JS Bowen G>Ks Parking Ramp; , ~n' t the In. ~ Uaioft :ert WiU I ncreased Fees Consider.ed [I WSUI. The start of planning for a 5()0. to 600- S118,000 worth of parking improvements Mmrcyclo F .. ,,.,..... "M (91.7 new eut-campua parking atruct.re. the car parking r.mp next to Gilmore Hall and expan ion is a proposal for the devel· The committee also proposes to institute ~ommendatiool foc improvementa iD­ has been approved by Pres. Howard R. opment of peripheral facilities for storage a fee of $10 per academic year and $S for dude: rhe Crt­ Bowen. However, be is still considering and parking oC faculty, staU and student summer [or parking motorcycles in author· ~ ..tioM Include ~t drawn parking fee increases as recommended by cars. While there is a budgetary provision ited areas on campus. Motorcycles , too, Lighting, expansion, .nd general lm­ esis and the CommiUee on Parking and Security. for one such lot, the specific location and must be registered with the University provement of parking areas .t Rlenow .. Dixon scheduJe for development are not yet to whether or not the owner purchuea a Hall, QuadrugJe, and Hillcrest; revamp­ vork be. The lite of the proposed ramp is the north half of the block in which Gilmore be determined. parking permit. ing of circulation and Improvements in the or Hay. These improvements and expansions wiII Car pool permits wiD be sold again next lot around GIlmore Hall; providing drain­ the OUI. Hall stands. This is less than hall a block from the existing east campus parkin: amount to increases of $20 for faculty year. Such permits are used by several age of and resurfacing two lots at Univer· aD mil&- PREPARATIONS FOR SPRING 'ESTIYAL ....,. ....un on c.mpul. Monday work- ramp, a 275-car structure near the Union. and staff permits for a calendar year, and persons who buy a single permit which can sity High School ; resurfacing and reshap­ "*' tNCtM • nine foot ..,.,.. httfval· ...n ..... the Old C4>pltot. Phyllc:.1 ptont The propoaed ramp wiD be [inanced by $!I ror student or staff permits for the be transferred from one auto to another. ing a portion of the lot directly west of - - .-timon ._btl", the "'" (left te rItht) .re: Jomol Do..,ln, John Brick .nd ..... borrowing and the debt will be paid from nine·month academic year. The fee for faculty·staff would be $65 (an the Pharmacy Building and surfacing and ard Irwin. Sprint Foltl..,.1 actf.,lHo. let hIte .wlnt thli ThurtUy with • Itreat "nee the revenues of the ramp. The Onancing For students who purchase pennits Lor increase o{ $20) for the calendar year. $SO reshapinl the lot behind Psychopathic Hos· .l1li contInua until Saturd.y. TIle featl..,.1 will feature • wator ....w, ..,.rlety shew, plan parallels that used in construction of the academic year, the net Increase over for two semesters only, and $17.50 for sum­ pital. Meters will be installed on the north !ntr.·..,.,.lty football .omo, • _art Ity FI..,. .nd C.ml. the present $40 permits would be only $2 mer lession only. Students may purchase side of Washington Street In lront of the e fi2 !ler. w. a 5O().car parking ramp at General Hospi­ - Photo Ity Jan RoIIortl tal. The ramp will be built at a cost of since the committee recommends that the car pool permits at $SO for two semesters main library, on the visitor's parking lot , and 71 ,1.2 milliOll. $3 fee for mandatory student· vehicle regis. and S12.50 for the summer. north of General Hospital. ud in several p begin. tration be dropped. Registration of aU stu­ O'Mara said the committee's recom­ other visitor parking areas. To pay for this a.nd other parking im­ dent-owned vehicles with the University mendations are designed to offset the de­ O'Mara Aia a consider.ble contribution provements, the Committee on Parking will still be required, but there would be mand for an estimated 500 to 1,000 more to parking is made by the University in and Security also recommends that fees ~E- no fee. parking spaces on the campus next fall . the form of land. This is an Important Spring Festival charged for faculty, staff and student re­ Presently the cost of reaerved parking Included in the recommendations is a re­ factor, he said, in holding the cost of park. - Robert aerved parking permilJl be Increased for permits for both (acuIty and students is striction on the parking of cars in Univer· ing permita well below the cosl if users 1 Univer. 1967•. S40 for 12 months . The recommended fee sity facilities by sophomores. the same were to pay all expenses. The full cost has ~t of the John O'Mara, associate professor of civil structure fOr next year is: restriction that now applies to freshmen . been estimated at more than $200 per I of Po. engineering and chairman of the parking Faculty·staff reserved parking - $60 The extension of the restriction would year for a single parking space, including ~ore red· committee, says, "The committee recom­ for the Cull calendar year; $45 for fall anll mean that sophomores (and freshmen) a reasonable amortization charge for land, research. Begins Thursday mends to Pres. Bowen that the increases spring semesters only. and $15 for sum· may not park cars in any University lot The emphasis of the committee's recom· research be earmarked for permanent expansion mer only. or facility between 7:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., mendations for 1967-68, O'Mara said, "is lIy BARBARA MYATT men and one woman who organized three and improvements In the parking system, Student reserved parking - $45 for the Monday through Friday, nor may they toward the objective of reducing vehicular St.HWrlter years ago. Most of their success has been with the major planning emphasis on per· Call and spring seme~ters, $10 for summer purchase parking permits. The restriction traffic within the campua area in order The campus will come aDve Thursday attributed to their leader Mike Stewart imeter parking." only; student storage lots at Myrtle Ave· would not apply, however, to the proposed to develop a quieter, safer. mOre pleasing when Spring Festival opens for three days for bis unusual arranging ability. Stor... Loti Proposed nue and South River ide Drive - $25 per peripheral lot. and beautiful environment in which Ie of excitement, "C.ml" Sat for FI.1eI HOUle Among the major proposals included In academic year and $5 for summer only. In addition to the start o{ planning on a carryon the activities of the University." Beginning at 8:30 p.m. Thursday, The Immediately followin g the concert "Car· Rumbles Ltd., a dance band will play for ni" will begin in the Fieldhouse. Booths, a street dance to be held in the parkinl games and shOWS sponsored by campus organiza tions and bousing units will be area just south of the Union. I available for students' entertainment. The Rumbles is made up of four men from Council Bluffs, and tbey paSselS DUring "Cami" the Spring Festival Queen will crown the winner of Apha Phi IE the largest array of Vox equipment in the world. Omega's "Ugly Man on Campus" contest. Iron and At 11 p.m, the Queen and Michael J. s week's Admission to the dance win be 35 cents, Iowan Wolfe, B3, Marshalltown, will present the ~merican and tickets may be purchased upon ard­ first, second and tbird place booth awards Serving the University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City o{ seven val. to winning groups, and also will award musical Sky DI..,ln, F.atured an all-participation trophy to the over-all Eltablished In 1868 10 cents a copy Associated~-------------------------------------------------------- Press Leased Wire and WIrephoto Iowa City, Iowa-Tuelday, May 9, 198'1 G.1. who The annual Water Festival will bealn at top group. ~ the ca· 2:30 p.m. Friday, and will feature a Iym­ 'ilm may nastlcs exhibition, slalom and trick water n. Satur· skiing, and a fashion show. Also, thpee Union 11· members of the Hawkeye State Parachute Team will demonstrate skydiving. A trophy will be aw~rded to the winner Spring Festival Queen Finalists On Di~play of the ice cream eating contest, and rep­ ity Sing, resentatives from fraternIties and donn!­ at 2:30 tories will compete in a tug-of·war and a ion Main canoe race. tdmission Also at the water show, two sets of twins, Carla and Cassandra Bennet, AI, Maple'on , and Christopher and Stephen C. 8 Coleman, A2, Davenport, will Corm a pyra· the Clr· mid on skis. Club for The five finalists for Spring Festival ! held at Queen will be introduced at the end of the nion Wis· show. That night at 8 p.m. in the Union Main Lounge the variety show "Kaleido" will be S L presented. The Jazz Lab Band directed by :owa SUI Thomas L. Davis, assistant director of :BA) arc: Universi\y }3i1llds, will play, ,resident; The show will be directed by Mrs. David ice prell· Knauf, a member of the Iowa City Com· ~2, secre· munity Theater, and the master of cere· law, LI. monies wiII be Bruce A. French, A4, Rein· beck . "Lo..,. 1," Schodut.d ~INA" The Dance Theatre, directed by Linda George C. Lee, G, Des Moines, will present a pro­ AUDREY ARTHUR ANN HAMILTON GAIL LONGANECKER SHARI GIACH BETTY CLYNICK viii speak II'Bm titled, "Love lB." PI Bat. Phi K.pp. K.... G.mm' Alpil. Dolt. PI Dolta Dolt.
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