^rAonroDAT THE MOUNTAIN SCORCHER ^W^iiTJUAL ( . OAOAN OF ROWAN COUNTY STANDS FOR Tt4B RIGHT AND CONDEMNS THE WRONG ■J—■■L-JL=...=..J. ... —^ VOLUME m. MORKHEAD, KY., SATURDAY. MAY 7, 1927. NUMBER 1. A LOCAXi BOUND-UP Dr.A.W.Mcace.e Baae-baU: Morebaad Suta Nor Mr*. I. W. Haym Pasiea mal team va. Marahail College yea- Sle^ Last Long Sleep tarday (Pridayi at l;tO p. m. (re- to die Other Shne BQlt not known) ; today (Satorday) U U with d«6p »«m>wth»l m at 1:S0 p. m.. the same leama will olUO&lcU tbe dMth of our friood. (Communicatod) • pUy on tbe M. 9. N. 8. athieUe Sr. Alton Wotsoo MeCtoon. .-who "Sarab J. Hayes, nge 41 ysni* ' grounds. A great game la expected. EMMod pduotally to root S montha 7 days, wife of t. W. Admisaioa 60 canta; ladlea free. Baya and daughter of Doctor 8L SOBO. two C»7. Tueodoj, Umj * •« . about S:S0 p. m.. OEO St. and Phoebe Ison, of EUtott county. ft U said that tbe Amertenn L«g- i Dr. MoCloooe wu 0 noUro Kentucky, passed awj MAy S igg? lu'i part of tbe proceed! d( laM €^wter oounty oad eono to Itvo Is at her home at Uppei^garL Ky.. UlML-a oarnlral waa |160;00. afteo a ~ EooatT about SE roan aso She WM It of tho time at rannoro. JohnHackney, ana of J. F. Hnek- Ue mother ot twotve ebildrsn; hosbaad. nine ehltdra and SMsam ney, bad kta face aswraiy brnlaed . bare, (or ► grandebUdrm aorvtvn ber. 8k* wm whan ha tall Bnndv afegSt la atap- »?8.»:oara. » mother not only to her own b« tm pfng from the raaainc-^onrd of a nU who knew ber. She wra knows; Ho iosTCs Ua wife, fonnert? Waa soring ear. for acU of kindnou and would ••; HaTme Stavona, and one bretbor far and near to adnUnbter to tboM aarrlrln( blm. rta Dr. Cbarlea Ho> There was a good attendance at in need and waa loved by alL She Claeaa. of Oil^ BUI. Ha alao baa Gentry Broa. Cirena Tuaaday and BARRETT WATERS waa a member of Ue Church of a aliTTiTing aunt at OllTO Hill, Mra. erarytUng want off vary smoothly. riraldrat of the Kentucky Powof Oo. Jesus Christ of Latter Day Salntm Aboat; iohnaon. This ta a good show and wiU always Barrett Watern. whoa far^ght- The eblldm surviving bfe- are Mrs. He waa a manbar of tbe Cbrlat-' draw a crowd hare. ednoM and^ vision had Jnat made J. F. Hackney and Mrs. J. A. Bays, las chureb at Farinere. poealble one of tbe biggest pureham or t^ city; B. H. Hayes, ot Naab- Botod for bta manr aeU of CbriattaB Hlaa Vlrian Bvana, daughter of In Northera Kenlaeky, organlaodtBe vllle. Wb.: Mrs. E. L. Holbiwk. pf «bartt7. HlB ktndneaa of heart waa JudgeT. -A. B. Brans, baa bean ap­ Kentucky Power <^. In t»tl. Lawrence oounty. Ky.:Helena Bayes. sot aurpaaaed by aagbodr and bta pointed by Judge Prewitt to tbe of­ Mother’s Day~Sunday May 8th fore that Ume be waa Interwted lb DUra. of Palntavllle. Ky.: Isaac, Jr., goatleinSalr qsalUiea were not ac- fice of (^reult Conrt Clark, madi many Imp.orUnt affairs In ClnrianaU. of Ashland. Ky.: Sarah May. Bather «aJred/tboy wore bom In blm. vacant by the realgnaUon of C.'C. "Mother"! Tia tbe deareit name He was one of the group that and Opal Haya, of Upper Tygart. .. ‘Other wgrds. be waa a bora gaBtlo> CroatbwUt, who waa one of the beat I have erer learned to speak; organlaod Ue Model Laundry- Co. She was bmgb to her danghtera, Cncult Court Clarka In Kentucky. Jkt bad bean eoaflnod to Ua bad Waurs waa edueaiad in tbo Cln- Mn. J. A. Baya, Monday. May tnd. Mica Bvane la a bright yonng wo It has kept me oft from shame AKt 4 weeks, bat (or aone Ume dnnati achoob and at the University and waa Uken to Ue Bayes wmo* and we have no doubt that she Wlfl h *bam Is taltUt baaltit. When I might have else been weak. of CtnlcnnatL iory. Wodneeday, in EUlotf county, make a good clerk. «he wilt hoM ■yaral oarrtee (or Dr. HoCIeeae During the World War be waa (or burial Thursday. She was MU' ornce 'uu January 1. >0St uader baa eommUstooed at Fort Brajamla tar piece at tl«> Ocnie of WllUam May your dreams be erer sweet, to rot in n osnerete vault —their ■n at Farmera Wodoasdar. Her. May your joys each day increase, Harrison and went overoas wlU the mode ot bnriaL" C. B. Cloyd, of the Cbrlatlai advance party of the 86th dlrialoa. We deepty sympathlie wlU Ue C. (X Croathwali. tha newly ap­ ebarcb here, pressingthe funeral May your comfort be complete, He saw active sorrlM In FrUtM for pointed poatmaater, took over tha of­ aarmoB and hia remalna were burled Ig months. ' fice Monday and U atarUngoff nice­ And yoQ^ years be full of peace. In the Carey cemetery, near Farm- ly. Ha U ably aaaUlad by Mr. Luth­ THE STORM an. Hr. Bsriay Fribble, of Mt. er Bellamy and Mias Flora Tackett, The storm of April 2SU awrOng.and Mra. Fribble, who la a Patient, gei^us, benign, who ware wall traliiad under the for­ eonaldera^le damage in Rowgn eoub* Hater of Mrs. Moeieaae. were piw- mer poetmaater. Oppt. Proctor. Self-denying, saintly, tme. ty. mostly to orcharda Ma&y frnlt m^t when the end treu were, blown down. Ibo wind ' "We aympathlse with the wife, Mother, may no fanlt of While tbe funer^ of Bon F^nln'e was aspedelly strongon Dry CrMk brotbar. and aunt, of tbe deoaaaad Mayaville la A Cold Storage Co. ttlne-year-old pon iraa in progreee in Brer bring a pang to yon. and Christy Crak. On tho tnttsr who monra hia nnUmely She would not risk Ue dang*n uf BUlott oounty laat Sunday, the boys eraek the roof of William Cogswall'e PoMe to hU aabe an out-door window box or a cellar mother, who had bean iU (or aoma bam was blown off. Hre. S. J. Por­ shelf. That expooe food to germ- time.'died and aba waa buried barida ter was hart considerably by a gate MOTHER'S DAT laden air and to alterants warming bar son. atrlklngher which she waa tryingto and cooUng^the wont condition, Tomorrow (Sunday) will • f • hold (or Dr. Porter to drive Us nntff- (or kaplpg food wholesome. *'Hotber-a Day." If your mother The American Legloa of tUe place DOUfOS OF THE COUNTY A UVBLT MBBnNG mobile tbrou^. She wa^ Urotn he bringwear a eOlprod'flower,^ will meet Ti{eeday night. May l(Kh. la b more then a reCrigerant. U SCHOOL BOARD OF KIWABns CLUB to the ground and sustained pain- purtflM food. Nearly all enMeid try each day afterward to etraw iSoA for the ateatiokof otffeere ud other the County “Seiioof Roaie "al a MMiday' night••ye'odlt4>r" had (he tot-Injuries. whUo. Ue Up of .Hie Hewara to Aer pathway: oanduel impbrtaat bualneae. /. recent meeting transacted consider­ pleasure of minglingwith the More- Doctor's aotomobile was blown off. lingand from Ue air. Whu such yourtelf In inch a way aa wlU eauae able bnainen; tbe moot important head Xlwnab Club at Itt meetingin Reports fiy>B> oUte)* Phrts of Ue food b stored away in a refrigetnlor. bar no ^art-achea. Reman JudgeBvana baa reified a letter f was as foUowt: eonnty tell of considerable dai the haaeffiat room of the OhrbUa It b surounded by circulating al)r. you can ^ke but one mother and from the State.Tas'Commiaalon in­ to oKhards. and buildings, They adopted standard of two church, as the gneet of our triad. due to tbe cold air sinking and Ue when ahe la gone, your beat (yMES forming HlSthat there wiu be no yean high school for new teacben. alarm waa graeral over a greater Dr. Howard VanAntwerp. and par­ wanner air rising. The air currents has parted wayi with yon forerar. raise in tbe tbxlng yalnee of Rowan They adopted a rule tn each portion of the eUte. only ooe faUtlty taking of a moat excelbni anpper carry the aurfaa ImpurlUa back If your mother be dead, wear county above thayiu by the Oounty eehool employing more than beingreported. Denver Bldridge.e rnnilahed by the ladlM of that to the la. which absorbs them, u SiHUtf Rower and let aweet memorlea Board of BqnlUaation. boy, at Baldeman wu slrock by a teuher. requiring tbe employi church. We wailed and waited for all mobture doa. Then Uey i ^her etlmulate you to sobl tbe offlclal reporter of tbe club falling tra and Urewn vMratl manhood' and womanhood and J. A. Alia b puttingshelving In report the mating,but he "slept on Ue ground, eruahlng hb Ueek bone. food. It to Tea are a boy or girl bereft of tha west room of hb new bnslnMa J. W. Cornett, who has Mrved i the Job”and wo fear at thb Ute The boy. under trentme'nL b getting e ot -uelnf Ice. laettaer’a am. let you:* eondnet be house which trill toon be ready far faithfully and eSdentiy as a men boor we cannot do Inetice to the along Bieety and will soon ra Iw not only keep* food cold: v*i m wwUd pleauw bar were ahe oocupaney. her of the Board tor some yean, easlon. from bla injury. venUlata it. Put food in a.
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