Red School Budget Gut SEE STORY PAGE % Sunny and Cool Sunny today, high in upper FINAL • _ '[ 49s, clear and cold tonight. Red Bank, Freehold Fair tomorrow, high around SO. Long Branch EDITION 22 PAGES Monmouth County's Outstanding Home Newspaper VOL.94 NO. 194 RED BANK, N.J. TUESDAY. MARCH 28,1972 TENCENTS! •••••••••••••••••••WMiiiuwii 1—iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniHaaitMiirwHniHinmHwmiimiiiiunmiiiiiiiiiinniiiiiniiHi iiiniiim Expect Courts to Get Task of Redistricting TRENTON (AP) - The put the possibility it would or. the court to extend its dead- row because of the religious Mercer, who said the Legisla- New Jersey Assembly, which der all 15 congressmen to run line by two weeks in hopes a lioldidays and because leaders ture "still has not fulfilled its is almost evenly divided be- at large. bipartisan agreement can be of both parties were uncertain responsibility" by enacting a tween the two parties, has The Legislature begins its reached. it would be worthwhile. new rcdistrictng plan as or- lived up to predictions and Easter recess today and will But after some discussion The possibility of a special dered by the court. failed to reach agreement on not reconvene until April 6. the Assembly decided against session was raised by Demo- During the long debate on bills to redraw the boundaries The Assembly voted to ask coming back in session tomor- crat S. Howard Woodson of See Courts, Page 2 of the state's 15 congressional districts. The action yesterday vir- tually assures that the matter will finally be settled by the Protest Strikes Bring federal courts. A Democratic redistricting plan fell two votes short of the .:' APWIrtplwfo required 41 votes necessary DOG RESCUERS DUNKED — Two Auburn Maine, firemen and the city's for passage. dog officer.tumble Into the icy Androscoggln River as they attempt to res- N. Ireland to Standstill A Republican plan, which cue a large trightened Doberman plnscher who had broken through 1he has already passed the GOP- BELFAST (AP) - North- sored by the militant Ulster ice. In foreground, Fireman Robert Dufresne attempts to help Dog Officer controlled Senate, also went ern Ireland's parliament shuts Vanguard Movement. Louis Pinette, gripping ladder, and Lt. Leon Norris of Auburn Fire De- down to defeat by a vote of 32- down on British orders today partment. The men connpletedtheir'rescue mission but lost the ladder. 43. amid massive protest strikes The Belfast branch of th« Confederation of British In- The 40 Democrats made no by the province's Protestant majority. dustry estimated the work secret of the fact that they stoppages would cost up to thought they had the vote of Thousands were expected to mass at Stormont Castle out- $10.4 million in lost produc- the assembly's lone indepen- tion. Teacher Job Action dent, Anthony Imperiale of side Belfast during the ad- journment of the 51-year-old Newark. Groups of Protestant youths legislature. But when the tally was tak- skirmished with British sol- en on their bill, there were British Prime Minister Ed- diers and Roman Catholics in only 40 votes in favor of it, ward Heath last week sus- outbreaks of stone-throwing. Protests Budget Cut and Imperiale abstained. pended provincial home rule It was the first time in more Before the electronic voting for a year in a plan aimed at than a year that Protestants LONG BRANCH - A one- Carl L. Marburger, state edu- A board statement last ending the Catholic-Protes- had attacked British troops. day job action today and a cation commissioner, in an ef- machine was closed and when night said that the panel can- it became obvious the bill tant strife that has tormented march on city hall tonight by fort to restore all or most of not condone the teachers' de- Northern Ireland since 1968. Protestant vigilantes look the Long Branch Education the deleted funds. would not pass, one South Jer- control of the small town of cision to cut classes in a pro- sey Democrat, H. Donald The British Parliament is Association will stress city While the board last night Portadown, in County Ar- test move. No mention was Stewart of Salem County, enacting a bill transferring teachers', opposition to the condemned-the teachers' ac- magh, barricading roads with made, however, of possible .changed his vote and ab- Stormont's powers to William slicing of $100,000 from the tion as "irresponsible1," it is hijacked vehicles, cutting off disciplinary action for the stained. The final vote was 39- Whitelaw, Heath's new secre- school budget, by City Council thought here that school ad- a small Catholic enclave and unauthorized walkout. 38 in the 80-member Assembly tary of state for Northern Ire- March 14. ministrators are hopeful the stoning some Catholic homes. 'Jeopardized' with two abstentions and one land. teachers' protest will bring The job action follows on Neil Rothman, LBEA presi- Republican absentee. the heels of a move Friday by about a reconsideration of the dent, said last night that the Declaring noncooperation Troops were kept busy by A three-judge federal court the Board of Education to ap- governing body's budget-cut- budget cut has "seriously with Whitelaw, militant Pro- roving mobs in the town for has ruled that New Jersey's peal the budget cut to Dr. ting action. jeopardized" the city's educa- testants brought the province three hours, headquarters 15 congressional districts are tional program. 'close to a standstill yes- said. Several gasoline bombs too unequal in population to terday with the start of a two- "Unless the money is re- were tossed at soldiers and a be constitutional. day general strike that paral- stored," he said, "it is diffi- sniper opened fire from a yzed business, production and cult to imagine a functional Monday Deadline church tower. Troops at traffic and blacked out thou- Court Voids education program being The court set April 3 as the Lurgan, in Armagh, fired sands of homes. More than maintained in Long Branch deadline for the Legislature to rubber bullets to disperse half of Northern Ireland's next year." enact a new redistricting law stone-hurling Protestant or face the possibility the 450,000 workers walked off the groups. At nearby Portadown, His statement paralleled a court would implement its job. Tens of thousands at- Protestants tried to storm a similar comment made by Appointment own plan. The court also held tended protest rallies spun- Catholic area. William Meskill, city school superintendent, at the March 15 board meeting. Mr. Meskill AP WlnptulD said then that the budget cut TOPPING THE UNION JACK - An Ulster flag Is Of Morales put the local school system in flown above the Union Jagk by supporters of the an "extremely critical situ- Bodies of Man, Woman By WILLIAM J. ZAORSKI matter in which he is person- Ulster Vanguard Movement, a hardline Protestant ally interested. ation." organization, at the city hall in Belfast during ral- FREEHOLD - Because "Generally, whether a par- Mr. Rothman said last night ly protesting direct rule by London. former Hazlet Mayor Joseph ticular interest is sufficient to that association members A. Morales had voted for his disqualify is factual, depend- were to meet this morning to Found in Farm Ditch own appointment to the town- ing upon the circumstances of make plans in aiding in the HOLMDEL — Autopsies on county medical examiner. Chief McCormick said the ship Sewerage Authority, that the particular case," said the restoration of the sliced funds the bodies of an unidentified Albert V. McCormick, chief couple appeared to be youth- To Call Hearings appointment was declared judge. to the budget. He added that man and woman, found yes- of Monmouth County detec- ful, "between 20 and 30 years void yesterday by a Superior Public Duty city teachers are planning a terday at about 5:30 p.m. on tives, said last night the bod- old." He said both were shot Court judge here. "The question is always mass attendance" at the Menzel Brothers Farm, ies were found in a ditch in the head with what ap- This means that there is whether the circumstances tonight's City Council session, here, was scheduled this about 200 feet from Longst- peared to be a small caliber On Housing Plea now a vacanoy on the author- could reasonably be inter- Will Return reet Road by youngsters on morning in Rivcrview Hospi- weapon. TRENTON (AP) - Re- tive local zoning ordinances. ity. preted to show that they had The association president tal by Dr. Stanley Becker, horseback. Mr. Morales, who was de- the likely capacitp y to tempp t also said that teachers will re- He said it was an "apparent publican Senate leaders say He warned the towns that the feated for reelection last No- thhe officialffiil , to depard t from hhis turn to their classes tomorrow double homicide," but could they see no need for imme- courts will order an end to re- vember, was appointed to the sworn public duty. Actual morning, give no more details late last diate action on proposals by strictions at the expense of $l,500-a-year authority post proof of dishonesty need not; Mr. Meskill said the Junior night. "1 wish I knew how or Gov..William T. Cahill to re- home rule unless the commu- Dec. 21 by a 3-2 vote in which be shown." and Senior High Schools will by whom they were .shot," he lieve the housing shortage in nities act first. New Jersey. he voted for himself. His term Judge Lane cited a 1956 Ap- be'closed today. The elemen- CoupLeMissin said. But Senate Majority Leader was to expire Jan. 31, 1975. pellate Division case in which tary school, he said, would be The GOP leaders said yes- Alfred N.
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