<A VICTORIA, B.C., THURSDAY, OCTOB! Vol. 26. 14, 1897. No. 33, -C--...................; mvsmi £ Marriage 1HE GRAND TRUNK TRAINS COLLIDE / A Fine New Lot of our Fall Goods. No Failure. OUT CLASS AND STERLING SILVER Somi, Annual Meet.ng of Stock NEAR OHAWA TAMII.KANDK ! TAMILKANE>R ! Uw p,tie of Ceiyon. holder!-A Sarplna of The fragrance of thy leave* in both hotelapbere» are known, •1Î.OOO Shown. Tbe Heweet, tiivt-» hawHue»* to million*—*et» the tired heart free, Three Men Killed and Several Severe­ Brushes, Combs, And Mods tbe laurel wreath around TAMILKAXDE TEA. Tbe Best end ly Injured-An Operator at Fanlt. Tbe Cheapest And a# kind» of Manicure Within th.' lowly cotta# The President Attribute!the Improve­ and Toilet Sets. Uive* courage in life’s battle uhem-v« r duty caiia. ment to Mere. Economic»! RHirrors IL juv. nat. - iry hours Management, Etc. la the struggle for exiettoK'e iu ihtw ‘ t'nnada of onrs.° Grenier, the Libeller of Mr. Tarte. All hail. TAMILKAXDE 1 he « very leaf and. vine. Sentenced to Six Months ppMiWpA'.-.. That make* thk life worth living in this qr any clime, I Challoner, tyitchell & Co. I”' COVERNMIKT ST ikondon, Oet. 14.—The annual meeting Proves marriage no feilnn dispntn! though It be— ot the atockholdera of the tirund Trunk S - -;-g^fc«ri4.i^'S4,ttL»/St«^S^ÂÏk»>*/E^iE^»»Sâ If supplied with a pound of TAiiil.K railway or Canada wa* held today. The attendance uw large and har- Ottawa, Oct.14.—There was a coUiaion •fi sRrw'i,T55ki-v>c |irv*klent oT the n>ad, congru tulatv.T thé Tonmto ran Into a fn-igbi. Knginver NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I '.* Bt.K DISl-ATCHKS xto<-kholders on the nuuonzuHiiviii that $ Take a Pointer^" tbe account* allowed a miridue of glH,- Bewlvae, ef tbv expreas tram : it. i ’ixh-a, mail dark; and » tramy who waa «teaiiag tie Kaquiinalt rand. A 47n*&turï to Kin-In Brrrln—Aminat 510. Rp w*M the proHprftt flf the rond ) BlkleUHjMn. containing H Were' hrighfer tUb for year», adding « rifl,,. wvrv kill,*] llrt uag, engincor of Oet of an Advertisement. ▼«■teen*. UlWjf (HfupUit by o. fittlnrplv. I that while the paseêiiger traltiv wii tbe fr- lght, bad his leg broken. Hutay. Ixindoo, Oct. 14.—Tbe Vienna corres­ Eaq. For further irtlvulare apply Low- gieatly decreaewi, owing to the depre*- a brakeman „n tbe freight. I» eeriooaiy pondent of the Daily Mail, dreerlbing r.-frum declibid but Injured and la rvporleii dead, ’lbe lire- little because of greater care being taken ONLT T6 CESTH per *d ; «ood. drj Man,] ^ proa^-din*. of the trial of. two bon- man of the expreni and Mail <'irrk QOOD TIMES potatoes. Fruit Aaaortatlon^etty Market dred brigands and récrira» of stolen iu wllwiing tic-bet*. Tb.* Increased rev­ BlreMtt bad nerrow eeroim,. It la «aid ___________innway, nor In program at TsAab enue. the president further explained, was due to reforma, decreased working that the operator at NrittavUIr failed to nn«T CjfjjLtW^APPLES, of Jb«»me pwdw- ochak, Berria, say* ithas developed bold the express. ARE COMING », te| ÉMttj ‘ *‘“u ~i plot frir tbe systematic pinadariiy - >l*tdi*bmv„t „f permanent économie» In Jamea Fleming, of CRntley, a mttle- and murdering of members of the Lib­ cent» jar bo». the operation of the roail. The agree­ Brin, la now reported dead, making Sve. eral PAriy n t the instigation of the Rad­ ment with the rbhugo A 11 rami Trunk icale. prominent among whom is Depoty Tbe killed In tbe railway «evident aawt Year 1897 is the beginning of better times, taken from a table FURNISHED HOLME WANTED ter email ra ill oa<l. slid Sir I'haile-. was 1 m fa­ family. Tnj*itrii. A well known member of the vorable than tbe agreement of l»Utt Tbe Frank imureodean, engineer, Ottawa, The year» 1898 ▲. o. a, tu uxseiuhly eays: The leader of the brig­ rame ratio was not liai rial lea tin' body riill in the wreck; Robert Peden. WANTM*—At ottee. waller. Apply Vté- ands, a man named Barkitach,.«ratified coming six lutmtb*. but. be added, t'an- malbeiertt. Otgawn, killed; Jamea H»«- :: .in ami the rutted state» arr tmito«br- Mew is the time for toy, brakeu*su, kUMj hi* - kckg---- - lota.” goods, etc, and bold tiU the big boom eiltir entering apan a pt-rioj of ibi rean- THIS IS TU CERTIFY that I will hot be writer, st lUc lupLicUUm uf.DePtiU" X«JJ- ,5«*»d to the tank; JtSa iiMMLflElte without mv written order M. *lU'h> an4 ****** thal tht* la,lvr l»ruUiis- ,f the 1 iinglvy bill, the preahk-nt Bald n»te Mpîî train, killed; Janiee Finï»- point to s great A. Ashley. Esquimau Bead., October 14. ** to ““J** hlm tb escape into Monte- hr wa* htippy ft. auuouncc that Attoroey- tog, Cantiey, cwttk-mau on freight, bsdly Now is the time to tooson one's held of purse-strings and reach lw7 7 • octl4-st nimir where, according to the deputy, ♦ it-ncrul McKenna had declared It I» be M^i__Mtyt__ emu ri>rt[ _ as||pi _ out nfier naw ! î’Hhev Xïchotàà, who also desired the Yin<swfmm»fth!. thus. retiM.vtog a wm~ WANTED TO BENT-8 roomed bow of friction. The president then exprviwed death of Backovltch, was to rewajrd him There is nv truth iu the report that handsomely. Deputy Tajmteh then the Uh*' Ihiit hi* proposal to the Ceutrwl fine, Victoria West. Lieut. Ckd. Utter I» to he removed from Mounded Hftrkitach a* to the possibility Vermont bondhokiertt would be accepted Toronto to be deputy minister of militia That's What We Have Done Co.. 38 Broad street. of #»auMMinatieg King llwilj» fitted *nd that n permanent alliance with the At Ottawa. Lieut. Col. Panel 1» still LOST On Wednesday, via. When this stage of the proceèd- Wt»hn*h rHÜMatl w<mld be effected. The This is how:—By piecing within price-range of everyone pi evident praiwed the monageroent of the deputy and he* not asked for superan­ Bkuwftard street, an overcoat with cape. ings was reached the brigand leader nuation. When he does it will require Finder will confer a favor by _ suddenly stopped the disclosures and de- tirand Trunk railroad ami emphnHlevil the importance of encournging factortpe to be a Frentià-Csnadiau who takes hi* ocm-lt flared hi» previous testimony false, but place. There are only three Frenefc- Aw retraction ir mid to be due to a bribe Canadians deputies in the service, end Jackets, Capes, Wool Underwear, Hew Season Dress dj| GOUT, GOU'-J. from Deputy Tajfit. h. Mr. Baker, u shareholder, attacked the ply of miiertowu doit Balia and Forgaii board of dm-ctore, saying It did not elmw the number cwmot with any fairness be Olubs at J. Barnsley A Co., A dispatch to the Doily Chronicle from eftinced. Fabric fkvelties, Mannings, Blankets, ' ;i' Constantinople '«ays the Sultan h mak­ any qimlification* for managing an Am­ erican r The condition <>f tbe D. Il Moody arrived at noon to-day Hosiery, lid Cloves, etc. T ing Strenuous efforts to obtain the with­ and will hold hi* first gospel service iu ■LBA A NTLY FURNISHED ROOMS, sto­ drawn! of the American miaeionariew Grand Trunk. Mr. Baker continued, was gie oe ea salt*; due to tbe reck km* ncquittition of *uL« Rideau rink this afternoon. from the interior of Aida Minor. If the Grenier, who libelled Hon. Mr. Tarte, are successful, the 1 nt the president 4<»r presenting ImxMteptete a got six mouth* in the common jail. EROOXÇ HAND GUN'S bought Atatement #nr? denounced the appoint- lt-is * Luted upon what ap|*ear* to U* 5 THE WESTSIDE. ^ Ammunition always ee hand excellent authority thut two trf tbe ableftt Hardware, 67 Johmma street. ment of an America»* Mr. Charlea M. Hayes, a* general manager, as he f la med lawyer* of the maritime frotlMM are J. HUTCHESON * CO. __ the management of American railroad* utaiut to join the her of British Loi urn- __ and American dog rolls ni and vba! was uoterkwly retie»» blfl. These are Sir Charles Hibbsrt Tuge from 2* to 3 per cent. iwr âùil Jivu. Pteti, Pvtora, who» it j* , I ffl f|V f| V|U| V| V| V| V| Vf V| V|l C-;|V, YELLOW KKVBR KKIII1I. <dW, win fdrn à purlnerahip. While in ------- :------------------------------------- • morning over *» Westmoreland hills. Kritiwh LolumUhs foe the sealing «wuah- 1.00—No. 1 double screened household coal. 1 AH the afternoon paper» to-day pu Wish Dtecovery Wbk* Make» tbe Driaaaa Kit'S tW^tS? f**"* -'»*"» V» *-*“•*> cabinet « offered vxi-eptkmal i»v|H»rtuiiitie*, and a Ç»rt of th* city. Hath * Co, 100 niectin* Ti> marrow cl.,. th# #nnn few week* will probably we them oe lie «rare t, All rumor» u( any (ntretka llunnaridtw. Uri. 11-lit. Ran AreiU, ttuîir way hack there. ....................... VICTORIA WOOD AND COAL YARD. ear. open'tile pert of the govern ment to who was a few montba ago annoom-tog bis Consul-General Anwll has written tbe Government and Discovery. Ah kinds mi tamper with die currency. «Bucovcry of tbe Yrilow fever germ, n ptwnler expresaihg.the grateful «vknow- Look Out for Burglars. hw! ter sale at lowest current rates. Tea» W# Wmtmimter Oaoette, In a Basn- announce* the dlerovery of • emiro which ledgements of Preshknt Die* of Mexico order «elicited. Delivery free. Alee dal artivle. my» 'The pandering td the will, he decisive, make yellow fever harm- for Canada’s vongratuhitkm on hi» vn ape et earn wood eawlug done.
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