T PORTLAND DAILY _ .. _ __ “] ^ VOLUME III. PORTLAND, 'ME., TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 28/ 1804. WHOLE NO 541_ PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, vagaries attached, of delicately woven hair, lint the triumph of straw art is the produc- MISCELLANEOUS.* MISCELLANEOUS. INSURAUCE. a | JOHN T. OILMAN, Editor, tion of sort of straw guipure, very rich and HOTELS._| BUSINESS “It in to a miihII a J3ARDS. very effective, and manufactured in barbe-like IMPORTANT NOTICE. eniiier pay price than l• published at No. 82* EXCHANGE STREET, by Iuuids. Straw flowers are also made with large one.” MAINE INSURANCE CoT I Splendid Pleasure Resort! W. W. N. A. FOSTER <V CO. transparent leaves- terminating in ajgaette CARR & Great Fire in West Meriden Ct. Maine. Having taken the Fruit CO., plums, which compose charming montures, in Angtista, store formerly ooeapM by with blue corn-flotvers bon- FEUCHTWANGER & The Portland Daily Press is published at 97.00 conjunction upon ZUNDER, THE WHITE O S A W Y K R nets VALENTINE & BUTLEK’S Maine Insurance insurf- HOUSE, if in a of for with curtain of Near the Comiiany per year; paid strictly advance, discount of Leghorn instance, Post Office, against (FORMERLY WILPOH HOUSE.) • 1.00 will be made. THEloss or damage Fire, Merchan- I*o. 3 Mexican blue. Alum I'lilvnt Fire Proof Safe by Ifuilding*, J. P. EKhange I mkX B dize and Furniture, on terms as favorable as it can MlLLLlt,.FliOPRJKTOR. Street, Single copies three cent?. of all kinds are LOCK) Flowers reproduced this be done bv solvent Are prepared to offer to the Taa Maine state Passe is published every Thurs- any Company. Policies issued trade a tarn aad waU season with wondertul to nature. Al- TR for One, or Five This Hotel ha* •ciected etocfof day morning,at #2.00 per annum, in advance; 92.26 tldelity EUMPHANT I¥o. 81 .llitlrtle Street, Three, years. popular recently been pur- if within six months; and 92.60,ii payment be most every variety of rose known to the J.L. CUTLER, President. by Mr. Miller (ot the Albion) and has paid the great fire in w08t Meriden, < onn on the a ro=h to’tUoir J. H. heeu delayed beyond the year. florist may be selected from these artificial Slillkoopap WILLIAMS,Secretary. thoroughly refitted, renovated and re- and Domestic Bth fust.. Messrs. Valenti e & Butler’s Alum paired, and numerous Foreign Frmt 1 so AT EDWARD excellent alterations exhibitions perfect i- their structure, so Patent l ire aud Proof Sa<e w as ed SHAW-Apenf, made. It is and j Burpfar subjeo [chased located on the Saccarappa road, Wholesale Retail Rates of minute their to one of the m«»st severe tests on record. 1 lie sale NEW DRY GOODS about tour Advertising: shading. There are also splen- STORE. miles from Portland, affording a beautiful was subjected to a red hot heat lor drive over a Oraugea. Sprue Gan, One inch of space in length of column, constitutes did specimens of laurel, variegated tulips,and i nearly fourteen No. 102 Middle Street. good road, and ju-t about tar enough Utea|M hours, and delivered up its contents in oroer, Ool3eodly for lemon., a “BQUASB,” tlie lieautiful all of are perfect should the of pleasure. Canary Sard, Candles, carnations, which THIRTY DOLLARS Wby people Portland and vicinity It has a liue 91.26 iirst week; 76 cent-* per week saving nearly THOUSAND large Dancing Hall and good Liniro, Lruiou per square daily aud somewhat rare. worth not trade at a place where they can as cheap Bowling Syrup, Hnnry, after ; three insertions or 91.00: eve- choice, of property to the owners The contents of buy Allojs. lu close proximity to the house is a warm lees, continuing a* in New York or and where can Crimes, Cocoa other after drat 50 cents. There are iliree combinations which we Sales, of other makers, and *tai ding with- Boston, they pur* STATEMENT OF THE~ and roomy Stable, stalls. Nuu. Fig.. ry day week, may twqother chase DHY GOODS on the most reasonable terms? containing twenty nice Half in THREE FEET of t..e Alum were entire- There is also a well sheltered Citron, .Vain, all square, three insertions or loss, 76 cents; ono mention as very for the outside trim- Patent, Those who have them abed, bio feet long, for kinds. Dale., good ly DESTROYED. given a trial usually come yf-itua horses. week, 91.00; 60 cents per week after. Insurance bitching Olives, ming of tine straw bonnets. One is the of the back agaiu and remain standing customers, Company, Raisins, Tsbaus, Under head of Ahubkmentr, 82 00 Samples money and papers taken from the thereby The choicest Suppers will be got up for per square per “Watteau” a showing conclusively that u fair and honorable OK sleighing Sardines, week ; three insertions or 91.50. montue, mixture of china-blue Safes destroyed, also those taken from the Alum HAUTbOHD, CONN., and dancing parties who will find it to their Clgnra. iess> treatment is them greatly F Special first wild aud Patent, have been forwarded by mail, and can be by highly appreciated. and to resort to the House. alley C nndles of nil Notice?, *1.76 square week, forget-me-nots, roses, amourette On the 1st of November, A. D. as pleasure advantage White description, per seen at tbo Hardware store of II. Warren day 1863, required No effort will 91,00 per square after; three insertions or loss, 81.26; Another is a cluster of Laneey, the Laws of the be spared for the entertainment ot oot» dtf grass. large purple k on by State of Maine. half a three one Co., Lime Street. IPiests. decl9-dtf square, insertions, 91.00; week, violets, with natural oats, and straw 99.25. aigrette. Valentine k Butler, Alum Patent Fire, and Bur- NEW GOODS ! Advertisements inserted in the 61aike State The third, pink rock coral, mounted on ivy, glar Pro f Sifts have been tested in over TWO The Capital Stock isv...*1.500,000 F. M. Preps has a circulation in ol and divided iuto slender HUNDRED accidental fires within the last thirteen Received from New Y’ork THE AMERICAN (which large every part long branches. daily. and trith the mrplus it itnetted at HOUSE, CARSLEY, the for 60 cents in addition to the years, and in no instance have they ever failed to foiltmt: State) per square A very simple yet stylish head-dress is com- Real ^ above rates, for each insertion. preserve theircoutems lrom the attacks of either estate, unincumbered, .87,063 18 of a notched rosette of narrow Juat In, a lot of Cloths and Reaver* for Cash in on Street Boston. Lxjul Notice? at usual rates. posed large fire or burglar. Partiesin u ed of a reliable Fire and Cloaks, hand, deposit, and in agents’ which are sold the cut ami made into hands, !,j^-lHAnover CABINET MAKER Traunient advertisements must be for in ad- Mexicau bine ribbon, with sea shell and Burglar Proof Security, will do well to give this by yard, up 216 961 66 paid pearl the moat at the Innest United States vance and matter a careful investigation before purchasing. fashionable styles, figures. Stocks, Glsisi* 50 AND aigrette, very long, floating ends, termi- State and Stoeks. and ^Business Notiorr, in columua, 12 conts Me^r.-. Thomson & Co., of New Have.i. Conn., City Town Ronds, 669.450 1"i The Carpet and Best Hotel UPHOLSTERER, reading nating in a frill of rich headed witli Bank and 1 rust Arranged lino for one insertion. No loss than blonde, are the Agents for the sale of these Safes in the New Company Stocks, 1,047 270 00 per charge filly flue IN Ho 51 Union Street, cents for each insertion. pendent jet. England States aud refer by permission to the fol- DRESS ROODS! Mortgage Bonds, 381,9.0 qq NEW ENGLAND. Atlantic Mutual Ins. Co’s to do ail Cjp-All communications intended for the Another lias a scarf of arranged lowing partiesin Portland who have recently pur- scrip, 1862-3, 15,886 50 prepared kind* of CABINET JOB- paper style piuk, in should be directed to the '*Editor the and clmst-d the Alum Patent ot them IBBING a prompt and satisfactory manner. of Press, as a half wreath, with a floating end. Over and Total LEWIS thoee of a business oharaoter to the Publishers. Portland tias Light Co.; C. C. Mitchell & Son: P. Cotton Wool Domestics! Assets, *3,025,879 74 RICE, Proprietor. the forehead it is massed with a cluster of Amount of Liabilities for Book and 3how Case* Printing ol executed k 1 A R. R. Co.; Cleveland k Osgood; Daniel Losses not ocl6ly made to order. 82JT*Job every description due or with lovely roses, a shell crescent, and meadow Winslow & Sou: Rufus E. Wood, Esq : llobbs, rianncls; a Lot of Bed adjusted, 9175.411 84 arniture dispatch. Blankets; Amount at risk, estimated, t^*F Mads, Repaired and Vara la bed at F. Tracy, Traveling Agent. gras-. A rose, with a glittering bug in its Chase E. Clark. M. I> ; .losiah Burleigh, 115.616,479 Of Esq.: W. W. Hilton, Esq.; II. M. Pay son, A. Til OS. A. ALEXANDER, President. heart confines the scarf below the ear. Esq.; Cloths J. SHORT NOTICE. also, F. York. Esq ; aud many others. Satinets, Cassimcrcs, Lucius Hardee, Secretary. Mason & Hamlin’s Ureakfast Portland. May 39.18«4 tf caps are simply charming coiflurtt Certificates giv ing futther particulars in relation Hartford, Hon. 7, 1868.
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