Panama Hats at Kid Gloves For Special For Dollar Day "Always War With High Prices" Not Banded or Shaped Dollar Day Real PannmaHats for M e or W m e . Some are The finest of French m- 1 slightly stained Kid Gloves in black, white from water and colors, some are just while on board Foster's All ship, only 50 slightly soiled at wrist. on sale at each Bargains to Worth J. H. Foster, 97-99 Smith Street, Perth Amboy, N. J. sizes, 5 7%. $2.50 $1.00 "Patronize Us Only If We Undersell" Special $1.00 A Grand Bargain Drive—Dollar Propositions That Simply Win From Start To Finish Parasols A Genuine Bargain Dollar Day Shirt Waists Very Special For Dollar Day Envelope Dollar Day Corsets Chemise 23 in the lot but Only For the slender figure, At least 10 styles of good values, plain and fancy borders, all silk a pink brocade corset dainty chemise made of or mixed. Special Sat- with elastic top, lightly fine soft mull, lace and urday boned. Other models for each $1.00 ribbon trimmed. White, stouter figures, have flesh and lavender. All Dollar Day Turkish Towels longer skirts and more sizes to 44 Large white turkish towels. Size 23x45. They are like each every thing else, every time we buy we have to bust support. Value $1.50 $1.00 pay big advance. These were bought AA (JM to $2.00. Sat. - f\C\ long ago. Sale price—3 for ./ Dollar Sheets each . Day ■μ* Fifteen styles displayed on large take your Seamed Red table, Sheets, size 72x90. 15 doz. on sale this offer Seal summer for waists at Zephyr Gingham supply, good this price made because we Known fur its artistic color effects. Per- Bath Mats (T»l possible bought wonderfully are scarce. Choice fast We Saturday, each .// months Each fectly dyes. have several hundred yards in Extra heavy bath rugs, liaised patterns in delicate ago. colors or plain fancy plaids and stripes. Lengths of colors. Size 23x421/o. (T»-| 2 to 10 Xo chance to yards. match this (£4 Value $1.50. Saturday each Made Table Cloths for $1 Dollar Pillow Cases offer for months to come. 4 yards for Day tP-L.V/W Mercerized table cloths, ronnd or square hemmed or Anchor Brand—Extra fine size, 42x3G or 0 1 scalloped edges. Sizes 59x61, and ' Gowns Bungalow Aprons 45x36, regular 39c and 421/£c. Sale price, 3 for lUU Night Pretty new styles, loose or belted backs, (T>-| 54x58, good patterns, each tpX.v/vy Made of flesh or white soft Real lingerie. elastic waist band, answer for a dress, eachtP-L· v-fw American dainty summer gowns, 8 styles., each $1.00 Fine Laces for Dollar Day Dollar Gauze Amoskeag Apron Gingham Day—Hospital Fifteen styles of fine imported laces. All cream or Flags The best made—It to when the chance Yard wide, fine quality Surgeon's ecru colored. These are not the odd pays buy Gauze(t|l ordinary kind, Pongee silk Amer- to save 20 on 8 for presents itself. pieces sale, yards meshes and fine or ipl.UvJ patterns, silk mesh heavier cotton ican flags, with sewn Four Yards for 4 to $1.00 widths, 10 inches. Values up to $1.50 stripes and embroid- 3 Dollar Day Muslin Saturday Special, yards for -l.ULJ ered stars, size, 2 ft. Silk Fine bleached soft finished "Hope" Brand muslin, 5 in. by 1 ft. 6 in. worth 35c yard, remnants—2 Camisoles yard wide, (Jj-j Very Special Sat. 10 yards—Sale price 4 yards for iJ/A.vJw Perfect dreams, made of Saturday washable satin or Crepe Union Suits Gingham House Dresses each de Chine, flesh or white, Dollar Day $1.00 for lace or An bargain for the one who can wear trimmed with fine laces. Fine gauze lisle union suits women, tight extraordinary finished, alue $1.39 and $1..>0. All size 36. Made of the best in neat and Shoulder straps of ribbon knee, top hand gingham stripes French well made Flags or lace. 10 sizes to 44. Saturday checks, and if bought today would A ft ft Silk and cotton French Flags, size 36 in. 4 at j Γ each sell $2.00. Three dozen on sale Sat. each V I lUU styles $1.00 $1.00 by 56 in., worth $2.00 Saturday each <|)A.vJvy Grease From Garbage. THE GREAT AMERICAN HOME. The food administration's figures show the estimated grease production from garbage In the 29 cities Investi- gated to be 72,000,000 pounds, or enough to produce 10,000,000 pounds of nitroglycerin, enough for the powder charge of 10,000,000 American three- The " NlLEKIMS Waist Inch shells or French 75-mllllmeter Novelty Shop shells, and acids In a ALWAYS THE EARLIEST TO SHOW The 6rass feels fatty sufficient THE LATEST quantity to manufacture about 200,- f 7i 600D ON SER. 000,000 cakes of soap, weighing 12 ounces each. It Is Strand Theatre . BARE FEET !! further shown that the esti- Building 76 Smith Street mated fertilizer tankage produced In the 29 cities amounts to 150,000 tons, which contuins nbout 9,000,000 pounds " Y of nitrogen, 22,000,000 pounds of phos- phate of lime and 2,000,000 pounds of potash. These chemicals are suffi- cient to replace tho nitrogen and other elements taken from the soil by 8,000,- 000 bushels of wheat. The estimated present value of these quantities of Announces grease and tankage, recovered from garbage, Is placed at $11,100,000. | An Editor1· Dilemma. The editor of the Hartford Courant I lms added to his burden of cares by j Daily Arrival of the Newest and Best in starting to worry over the question of ! dress. Man, he contends, wears too ! much, and calls upon some inventive genius to simplify masculine garb In. order to suve money and also time j spent In Juggling buttons. Blouses of Taking an Inventory of himself, the j editor discovered that before going downtown he must on one under· Individuality put suit, two socks, two sock supporters, one shirt, a pair of trousers, a pair of suspenders or belt, two shoes, a collar, necktie, a vest, a coat and α hat— I' \ 15 separate nrtlcles. DPAV4V1 A poet chap once wrote that "man H5PECIALLS was made to mourn," but tn specifying roe The TiREO reo ons for It he failed to mention the Justness MAM— troubles now so lucidly set forth by our Connecticut contemporary,—Phil- adelphia Telegraph. Considered Bandit· Nuisance·. For kindness and generosity to hold-up men deliver the hand-emboseed 8llly Waste of Time. Cupid Comes a Cropper. True Meaning of "Boomerang." leather medal to Albert Belanger, CM* The Latest The man or woman who Is bleeped Mb Incidentally Indicates Interest In Boomerang has beaten oil records of cago grocer. Very Suggestions With good, common sense gives all Ices. Irving, Impressionable, Infatu- words turned Inside out. The term A "tall, dark man," according t· not ilgne, dream», or other superstition* ated, Injudiciously Invests. Ida's In- does convey the tdeft of retribu- S Belanger's report to the police, en- omens a wide berth. We each, Indi- dulgence In Ices Is Inordinate, Insatia- tion, as the boomerang returns not at tered his store and started tickling in Models of Exclusiveness vidually, must piny our own part, light ble. Irving, Impecunious, Ineptly In- the thrower's peril, but to bis further his ribs with a revolver. Our own battles, and work for success troduces Inexpensive lnnocatlons. Ida, use. No Australian would make that "Here, you can't pull that stuff In it w· hope to succeed; but If we are Instantly Irate Indignantly Impeaches blunder. Colonel Miles, the allied ex- here," Belanger told the bandit as he (ofluentfed l>y every wind that Mow*— Irvlûg's Iterated Infatuation, Insinuat- foircos' chief chaplain dur- seized the gun. "Get out." peditionary £1 If we trust to "luck" to help us alons ing Indifference, lnsurbanlty. Ida's tn- ing the war, used the term right when The bandit "got" anil Belanger then we are a he W« are OB*, way, «Imply chasing fnntlle Invective Illuminate» Irvlng's declare^ | your boomerang, tossed his weapon after him lato th· Mrth and waiting Una· that can never luMrmost intelligence, inhibiting In- flung out by you to conquer a conti- street. You can rent that Mali ad room which will ur a M recalled. fatiatlon, Intercepting Intentions*— nent and now returning to four leet "Now take this and beat It," th· help pay yo rant, through Classified Ad. (SMlstlan Register. ■er another throw. grocer enjoined, and the burglar did. at a small cost. .
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