CHURCH TODAY Volume XLV, No. 6 www.diocesealex.org Serving the Diocese of Alexandria, Louisiana Since 1970 June 23, 2014 O N T H E July 4, 2014: INSIDE Does Religious Bishop Herzog returns to work part time Freedom exist After almost four months of intense therapy, Bishop Ronald Herzog is back at work now and is today? resuming the duties as bishop of the Diocese of Alexandria. Read more about it on page 9. Sacred Heart School begins construction on new Media Center, Jr. Hi The architectural firm of James Guillory Architects has de- signed an inspiring space for the new $600,000 Media Center/ Ju- nior High building at Sacred Heart School -- within a challenging site. Find out more about the project and view the architect plans on pages 16-17. Congratulations seniors! In 2012, Pope Benedict Congratulations to all the voiced his concern for seniors who graduated from the limits on religious our Catholic high schools, as freedom in the U.S. well as the Catholic seniors who What can we as Catho- celebrated graduation in their lics do about making parish with a special Senior Mass. sure we don’t lose View all the graduating seniors on these freedoms? Read pages 12-13. the story on pg. 3 and an editorial on pg. 4. PAGE 2 CHURCH TODAY JUNE 23, 2014 Jindal vetoes bill that would have legalized surrogacy in Louisiana In a last minute surprise de- of the author, this legislation still The Most Rev. Michael Jar- cision, Gov. Bobby Jindal vetoed raises concerns for many in the rell, bishop of the Diocese of HB 187 May 30 which would pro-life community.” He said he Lafayette, sent a letter to all the have made surragacy legal in couldn’t “in good conscience, bishops and clergy in the state, Louisiana. sign this bill.” alerting them to the bill as it was HB187 breezed through the Jindal received heavy oppo- first being introduced. Legislature, clearing the House sition from the LACCB (Loui- In another surprise decision, on an 80-14 vote and the Senate siana Conference of Catholic the legislators decided not to on a 22-11 vote. The House voted Bishops) and from Tony Perkins, override the veto, although they 73-7 in favor of concurring with chairman of the Family Research had to votes to do it. the Senate’s changes to the bill, Council, based in Washington, State Rep. Joe Lopinto (pri- Prayer for Hurricane Season sending the legislation to the gov- D.C. mary author of the bill) said that By Father Al Volpe, Cameron Parish, LA ernor’s desk. Perkins — describing him- he had the necessary votes in the Everyone expected the Gov. self as the leader of an organi- Louisiana House chamber but O God, Master of this passing world, to sign the bill into law, since zation promoting public policy didn’t want to pit his colleagues hear the humble voices of your children. he had publicly stated that “this from a Christian worldview — against the governor. Across the The Sea of Galilee obeyed your order time” he would not veto a surro- wrote that the bill raises ethi- hall in the state Senate, state Sen. gacy bill. A similar bill on legal- cal and social concerns. He said Gary Smith said he also did not and returned to its former quietude; izing surrogacy in Louisiana was some of the embryos created want to put legislators in the awk- you are still the Master of land and sea. introduced in the Legislature two through the surrogacy process ward position of defying Jindal. years ago, but Gov. Jindal vetoed could be discarded as medi- The Legislature has never We live in the shadow of a danger it then. cal waste. A government report overridden one of Jindal’s vetoes. The governor, in his veto found that 1.7 million embryos Any attempt to reverse his veto of over which we have no control. message, wrote that “despite the had been destroyed over 21-year HB187 would likely have stalled The Gulf, like a provoked and angry giant, good intentions and hard efforts period in Britain. in the Senate. can awake from its seeming lethargy, overstep its conventional boundaries, invade our land and Vitter encourages Louisianians to spread chaos and disaster. prepare now for hurricane season During this hurricane season, we turn to You, O loving Father. June 1 marked the start of inviting friends and family from ter recommends that you take Spare us from past tragedies hurricane season, and we are all the southern part of the state into steps such as: creating a plan for acutely aware of how dangerous your homes, since vacant hotel your family, locating a safe room whose memories are still so vivid and damaging these storms can rooms are scarce during evacua- or the safest areas in your home and whose wounds seem to refuse to heal be. tions. Such generosity and a little for each hurricane hazard, mak- with the passing of time. “It’s very important that southern hospitality is crucial to ing a plan for your pets, and tak- we’re all informed and prepared, those who must evacuate on short ing first aid, CPR or disaster pre- and that you and your family have notice. paredness classes. O Virgin, Star of the Sea, Our Beloved Mother, a game plan. It’s impossible to Even homes in northern parts “Hurricanes are part of life we ask you to plead with your Son in our behalf, predict when disaster will strike, of Louisiana can be vulnerable to every year in Louisiana, but ad- so that spared from the calamities common to this area so making preparations early is damage. Tornadoes, widespread vance preparations can help re- and animated with a true spirit of gratitude, the best way to keep your family rains and flooding can occur any- duce their impact on your fam- safe,” said Sen. David Vitter. where. So if you live away from ily,” said Vitter. “I urge you to we will walk in the footsteps of your Divine Son For those living in coastal the coast, you should still be take hurricane watches and warn- to reach the heavenly Jerusalem and other vulnerable areas, the mindful of these threats and can ings seriously and please plan where a storm-less eternity awaits us. Amen. first step you should take is an benefit from taking the necessary ahead for your family’s safety, evacuation plan. It’s a good idea precautions to protect your home. and encourage your neighbors to Originally dedicated to the victims of Hurricane Audrey in 1957. to have an out-of-state friend or The National Hurricane Cen- do the same.” family member serve as a contact for your entire family. In the event that you and your family become separated, you’ll have a common point of reference and a means to communicate with each other. Since cell phone com- munication can be spotty during a storm, this contact is essential to giving you the peace of mind that everyone is safe. If you do not live in the coastal regions, you may have family or friends there. Consider JUNE 23, 2014 CHURCH TODAY PAGE 3 Ursuline nun wins singing competition on The Voice-Italy But more surprising was that she lead the audience in the ‘Our Father’ after winning! ROME — Ursuline Sister popular vote, crushing her clos- formed for their first blind audi- Cristina Scuccia’s landslide vic- est competitor — a very talented tion. tory on The Voice of Italy June 6 hard rock singer, who did a pretty That first video of Sister wasn’t as big a surprise as much decent “Stairway to Heaven.” Cristina doing Alicia Keys’ “No as what she did with her winner’s Here are the four songs she one,” garnered worldwide atten- platform. sang on the last night of the com- tion, including from Keys, who The 25-year-old member of petition: praised the sister’s performance. the Ursuline Sisters of the Holy The first, “Beautiful That J-Ax said that video, which Family thanked everyone on the Way,” is from the movie “Life is has more than 51 million views, talent show for their help and sup- Beautiful.” J-Ax chose the tune, should be proof of the sister’s port, but left her highest praise for she said, because “I came in talent because “to paraphrase God. smiling and he wants me to end Elvis, 50 million people can’t be “My final and most important (the TV series) smiling.” wrong!” thanks go to the one who is up She did a duet with her And what does the Vatican there,” she said to applause. coach called “Gli Anni — The have to say? She said her presence on The Years” as a retrospective tribute On the night of the compe- Voice wasn’t to walk away a win- to the past season together: tition, the head of the Pontifi- ner or a music star, but to show The third part was to sing cal Council for Culture tweeted people a different kind of victory: SISTER CRISTINA SCUCCIA wins ‘The Voice of Italy’ June 6. a never-before-performed song. a quote from an ancient Roman “My dream is to recite the J-Ax gave Sister Cristina a rous- statesman, who was a Christian Our Father together, maybe we mood. ro Pelu, “will burst into flames.” ing Italian tune called “Lungo la writer and great supporter of mo- can all hold each other’s hands Half-joking, the MC said, “Oh, come on!” she replied.
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