Argyll and Bute Council Planning and Regulatory Services Delegated or Committee Planning Application Report and Report of handling as required by Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Scotland) Regulations 2008 relative to applications for Planning Permission or Planning Permission in Principle ____________________________________________________________________________ Reference No : 14/01844/PP Planning Hierarchy : Local Development Applicant : Mr Brian Neish Proposal : Erection of wind turbine (61 metres to blade tip) with associated access track and hardstanding area Site Address : Land North East of Barbreck Farm, Kilchrenan, Taynuilt ____________________________________________________________________________ DECISION ROUTE Local Government Scotland Act 1973 ____________________________________________________________________________ (A) THE APPLICATION (i) Development Requiring Express Planning Permission • Erection of 61m (blade tip) wind turbine (35m to hub); • Formation of access track (from existing track); • Formation of crane hardstanding; • Installation of external electrical housing unit (5.3m x 3.3m x 2.5m). (ii) Other specified operations • Temporary construction compound; • Laying of cabling; • Connection to national grid (subject of separate consent); • Upgrade of existing access track. ____________________________________________________________________________ (B) RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the application is refused for the reasons detailed below. ____________________________________________________________________________ (C) HISTORY: 11/02060/PREAPP – Erection of 1 x 500kw wind turbine – Negative advice issued 29/02/12. ____________________________________________________________________________ (D) CONSULTATIONS: Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) letter dated 18/09/2014 SNH advises that the proposed turbine will have landscape and visual impacts, which are not in keeping with the advice in the ‘Argyll and Bute Wind Energy Capacity Study’ (March 2012). A turbine of this height in this location will intrude on key views to and from Ben Cruachan. From Ben Cruachan and the eastern side of Loch Awe there will be cumulative impacts with existing wind farms. Views of the turbine, from local roads, will be large and imposing. National Air Traffic Services (NATS) email dated 19/08/2014 No objection. West of Scotland Archaeology Service (WoSAS) email dated 30/10/2014 WoSAS are highly critical of the submission in terms of the assessment of impacts on the historic environment. They do not consider that the applicant has provided enough information to support the claims in their supporting statement text that the turbine will not have an adverse impact on important archaeological features. Furthermore, in the absence of specific wirelines to support photomontages and supporting material to assess the impact from archaeological features, it is difficult to determine magnitude of the impact with any certainty. However, despite the lack of appropriate information, it is considered that given the presence of wind farms already in the area the anticipated impact is not enough to warrant a refusal of the application on historic environment grounds alone. Having said that it is likely that the proposal will have some impact on the setting of historic sites and therefore this should be accorded some weight when considering the total effect of the proposal upon its surroundings. Should the proposal be granted then a watching brief condition should be attached to the permission. Area Roads Manager report dated 25/08/2014 The Area Roads Manager has recommended that the decision be deferred to await the submission of a traffic management plan (TMP). This should show the tonnage of imported materials, delivery schedule, swept path analysis and details of all abnormal loads including plant, cranes etc. Notwithstanding this submission the Area Roads Manager has detailed a number of conditions that should be attached in the event of permission being granted, including an upgrade of the existing access to the C31 public road and the provision of visibility splays measuring 42m x 2m. Comment: Members will be aware that it is not the practice of the committee to consent wind turbine proposals in the absence of certainty that delivery of components is achievable in terms of the necessary geometry and suitability of structures to accommodate abnormal loads, and that any third part land required for improvements has been identified and is available. Public Protection Unit memo dated 10/09/2014 Environmental Health has not raised any concerns in relation noise or shadow flicker due to the separation distances to nearest sensitive receptors. Avich and Kilchrenen Community Council submission dated September 2014 The local community council has formally objected to the proposal. There are concerns over the impacts on residents given that all construction traffic will have to pass through the village. Other concerns relate to the visual impact, impact on landscape character, effects on people including residents including noise, effects on birds and protected species and cumulative impact with other wind turbine developments. ____________________________________________________________________________ (E) PUBLICITY: The proposal has been advertised in terms of regulation 20, closing date 18/09/2014. ____________________________________________________________________________ (F) REPRESENTATIONS: 27 individuals have objected to the development and support has been expressed by two people. Objectors Mr C Van Rein, Ardgowan, Kilchrenan, PA35 1HF (19/09/2014) Mrs W Rein-Schaafsma, Ardgowan, Kilchrenan, PA35 1HF (19/09/2014) Mrs Marilyn Henderson, Tigh An Drochaid, Kilchrenan, Taynuilt, PA35 1HD (19/09/2014) Ms Jennifer Sheldon, The Old Vicarage, Newton, Shrewsbury, SY4 5NU (17/09/2014) Ms Peta Burton Smith, Barbreck House, Kilchrenan, PA35 1HF (24/09/2014) Ms Angela Rose, Drimbuie, Kilchrenan, Taynuilt, PA35 1HF (15/09/2014) Mr Robin McFee, 1 Willowbank, Kilchrenan, PA35 1HD (23/09/2014) Ms June Raven, Achnacraobh, Kilchrenan, Taynuilt, PA35 1HD (24/09/2014) Mr Bob Stevens, Achnacraobh, Kilchrenan, Taynuilt, PA35 1HD (24/09/2014) Mr Alan Mitchell, 8 Dalavich, Taynuilt, Argyll, PA35 1HN (22/09/2014) Mr Andrew Rose, Drimbuie, Kilchrenan, Taynuilt, PA35 1HF (15/09/2014) Ms Karine Georgian, Tigh Na Linne, Kilchrenan, Taynuilt, PA35 1HG (14/09/2014) Mr Anthony Philips, Tigh Na Linne, Kilchrenan, Taynuilt, PA35 1HG (14/09/2014) Mrs E Palmer, Achnacarron, Kilchrenan, Argyll, PA35 1HE (15/10/2014) Mrs Lorraine McFee, Brae House, Kilchrenan, PA35 1HD (23/09/2014) Ms Rhona Knox, Cuil Na Sithe, Kilchrenan, PA35 1HF (24/10/2014) Mr Peter Gray, Cuil Na Sithe, Kilchrenan, Argyll, PA35 1HF (26/10/2014) Mr John Middleton, 12 Griffith Drive, Whitburn, West Lothian, EH47 0BL (10/10/2014) Dr Christopher Fleming, 27 Blacket Place, Edinburgh, EH9 1RJ (18/09/2014) Mr Steven Madden, Southbank, Bedford, Northumberland, NE70 7NQ (24/09/2014) x 2 Mr David Rose, 12 Orchardlea, Swanmore, Southampton, SO32 2QZ (17/09/2014) Mr David Condie, Woodcroft, Kilchrenan, Argyll, PA35 1HG (22/09/2014) Mr Finlay McFee, Brae House, Kilchrenan, PA35 1HD (23/09/2014) Mr GM Lindsay, 2 Whinfield Gardens, Kinross, KY13 8BF (11/10/2014) Mr Graham Henderson, Tigh An Drochaid, Kilchrenan, Taynuilt, PA35 1HD (23/09/2014, 06/10/2014) x 2 Ms Penelope Fleming, 27 Blacket Place, Edinburgh, EH9 1RJ (18/09/2014) Ms Sue Farrington, 3 Cedar Close, Wokingham, Berks, RG40 1EA (17/09/2014) (i) Summary of issues raised • Adverse landscape and visual impacts including effects on the APQ and listed buildings. The Council’s LWECS describes this area as Rocky Mosaic and in an APQ which is unsuitable for turbines over 50m. Comment: Issues of landscape and visual impacts are assessed in detailed in Appendix A below. • Adverse impact on tourism Comment: There is no readily quantifiable link between the development of wind turbines and adverse impacts on tourism. Attitude surveys to date tend to indicate that few repeat visits are deterred by turbine development which has taken place thus far. Those attitudes might not necessarily remain the same of course if turbines were to be developed in greater numbers or in less suitable locations. It is reasonable to assume that development with identified unacceptable landscape and visual effects would not be in the interests of an area where tourism tends to be founded upon the scenic and natural qualities of the countryside. • Adverse economic impact of wind turbines in terms of subsidies, environmental impact of construction and installation, maintenance and inefficiencies of the machines. Comment: Wind turbines form one element of the Scottish Government’s drive for a mix of energy sources and its obligation to contribute to legally binding renewable energy targets. They are therefore a legitimate form of development provided they are located to avoid unacceptable impacts upon the local environment. Objections directed to the principle of wind energy generation per se are not therefore admissible in terms of assessing the relative merits of the proposal at hand. • Adverse impacts on birds and other wildlife especially raptors. There are white-tailed and golden eagles along with skylarks flying over the site. Comment: SNH has reviewed the supporting documentation and not made adverse comment in relation to ornithological effects. • Adverse impact on human health including noise. The applicants’ submission details
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