VOL. XXXIII. NO. 14—PRICE 4 CENTS. PHILLIPS, MAINE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1910. U U U H L fcUI I I U IN----Vd P A U L S . For Trap WILDCATS GO IN FLOCKS. and Field I S T E V E N S BEAR KILLS BULL MOOSE- BEECHNUTS VERY SCARCE. % Repeating Shotgun No. 520 $ Gray Squirrels Keep Farmers Guess­ Repeating Shotguns1 I chins M S cornu SH0TS ing— Moose Hangs by Horn and SOLID BREECH $ USED IN THE U. S*. ARMY. Dies— Nets Seized in Aroostook The U. S. Army authorities know a gun; that HAMMERLESS $ ♦J* — Recent Prosecutions for Viola­ is why, when they decided to equip some troops The fastest and * tions of Game Laws. with repeating shotguns, they selected the W in­ easiest operating * chester in preference to all other makes. The experts of the U. S. Ordnance Board also know pump gun on the 5 This®© are busy days ,in the fish a gun ; that’s why, after submitting a Winches­ y e m in g to n market. “ The last and. giaime department. The office ter Repeating Shotgun to all sorts of tests, they word in Repeating force l.hia® been extra busy issuing pronounced it safe, sure, strong and simple. If non-resident licenses, sending- out you want a shotgun—buy the one whose Shotguns.” £ P U M P GUN copies of the new issue of fish and strength and reliability led the U. S. Army N a class by itself because it has three N O N -BALK - $ game lla-wis and answering an, unusual authorities to select it and the U. S. Ordnance Board to endorse it—that’s the Winchester. I indispensable superior features. I. It ABLE. J amount of correspondence. ¡»Solid Breech. 2. It is Hammerless. Perfectly bal- £ Complaints are being dlaiily receiv­ RELIABLE REPEATERS 3. It loads and ejects from the bottom. ed of damage to corn fields by gray anced. ^ No other Pump Cun made has all squirrels. three vital improvements. T h e S olid List price, $ 2 5 . % One gentleman from Belgrade, who Breech does away with a hammer to Subject to deal- % catch, keeps dirt out of the action and called at the office last (week, stat­ insures s a fe t y . T h e ejection at the ers’ discount. ed that for several rods back in the THE bottom prevents tire ejected empty For sale by all || woods from his field corn husks and shell from cro.sing the line of sight. progressive mer- * corn cobs almost carpeted the ground The Remington Pump has won the chants. IN S IS T 1 in some places—showing that these .¡Hunting Season:. hearts of the trap and field shooters ON STEVENS. | animals had carried off a great deal because it has beautiful lines, Latest Catalog 4» of his corn; another gentleman re­ siding at Libby Hill, Gardiner, re­ shoots right up lo the Remington and “ How to Shoot S of 1910 standard and embodies the m od­ ports the same conditions in :hiis sec­ Well ” mailed for ^ ern Remington idea* which are Æiff; tion. ELe estimates that these squir­ Bids fair to be a very successful one in the Rangeley and the asking. f rels have carried off ten bushels of the most up-to-date in the world. corn front his field, at least. Dead River Regions. Increased Train Service, with Th«.- scarcity of the usual food of Sunday trains, between New York, Boston, Portland, If your dealer can’t show J. STEVENS ARMS 8 | these squirrels—beechnuts and acorns Rangeley and Dead River. Brand new Hunting folder you one, send for catalog. —'this year, probably accounts for just out. Address with stamp, TOOL CO. I their apparently suddenly developed F. N. BEAL, G. P. A., PHILLIPS, MAINE. , The REMINGTON ARMS CO. Postoffice Boi 50 & liking for the! farmer’s corn. ILION, N .Y. The people of t"e state were not Agency, 31S Broadway New York City CHICOPEE FALLS, MASS. * aware that these animals were so * numerous, and judging by the com­ plaints ef their depredations, un­ doubted^ the matter of amending the law providing tor a closb time JONES’ FISHING ©AMPS oai them will be brought to the at­ MOSQUITO, MAINE tention of the legisia utre early in the Situated on the line of the Somerset railroad through line to Kineo session. <• and on one of the best fishing ponds In the state of Maine. Trout can he caught every day and they are gamy and fine. Address George From letter of Warden F. E. Jor­ C. Jones, Mosquito. Me., for an illustrated booklet. It is free. gensen, Haywood, Me., Sept. 23, 1910. “ Sept. 19, when at Henry Coffin’s lumber camp, on Blind brook, in T. 9, R. 11. about 45 mile - from Oxbow, \ (' , •rï> iï'0 ’S ÎV» vOV..«* ' K* { Y T I M P O N D ..,CAM..P,S dam, about G miles below the dam Finest trout fly fishing in the state. 23,000 acres under lease. Elevation on Moose lick stream, iwè found a 2.000 feet. Ir^ividual camps. Open wood fires. Excellent table and service. yearling bull moose that bad been Outlying camps. Good trails. Every comfort that can be asked for. Tele­ killed by a bear. One side of the phone and daily mail. Write for particulars. moose was ¡all torn out, and we could see the bear tracks all around the JULIAN K. VILES & SON, Tim, Franklin County, Maina. place. The moose bad evidently come down to drink when the bear jumped on him. There were no signs that the moose had been kill­ “ In The Maine Woods” HERE is considerable demand ed in any other way. This makes in this country for Summer the ¡third young 'moose that has been T¡» Resort Hotels that are situa­ killed by bears in this section this Sportsmen’s Guide Book ted in desirable locations and com­ year. The hears are getting very bine the right kind of air, pure llth Annual Edition spring water, with excellent loca­ plentiful around here; ¡as the beech­ Published by the nuts are very scarce this fall I am tion for drives combined with afraid that our young moose will boating and first class Salmon and suffer from bears.” BANGOR & AROOSTOOK R* R, Trout Fishing. The Warden Jorgensen also writes as follows : Mailed anywhere for 15 cents in stamps. Haywood, M©., Oct. 3, 1910. Hountain View Address Geo. M. Houghton, B o a t i n g , A u t o i n g Hon. J. W .Brackett, Augusta, Me. I Passenger Traffic Manager. Dear Siitr:—1 found a yearling bull Bangor, Maine. House D r i v i n g Golf moose about three miles below the Squa Pan lake dam on the north at MOUNTAIN VIEW, MAINE, on Side o f Squa Pam. stream, that had RANGELEY LAKE, has as notable N E of New Englands most June and early July, Trout and evidently been killed by bears. I combination of this kind as can be found in Maine. For rates and famous inland resort Hotels Salmon Fishing. Guides, Row­ could not find any other ¡sign that L. C. SMITH GUNS. would have caused his death. The full particulars, also illustrated O and the largest and most boats, Canoes, Launches furnished booklet, address finely equipped in the entire at short notice. Elevation 2000 bear signs iwisir© very plenty, and they had eaten: almost half of the R a n g ele y Region, location un­ feet. O u r 1910 Booklet gives U. E. BOWLEY moose. He had been dead about Mountain View, ■ Maine equalled in Maine. For May, full information. two weeks. AS FITAS I found a yearling cow moose on the new raiilroad between Squa Pan RANGELEY LAKES HOTEL CO. lake ¡and Squa Pan 'Station, about SPORTSMEN and --------------------- RANGELEY. MAINE --------------------- two milles from Squa Pan Station, A FIDDLE that wasi lying down beside the track. HUNTERS She would not get up when I walk­ ed up to her. I thought she had been Pleasant Island ¿"S hurt by the train. I made her get Maine, Anyone coming will leave more than sat­ nip, hut shta: rwent over on her back isfied. Remember the place. kicking and groaning, so I killed her PLEASANT ISLAND, MAINE, to put her out of her misery. On Billy Soule, Proprietor. ■xaminiing her 1 found that she was ROUND MOUNTAIN LAKE CAMPS. sick from some disease, and had been FACTS ABOUT HUNTING stick for some time, as sha did not Has the best of Deer, Bear and Part­ A t Grant’s Camps, Lots of Partridge this year, plenty of have any fat and was very poor. IS ridge shooting. Camps remain open Deer, few Moose and a great many Bear signs. Come here and shoot There iseems to be some kind of a until December 15 and are warm and your game and not get shot yourselves. disease among the moos© this and THE comfortable. There are plenty of out­ ED GRANT CSL SONS. - Kennebago, Maine last year, as I have found several 20% lying camps and deer are assured to sick the same wav. I don’t think parties having guides. Special rates there is anything that can be done GUAGE for the hunting season. Free booklet. to prevent the disease. It ¡seems to DION O. B L A C K W E L L , be only young moose that are af­ Round Mountain, Maine. fected. I Respectfully, Trappers, Attention HOUGH'S CAMPS, Redington, Me. j F.
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