AN AESTIACT OF TITE TITESIS 0F i - LeEoy...Edward..Smith -------- for the.._M,S.-_in Ui-a-- (aine) (Degree) (14ajor) Date Thesis presented__2,_9_ -i.n- I4i.o8- - - T i tie nit.oA - -&nd- £sr- r-edo- Abstract tpproved: C Ma j or '-?o»or ) The solutions obtained by leaching crushed gold arid silver bearing ores with alkali cyanides are assayed for their precious metal content by one of several standard pro- cedures. The largest volume of sample specified by any of these methods is 20 A.T. or about 600 c.c. A method published by Mataichi Yasuda and extended by W.E. Caidwell and K.N. McLeod gave excellent recovery of gold and silver from solutions of salts other than their cyanides even when employing volumes up to forty liters. Essentially the procedure consists of adding mercuric chloride, magnesium, and hydrochloric acid to the solution. Nascent hydrogen produced by the reaction of the acid on magnesium reduces gold and silver to the metallic state and mercuric chloride to the mixed precipitate mercury- mercurous chloride. This precipitate in falling through the solution collects gold and silver either by adsorption gran- or amalgamation. The residue obtained is mixed with bone ash ular test lead, put in an electric furnace on a 2 cupel and treated as in ordinary assay practice. A variation of the procedure just outlined depends upon the formation of the mixed precipitate mercury- mercuric amino nitrate by adding to the sample first am- monium hydroxide and then mercurous nitrate. The residue is collected and treated as just mentioned. In the above determinative schemes the presence of cyanide was found to greatly inhibit gold and silver re- covery. The purpose of this research project was to find some means of eliminating the cyanide ion in order that the accurate mercurial methods might be applied to the assay of large volumes of cyanide leach solutions. It was found that quantitative recovery is had by the mercurial precipitate in acid solutions if the cyanide ion is first converted to ferrocyanide ion by treating the sample with an excess of ferrous sulfate. By applying a correction factor to compensate for losses occurring in cupellation the gold content of 100 A.T. of solution is determined to within 0.01 or 0.02 milligrams and the silver to less than 2 milligrams. A procedure is hereby presented with which the value of gold and silver of a cyanide leach solution in be made to ap- proximately one cent per ton. DETERNINATION OF GOLD AND SILVER IN CYANIDE SOLUTIONS by LEROY EDWARD SMITh A THESIS submitted to the OREGON STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE June 1937 APPROVED: In Charge of' Major Chairman of School Graduate Committee Chairman of College Graduate Council. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I wish to express my appreciation to Dr. \1.E. Caldwell for the encouragement and suggestions given while working on this problem. Also, I wish to thank Prof. J.H. Batcheller for courteously extending the use of certain assaying equipment in the Mines Department. 1 1 O J_J . .í;j . TABLE OF C ON TENTS P age I Introduction i II Assay Methods for Cyanide Solutions i III Gold and Silver Determination in Non Cyanide Solutions IV Application of Mercurial Methods to Cyanide Solutions 4 V Development of Method 5 VI Table I - Mercurial Methods Applied to Cyanide Solutions 6 VII Table II A and B - Mercurial Methods with Ferrous Sulfate S VIII Discussion of Results 9 IX Table III - Ferrous Sulfate-Mercurial Method 10 X Table IV - Correction Factor Applied to Gold Recovery 11 XI Procedure for Unknown 13 XII Discussion of Procedure 15 XIII Application of Method 16 XIV Summary 1? DETERMINATION OF GOLD kND SILVER IN CYANIDE SOLUTIONS Introduction The use of alkali cyanide leach solutions in dissolv- ing sold from Its crushed oree has become a widely used procese since its introduction in the early nineties. Routine control assays on the gold and silver content of the cyanide leach solutions, or the barren solutions after recovery of the precious metals, is made by one of many methods. The procedures most commonly employed are the copper sulfate method as used in South Africa (1), the evaporation (2)(3), and the zinc-lead acetate methods (4). Assay Methods for Cyanide Solutions In the copper sulfate method 20 assay tons of the with 8amrle (i A.T. : 29.166 g. of liquid) are treated solutions of the following reagents: potassium hydroxide, potassium cyanide, copper sulfate, sodium sulfite, sul- furic acid, and potassium ferrocyanide. The reactions, then consist essentially of the for- rnation of the reducing agent, sulfur dioxide, by the the action of the sulfuric acid on the sodium sulfite, and subsequent reduction of the noble metals to the finely di- vided metallic state. Copper sulfate, with potassium ferrocyanide, and potassium hydroxide form a mixed preci- pitate of the copper ferrocyanide and copper hydroxide which in settling through the solution collects the metal- lic gold and silver by adsorption. The precipitate is collected by filtration and is treated as in an ordinary fire assay process for a dry ore by highly heating with a fusion mixture and cupelling the lead button obtained therefrom to obtain a noble metal bead. This bead is weighed, the silver parted from the gold with nitric acid, and the gold weighed. Silver is then determined by dif- ference. This method requires considerable time and at- tention for an individual run. sources of error in the evaporation methods. The sample is limited to one or two assay tons which is put in a lead "boato and taken to dryness on a steam bath. The boat is then rolled up with test lead and cupelled. This is tedious work and subject to loss of the highly concentrated residue by spitting upon near- ing dryness. A variation of the above scheme employs from five to ten assay tons of solution placed in a porcelain- or agate-ware evaporating dish with lead oxide and taken to dryness on a steam bath. The residue is removed, fused with a fluxing mixture, and treated as usual in fire as- say Ing. About the only other method which finds an important 3 use is the zinc-lead acetate, or UChiddeyfl process. Lead- acetate is added to the gold bearing solution followed by the addition of the zinc dust. Zinc replaces gold and forms a spongy lead precipitate which collects the gold. The lead is collected and cupelled as usual. Gold and Silver Determination in Non Cyanide Solutions The work of Mataichi Yasud.a (5), and as extended by Caidwell arid McLeod (6) showed that minute quantities of gold may be obtained from large volumes of solution em- ploying a semi-colloidal mercury and mercurous chloride collector. To the solution bearing gold and silver, as salts other than their cyanides, mercuric chloride is added, followed by the addition of magnesium powder and hydro- chioric acid. Nascent hydrogen produced by the action of the hydrochloric acid on the maiesium reduces the gold and silver to the metallic state and mercuric chlor- ide to a mixture of mercury and mercurous chloride. This precipitate of mercury and mercurous chloride has the ability in falling through the solution of gathering gold and silver not only by adsorption but also by amalgama- tion. Also any noble metal not already reduced by the nascent hydrogen would be replaced by the metallic mercury arid amalgamated in it. The residue is allowed to settle, most of the liquid is siphoned off, and the residue ob- 4 tamed by filtration. This residue is then mixed with granular lead and cupelled in an electric furnace to get a noble metal bead. A variation of the above method uses only mercurous nitrate and ammonium hydroxide from which is obtained the mixed precipitate mercury-mercuric amino nitrate. Collect- ion and determination of gold ad silver is carried out in the same manner as above. Both of the above methods give excellent recovery of gold and silver even for minute quantities in volumes varying from two to forty liters. Application of Mercurial Methods to Cyanide Solutions It was desirable, therefore, to try to apply a method of this sort to cyanide solutions containing gold and silver for the following reasons: 1. But little attention is required for an individual determination. 2. A large volume of solution could be used conveniently, thus reducing errors in measuring and sampling. 3. Mercury re- places only those metals below it in the electromotive series, or in other words, the noble metals. This means that salts of copper and other base metals in the cyanide leach solution would not be reduced and give high silver results. When the two above mentioned methods were applied to 5 gold and silver bearing cyanide solutions it was found that cyanide greatly inhibited quantitative recovery as Is shown in Table I. Development of Method The problem, therefore, was to destroy or eliminate the cyanide ion in some manner so that it would not inter- fere. A well known inorganic reaction is the formation of potassium ferrocyanide by the reaction of ferrous sulfate and potassium cyanide. Because of atmospheric oxygen some of the ferrous sulfate is converted to the ferne state, and as a result a precipitate of f ernie f errocyanide (Prussian blue) is produced. The two reactions involved are as follows: FeSO4 - 6 KCN -.. K4Fe(CN)6 + K3O4 3 K4Fe(CN)6 + 2 Fe2(SO4)3 - Fe4[Fe(CN)6]3 + 6 K2SO4 The cyanide ions are, therefore, locked up in the complex negative ferrocyanide ion.
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