Waltham Forest ChoiceHomes Lettings Area Bidding closes 27 September 2020 VALLEY YORK HOUSE, CHASE GARDENS, HIGHAM HILL OATLAND RISE, WALTHAMSTOW, E17 Ref:213066 CHINGFORD, E4 8LD Ref:213065 6DG Landlord: Waltham Forest Landlord: Waltham Forest Type: Bedsit / studio Bedrooms:0 Type: Flat Bedrooms:0 Bedsizes: Bedsit/studio Level: 1st floor Bedsizes: Bedsit/studio Level: Ground floor Other: Suitable for a couple or single applicant. Central Other: Suitable for a couple or single applicant. Central heating. heating. RENT (including charges of £5.86) £75.21pw RENT (including charges of £6.63) £78.08pw CANN HALL FRED WIGG TOWER, MONTAGUE ROAD, WILLIAM ST ANDREWS COURT, HIGHAM HILL Ref:213064 LEYTONSTONE, E11 3EP Ref:213072 MORRIS ROAD, WALTHAMSTOW, E17 6AX Landlord: Waltham Forest Landlord: Waltham Forest Type: Bedsit / studio Bedrooms:0 Type: Flat Bedrooms:1 Bedsizes: Bedsit/studio Level: 1st floor Bedsizes: 1 double Level: Ground floor Other: Suitable for a couple or single applicant. Storage Other: Suitable for a couple or single applicant. Central heating. heating. RENT (including charges of £7.58) £76.81pw RENT (including charges of £6.38) £95.35pw HOE STREET ATTLEE TERRACE, PROSPECT HILL, HOE STREET HOWARD ROAD, WALTHAMSTOW, E17 Ref:213071 WALTHAMSTOW , E17 3EG Ref:213043 4SH Landlord: Waltham Forest Landlord: Peabody Trust Type: Flat Bedrooms:1 Type: Flat Bedrooms:1 Bedsizes: 1 double Level: Ground floor Bedsizes: 1 double Level: Ground floor Other: Suitable for a couple or single applicant. Central Other: Suitable for a couple or single applicant. Not heating. suitable for an applicant who has a child or who is pregnant. Central heating. RENT (including charges of £6.91) £100.88pw RENT (including charges of £3.23) £109.38pw HIGH STREET ESSEX CLOSE, WALTHAMSTOW, E17 6JS LEYTONSTONE HAWBRIDGE ROAD , LEYTONSTONE, E11 Ref:213056 Ref:212899 1DH Landlord: Waltham Forest Landlord: L&Q Type: Flat Bedrooms:1 Type: Flat Bedrooms:1 Bedsizes: 1 double Level: Ground floor Bedsizes: 1 double Level: Ground floor Other: Suitable for a couple or single applicant. Central Other: Suitable for a couple or single applicant. Not heating. suitable for an applicant who has a child or who is pregnant. Central heating. Video Viewings. RENT (including charges of £12.53) £104.69pw RENT (including charges of £.28) £92.31pw LEYTONSTONE HAINAULT ROAD, LEYTONSTONE, E11 LEYTON HALL ROAD, LEYTON, E15 2BT Ref:213015 1EP Ref:213016 Landlord: L&Q Landlord: L&Q Type: Flat Bedrooms:1 Type: Flat Bedrooms:1 Bedsizes: 1 double Level: Ground floor Bedsizes: 1 double Level: Ground floor Other: Suitable for a couple or single applicant only. Not Other: Suitable for a couple or single applicant. Not suitable for an applicant with a child or who is suitable for an applicant with a child or for an pregnant. Central heating. applicant who is pregnant. Video viewings only. RENT (no other charges) £99.28pw RENT (no other charges) £93.34pw LEYTON HOPKINS ROAD, LEYTON, E10 5DQ LEYTON KING COURT, CAPWORTH STREET, Ref:212871 Ref:213070 LEYTON, E10 5AJ Landlord: L&Q Landlord: L&Q Type: Flat Bedrooms:1 Type: Flat Bedrooms:1 Bedsizes: 1 double Level: Ground floor Bedsizes: 1 double Level: Ground floor Other: Suitable for a couple or single applicant. Property Other: Suitable for a couple or single applicant. Not has a wet-room with shower chair and grab rails, suitable for an applicant with a child or who is no bath. Viewing by video. pregnant. Central heating. RENT (including charges of £16.86) £123.08pw RENT (including charges of £9.84) £108.12pw To bid visit our website www.ellcchoicehomes.org.uk, telephone 0845 650 4125 or text 07781 486 526 Waltham Forest ChoiceHomes Lettings Area CATHALL PEAR ROAD , LEYTONSTONE, E11 4YP CATHALL DENMARK STREET, LEYTONSTONE, E11 Ref:213068 Ref:213069 4JX Landlord: Peabody Trust Landlord: Peabody Trust Type: Flat Bedrooms:1 Type: Flat Bedrooms:1 Bedsizes: 1 double Level: 2nd floor Bedsizes: 1 double Level: 2nd floor Other: Suitable for a couple or single applicant. Not Other: Suitable for a couple or single applicant. Not suitable for an applicant with a child or who is suitable for an applicant with a child or who is pregnant. Central heating. pregnant. Central heating. RENT (no other charges) £95.18pw RENT (no other charges) £95.18pw CANN HALL FRED WIGG TOWER, MONTAGUE ROAD, CANN HALL JOHN WALSH TOWER, MONTAGUE ROAD Ref:213061 LEYTONSTONE, E11 3ER Ref:213062 , LEYTONSTONE, E11 3ET Landlord: Waltham Forest Landlord: Waltham Forest Type: Maisonette Bedrooms:1 Type: Maisonette Bedrooms:1 Bedsizes: 1 double Level: 11th floor Bedsizes: 1 double Level: 13th floor Other: Suitable for a couple or single applicant. Electric Other: Suitable for a couple or single applicant. Electric heating. heating. RENT (including charges of £12.53) £93.62pw RENT (including charges of £12.75) £90.43pw CANN HALL FRED WIGG TOWER, MONTAGUE ROAD, FRIDAY HILL TMOWYEMEAD CRESCENT, CHINGFORD, E4 Ref:213063 LEYTONSTONE, E11 3ER Ref:213053 6HN Landlord: Waltham Forest Landlord: Waltham Forest Type: Maisonette Bedrooms:1 Type: Flat Bedrooms:1 Bedsizes: 1 double Level: 13th floor Bedsizes: 1 double Level: 1st floor Other: Suitable for a couple or single applicant. Electric Other: Suitable for a couple or single applicant. Central heating. heating. RENT (including charges of £12.62) £91.53pw RENT (including charges of £4.28) £99.50pw ENDLEBURY BELLE STAINES PLEASANCE, CHAPEL END GOODRIDGE HOUSE, 147 WADHAM Ref:212824 CHINGFORD, E4 7SW Ref:213045 ROAD, WALTHAMSTOW, E17 4HP Landlord: Waltham Forest Landlord: Peabody Trust Type: House Bedrooms:2 Type: Flat Bedrooms:2 Bedsizes: 2 doubles Level: Ground floor Bedsizes: 2 doubles Level: Ground floor Other: Near schools. Central heating. Property has an Other: Suitable for a maximum of 4 people (max. 2 internal stair lift and level-access shower. children only. Near schools. Central heating. RENT (no other charges) £122.89pw RENT (including charges of £36.79) £155.27pw HIGHAM HILL CANDARA COURT, 2 PAPERMILL PLACE, HIGH STREET ALMOND CLOSE, WALTHAMSTOW, E17 Ref:213017 WALTHAMSTOW, E17 6GJ Ref:212977 6GW Landlord: L&Q Landlord: Islington and Shoreditch Type: Flat Bedrooms:2 Type: Flat Bedrooms:2 Bedsizes: 2 doubles Level: 1st floor Bedsizes: 1 double - 1 single Level: 1st floor Other: Suitable for a maximum of 4 people (max. 2 Other: Suitable for a maximum of 3 people (max. 1 child children only). Near schools. Storage heating. only). Near schools. Central heating. RENT (including charges of £43.18) £163.62pw RENT (including charges of £33.41) £129.72pw FOREST HENNESSEY COURT, 125 LEYTON GREEN LEYTONSTONE DYSON ROAD, LEYTONSTONE, E11 1LZ Ref:213046 ROAD , LEYTON, E10 6DG Ref:212898 Landlord: ASRA Housing Associations Landlord: L&Q Type: Flat Bedrooms:2 Type: Maisonette Bedrooms:3 Bedsizes: 1 double - 1 single Level: 1st floor Bedsizes: 2 doubles - 1 single Level: Ground floor Other: Suitable for a maximum of 3 people (max. 1 child Other: Suitable for a maximum of 5 people (max. 3 only). Near schools. children only). Near schools. Central heating. Video viewing only. RENT (including charges of £7.74) £135.57pw RENT (including charges of £9.76) £137.56pw To bid visit our website www.ellcchoicehomes.org.uk, telephone 0845 650 4125 or text 07781 486 526 Waltham Forest ChoiceHomes Lettings Area Ref:212823 EPPING RAYFIELD, EPPING, ESSEX, CM16 5AD Landlord: Waltham Forest Type: House Bedrooms:3 Bedsizes: 2 doubles - 1 single Level: Ground floor Other: Near schools. Central heating. Property has an internal stair lift and level-access shower. RENT (including charges of £7.81) £145.38pw To bid visit our website www.ellcchoicehomes.org.uk, telephone 0845 650 4125 or text 07781 486 526 Waltham Forest ChoiceHomes Lettings Area Outcomes for Waltham Forest - Properties advertised between 17/09/2020 and 20/09/2020 Area Address Beds Floor Property No of Preference Type Priority Number of Registration Accessible Type Bids Award Reasonable Date Housing Start Date Preference Points Awarded Cann Hall FRED WIGG TOWER, E11 3EP 0 1st floor Bedsit / 85 ADDLEAVCAR 28/05/2020 28/05/2020 F Hoe Street CENTRAL PARADE, E17 4RT 0 1st floor Bedsit / 88 ADDLEAVCAR 28/05/2020 28/05/2020 F Valley YORK HOUSE, E4 8LD 0 1st floor Bedsit / 76 ADDLEAVCAR 28/01/2016 28/01/2016 F Wood Street HYLANDS ROAD, E17 4AJ 0 Ground floor Bedsit / 91 ADDLEAVCAR 28/01/2016 28/01/2016 F Cann Hall JOHN WALSH TOWER, E11 3ET 1 13th floor Maisonette 1 REASPREF 05/02/2018 4 05/02/2018 F Cann Hall FRED WIGG TOWER, E11 3ER 1 13th floor Maisonette 1 REASPREF 05/02/2018 4 05/02/2018 F Higham Hill OATLAND RISE, E17 6DG 1 Ground floor Flat 6 REASPREF 17/05/2019 7 17/05/2019 F Valley BURNSIDE AVENUE, E4 8YM 1 1st floor Flat 4 REASPREF 13/08/2014 4 13/08/2014 F Valley BURNSIDE AVENUE, E4 8YW 1 1st floor Flat 2 REASPREF 22/06/2020 4 22/06/2020 F William Morris LOCKWORKS HOUSE, E17 6ZH 1 2nd floor Flat 1 REASPREF 14/05/2020 4 14/05/2020 F William Morris WHEEL HOUSE, E17 6ZH 1 1st floor Flat 268 REASPREF 02/06/2016 3 02/06/2016 C William Morris WHEEL HOUSE, E17 6ZH 1 1st floor Flat 263 REASPREF 02/06/2016 3 02/06/2016 C Wood Street ST DAVIDS COURT, E17 3HS 1 9th floor Flat 3 REASPREF 17/05/2019 7 17/05/2019 F Cathall DRAPERS ROAD , E15 2AY 2 Ground floor House 122 REASPREF 18/08/2008 7 18/08/2008 F High Street WARNER ROAD, E17 7DY 2 Ground floor Flat 25 REASPREF 24/05/2019 7 24/05/2019 F High Street EDWARD ROAD , E17 6LU 2 Ground floor House 67 REASPREF 02/06/2020 7 02/06/2020 F Hoe Street CROSBIE HOUSE, E17 3EP 2 2nd floor Maisonette 56 REASPREF 13/07/2015 4 13/07/2015 F Leyton STATON COURT, E10 5AT 2 2nd floor Maisonette 33 REASPREF 05/01/2017 7 05/01/2017 F Markhouse SAXON CLOSE, E17 8LE 2 1st floor Flat 21 REASPREF 24/05/2019 7 24/05/2019 F Markhouse COLCHESTER ROAD , E17 8NX 2 Ground floor House 69 REASPREF 18/08/2008 7 18/08/2008 F Higham Hill SINNOTT ROAD , E17 5PL 3 Ground floor House 295 REASPREF 06/04/2016 13 06/04/2016 F Higham Hill BILLET ROAD, E17 5PJ 3 Ground floor House 290 REASPREF 06/04/2016 13 06/04/2016 F Ordinarily, bids placed for advertised properties will be shortlisted and ranked in line with the details contained within the Council’s published allocation scheme.
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