The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary’s Volume 45: Issue 94 Friday, february 24, 2012 Ndsmcobserver.com NDeRC to State seizes student houses Construction host annual Houses to be demolished for improvement of State Road 23 causes issues conference for parking By ADAM LLORENS By NICOLE MICHELS News Writer News writer The Notre Dame extend- Construction of the Well- ed Research Community ness Center in the D2 South (NDeRC) will host its fifth lot has forced students to annual Collaborating for park further away from their Education and Research Fo- on-campus destinations. An- rum tomorrow in the Jordan other project planned for the Hall of Science. B1 lot this spring will also Thomas Loughran, a pro- temporarily restrict parking. fessional specialist in the Notre Dame Security Po- Department of Physics and lice director Phil Johnson member of NDeRC, said the said students still have space event is designed to en- PAT COVENEY/The Observer to park on the North side of hance interaction between Student houses located on South Bend Avenue have been seized by the state and will be campus, though there is de- local K-12 teachers and demolished in preparation for the improvement of safety and mobility in the Five Points area. creased capacity in D2 South. University administrators. “With respect to D2 Lot and The forum fosters a vibrant By SAM STRYKER under eminent domain. expected be completed by construction of the Wellness science, technology, engi- News Editor Jim Pinkerton, director of the end of 2013. Center, occupancy surveys neering and mathematics communications at the In- “[There will be] utility indicate that there is capac- (STEM) community between Living off campus is a rite diana Department of Trans- relocations, which in this ity in the adjacent lots, D2 the educators, he said. of passage for many Notre portation, said the houses urban area, will be quite Middle and D2 North, to ac- “The forum presents a Dame seniors, but the state would be demolished as detailed,” he said. “The commodate spaces lost in D2 broad spectrum of engage- of Indiana threw a wrench part of a larger project to properties are acquired … South due to construction,” ment opportunities for in several students’ housing improve State Road 23 in before construction begins Johnson said. STEM professionals for both plans for next year before the Five Points area. so they can be cleared to But construction began to researchers and educa- they could even move in. “The entire project is de- make way for these types frustrate students after the tors at the university and In an email sent Feb. 9, signed to increase mobil- of operations.” semester break. K-12 levels,” Loughran said. Mark Kramer of Kramer ity and safety through that Juniors Kelly Taylor and Senior Colleen Coley said “We’re trying to foster an Properties notified students area,” he said. Betty Graham signed a commuting to and from her integrated STEM commu- who held leases for the Pinkerton said the state lease for 920 South Bend job off-campus at the Logan nity.” 2012-13 school year at 916, claims properties under Ave. in October 2010 with Center is problematic due to Loughran said a function- 920 and 922 South Bend eminent domain far in three other people. the lack of parking spaces. Ave. that their houses were advance for preliminary see FORUM/page 3 being seized by the state work. He said the project is see HOUSES/page 7 see PARKING/page 5 Candidates explore religious life Professor discusses By TORI ROECK News Writer Barbie doll’s impact Candidates at Moreau Sem- inary and undergraduate By CAITLIN HOUSLEY standing of a lot of things.” seminarians at Old College Saint Mary’s Editor Barbie, whose full name is deciding to become Holy Cross Barbie Millicent Roberts, is a priests or brothers may live on With blonde hair and blue teenager with an interest in Notre Dame’s campus but lead eyes, Barbie seems like an all- fashion. She hails from a make- very different lives than the American girl next door — but believe town in Illinois where average student. behind the plastic doll lies a she lives with her architect fa- Fr. James Gallagher, direc- mysterious past and a troubling ther and stay-at-home mother, tor of the Office of Vocations, message, according to Terri Russ said. said Moreau Seminary and Russ. The story behind Barbie’s cre- Old College give young men Russ, a communication stud- ation is guarded closely by her the opportunity to experience ies professor at Saint Mary’s manufacturer Mattel, , Russ religious life and determine if College, outlined the truth be- said. it is their calling. hind Barbie’s life and her im- “One of the things [Mattel] “The Moreau Seminary and pact on women in her lecture has … done is been very protec- Old College Undergraduate “Barbie — Love Her, Hate Her, tive of what the public knows Seminary are run indepen- Who Cares?!” on Thursday eve- and doesn’t know about Bar- dently from the University of ning in the Saint Mary’s Student bie,” she said. “One of the ways Notre Dame,” Gallagher said. Center. we see that play out is in terms “They are programs the Con- “[Barbie] is this really inter- of the creation of Barbie.” gregation of Holy Cross offers esting toy,” Russ said. “She’s Mattel advertises that Barbie to help men consider a voca- been around for well over 50 was named for the daughter of tion as a Holy Cross priest or years now … [but] even though her creator, Russ said. However, brother and helps to prepare Photo courtesy of Fr. James Gallagher she’s a doll, she … represents there are other possible stories Undergraduate seminary candidates hold mass in the log chapel. more than that. Clearly, she’s see MOREAU/page 6 The students attend Notre Dame while living in Old College. part of our cultural under- see BARBIE/page 7 INSIDE TODAY’S PAPER Students compete in mobile app summit page 3 u Viewpoint page 8 u Scene judges the Oscars page 10 u Men’s basketball takes on St. John’s page 20 page 2 | ndsmcobserver.com The Observer u DAY-TO-DAY Friday, February 24, 2012 QUESTION OF THE DAY: WHAT ARE YOU DOING FOR LENT THIS YEAR? www.ndsmcobserver.com P.O. Box 779, Notre Dame, IN 46556 024 South Dining Hall, Notre Dame, IN 46556 Editor-in-Chief Douglas Farmer Managing Editor Business Manager Sarah Mervosh Jeff Liptak Asst. Managing Editor: Adriana Pratt Asst. Managing Editor: Chris Masoud Albany Zweber- Tony Villano Blake Weaver Nick Schmeidler Daniel Rish Will Holmes News Editor: Sam Stryker Langer Viewpoint Editor: Meghan Thomassen Sports Editor: Allan Joseph sophomore freshman freshman sophomore sophomore sophomore Scene Editor: Maija Gustin Farley Duncan Morrissey Zahm St. Edward’s Duncan Saint Mary’s Editor: Caitlin E. Housley Photo Editor: Pat Coveney “I will be “This Lent, I “I’m giving “I’m doing the “Elevators, “I am giving up Graphics Editor: Brandon Keelean going to extra am reading up Facebook, Howard Hall specifically the video games and Advertising Manager: Katherine Lukas weekday Masses Bible verses Twitter and Chapel Crawl St. Ed.’s ‘Vater.’” unhealthy food, Ad Design Manager: Amanda Jonovski every week and aloud with my Dining Hall and Zahm and I will go to Controller: Jason Taulman giving up DH roommate Phil desserts.” Mass.” daily Mass at Systems Administrator: William Heineman desserts.” Shiv.” least once.” Office Manager & General Info (574) 631-7471 Fax Have an idea for Question of the Day? Email [email protected] (574) 631-6927 Advertising (574) 631-6900 [email protected] Editor-in-Chief IN BRIEF (574) 631-4542 [email protected] Managing Editor The Faculty Lecture Series (574) 631-4542 [email protected] Assistant Managing Editors will host a lunch with profes- sors today from 12 to 1 p.m. (574) 631-4541 [email protected], [email protected] Business Office in in the Oak Room of South (574) 631-5313 Dining Hall. Today’s speaker News Desk will be professor Brad Grego- (574) 631-5323 [email protected] ry of the history department. Viewpoint Desk Complimentary lunch will be (574) 631-5303 [email protected] provided for those without Sports Desk meal plans. (574) 631-4543 [email protected] Scene Desk (574) 631-4540 [email protected] The Annual Graduate Stu- Saint Mary’s Desk dent Research Symposium is [email protected] today from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. Photo Desk in the Jordan Hall of Science. (574) 631-8767 [email protected] The symposium is an oppor- Systems & Web Administrators tunity to see research done by (574) 631-8839 graduate students in the Hu- manities, Social Sciences, Sci- Policies ences and Engineering. For The Observer is the independent, daily newspaper more information, email Ellen published in print and online by the students of the Childs at [email protected]. University of Notre Dame du Lac and Saint Mary’s College. Editorial content, including advertisements, is not governed by policies of the administration of ASHLEY DACY/The Observer Today at 5 p.m., Kristen either institution. The Observer reserves the right to From left, senior Nicole Burnham, president of Women in Politics, senior Sarah Essaied and Hawkins, the executive di- refuse advertisements based on content. freshman Emily Voolde, secretary of Women in Politics, sell cookies and cupcakes during rector of Students for Life of The news is reported as accurately and objectively a bake sale Thursday in the LaFortune Student Center to benefit St. Margaret’s House. America, will speak during as possible.
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