THE LONDON GAZETTE, DECEMBER 18, 1868. 6769 be held before George Williams Sanders, Esq., a Commis cated bankrupt on the llth day of April, 1868. A Divi- sioner of the said Court, on the 26th day of January next dend Meeting will be held on the 30th dty of December at the said Court, at the Slvrehall, Nottingham, at eleven instant, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon precisely. in the forenoon precisely, the day last aforesaid being the day limited for the said bankrupt to surrender. Mr. John John George Shaw, of the city and county of Bristol, Harris, of Low-pavement, Nottingham, is the Official As Soap and Candle Manufacturer and Lard Kefiner, carrying signee. and Messrs. Hodgson and Son, of Birmingham, ar< on business in the said city and county, in copartnership the Solicitors acting in the bankruptcy. with George Phillips nnd Albert Billings, under tbe firm of Shaw, Phillips, and Billings, as Soap and Candle Manufac- James Samuel Hayward, of No. 27, King-street, Liver- turers and Lard Refiners, adjudicated bankrupt on the 9th pool, in the county of Lancaster, Iron Merchant, and late day of July, 1868. A Dividend Meeting will be held on a Prisoner for Debt in the Liverpool Borough Gaol, a the 7th day of January next, at eleven o'clock in the /ore- Walton, in the county aforesaid, having been adjudged noon precisely. bankrupt by a Registrar of the Court of Bankruptcy foi Henry Green, of Working-street, Cardiff, in tbe county the Liverpool District, attending at the Gaol aforesaid of Glamorgan, Builder, adjudicated bankrupt on the 7:h on the 15tb day of September, 1865, and the adjudication day of August, 1868. A Dividend Meeting will be held being directed to be prosecuted at the Court of Bank- on tbe 7th day of January next, at eleven o'clock in the ruptcy for tbe Liverpool District, at Liverpool, in the forenoon precisely. county of Lancaster, a public sitting, for the said bankrupt to make application for bis Discharge, will be held before At the Court of Bankruptcy for the Liverpool District, at Henry James Perry, Esq., the Commissioner of the said Liverpool, before J. Y. Lee, Esq., Registrar: last-mentioned Court, on the 7th a ay of January .next at the said Court, at Liverpool, at eleven o'clock in the Joseph Gledhill, late of Maghull, in the county of Lan- forenoon precisely, the day last aforesaid being the day caster, Greengrocer and Farmer, and late a Prisoner for limited for the said bankrupt to surrender. Charles Turner Debt in Her Majesty's Prison, at Lancaster, adjudicated Esq., of No. 17o, South John-street, Liverpool, is the Officia bankrupt on the 15th day of January, 1868. A Dividend Assignee. Meeting will be held on the 12th day of January next, at eleven in the forenoon precisely. The Bankruptcy Act, 1861. A.t tbe Court of Bankruptcy for the Manchester District, In the Matter'of Jesse Jackman, of the Prince Albert Beer- at No. 37A, Oxford-street, Manchester, before David house, Axe-street, Barking, in the county of Essex, Beer Cato Macrae, Esq., a Registrar: Retailer, and General Dealer, previously of Church Frederick Mayall and Arthur Waite, trading in copart- Wharf, Chiswick, in the county of Middlesex, Barge nership together under the style or Max all and W.iite, at Builder, by whom a Petition fur adjudication of Bank- No. 51, Aloion-street, Gaj thorn, in Manctie-ftt-r a oresni'1, ruptcy was filed on the llth day of August, 1808. Millwrights and Engineers, adju lieated bankrupts on the •<•<. OTICE is hereby given, that a meeting of creditors 5th day of November, 1867. A Dividend Meeting "ill be i. * will be held at the Court of Bankruptcy, Basinghall- held on the 15th day of January nex , at eleven o'clock in street, London, before Henry Philip Roche, Esq., the the forenoon precisely. Registrar acting in the above matter, on the 30th day of December, 1868, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon precisely; At the County Court of Lancashire, holden at Warrington, for the proof of debts and for the choice of a Creditors before the Registrar: Assignee or Assignees, under the said bankruptcy ; at which meeting creditors who have not already proved their debts William Ludlow, of Warrington, in the county of Lan- are to come prepared to prove the same, and with those caster, Hay Dealer, adjudicated bankrupt on the 19th day who have already proved, to vote in such choice. of December, 1867. A Dividend Meeting will be held on the 7th day of January next, at one o'clock in the after- noon precisely. The Bankruptcy Act, 1861. At the County Court of Anglesey, holden at Llangefni and Notice of Dividend Meetings. Holyhead, before the Registrar: John Williams, of Dublin House, Rhyd, in the parish of Meetings of the Creditors of the Bankrupts Llangoed, in the county of Anglesey, Grocer and Provision hereinafter named will be held, pursuant to the Dealer, adjudicated bankrupt on the 9th day of October, 174th section of the said Act, at the times anc 1868. A Dividend Meeting will be held on the 31st day places hereinafter mentioned; that is to say:— of December instant, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon pre- cisely. At the Court of Bankruptcy, Basinghall-street, in the city of London, before Henry Philip Roche, Esq., one ol At the County Court of Devonshire, holden at Honiton, the Registrars: before the Registrar: Edward Hodd, of Bygrove Cottage, Morton-road, Abrali.:n Callard, of Honiton, in the county of Devon, Mitcham, in the county of Surrey, late of No. 6, Vassull- Builder, adjudicated bankrupt on the 11th day of December, road, Brixton, in the same county, Gentleman, adjudicated 1867. A Dividend Meeting will be held oa the SOth day bankrupt on the llth day of November, 1864. A Dividend of December instant, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon pre- Meeting will be held on the 13th day of January next, at cisely. eleven o'clock in the forenoon precisely. John Ebertsheuser, of No. 21, Wilmington-square, Clerk- At the County Court of Kent, holden at Faversham, before en well, in the county of Middlesex, Artificial Flori-t, adju- James Tassell, Esq., Registrar: dicated bankrupt on the 30th day of January, 1868. A Joseph Clark, of Behind Middle-row, in the town of Dividend Meeting will be held on the 13th day of January Faversham, in the co'inty of Kent, and of (he Market-place, next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon precisely. iu the said town, Fish Salesman and Dredger, adjudicated Richard Pel ton. of the Swan aud Mitre Tavern, Beck en- bankrupt on the 19th day of June, 1868. A Dividend ham lane, Bromley, in the county of Kent, Licensed Vic- Meeting will be held on the 31st day of December instant, tualler, adjudicated bankrupt on the 8th day of May, 1868. at eleven o'clock in the forenoon precisely. A Dividend Meeting will be held on tbe llth day of Janu- ary next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon precisely. At the County Court of Kent, holden at Sevenoaks, before Frederick Jones, of the Windsor Castle, North Woolwich- the Registrar: road, Barking-road, in the county of Essex, Licensed George Lockyer, formerly of t'ae Westerham Turnpike Victualler, adjudicated bankrupt on the 19th day of March, Gate, iu the parish of Westerham, in the county of Kent, 1868. A Dividend Meeting will be held on the llth day Collector of Turnpike Tolls and Labourer on Turnpike of January next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon precisely. Road, and afterwards Surveyor to the Westerham and William Blackman, of the Railway Tavern, Greenhithe, Edenbridge Turnpike Trust, then of Force Green, Wester- in the county of Kent, Licensed Victualler, Dealer and lam aforesaid, Lime Burner, and now of Force Green, Chapman, adjudicated bankrupt on the 25th day of June, Westerham aforesaid, Farmer, adjudicated bankrupt on the 1868. A Dividend Meeting will be held on the 13th 18th day of October, 1867. A Dividend Meeting will be day of January next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon held on the 14ih day of January next, ac twelve o'clock at precisely. noon precisely. At the Court of Bankruptcy for tbe Bristol District, at the At the County Court of Yorkshire, holden at the County Guildhall, Bristol, before the Honourable Montague Court Office, No. 77, Lowgaie, Kingston-upon-Hull, Wilde, a Registrar: before Charles Henry Phillips.. Esq., the Registrar: Jobn Davies, of Narberth, in the county of Pembroke, John Collinson, of the borough of Kingston-upen-Hull Corn, Flour, Batter, Cheese, and Seed Merchant, adjudi- Commission Agent, adjudicated bankrupt on the 24th day I 2.
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