I_1 DISSERTATION ON A STUDY OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS IN PULP AND PAPER INDUSTRY Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of MASTER OF TECHNOLOGY IN PULP AND PAPER m DEEPAK BHARDWAJ , ._ }36 3 s .*L; DEPARTMENT OF PAPER TECHNOLOGY INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, ROORKEE SAHARANPUR CAMPUS, SAHARANPUR - 247001 JUNE - 2007 - ACKNOWELEDGEMENT I take this opportunity to express my deep sense of gratitude,. obligation and indebtedness to my esteemed advisor Dr. C.H Tyagi Associate Professor, Dr. Dharmdutt Associate Professor in Department of Paper Technology (DPT) Saharanpur Campus of IIT. Roorkee for thier creative guidance, keen interest, valuable suggestions, constructive criticism and constant encouragement during the preparation of this manuscript. I am thankful to all the staff of DPT Saharanpur Campus of IIT Roorkee and also thankful. to all the staff of Machine House 1 department of , BILT Yamuna Nagar unit for their kind cooperation. Lastly, I am thankful to my family members and friends for constant -encouragement, which has , led this piece of work to its successful completion. (DEEPAK BHARDWAJ) Date: l 1 1 61 0 7 M.Tech. (Pulp and Paper) Place: EnI. No. 045305 Candidate's Declaration I hereby certify that work which is being presented in this report entitled " A study of the environmental problems in pulp and paper industry" in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master Of Technology and submitted in the Department of Paper Technology of IIT Roorkee, is an authentic record of my own work carried out under the supervision Dr. C. H. Tyagi, Associate Professor and Dr. Dhram Dutt , Associate Proffesor in the Department of Paper Technology. Date- 1 R I o7 Place- Sharanpur (Deepak Bhardwaj) This is to certify that the above statement made by the candidate is correct to the best of my knowledge. (Dr.C.H.Tyagi) (Dr.Dharm Dutt) Proffesor Associate Proffesor Deptt. Of Paper Tech. I.I.T.R, SAHARANPUR CAMPUS SAHARANPUR-247001 Index Contents Page no Chapter 1 Introduction 1 Chapter 2 Pulp and paper industry and environmental impact 4 1.0 Environmental issues 4 2.0 Deforestation and ecological imbalance 5 3.0 Deforestation, logging activities and environment 5 4.0 Pollution aspectsp 7 4.1 Air pollutants 7 4.2 Land and water pollution 8 Chapter 3 Pollutants from pulp and paper mills in world, monitoring and measurement techniques of pollutants 10 Pollution control 19 Sampling of effluent 21 CREP for pulp and paper industry 24 National environmental standard in pulp and paper industry 25 Chapter 4 Magnitude of pollution from pulp and paper 27 1.0 Manufacture of paper 27 2.0 Sources of pollutants 28 2.1.1 Volume and pollution characteristics 29 2.2.2 Toxic component in pulp and paper mill waste waterao 29 Chapter 5 nvironmental pollution from pulp, paper and straw board ~nc~Sty i sin India 40 1.0 Environmental pollution problems 40 2.0 Large pulp and paper factory, 200 MT/day capacity 41 3.0 The Rayon grade pulp factory 46 4.0 Medium size factory 50 T/day capacity 49 Environmental impact of pulp and paper factories 52 Pollution control practices 53 Development and research needs 54 Chapter 6 Performance of waste treatment plant at Orient paper mill, Amalai (A Cau- 57 1.0 Introduction 57 2.0 Development of treatment facilities 59 3.0 Pilot plant studies and their significance 60 4.0 Intersize lagoon (ISL) studies and their significance 60 5.0 Aerated lagoon pilot plant studies and their significance 61 6.0 Research project on Grade II effluent 61 7.0 Grade III effluent 64 8.0 Performance of treatment units 66 9.0 Cost 70 Chapter 7 The application of Rapson — Reeve closed cycle concept at Great Lake Forest Products, Thunder Bay, Ontario 71 1.0 Description of the concept 71 2.0 Mill design 71 3.0 Pulping and bleaching operation 73 4.0 Mill effluent characteristics 75 5.0 Cost of the closed cycle system 76 Chapter 8 Environmental magnitude in India 1.0 Historical prospective 2.0 Environmental legislsative network 3.0 Environmental legislation in India 4.0 Environmental legislation for industry and business 5.0 Environmental appraisal procedural frame work for establishing and operating an industrial unit 95 6.0 Environmental Management System 96 7.0 List of projects requiring environmental clearance from the Central Government 8.0 Industry specific standards environment (protection) rules, 1986 Chapter 9 Environmental management at Ballarpur Industries Ltd, Unit- Shree Gopal 101 Introduction 101 Environmental measures at plant 103 Waste water management 106 Lime mud management 111 Air pollution control measures 113 Conclusion 115 Chapter 10 Towards zero-effluent pulp and paper production 116 Executive summary 116 Introduction 118 Pulp production processes 121 Water use 129 Bleaching agents and processes for chemical pulps 131 Pollution control measures 142 Effects of process modifications on organochlorine production 149 Chlorine and chlorine dioxide linkage 154 Biological impacts of mill discharges — recent research 156 Endocrine disruption and pulp and paper mills 160 Totally effluent free processes — closing the bleach circuits 162 G kc~ p 1 s a.A,ot. ~~cLy►.,z►, o~ie~•~ 1 S 171 CT~~erG~x 1~t CHAPTER-1 INTRODUCTION Pollution control is vital for a nation as the quality of life is linked with the quality of environment. In country like ours with a developing economy, can the objectives be achieved by only passing legislations and fixing broad and general standards. The problem is acute and complex for a vast country like India, each mill having its own problems and limitations. It has been emphasized that the mode of treatment and disposal of an effluent from an ' individual unit should specially be chosen taking in to consideration all factors like location, process, economical conditions, land availability, the condition of receiving water source and other possible modes like for those needed for agricultural use etc., rather than the insistence on a particular quality of an effluent. Pollution control regulations are a right step in the direction to regulate industry to meet their obligations towards society. A clean and healthy environment is vital for the survival and welfare of the human being. In view of the implementation being capital intensive, it is however ensured that the growth of the industry is not hampered and iS +got' economy affected adversely. The laying down of regulations and formulation of the standards is essential but their true implementation has to be practical and in a phased way taking into consideration the relevant factors involved. It is due to this that several countries are either not keen or very slow in following religiously anti pollution regulations. In spite of many countries having anti pollution legislation in some form or the other, only few made progress in translating their legislation effectively. Industrial projects have profound influence on society and environment, resulting in benefits, risks and hazards. They bring in their wake the concomitant ills of environmental pollution, depletion of resources, over crowding, effects on human health, desecration of forests and aesthetic nuisance. Adverse impact on environment results because of indiscriminate and unregulated exploitation of both renewable and nonrenewable resources in the environment, and the use and abuse of environment as a sink for dumping the waste products of developmental activities. India is on the threshold of development. During this critical period, an environmentally compatible development need be evolved. An analysis and assessment of the environmental impacts arising out of a development project provide the necessary guide lines for siting, systems modification if any, during construction and operational phase, choosing the degree and type of control for pollutant emissions and environmental management. Paper industry in India is one of the oldest core sector industries serving the nation by producing different quality of papers and meeting the demands from all corners of the society. The socio economic importance of paper in the national development is very high as it is directly related to industrial and economic growth of the. country. Presently, the total installed capacity of paper manufacturing in the country is about 6.40 million tones per annum while the capacity utilization is 70% on an average producing about 4.25 million tones of paper per annum. The major raw material used in paper making are wood (bamboo, eucalyptus), agro based raw material (bagasse, white straw, rice straw ) and waste paper. The wood based pulp and paper mills shares 37% of the total capacity while agro-based category contributes 33% and rest are waste paper based. Industrial development and environment are linked to each other. It is apprehended that the environment is adversely affected the growth of industry. This relation in today's context seems to be justified while visualizing the effect of waste discharges in the surroundings and its effect on ecology. Development is a need of the society but at the cost of environment may not be acceptable. There has to a sustainable development where environmental aspects have also to be considered with growth of the industries. Paper industry fortunately is based on renewable sources of raw materials and creates a product which is biodegradable. The paper manufacturing cycle is sustainable. Although, the cycle for wood based raw materials (bamboo, eucalyptus) is lengthy but the cycle for agro-based raw materials is renewable every year and is generated in abundance from the agricultural fields. The wastepaper is also recyclable for making paper again. The pollution problem from pulp and paper industry need to be addressed carefully. The pollution problem in wood based pulp and paper industries agro-based pulp and paper industries are different in nature.
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