Thursday, January 18, 1996 • Vol. XXVII No. 70 TilE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY'S No room at the inn? Multi-purpose Students returning to debit card to school early from break debut in fall '97 found a 'locked' campus By GWENDOLYN NORGLE By KELLY FlTZPATRICK Assistant News Editor News Writer Hight down to the pepperoni on your Huddle If you were like many students attempting to pizza. Thanks to the recent progress that has return to the University and get settled back in been made toward the installation of the new early, you were probably turned away at the debit card system at Notre Dame, the card will sneurity gate. help students pay for "everything and any­ Flanner senior Mark Hengel reported that he thing," according to Student Govenment was not allowed past the security gate, but Campus Improvements Committee sptmt the night in an off-campus house. Commissioner Brendan Kelly who spoke at the Angela Hodriguez, a freshman in Lewis Hall, Student Senate meeting on December 6. also tried to return to her dorm room early, but Kelly listed a number of places where the instead had to stay with friends in South Bend. card ean be used after its implementation in Why this sudden change in the Uniyersity's the fall of 1997: token dispensers, change dis­ treatment of narly-returning students? A num­ pensers, single or multiple price vending bnr of' students were under the impression that maehines, laundromats, photocopiers, parking they would he allowed into the dorms early. gates, arcade and video machines, public tele­ However. aecording to Director of Student phones, and turnstiles for concerts and athletic Hesidnnees Kevin Cannon, this is not a new poli­ events, which he said will make football tickets cy. Cannon said that the regulation was adver­ "basically non-existent." tisml far in advance "so that pnople could make The debit card will replace other student traw1l plans in accordanee with it." cards like the phone card beeause it will con­ Cannon eonlinued to say that "s.tudents and tain a Cinncinnati Bell Long Distanee account. stuff don't come hark until Sunday so that And it will serve as a detex at some security things stay us secure as possible." aecess points, like female dorms. "The security Sister Annette George, reetress of Lewis llall, systems for dorm aeeess will be reliable and confirmed this by saying that the University has specific," Kelly said of the card. long hnld thnir poliey of not allowing students Kelly also announced aspects of' the debit back in to thn dorms before the posted date­ eard system that will af1'ect meal plan flexibili­ this ynar iL was noon on Sunday, January 14. ty. Students will be able to use their debit Aeeording to Gnorge, the policy of the University cards at food sales services on and off campus. was to literally padlock the doors so that no one Outside of the dining hall, students may have eould gel into the dorms. This procedure was up to $200 credit at campus restauranats like enforced to deernase the instance of theft that The Huddle. Eventually, the card may be hon­ has oeeurrml during past breaks. "We have to ored at off-campus restaurants like just go on our experienee in the past," George McDonald's. statnd, "It's a question of liability." With the new debit eard system, students will Hengnl, however, said that he was not aware The Observer/ Mike Ruma save money because it will narrow down food that he would not be able to return to the resi- A student found himself turned away at the Security Gate as he and board priee, Kelly said. attempted to return to campus after break. The guards would not let "Now, people who eat 14 meals a week are students on campus before noon on Sunday, January 14. see CAMPUS I page 4 see SENATE I page 4 School benefactor Sentences stiff for bombers tors received between 25 and World Trade Center bombing dead at the age of 93 Nine sent to jail 35 years from Mukasey, who that killed six people and flatly told one defendant: "You injured more than 1,000. Special to The Observer alumni jurists, the Kiley fellow­ for World Trade agreed to participate in a con­ The government said the ships annually provide three spiracy to commit monstrous defendants wanted to use Notrn Dame bnnefactor outstanding Notre Dame law Center disaster crime." urban terrorism to pressure the Kenneth Montgomery died students with full tuition, room United States into curbing sup­ By LARRY NEUMEISTER The judge sentenced Nosair's Sunday at his home in North­ and board. cousin, Ibrahim A. El­ port for Middle East nations brook, Illinois at 93 years of A native of Apalachicola, Associated Press Gabrowny, 45, to 57 years for that opposed the sheik's agn. Fla., Montgomery was a gradu­ extremist brand of Islam. NEWYOHK conspiracy and other charges, Montgonwry, a rntirnd part­ ate of Dartmouth College and including keeping bogus pass­ The 57-year-old sheik also A federal judge handed down rwr in tlw Chieago law firm Harvard Law School. Weallhy ports and visas to get Nosair was convicted in a plot to Wilson & Mdlvairw, had been a as a result of an inheritance stiff sentenees today to nine fol­ assassinate Egyptian President lowers of a blind Egyptian cler­ out of the country following a nwmher of thn Law School's from the cereal fortune of the Hosni Mubarak. ic in a terrorist conspiracy that jailbreak. advisory couneil since 1972. C.W. Post estate, Montgomery "I have never touched an Defendants Clement targeted the United Nations, 1111 nstablishnd thn Kiley resolved to give away 80 per­ explosive," El-Gabrowny Hampton-El, 57, Vietor Alvarez, FBI offices and other New York Fnllowships in Uw Notrn Dame cent of his money. In defense protested before receiving his 29, Tarig Elhassan, 40, and landmarks. Law School in I !)(,H. Narnnd in of this deeision. he remarked in sentenee. "Never in my life." Mohammed Saleh, 39, were The judge came down hard­ honor of .Judgn Hognr Kiley, a 1978 Chicago Tribune inter- sentenced to 35 years in prison. est on El Sayyid Nosair, sen­ A dozen city police of'lieers - o rw of t lw Notre Darn e Law twice the usual complement - Alvarez was portrayed during tencing the assassin of Habbi School's most distinguished · see DEATH I page 4 patrolled outside and two the nine-month trial as a bor­ Meir Kahane to life behind bars bomb-sniffing dogs instead of derline retarded man from a for the 1990 murder of the just one were going through the broken family, but the judge extremist anti-Arab rabbi in a Report: Financial aid courthouse with federal agents was unmoved. midtown Manhattan hotel. Fadil Abdelgani, 33, was sen­ Nosair, 40, who had been this morning. Concrete barriers were tenced to 25 years in prison; his acquitted in state court for increases nine percent installed outside the courthouse eousin, Amir Abdelgani, 35, Kahane's murder, was found to prevent vehicles from received 30 years; and Fares Special to The Observer 1995-96 academic year. The guilty of the murder in federal approaehing the building and Khallafalla, 33, received 30 totals will rise when a final re­ court as part of the terror plot keep any demonstrators at bay. years. Fadil Abdelgani was cap­ Undnrgraduate scholarship port is issued at the end of the hid by Sheik Omar Adbei­ However, there were no prob­ tured on videotape mixing aid awarded by the University fiseal year .June 30. Hahman, who planned to give lems as the sentencings began. chemicals for a potential bomb. of Notrn Damn in the currnnt U ni ve rsi ty- ad ministered one last "message" before sen­ acadmnic year rose more than seholarship aid for this year to­ Abdel-Hahman and nine oth­ Mukasey said the varying tencing Wednesday afternoon. sentenees were tied to each ter­ IJ pnrcnnt from 1994-95 totals. taled 13.1 million, some 1.1 Nosair protested that he did ers were convicted Oct. 1 of seditious conspiracy in the plot rorist's involvement in the plot. according to a report from the million more than the 12 mil­ not participate in the bombing to bomb the United Nations, Defendants who took the stand Oniee of Financial Aid. lion distributed in 1994-95. of the World Trade Center, but FBI headquarters in and lied also received harsher l'n1pared by Joseph Husso, Scholarship and grant assis­ U.S. District Judge Michael Manhattan, two tunnels and a sentenees, Mukasey said. director of financial aid, thn re­ tance provided by the Univer­ Mukasey replied that he was at bridge connecting New Jersey All the defendants, speaking port provides a preliminary sity includes funds awarded to the center of "a conspiracy to and New York. The government before their individual sentene­ summary of all student aid Notre Dame Seholars-students commit vast destruction in this said the group also was respon­ ings, proclaimed their inno­ from University, government country." sible for the Feb. 26, 1993, cence. and private sources for the see MONEY I page 4. The other eight co-conspira- page 2 The Observer • INSIDE Thursday, January 18, 1996 • INSIDE COLUMN • Wt!RW AT A GLANCE Minding Republicans seek election-year advantage with tax reform WASHINGTON whether to eliminate politically popular Hoping to turn tax pique to political ''·..;, /-~~··~~.)i deductions such as one for mortgage advantage, a Republican commission on interest. It said the matter should be the Wednesday recommended replacing the Tax reform.,._../'/ studied.
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