[allí........ ~c,;i vai* o AND OFFICIAL MINUTES OF THE NORTH-WEST INDIA CONFERENCE OF THE □ Methodist Episcopal Church 1932 FORTY-FIRST SESSION HELD AT □ ALIGARH N U q K v January 10-17, 1933 Elli :__ -¡In , hE —L— iH o lH. ir=rrailE==TJil= YALE UNIVERSITY 3 9002 07494 61 YEAR BOOK AND OFFICIAL MINUTES OF THE NORTH-WEST INDIA CONFERENCE OF THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH 1932 FORTY-FIRST SESSION HELD AT ALIGARH JANUARY 10-17, 1933 PRESIDENT BISHOP JOHN W. ROBINSON, D. D.. 12. BOULEVARD ROAD, DELHI SECRETARY H. S. PETERS. B. A.. THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, BAREILLY EDITED AND PUBLISHED BY THE EDITING COMMITTEE. SECRETARY’S CERTIFICATE This is to certify that this volume is a com­ plete and correct record of the proceedings of the Forty-first Session of the North-West India Annual Conference, which was held at Aligarh, January 10-17, 1933, and that it was adopted by the Conference as its official Record, in accord­ ance with para. 81, Sec. 1, Discipline of 1932. TABLE OF CONTENTS Pages. (Arranged according to requirements, Par. 81, Sec. 1 of the Discipline of 1932.) 1. Officers (a.) of the Annual Conference .. 1 (6) of the Lay Conference .. 1 II Boards, Commissions, and Committees— .. 2 III Daily Proceedings .. 5 IV. Disciplinary Questions (а) Of the United Sessions of the Annual 15 and Lay Conferences— .. 16 (б) Of the Annual Conference .. 19 (c) Supplementary— .. 21 V. Appointments— VI. Reports — (а) District Superintendents 1. Aligarh 24 2. Anupshahr .. 27 3. Bulandshahr .. 28 4. Delhi .. 31 5. Ghaziabad .. 36 6. Meerut .. 37 7. Muttra .. 38 8 . Muzaffarnagar .. 41 9. Roorkee— .. 43 10. Rohtak .. 45 (б) Standing Committees and Boards .. 49 (c) Special Committees (d) Conference Statistician (e) Conference Treasurer .. 50 (/) Other Treasurers— (g) Miscellaneous — VII. Memoirs— .. 53 VIII. Roll of the Dead .. 60 (a) Members of Conference .. 62 (b) Widows of Members; Wives of members. IX. Historical (а) Sermons and Historical Addresses— .. (б) Former Members and Probationers (c) Conference Sessions— .. 62 (d) General— .. 63 X. Miscellaneous— 64 (а) Plan of Conference Examinations .. 64 (б) Conference Rules of Order— .. 72 (c) Supplies and Local Preachers .. 73 {d) Lay Conferences— XI. Pastoral Record .. 75 XII. Index—. I. Officers ( a ) Of the Annual Conference President, The Rev. Bishop J. W. Robinson, D.D., Resident Bishop, 12, Boulevard Road, Delhi. Secretary, H. S . P e t e r s , B a r e il l y . Assistant Secretaries, Isa a c M a n n , 4 B a t t e r y L a n e , D e lh *. J. W. A l e x a n d e r , Ro o r k e e . Corresponding Secretary, C. C. H e r r m a n n , A l ig a r h . Statistician, J. W. S in g h , Gh a z ia b a d . Assistant Statisticians, J. D. B. P a u l , Gh a z ia b a d , W illiam Gh a z ia b a d . Mission Treasurer, W illiam D y e , G h a z ia b a d . Registrar, R o b e r e t Ga r d n e r , W illiam D y e , Gh a z ia b a d . Conference Treasurer, A m ar D a s , R o h ta k . Associate Registrar, J. C. P a c e , Gh a z ia b a d . (6) Of the Lay Conference President, Miss M. Moses, A l ig a r h . Secretary, D r . G. P . J o h n, S ik a nd r a R ao (A l ig a r h ) . Assistant Secretary, M r . B . M. Co r n e l iu s , M u t t r a . Treasurer, M r . E. S h ip l e y , A g r a . II. Boards, Commissions and, Committees Boards Ministerial Training:— Chairman, S W. Clemes; R egistrar, ROBERT G a r d n e r ; Associate Registrar, J . C. P a c e , T. C. Badley, J. W- A le­ xander, Ummed Masih, D. S W ashington, Isaac Mann, Amar Dass, J. W. Singh, Rockwell Lance, Robert John, W illiam Dye, H. C. Scholberg, James Devadasan, B. S. Sydney, J. D. B. Paul, H. S. P e t e r s , C. C. H e r r m a n n . Stewards:— The Finance Committee, Amar Dass, Convenor. Education:— Chairman, J . C. P a c e , M i s s e s , W a r n e r , E v e r l e y , R o b e n h o u s e , W e l l s , D . M . M a t t h e w s , J u s t in , H o f f m a n n , Gr e e n e , S c h a e f f e r , L iv e r m o r e , D r . T o w e r a n d H. G. S c h o l b e r g , J.D. B. P a u l , T. C. B a d l e y , C. C. H e r r m a n n , P . D . D a v id , D. M . M a l h o t r a , S; W - Cl e m e s . Ja m e s D e v a d a s a n , A m a r D a s s , H . S . P e t e r s , W illiam D y e , Isa a c M a n n . Religious Education:—SAME AS THE BOARD OF EDUCATION. Joint Evangelistic Board:— Miss L iv e r m o r e ; Chairman, A m ar D a s s , Secretary, M i s s e s P o t t e n g e r , K lingeberger , F o r sy t h e , A . R ic h a r d , A . L a l l , B o b e n h o u s e , C. T. H olm an a n d Ge o r g e Go r d o n , N. D . B a n - n e r j e e , A . C Ch a k r a v a t i, J . W . L a r t iu s , Is a a c M a n n , Ja m e s D e v a ­ d a s a n , and all District Superintendents, Ingraham Institute:— Chairman, W illiam Dye; Secretary, J. C. P a c e ; Amar Dass, James Devadasan, Robert John, T. C. Badley, H. C. S c h o lb e r g . Ingraham Bible Training:—WILLIAM D y e , ROBERT JOHN, AMAR D a s , J. S. P a c e , Ex-oßcio, Miss L iv e r m o r e . Holman Institute:— H .C. Scholberg, T. C. Badley, W illiam Dye. C. C. Herrmann, James Devadasan, M isses C. T. Holman, Porter and F a r m e r . Commissions—Inter-Conference Boards Representatives. Mussoorie Christian School Society:—J. C. PACE, WILLIAM D y e , S. W. C le m e s . Methodist Woodstock Council:—J. C. PACE, C. C. HERRMANN. Landour Language School Committee:—H . C. SCHOLBERG. Bareilly Theological Seminary:—WILLIAM D y e , AMAR DASS, MlSS R a n d a l l . Bareilly Baby Fold:— M r s . W . H . S in c l a ir , MlSS BARRY. Philander Smith College:—T. C BADLEY, S. W . CLEMES. Wellesly School:—T. C. BADLEY. S. W . CLEMES. Lucknow Christian College:—C C. HERRMANN, FANIEL JACOB. Isabella Thoburn College:—C. C. HERRMANN, MRS. T. C. BADLEY. U. P. Christian Council:—WILLIAM D y e , ROBERT JOHN, MlSS WELLS. Punjab Christian Council:—T. C. BADLEY. BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES, BOARDS 3 Executive Board:—JAMES DEVADASAN, WILLIAM D y e . Madar Sanatorium:—C. C. HERRMANN, A m ar DASS. North India Christian Tract and Book Society:— ROBERT JOHN, MlSS C. J u s t in . Leonard Theological College:— WILLIAM D y e . Visitors. Bareilly Theological Seminary:— ISAAC MANN. Brindaban Ashram:—R. LANCE, K h u b CHAND. Committees. Finance Committee:— Chairman, B ish o p J . W . R o b in s o n ; Secretary, C. C. H e r r m a n n ; Treasurer, W illiam D y e . Ex-officio:— H . C. S c h o l b er g , S . W. Cl e m e s , Ro b e r t J o h n , R o be r t G a r d n e r , A m a r D a s s , T . C. B a d l e y . Elected:—J a m e s D e v a d a s a n , R ockw ell L a n c e . Alternates:—J . W . A l e x a d e r , I saac M a n n . Auditing Committee:— Chairman, W illiam D y e , C. C. H e r r m a n n , A m ar D a s s , S . W . Cl e m e s , T. C. B a d l e y , R o b e r t J o h n . Triers of Appeals:— C. C. HERRMANN, ROBERT GARDNER, JAMES DeVA- dasan, Robert John, S. W. Clemes. Alternates:—A m ar D a s s , W illiam D y e . Conference Relations:— Chairman, H . C. SCHOLBERG, JAMES D e v a - dasan, Robert Gardner, Ummed Masih, J. W. Alexander, R ockwell Lance, Isaac Mann, Robert John, C. C. Herrmann, T. C. Badley, Am ap D a s s .
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