CHARLES M. SCHULZ SONOMA COUNTY AIRPORT BIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT SONOMA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Submitted to: Federal Aviation Administration Western-Pacific Region 15000 Aviation Blvd. Hawthorne, California 90250 Submitted by: Sonoma County Department of Transportation and Public Works 2300 County Center Drive, Suite B-100 Santa Rosa, California 95403 Prepared by: LSA Associates, Inc. 157 Park Place Point Richmond, California 94801 (510) 236-6810 LSA Project No. MHN530 March 24, 2006 LSA ASSOCIATES, INC. CHARLES M. SCHULZ SONOMA COUNTY AIRPORT MARCH 2006 BIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT SONOMA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1 1.1 PURPOSE OF THE BIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT...........................................................1 1.2 SITE LOCATION AND PROJECT AREA..........................................................................1 1.3 NOMENCLATURE..............................................................................................................6 2.0 SPECIES ADDRESSED .................................................................................................................7 2.1 LISTED SPECIES ................................................................................................................7 2.2 OTHER SPECIAL-STATUS SPECIES .............................................................................10 2.3 CRITICAL HABITAT STATUS........................................................................................10 2.4 CONSULTATION TO DATE............................................................................................10 3.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS............................................................................................................11 3.1 PHYSICAL FACTORS ......................................................................................................11 3.2 HABITATS AND VEGETATION COMMUNITIES........................................................11 4.0 SPECIES ACCOUNTS .................................................................................................................16 4.1 BURKE’S GOLDFIELDS (LASTHENIA BURKEI)...........................................................16 4.2 SONOMA SUNSHINE (BLENNOSPERMA BAKERI)......................................................17 4.3 SEBASTOPOL MEADOWFOAM (LIMNANTHES VINCULANS)...................................19 4.4 MANY-FLOWERED NAVARRETIA (NAVARRETIA LEUCOCEPHALA SSP. PLIEANTHA) ..................................................................................................................20 4.5 WHITE SEDGE (CAREX ALBIDA) ...................................................................................20 4.6 SHOWY INDIAN CLOVER (TRIFOLIUM AMOENUM).................................................21 4.7 CALIFORNIA FRESHWATER SHRIMP (SYNCARIS PACIFICA) .................................21 4.8 STEELHEAD (ONCORHYNCHUS MYKISS)....................................................................23 4.9 CALIFORNIA TIGER SALAMANDER (AMBYSTOMA CALIFORNIENSE)..................25 5.0 SANTA ROSA PLAIN CONSERVATION STRATEGY............................................................28 6.0 REPORT CONTRIBUTORS ........................................................................................................30 7.0 REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................31 APPENDICES A: OTHER SPECIAL-STATUS SPECIES (Figures and Tables) B: BOTANICAL SURVEY REPORT P:\MHN530\BA\Sonoma Co. Airport BA.doc (03/24/06) i LSA ASSOCIATES, INC. CHARLES M. SCHULZ SONOMA COUNTY AIRPORT MARCH 2006 BIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT SONOMA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FIGURES AND TABLES FIGURES Figure 1: Regional Location ...................................................................................................................2 Figure 2: Project Location ......................................................................................................................3 Figure 3: Site Features, Habitats and Vegetation Communities..............................................................4 Figure 4: CNDDB Occurrences of Federally-Listed Species and Critical Habitat in the Project Region ....................................................................................................................................5 Figure 5: Burke's Goldfields (Lasthenia burkei) Occurrences in the Project Area ...............................18 Figure 6: Generalized Habitats and Water Bodies within 2 Kilometers of the Project Area.................27 TABLES Table A: Federally-Listed Plant Species Known to Occur or Potentially Occurring in the Project Area..........................................................................................................................................8 Table B: Federally-Listed Animal Species Known to Occur or Potentially Occurring in the Project Area..........................................................................................................................................9 P:\MHN530\BA\Sonoma Co. Airport BA.doc (03/24/06) ii LSA ASSOCIATES, INC. CHARLES M. SCHULZ SONOMA COUNTY AIRPORT MARCH 2006 BIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT SONOMA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 PURPOSE OF THE BIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT The purpose of this Biological Assessment (BA) is to describe the existing biological resources, including special-status species and habitats, at the Charles M. Schulz Sonoma County Airport (hereafter referred to as the Airport). This BA provides technical information on biological resources in support of possible future Airport projects and for the on-going preparation of a draft Wildlife Hazard Assessment Report (WHMP) for the Sonoma County Airport (LSA 2006). The main text of this BA addresses only federally-listed species. Appendix A of this BA addresses other special-status species that are not federally-listed, but are typically addressed under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). This BA is prepared in accordance with legal requirements set forth under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) (19 U.S.C. 1536) and follows the standards established by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 1.2 SITE LOCATION AND STUDY AREA The Airport is located northwest of Santa Rosa, California, approximately two miles west of Highway 101 and just south of the City of Windsor (Figure 1). The Airport property, referred to in this BA as the study area, is approximately 845.2 acres in size with two approximately 5,000-foot long runways (Runway 14-32 and Runway 1-19) that converge at the northern end of the property (Figures 2 and 3). It is bordered on the north by Redwood and Airport Creeks, to the east by North Laughlin Road, to the south by Laughlin Road, and to the west by Slusser and Windsor Roads (Figure 3). Mark West Creek is located just southeast of the southeast corner of the study area. The Airport is located in the Healdsburg California 7.5-minute USGS quadrangle. Access to the Airport is via Airport Boulevard off of U.S. Highway 101. The study area consists of the infield between the runways and taxiways, parcels directly adjacent to the existing runways and taxiways, small parcels to the east of the eastern taxiway, and several biological preserves (Figure 3). The topography is generally flat with variously sized depressions, swales, and ditches, some of which pond water during the rainy season. A large portion of the property is irrigated with treated wastewater and mowed throughout the year (Figure 3). The Airport is located within the northern portion of the USFWS Santa Rosa Plain Conservation Strategy Area (SRPCSA) (Figure 4). The northern portion of the SRPCSA is referred to in this BA as the “Airport region.” The boundary of the SRPCSA generally coincides with edge of the Santa Rosa Plain (Plain), a distinctive geographic feature in central Sonoma County. The Plain is a generally flat landscape that historically supported open valley oak (Quercus lobata) woodland and grassland (savannah). This landscape is crossed by several prominent creeks that flow to the west into the Laguna de Santa Rosa (Laguna) along the western edge of the Plain. Historically, much of the Plain also supported extensive vernal pool-swale complexes that also drained to the Laguna. Extensive stands of riparian woodland historically occurred along the Laguna which flows to the north, along the western edge of the Plain, and eventually drains to the Russian River via Mark West Creek. P:\MHN530\BA\Sonoma Co. Airport BA.doc (03/24/06) 1 r Project Site r FIGURE 1 Charles M. Schulz Sonoma County Airport N 0 10 Regional Location MILES SOURCE: ©2002 DeLORME. STREET ATLAS USA®2003. P:\MHN530\g\RegionalLocation.cdr (3/23/06) FIGURE 2 Charles M. Schulz Sonoma County Airport Project Location Biological Assessment 0 1,000 2,000 Project Location FEET SOURCE: USGS 7.5’ Quads: HEALDSBURG and SEBASTOPOL I:\MHN530\GIS\Maps\Bio Assessment\Figure 2_Project Location.mxd (03/23/2006) k e re l C o o P Sanders Road Wastewater Ponds k ree d C woo Red A i rp o r t C re ek Taxiway A Windsor Road Coyote Den Area Airport Blvd. Taxiway B Runway 14-32 Preserve Bunker (Roosting Area) Taxiway Y Runway 1-19 Runway 14-32 North Laughlin Road Laughlin North Taxiway W Slusser Road Taxiway D Laughlin Road Wetland Mitigation Area Southeastern Pond Laughlin Road ek re C t s e W rk a M FIGURE 3 Project Area Seasonal Wetlands Agriculture
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