D5c: Productive Conservation: more sustainable systems 08:30 - 10:30 Tuesday, 1st October, 2019 Venue R21 - PG Congress Theme D. Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services and Biological Invasions Presentation Types Oral Chair Érico It is expected that we will create a permanent and profitable environment for the production, dissemination and technical-academic-scientific qualification of actions in favor of a more sustainable development according to the aegis of Productive Conservation, above all, promoting unrestricted access to all stakeholders, information and services related to agricultural practices through more sustainable systems.Objectives- Evaluation of the performance, debate and dissemination of works of the Productive Conservation; - Bring together professionals and producers interested and engaged in an agroforestry practice under the aegis of Productive Conservation; - Promote inter- and multi-institutional technical cooperation through research and extension networks; - Conduct training and debates on issues related to an agroforestry practice to promote more sustainable regional development.Topics1. World Summit on Productive Conservation 2. More Sustainable Systems 3. Silvipastoril International Network 4. Seed and native seedlings network of the Atlantic Forest . 08:30 - 08:40 D5c Social and economic impacts of gem harvesting in resinous silviculture. Henri HUSSON1, Javier Calvo2 1Centre régional de la Propriété forestière de Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Bordeaux, France. 2CESFOR, madrid, Spain Abstract The natural resin harvest is back in the spotlight in European countries .The natural resin extraction represents an asset for the local economy and an enhancement of the ecosystem forest services. Some of the main sectoral European stakeholders have joined their efforts in SustForest Plus, a cooperation project supported by the European Interreg Sudoe Program, aimed to improving resin harvesting techniques, supporting the resin tappers workers activity and reinforcing the status of resinous local forests as natural resin source for the European industry. One of the goals is to make compatible the resin harvesting activity with wood quality production. The impact of this additional harvest is being studied to qualify the mechanical qualities of the wood. The use of the local crude pine oleoresin will make it possible to rediscover very varied and ecological uses of this natural raw material that fits perfectly in the new bioeconomy, compared to synthetic and petrochemical products. The aim of the project is to satisfy the demand for natural resins of the industry in south-west Europe, generating at the same time stable and quality employment in the rural areas of the south-west European region. 08:40 - 08:50 D5c DIAGNOSTICO DE VIVEROS FORESTALES CLONALES EN EL PARAGUAY Julia Maria Tileria Ferreira1, Maria Laura Quevedo Fernandez1, William Tomaz Folmann2 1Universidad Nacional de Asuncion, Asuncion, Paraguay. 2Investigador, Asuncion, Paraguay Abstract En Paraguay se dio un aumento en la superficie plantada principalmente con Eucalipto producido mediante miniestaquia, por lo cual el trabajo busco realizar una caracterización de los viveros forestales clónales en el país, ella fue realizada utilizándose un cuestionario para colectar datos. En el año 2007 se inició la producción clonal y actualmente existen 12 viveros clonales de comercialización, todos correspondientes al sector privado con origen del capital nacional. La capacidad productiva anual es de 45.180.000 mudas de las cuales se producen aproximadamente actualmente 29.730.000. El 100 % de las empresas venden a particulares y 75 % a empresas privadas. Las empresas consideran categorías de precios diferenciados siendo entre 0,23 a 0,33US$ minoristas y los mayoristas entre 0,17 a 0,25US$, el rubro genera mano de obra de 145 personas fijas, principalmente femenino. Con relación a los materiales, se comercializan 32 de los cuales el 60 % proviene de Brasil, siendo más utilizados el VM01, I144, A08 y H13. Se han identificado materiales que se han descartado, en su mayoría por ser suceptibles a Leptocybe invasa, entre los materiales que serán introducidos se destaca el C. torreliodora. En canaletones, 10 x 10cm es el espaciamiento más utilizado, ahí el fertiriego es realizado por goteo y 100 % utiliza tubetes plásticos. En casa de vegetación la temperatura varía de 30 a 38C° con humedad entre 60 a 80%, considerándose alrededor de 90 días para expedición manteniendo altura promedio de 25cm. El factor más crítico identificado por las empresas fue la competencia desleal. 08:50 - 09:00 D5c Integrated forest management - a European approach? Jakob Derks, Agata Konczal, Joost de Koning European Forest Institute, Bonn, Germany Abstract Integrated forest management (IFM) is a topical issue, but the definition varies quite a bit. Even within a continent so small as Europe, different local cultures, climatic and geographic conditions and forestry traditions have led to very different applications of this concept. The project “Integrated Forest Management Learning Architecture” (INFORMAR) of the European Forest Institute (EFI) analyses existing knowledge relating to the implementation of IFM in order to address and fill potential knowledge gaps. Thirty-six selected cases in twelve European countries are explored to find answers to research questions that have been jointly developed together with the project stakeholders (foresters, researchers, policymakers, forest owners, NGOs). The selected case studies will cover different ownerships structures, sizes and geographical regions. Doing this, we hope to understand and map out the current and future ecological, socio- political and economic driving forces of IFM we hope to establish a comprehensive overview of how nature conservation and wood production can be integrated in the same stand under very different conditions. Doing this, we hope to establish a comprehensive overview of how nature conservation and wood production can be integrated in the same stand under very different conditions. 09:00 - 09:10 D5c PROCITRÓPICOS - AMERICAN NETWORK FOR SUSTAINBLE SYSTEMS Jamil Macedo Abstract The first Cooperation Agreement between the agricultural research institutions of the tropical countries and IICA for the execution of the activities of the Cooperative Program for Research, Development and Agricultural Innovation for the South American Tropics (PROCITROPICOS), entered into force on June 20, 1991 and, since then, new agreements were signed. In December 2014, the directors decided to carry out an External Evaluation, which involved diversified and representative interest groups, including members, allies, the public and private sectors, universities, embassies, regional consortiums and international organizations around an agenda structured, which verified the strategic importance of PROCITROPICOS as a geopolitical instrument to share the advances of science, technology and agricultural innovation for the tropics. In summary, the evaluators concluded that the Program has managed to implement a large part of its objectives, with significant results, operational efficiency and good capacity for mobilizing competencies and indicated the corrections of the route for the full exercise of its mission. 09:10 - 09:20 D5c AGENDA 2030 - THE PRODUCTIVE CONSERVANCY AS A WAY Ivan Crespo Abstract PRODUCTIVE CONSERVATION: idealized concept as an updated contextualization of the cabruca system, based on its ethical, cultural, conservationist and productive principles; local expertise technology resulting from low cost and impact environment in the same productive space, the agroecossystem, where local sustainable management prevails. It is assumed that the minimum unit of planning and action whether it is the rural property covered in its geographical área and territorial, where actions must be commenced with inventories and characterization of natural resources, and productive spaces, which together sustainability, and, therefore, actions favorable to productive social inclusion and environmental comfort to man, as a projection of sustainable development. 09:20 - 09:30 D5c Education for Sustainbility - NETWORKING FOR POSGRADUATION Santiago Cotroneo Abstract Encourage international cooperation in a research network for agroforestry research and practice in sustainable production and agro-environmental restoration of production ecosystems and natural areas suitable for integrated use. Dissemination and application of Productive Conservation as a strategy for meeting the Sustainable Development Objectives. 09:30 - 09:40 D5c CONSERVATION PRODUCTION: NETWORK FOR SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF FOREST SEED AND SEEDLINGS Dan Erico Lobão Abstract The project proposes to economically make possible the exploitation of forest by the rural property in the Cacao Region of Bahia, through the creation of a network of seeds and forest seedlings, guaranteeing the conservation of associated natural resources the continuity of harmony between production and conservation, that is, man and nature, provided by the traditional system of cocoa cultivation, cacao-cabruca. 09:40 - 09:50 D5c The history and saga of the productive conservation: from cacao untill best agroforest model Wallace Setenta Abstract The region's traditional cocoa ecosystem South and Southeast regions of Bahia is constituted by the experiences and knowledge of the cocoa more than two and a half centuries of interaction with the Atlantic Forest. Composed predominantly by the cacauals implanted in cabruca system,
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