What’s Old? What’s New? Why Should I Care? Two Ears ó For Yourself ó You as a member of the worshipping assembly ó Your personal spiritual development ó Your understanding that impacts your “teaching” ó For your “constituents” ó Helping them connect ó Rationale that makes sense (‘because ROME or the bishops said so’ does NOT make sense) Listen ó Apply your best methodology and look for ways to help your people: ó What is this? ó Why should I care? (the meaning connection) ó How does it connect with what I know? (congruence) ó What is new or different? (divergence) ó What difference will this make in my life? (the heart connection) The Morning ó 1967 Missal – What was NEW? ó 2001 Missal – What’s the Same and What’s Changing ó How to Get Ready ó Timetable ó Resources BSC (Before Sacrosanctum Concilium) ó The Mass is the unbloody sacrifice of Calvary in which Christ offers himself to the Father and this sacrifice is made present through sign and symbol ó The Mass was instituted by Christ at the Last Supper. ó The Mass (the Eucharist) is a sacrament – an outward sign, instituted by Christ, to give grace ó The Mass is an act of worship and a means of our sanctification ó The primary ministry is that of the priest who stands in the place of Christ ó The name comes from “missa” – we are sent to live what we celebrated (Ite, Missa est – go – you are sent!) 1967 Missal “Newness” ó The Book (Missal = Sacramentary and Lectionary) ó Praenotanda (GIRM) theology and the way we celebrate ó The Prayer Text (euchology) in English ó Rubrics (directives in red print) ó The Theology ó The action of Christ and the action of the Church ó We are present (through symbol and ritual) to Christ’s one sacrifice offered once for all ó Our ability to be present and to offer Christ WITH Christ ó Modes of Christ’s presence: priest, word, elements, Assembly ó Public and communal worship – not private prayer Newness ó Roles ó Priest – acting in persona Christi ó Ministers ó The Assembly – full, conscious, active internal and external participation ó Orientation ó Facing the people ó portable altars Newness ó Language ó Vernacular (English, French, German, Spanish, etc.) ó Instruction on “how to”: Comme le prevoit ó Translation method and theory: “dynamic equivalence” ó Emphasis on the receiver language ó Omit some concepts for proclaimability – only hearing the text and not reading along ó Language level – even children and the unlearned ó Personal pronouns and referents for God (Father) Newness ó Translation Process ó ICEL formed – supported by and governed by 11 episcopal conference representatives ó Typical edition issued in Latin by CDWDS ó ICEL does the actual work of translating ó Submits the text to member conferences for changes, and final approval ó The individual conference approves the final text and submits the text to the CDWDS for “confirmatio – recognitio” ó After confirmation the episcopal conference sets implementation date for the Vernacular Typical Edition Newness ó Structure ó Mass of Catechumens and Mass of the Faithful ó Offertory, Consecration, Communion ó Liturgy of the Word and Liturgy of Eucharist ó Transitional Rites ó Variety and Options ó American Adaptations to the GIRM ó “in these or similar words” ó Inculturation encouraged ó Calendar ó Protecting “Sunday” and major seasons One-on-one discussion ó How do you describe the Mass – what words or images do you use for yourself – and to teach it? 2011 Roman Missal 3rd edition ó Sameness ó Theology of Worship ó Communal Nature of the Celebration ó Call for Participation: full, conscious, active internal and external ó The Structure of the Mass ó Roles – and each does only his/her role 2011 Differences or Newness ó The Book ó Missal vs. Sacramentary ó Praenotanda – GIRM – revised regarding celebration ó Mass texts (every presidential prayer re- translated), a few changes in people’s parts ó Rubrics – minor changes, especially in Holy Week 2011 ó New Texts ó 15% of the content is new (1550 pages) ó Masses for recently canonized saints ó Incorporated some Masses from the Collection of Masses in honor of the Blessed Virgin ó The Mass for Life ó Extra prefaces ó (Chrism Mass texts NOT in the book) 2011 ó New Translation Theory ó Emphasis on nature and style of Latin ó Fidelity to Latin cursus and expression ó “Formal equivalence” – translate all concepts ó Mereor ó Only-begotten ó Longer sentences and subordinate clauses ó Looking for a “sacral” or “sacred language” ó References – Neo Vulgate translation of the Scriptures ó Translation – not “creation” 2011 ó Manner and time of implementation ó GIRM released early and already in effect ó Some changes in our diocese ó Kneelers ó Placement of tabernacle ó Observing the legislation ó Our Father posture ó First use and final use date the same 11/27/11 USA September – Great Britain 2011 ó Variety and Options ó Not as many options – more set formulas ó One Collect or opening prayer (had 2, wanted 3) ó Still some “in these or similar words” ó Some things placed in an appendix ó Unsure about the status of Eucharistic Prayers for Children ó USA adaptations incorporated directly in place in the GIRM rather than as Appendix ó All English-speakers using the same text One-on-one ó What changes will be the most difficult for you? ó How do you think the people in your parish will respond or adapt to or feel about the changes? How to Get Ready ó Your Study ó Read and Re-read the GIRM, especially the liturgical theology, emphases, and manner of celebrating ó Find your resources for your own study, looking for things to use with your “constituents” ó Check websites – lots of free catechetical material available ó Extensive reading and reflecting ó Preparation of leaders and ministers at this time: priests, deacons, lectors, extraordinary ministers, musicians, pastoral associates, DRE’s, catechists Getting Ready ó General Catechesis of the Folks – be careful ó Starting in Fall – don’t “peak” too soon and don’t be so early that they forget ó Use the methodology that you know “works” – the principles of adult catechesis ó Some of what you “review” will be “new” for folks ó Remember – when we touch the way people pray and how they come in contact with God – it is not an intellectual approach but it touches the heart – a change that is much more difficult and painful Content ó Theology of Worship ó Structure of the Mass ó Keep the main things – the main things ó Communal nature of worship – not a group sitting together praying privately ó Common posture as a sign of common mind and heart ó Not just for “good order” ó Not everything will be the way I like it More content ó Jesus’ role , the role of the priest, and our role ó Focus on the Eucharistic Prayer ó Praise and Thanksgiving ó The action of the Spirit ó Institution Narrative ó Remembering - Anamnesis ó The Offering ó The Intercessions ó Final doxology Even More Content ó Participation as internal as well as external ó Focus and nature of the penitential rite – the berakah form of praise and thanks to God ó Dismissal for Mission – living a eucharistic life ó Changes we somehow “missed”: bowing at the creed, when to stand for the response after “pray brothers and sisters,” kneeling after the Lamb of God (change for some), gesture of reverence at communion, what else is needed in your parish One-on-one óWhich of those content pieces is most important to you? óWhich of those content pieces would you feel comfortable teaching at this point? NOW agenda ó Posture ó Tabernacle placement ó The Our Father ó Kneeling after the Lamb of God ó When extraordinary ministers approach the altar ó Consuming the remain Precious Blood at the altar ó Cleansing vessels ó Other? Preparing for Change - Fall ó Changes begin the First Sunday of Advent – not before ó We can’t introduce texts gradually – confusion ó We can explain some changes and words ahead of time and provide the context and explanation for change (a real rationale vs. “this is what the bishop [or the Church] wants” ó Musicians can be learning new settings. People can learn a refrain from the Gloria as a “learning” before Mass – but not use it early. Resources ó General Instruction of the Roman Missal ó Redemptionis sacramentum ó www.vatican.va or usccb link under Divine Worship ó Sing to the Lord (music – USCCB) ó Norms for the Holy Communion under both kinds (USCCB under Divine Worship, left banner “documents”) ó Dies Domini – Pope John Paul II’s encyclical on Sunday ó Several power points on the USCCB Website ó The priest at Mass, the Deacon at Mass, Theological Foundations of the Missal (article and power point) www.usccb.org ó Click on Departments, click on Divine Worship, click on Roman Missal, click on parish resources ó FREE bulletin inserts and articles to download and print ó Celebrating the Lord’s Day ó Embracing change in liturgy ó Eucharistic Prayer ó Hearing the Word of God ó Liturgical participation ó Liturgy and life ó Ministries and roles at Mass Bulletin inserts ó Parts of the Mass ó Posture and Gesture ó Praying with Body, Mind, and Voice ó Reception of Holy Communion ó Scripture ó Questions on the 3rd edition of the Missal ó The Worship Assembly at Mass FREE Materials ó Notre Dame Website - Free downloads and podcasts ó http//liturgy.ne.edu/webcatechesis ó Msgr.
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