 '59 Windsa 69 '64 ................... "100 '65 Coronet ser *266 '65 Be-Iv...-dcs-e ser ."""." ~~267 Saratoga {; New Yeekee , 70 '52 •••••••••••••••••••• Polara scr *264 300 66 '53 . * FlU)' ser "" " •• ". "." ;;.r.265 '66 Coronet ser *281 ~·280 '54 . * Polara ser ••••••••••• *283 Bc Iv e de.e s e r ••••••••• ~2S2 '55-56 . *68* Fury -cr ............• '57-58 exc Firesweep . 64 IMPERIAL '60 Windsa 75 Firesweep . 63 '51-52 ••••••••••••••••••• so Saratoga {; New Yorker *77 '59 exc Firesweep•••••••• 70 153 ••••••••••••••••••• *52 300 78 Flresweep . 69 '54 *54 '61 Newpat {;Windsor 80 '60 '55-56 .•••••••••••••••••• 65 ........................................ 75 *67 New Yorker {; 300 ••••• 81 '61 ........................................ 80 '57-59 ••••••••••••••••••• V_A UA NT '62 Newpcrt {; 300 80 '60 76 ~'6CJ- 61 ', ~-.•......••.....•..• New Yorker .. • •• .. •• 81 DODGE 161-63 .•••••••••••••••••• *79 '02 '64-66 . '63- 64 ••••.••.••••••••..••. *96 ~ * *97 '63 ...•....•.......•..•. ~89 '65 ••••.••..••••••...••• *268 '50 * '64 ....•.•....•...•...•• "98 '66 exc below •••• • •• *284 '51-52 *55 LANCER '65 ....•................ *262 300 •••.•••..• •. *285 '53-54 *56 '61-62 *95 '66 ..................... "278 HOOD INTERCHANGE 50 1373384 6 cyl obs 65 1541499 88.00 80 2253241 85.50 97 2425550 118.50 1456772 8 cyl Chrysler '55-56 - Clu-ysler '61 Newport & Windsor - Imperial '64-66 Clu-ysler '51-52 ( 6 s 8 inter­ Imperial '55-56 Clu-ysler '62 Newport {; 300 98 2425362 51.25 change by c hangtng brace) 66 1903611 128.50 Desoto '61 Valiant '64 Imperial '51-52 - Chrysler '57-59 300 81 2253249 92.00 99 2425594 52.75 51 1434635 obs 67 1903627 118.50 - Chrysler '61 New Yorker & 300 Dart '64 - Chrysler '53 - Imperial '57-59 Clu-ysler '62 New Yaker 100 2425692 61.50 52 1456221 obs 68 1541726 78.50 82 1904002 61.50 -Plrmouth '64 - Imperial '53 - Desoto '55-56 - Plymouth '61 101 2425539 62.50 83 2082329 51.25 --Dodge '64 exc 880 se r 53 1541282 obs 69 1903417 80. 75 - Valiant '60-61 102 69.75 - Clu-ysler '54 - Chrysler '59 Windsa 54 1541284 Db, 84 2417182 69.75 - 2425438 '63 Desoto '59 Firesweep - Dodge '61 2425539 '64 - Imperial '54 70 1902819 86.50 Dodge '62 880 ser Dodge '63- 64 880 ser 55 1346546 obs - Chrysler '59 Saratoga {; New - Dodge '51-52 85 Use our #96 Yorker 262 2493580 51.25 56 1456718 obs --Valiant '65 - Dodge '53-54 Desoto '59 exc Firesweep 71 1832399 59.75 263 2493354 52.75 57 1346502 obs - Plymouth '59 --Dart '65 - Plymouth '51-52 72 1832294 69.75 264 2493376 69.75 58 1540029 obs -Dodge '59 - Plymouth '53-54 --Dodge '65 Polara ser 73 1863199 61. 50 265 2493387 62.75 - Plymouth '60 --Plymouth '65 Fury ser 74 1903932 69.75 266 2493657 59.75 - Dodge '60 --nodge '65 Coronet ser 75 1903968 85.50 86 2253460 61.50 267 2493654 59.75 - Chrysler '60 Windsor Plymouth '63 Plymouth '65 Belvedere ser Desoto '60 87 2253446 62.50 268 2493383 85.50 76 1863025 118.50 - Dodge '63 exc 880 ser --Chrysler '65 - Imperial '60 88 U,e Cur #102 59 1682120 43.35 278 2576219 53.

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