Socio Economic Impact of Hemja Irrigation Project (A Case study of Hemja VDC of Kaski District ) A Dissertation Submitted to The Department of Sociology and Anthropology Patan Multiple Campus, Tribhuvan University In the Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for Master of Arts In Sociology By Dilli Ram Banstola 2068 LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION This dissertation entitled Socio -Economic Impact of Hemja Irrigation Project (A Case study of Hemja VDC of Kaski District ) has been prepared by Mr. Dilli Ram Banstola under my supervision and guidance. He has conducted research in March 2011. Therefore, I recommend this dissertation to the evaluation committee for its final approval. ................................................. Lok Raj Pandey Lecturer Department of Sociology & Anthropology Patan Multiple Campus Date:2068-5-13 DEPARTMENT OF SOCIOLOGY/ANTHROPOLOGY PATAN MULTIPLE CAMPUS TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY LETTER OF APPROVAL The Evaluation Committee has approved this dissertation entitled Socio -economic Impact of Hemja Irrigation Project :A Case study of Hemja VDC of Kaski District submitted by Mr. Dilli Ram Banstola for the Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Master of Arts Degree in Sociology. Evaluation Committee Lok Raj Pandey ............................................ Supervisor Dr. Gyanu Chhetri .......................................... External Dr. Gyanu Chhetri .......................................... Head of the Department Date:2068-5-20 ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First of all, I would like to express my sincere thanks and gratitude to the Department of Sociology/Anthropology, Patan Multiple Campus and it's head Dr. Gyanu Chhetri, for allowing me to submit this dissertation for creating the favorable condition. I am deeply indebted to my respected teacher and supervisor Mr. Lok Raj Pandey Lecturer department of sociology and anthropology Patan Multiple Campus, Tribhuvan University, Nepal for his insightful suggestion for the preparation and improvement of this dissertation. My sincere thanks to Mr. Dharma Raj Banstola, Ex-chairperson , Water Users Association of Hemja Irrigation Project, who assisted me providing necessary information during the field visit of this study. Similarly I would like to extent my heartfelt thanks to my lovely brother Mr. Thakur and my lovely wife Ms. Lila Banstola for their sincere help and inspiration. It will be equally unfair if I forgot the effort of my friend Mr. Suresh Khanal, my son Ashish and daughter Astha to materialize this report in this present form. I would like to thank the people of Hemja VDC, who helped me during field survey and also my heartfelt thanks to all the respondents of Hemja VDC on whom I depended to complete this research work. Unfortunately, the space does not allow me to mention the names for everyone here. Last but not least, my special thanks goes to all of my friends for their valuable suggestions and kind cooperation in the various stages during this study. September, 2011 Dilli Ram Banstola Hemja-8,Kaski iii Table of Contents Contents page no Letter of Recommendation i Letter of approval ii Acknowledgement iii List of tables vii List of figures and map viii Abbreviations ix Chapter I: Introduction 1-8 1.1 Background of the study 1 1.2 Statement of the problem 3 1.3 Objectives of the study 7 1.4 Significance of the study 7 1.5 Organization of the thesis 8 Chapter II: Review of the Literature 9-14 2.1 Brief history of irrigation 9 2.2 International context 10 2.3 Nepali context: Irrigation development in Nepal 11 2.4 Impact of Irrigation Project and system 12 Chapter III: Research Methods 15-19 3.1 Research design 15 3.2 Rational of selection of the study area 15 3.3 Nature and source of data 16 3.4 The universe and sample 16 3.5 Data collection techniques 17 3.5.1 Interview 17 3.5.2 Observation 17 3.5.3 Key informants interview 18 3.6 Data processing and analysis 18 3.7 Ethical consideration 19 3.8 Limitation of the study 19 Chapter IV: Study area and the people 20-36 4.1 Geographical setting of Hemja VDC 20 4.2 Natural Resource 21 iv 4.2.a Soil Type 22 4.2.b Water Resource 22 42.c Agricultural and vegetation 23 4.3 Population size and distribution 23 4.4 Caste/ Ethnic group 25 4.5 Literacy & education 27 4.6 Population compostition 28 4.7. Occupational status of people 31 4.8 Respondents birthplace and cause of immigration 32 4.9 Sized of land holding and level of income 4.10 Health/Security 35 4.11 Communication 36 4.12 Government and Nongovernmental office 36 Chapter V: Introduction of Hemja Irrigation Project (HIP) 37-39 5.1 Introduction 37 5.2 Distribution and description of canal system 38 5.3 Water Users Association 39 Chapter VI: Socio-economic impact of HIP 40-75 6.1. Social impact 40 6.1.1 Impact on women 40 6.1.2 Impact on social status of the people 42 6.1.3 Impact on work load 44 6.1.4 Social Interaction 44 6.1.5 Social situation 45 6.1.6. Health & sanitation 46 Toilet facility 46 Treatment pattern 48 6.2 Economic impact 6.2.1 Irrigation facilities and its area before HIP 50 6.2.2 Irrigation facilities after the construction HIP 54 6.2.3 Changing trends of irrigation before & after HIP 57 6.2.3 Cropping pattern 58 6.2.4. Cropping pattern before HIP 58 6.2.5 Cropping pattern at present 60 6.2.6 Labour system in agriculture sectors 62 6.2.7 Agriculture production and its areas before HIP 64 6.2.8 Agriculture production and its areas after HIP 66 v 6.2.9 Changing trend of Agri production before & after HIP 67 6.2.10 Impact on agri production before & after HIP 69 6.2.11 Impact on food sufficiency 71 6.2.12 Impact on land value 73 6.3 Problems of agricultural system 74 ChapterVII: Summary, conclusions and recommendations 76-80 7.1 Summary 76 7.2 Conclusions 78 7.3 Recommendations 79 Reference 80-83 Appendices 84-89 Photographs 90-95 Maps 96-98 vi List of Tables Table no. Subject Page no. 1 Irrigation Development in Nepal 5 2 Beneficiary house holds and sample size by wards 17 3 Ward population distribution by sex 23 4 Ethnic/caste group affiliation in percent 25 5 Literary rate by sex 27 6 Respondents classified according to age group and by sex 28 7 Distribution of economic depend and independ popn. age & sex 29 8 Dependency classified according to the level of education 30 9 Occupational status of respondent 31 10 Birthplace of household head 32 11 Distribution of household according to the size of land holding 33 12 Distribution of household according to level of income 34 13 Distribution and description of canal system 38 14 Toilet facility before & after project 47 15 Distribution of respondents by treatment pattern 48 16 Distribution of respondence by use of irrigation before HIP 50 17 Area of cultivated land & irrigation before HIP 51 18 Area of cultivated land & irrigation after HIP 54 19 Irrigated area before and after HIP 56 20 Percent of crop production & its ranking 58 21 Present cropping pattern by season 60 22 Agri labor system practiced by sample households 62 23 Agri. Production and its area before HIP 64 24 Agri. Production yield and its area in 2010 65 25 Trends agri production yield before and after HIP 67 26 Total agri. Production in 1986 & 2010 69 27 Distribution of the respondents impact on food sufficiency between 1986-2010 71 28 Land value of study area before & after HIP 73 vii List of Figures 1. Area of Cultivated land Before HIP- 52 2. Cultivated area and irrigation after HIP- 55 3. Crops production yield between and after the HIP 68 List of Map 1 Map of Hemja Irrigation Project Area 96 2 Map of Hemja VDC 97 3 Map of Kaski District 98 viii ABBREVIATION ADB : Asian Development Bank BC : Before Christ CBS :Central Bureau of Statics CDC :Curriculum Development Centre DOI :Depart of Irrigation DIO :District Irrigation Office GDP :Gross Domestic Product GON : Government of Nepal INGO :International Governmental Organization HIP :Hemja Irrigation Project MOF :Ministry of Finance NCA :Net Command Area NPC : National Planning Commission NRB :Nepal Rastra Bank SLC :School Leaving Certificate TU :Tribhuvan University VDC :Village Development Committee WUA :Water Users Association WB :World Bank ix CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the study Nepal, a newest republic of the world is a landlocked country which is globally second for its water resources. It is situated between two Asian giants China and India. Its area is 1,47,181 sq.km and estimated population of 2010 is 2,8043,744 (CBS,2010). Topographically, Nepal consists mainly three ecological regions i.e. Mountain, Hill and Terai (plain) regions. According to the Oxford English Dictionary 1985, Irrigation means the action of channels or streams, the distribution of the water over the surface of the ground through the artificial channels, in order to promote the growth and productiveness of plants and irrigate desert areas to make them fertile. Singh, defines irrigation as the natural or artificial application of water to soil for purpose of supplying moisture essential or beneficial to plant growth (Singh, 1975, cited by Dahal 1991). Similarly, according to Garg, irrigation as the science of artificial application of water to land in accordance with the crop requirements of the crops (Garg,1981, cited by Pangeni 1982). According to this definition, the nourishment throughout the crop period for full-fledged nourishment of the plants in a cultivated land can be successfully done when irrigation facility is made available to the plants of cultivated land.
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