BANK Inuod Waikljr, Entsr«4 >• BMond-CIni Matter at tba Post. VOLUME %-vniy NO. 33 olBc« «tBel Bank, N. J., under the Act of Mirth 8, 1870. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3,4926. -, $1.50 PER YEAR. , PAGES 1 TO 12$ .. _ _.. - _____ • . .* SPORTS ON THE RIVER. TIME LIMIT ON .PARKING. BACK TAXES SQUARED UP. READY TO WIDEN wo Houri and a Half U to be the MIDDLETOWN'S BUSINESS. BOUGHT OUT HIS PARTNER Realty Company Makes a Settlement FIREMEN'S LAST RITES. SHOW AT COLTS ORDINANCE FOR MONM 3UTH MOVING PICTURES OF ICE Limit on Broad Street, TRANSACTED BY THE LIGHT THE E1GENRAUCH FARMS, INC., , with Little Silver. MANY AT HARRY VERNELL'S 1 REFORMED CHURCH WOMEN ~] STREET IMPROVEMENT. BOATS IN ACTION. , Automobiles will not bo .allowed OF A LANTERN. NOW OWNS THE BUSINESS. When the Delmor-Scott corpora - FUNERAL LAST WEDNESDAY.' o bo parked In the business section lion bought the Conovcr tract near QIVE A SUCCESSFUL PLAY. Famous-Player* Company Gets Fine The Change to Thii Nttrne from TJio Street Roadway to be Made if Brood street at Red Bank more Budget of EipenBB* Palled anil a tho Little Silver railroad station He Wat One of the Heroei of the The Performance was Enacted View* of River Sports—BonJumin That of Eigcnrauch & DcWinter ' Forty Feet Wide from End to han two'and a half hours. This Change 'Made With Regard to which It is now developing, taxes for Fire Department,' Hi» Death Hav- the Villace Schoolhouse Last Frl- Atwater'* Pet Won Third Race was Effected La«t Week—A Poul- ' End—All the^CommUlone r» are tiraatum was served Monday night Vititlng Nurie Service—Com- several years remained unpaid by a ing Been Hastened by Injuries day Night and It Will ha Re- of Season on Saturday, try Supply Busineii to b" Formed. in Favor of tba Improvement. y Councilman Thomas M. Gopsill, plaint About a Leonardo Road, realty concern which had previously He Received Fighting a Fire. peated at Two Other Placet. Monmouth street's roadway is to Last Wednesday was a great day hairmnn of tho police committee ^Tho official business o" Middle- Henry Eigcnrauch has bought the owned the traqt. The records of the' The- high esteem in which Harry About 250 persons attended o, be widened its uittlro length, ifpcord- on tho Ico for lovers of winter if tlio council, He said tho police town township was transacted .last intcrebt of his pdrtnei, Alfred Dc- back taxes due were very much in- Vernell of Leighton avenue was Wmler, in the poultij Dusiness of show at tho Colt's, Neck school-' ' the to nn ordinance which th com- sports. The larger part of the,day lad been instructed to "ticket" Thursday night by the light of a volved Und it was impossible i^o de- held by his fellow townsmen was Eigonrauch & DeWintcr, and the housp hst Fnday night. Tho per- missioners ordered drawn at their jvas devoted to the taking of ice very cor kept on the street longer lantern. The electric lights in the termine the exact amount owed. shown- by the large attendance and 1 business.has been incorporated un- formance VJS a three-act comedy Btrcet boating scones for the motion pic- han the specified time- limit Eojch township hall went, out, during the Last week the Delmor-Scptt com- the numerous floral tributes nt his inceting"Monday night. The der the name of Eigenrauch Farms, entitled '"Lht Ecantown Choir," Is to bo made a uniform wl lth of ture entitled "Glorious Youth." Tho ickot will tell tho owner or driver early part of the meeting and did any effected a settlement with the funeral last Wednesday- afternoon Inc. Mr. Eigenrauch is president of and it tt.n Riven by the member* forty feot, At patent it va'les.in compaiiy of students from the if the car Ho appear before Re- not come on again. A lantern hap- borough of Little Silycr by paying at hisietc_rcsidence and a'; tho Re- the company and his wife, Jessie L. of the si.wins tlub of the Reformed width from 32 to 39 feet; thei-iiinv Fnmous-PlayiJra' fitudio on Long Is- 9rdor W, J. Poiilson at. a certain pened to be in the room and by its $5 to the company. formed church. He was a member Eigenrauch, is secretary and' treas- chuich of that plarp, with tho as- rowest portion being on the jeasterij land had'prominent parts in most line. The regulation is aimed par- rays the wheels of the township The borough officials ;ire consider- of Wcstside fire company, and the urer. Mr. PeWinter has moved to_ sistance of the husbands of floma ond of the street, near Hroadl street. all of the -scenes.' Shortly before icularly at atorekeepers^ and clerks igoevrnment turned around during ing a proposition to cloee the west- lire bell was tolled during the last New York state. of the mcmbois of thn clnb, A , The commissioners orderM the noon, whilii the ico boats were lined ho make a practice of leaving .their 'the remainder of the meeting, rn end of Silyerside avenue, west of rites. ars on Broad street; -Mr. Gopsill So successful wn*. the play thnt ordinance drnwn after hearing'"« re lip preparatory for a race to be The township budget of expenses The business of. the company h the railroad tracks, and take over There were • three largo floral port on the proposed Improvement said/ theso storekeepers and. clerks as a public rood .Conover avenue, two. lequests to have it repeated staged in the picture the Tyro, passed its second and final readings. operated on n poultry farm of 46 pieces, one from Westside fire com- by George K. Allen, the b.oroitgh en- ould without inconvenience put acres near Chapel Hill. The firm which is owned by tho realty com- at other villages hive been made. sailed by. Ira Crousc, its owner, got The appropriations ' amount to pany, one. from the American.Me- gineer. MV-. Allen '.stated tltnt the kieir cars on side streeta.or alleys, doca a. large mail order business, pany. Conover avenue extends It.will produced Friday night at beyond control and in the mix-up ?89,689,30. Revenues from various chanics and one from friends arid estimated tost o,f v.-Iclohi^ff the hus" allowing more-parking,space shipping annuully about 100,000 from Silverside avenue to Branch Mqrganville fot the benefit of the Irving: Hoy's Northwester and sources will' accrue to the township- neighborsr Fifty members of the street ifnd paving it; with c/onfcfete r shoppers and1 allowing more baby chicks. Each year 35,000 pul- avenue. The crossing on Silverside firo company; of that placo ami Thoinas. Irving Brown's Say.,When besides taxes, so that the amount to fire department attended (he funeral would be about $72,000,inclusive opm for the street department to lets are sold. Many, of them are avenue is in a particularly'danger-' some time during the latter part Were badly damaged. The port be raised by taxation \Vill be $58,- r and acted' as a vanguard when the of moving hydrants ntyl /'"l*r gates;' runner, guides; stays and jib on Mr. lo its work'.- •'•'•• . ' , :.' sent to the buyers through the mail ous location an^ a iuimb r of acci- of February at Farraingdale for Tho commissioners vwi * tm'parcntly 902.4G. This is approximately order department. Six thousand dents have occurred fiere. It is body was taken from the house to the benefit of the grange of that llay's boat were so badly damaged $2,600 less than the amount raised the church. Every company in 'tho unanimous in favor of paying the. BOY'S NARROW ESCAPE. laying hens are kept p:i the farm. for this reason that tho borough of- place. At each show the Colt'a that they wlU have .to^bo rereplacei d by taxation* last year. Among the town was represented. street with cancrrto* and otf id by an entirely now, outfit, TJjIjoo star- All the eggs are sold in Monmouth ficials want to close tho western end Neck folks will receive half of this* < obort Kennedy Saved From a Wa- appropriations iaone of $4,000 for At the church solos were sung by ingr the streeit if that wort found hoard runtier on Mr. Brown's boat county except during November, De- of Silverside avenue. Conover ave- profits for their club. Last yea* practicable. '•,..'- '. I '., ' tery Grave by Lawrence Catton. ' the fire companies of the township, cember nnd January, when some ore nue does not cross tho railroad Mrs. Harry Estelle and<Rov. James the club produced a play at Colt's was broken'in two and -the runner Dykema. The service at the cfiurch Robert Kennedy,' son, of Ja,mes The appropriation" for fire fighting •shipped to-New York. Alperin's tracks. Neck and repeated it at varlou» • There was. discussion. ab-out.ex guide badly strained. was conducted by Mr. Dykema. The Kennedy, had a- narrow, escape' from purposes last year was $1,200. A delicatessen store and Tony'B Won- > places. Tho profits of these shows tending Monmouth street (from its Dr. William'Pearce, with William 1 body was conveyed on the apparatus downing last Wednesday after- number of firemeif attended last der Market are the two distributing amounted to more than $400, intersection with Shrewsbury livenutf S, Child as a/passenger, was sailing, LODGE INSTALLATION. of Westside fire company to Fair oon. Tho boy's .father is head week's meeting.
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