Dutch Speaker Realistically Looks At United States half the size of Lane Holland the American way sof life Boasting of the lowest illiter- A co only py Mary largest Dutch political group is Carolina, the Netherlands Editor through her 10,000 mile tour of - the Roman Catholic party. rate in the world, the South Managing numerous s eight years his 11 colléges and universities. When a person reaches the Netherlands “There are no general courses,” | agometimes Americans to the United States in Ping ‘of compulsory edacation, which voting age of 23, he is tined un- she said. “One tackles his special but not tion with the United Nations. is followed selective school- | now how to teach, less he votes in Dutch elections, ing in see secre tecretarial and field right away.” “You have 7-day be praised Ameri- shat to teach ; and the Dutch churches, for voting is considered to vocational school Said Miss Miss Hefting and we have one-day churches. “not only a right and a privi- “You (the United cans informality, hospitality, | gow what to teach, but not Everything Hefting, give happens on Sunday,” lege, but a requirement.” States) educate the inany a friendliness, and ability to ow to teach,” said Miss she said in her explanation of criticism, and con- Miss Hefting stated that the little, and we educate the few constructive the functions of religion in the with these | Jeantine Hefting in her com- Communists were not outlawed ‘a Jot.” cluded her lecture Netherlands. Dutch churches “We (the Dutch) have do in the Netherlands, but were al- words, jrigon of life in the United ‘ Institutions of higher educa- and disadvant- not provide social activities lowed to hold positions on the the advantages throughout the week as do tion are quite different from the a long history; you (the States with life in Holland. town council and all other ‘gov- «ages of American churches, for religion ones in America, stated Miss have the assefs and A representative from the erning groups. “In our country Americans) is always taken very seriously There are practically of being a young Miss Hefting was we feel we control the Commu- Hefting. drawbacks Netherlands, and solemnly in Holland. so stu- In those ways we are at the Howard ee better when we can see no college dormitories, nation. speaker very different and’ yet, very | el period, February 10. She Religion carries over into poli- ey are doing,” she gx- dents must Yent rooms or stay jas become very familiar with tics, Miss Hefting added. The plained. : at home. &™ ; similar.” = ———————— imaon Number 18 Volume 45 HOWARD COLLEGE, FEBRUARY 18, 1960 "Going. Once, Going Twice, Sold" — $500 Senate appropiat on. $ VEET SMELL OF BUSINESS Command oA 9, 1951—Good nw "NEW YORR —The home gar A Freshman Slave To the Education Dept.: “lle- d ning induste t should come up and Mary Lane Holland; decora- * by Carol Harris will be sold as slaves to the ary education courss vill siaelling 40 fnillion rose tions, Sara Hayes and Mike ded to the . perio um bi ishes A 1960. Staff Writer highest bidder. Bradley; entertainment, Burt Howard College students Bidding will begin at 7:15 p.m, Miller. udent with the necessiry That's the number the indus- This is the time for all South- or an elementary elu will see the spirit of the old as auctioneer Mike Bradley, in Panama hat and white coat ern patriots to bring a certificate from tho State South revived Monday, Feb- Yankee greenbacks. The South i of Education.” * . SNOW REI heavily during the past week- walks to the slave block. freshmen shall rise again! ruary 22, when the rra t a new house end covering the entire campus in a deep blanket of frozen Slaves, shackeled in chains, h was Lambda Cai fratern- RN water, Campus students sloshed around Saturday and Sunday, will be auctioned off for typing term papers, tutoring, standing » émbership i1 theif national little longer. Preparing for Colley Receives Blood Donor Goal OPS, a speech club, ‘vas. a-ganization. /ind the last news wishing the snow would stay a in line at lunch, home-cooked ¢! the Spring session was the battle are (left to right) Karen Robinson and Sarah Hood. “Coach” Sanford Colley, a ‘meals and as dates. Dean Marga- Howard student who is recrea- ret Sizemore has donated an ex- hie : y Dalta Kappa oka red rrorganization and reactivation which is also Is 300 Signatures Leadership g ty for ci the Gérmai. Club. tion director at Marks Village, tra late permission i to be up for bidding. nl olin ow— en——t n Objects a call from the coach Bn Falling received k ¢——— "4 pov Mysterious at Deshlar High School in Tus- Perennial freshman, Director Neil Nation and Harriet cumbia offering him the posi- of Student Affairs, Lindy Mar- Marrs, co-chairmen of Howard's coach. Red Cross activities, will head | Recently Baffle Howardites tion of assistant football tin, will be among the slaves. a modest manner, “Coach” the 1960 campus Blood Donor In The cafeteria will be made explained that he had Campaign. : By ANN O’BARR As night came, the snow fin- Colley slave market had too much experience, into an old South The drive for signatures will 2 Swish!—went the unfamiliar ally stopped, but in the twilight not with cotton bales and apple he had been a football begin February 23 with a lunch- sound of a snowball. the campus looked like a Christ- although crates surrounding a huge slave IN L / mas card scene. Spe player in high school. eon Kickoff Rally for the presi- Q Howardites were enjoying a block. #y ie wy » boo was dents of all campus organiza- ~ once-in-a-lifetime winter won- Students flocked to the third He went on to say that he Special entertainment will be tions. Howard College President derland. Students awoke last floor of the Women’s Residence a very busy man, at which time A ! . Leslie Wright and Dean John A. Tuscumbia coach assured by the Four Fresh- dy ey A i Saturday morning to find their Hall, where checkers, monoply, the furnished - | J y Fincher, along with Birmingham campus being slowly but surely jokes and fellowship were in full him that the Board of Education men, Burt Miller, Sandy San- pe y 1 ¥ be present was doubling the salary for next Red Cross heads, will ~ covered with a blanket of snow. force, rine ford, Don Bearden and 7777717? at the luncheon which will be : It was better than a three-ring A few brave souls ventured to semester. is beginning Committees and chairmen are: held in the Auxiliary Room: & ® - tircus. Improvising anything their cars down on Lakeshore “Coach” Colley was care- general chairman, Barry Ed- cautiously crept into Homewood to consider the offer very February 23-March 3 marks LTY from sweat suits to slim-jims wards; publicity committee, Jim or even further, but most pre- fully when he heard a snicker the time for enlistment of don- and car coats for snow suits, be that Grogan, Don Ingram, Linda . Howardites were soon diving: ferred to stay inside. which he recognized to ors. Anyone between 18 and 21 Bryant. Hudson; program, Ruth Colley years of age may donate blood, TR9-9163 clear. Bright of his “friend” George headlong into the white stuff. Sunday dawned if they have parental permis- was just beginning to Many students had never sunshine sion. This permission will not taken part in a snowball fight, melt the snow as Howardites at- service with Highlight have to be obtained by the don- i .. but before tended a worship Daily Programs or himself, for the Red Cross Director Lindy Student Affairs charge of speaker, in the . committee will be in Martin as the Week securing the permissions. Above college cafeteria. Christian Emphasis the age of 21, donation is free All day the sun beamed away the snow. Traffic soon was able Ann Cox will preside at the Three hundred signatures has to come onto the campus. That morning service at 10:00. The night, buses took students to Brotherhood Chorale will bring been set as this year’s goal. This church, and the campus was conferences, continues through the special music and Dr. Estes’ is an increase of a 100 over the back into the routine. today and Friday. final message will be “Faith in 1959 goal. : : forgotten. By Monday the only remains In this morning's service, Neil Receiving special recognition “After all, . of the weekend awere some scat- Nation will be presiding. Special and some type of prize will be Ann O’Barr the typical patches of snow, sore “music will be furnished by the the organization which has the tered Max ey comment was, throats and lessons unlearned. A Cappella Choir and Dr. highest percentageof participa- itll probably never happen to Vaughn's topic will be, “Out of tion in the campaign. visitation will be us again.” of Be February WO Respect.” Class The Bloodmobile will be on Sometime around noon, the from 11:00-1:00 and. individual conferences will be from 2:00- campus March 16. Specially as- last' car (without chains, any- for a long time to come. sisting the chairman will be the way) slid up the college drive 4:00 p.m. medical fraternity, American off Lakeshore and the campus Tonight, Ingram Gomillion Dooms and the BSU Pharmaceutical Fraternity, and ‘came a marooned minature Progress Siberia until Sunday’s sun fin- Landmark Choir ols will furnish the special ally loosened some of the ice. music. in my mouth— Said Harriet Marrs, Co-Chair- be the title of Dr.
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