»A>fSNllHOS8 90 Automobiles 05 Automobiles 95 Automobiles 95 Automobile* 9,7AutomohSIe» 95 TOrtRANce HenAlO J.mu.u-y 1, 1048 ,-»-B Automobiles 95 Automobile.- 9,f Must Sell i WISHING YOU AND YOURS A 1935 PLYMOUIH On Account of Illness HAPPY 1 If It's A 2-Door Sedan. A Good Small Ranch Market TRU.V ALU HAPPY and PFIOSPEROUS Transportation Car. Fixtures 13000 plin Inven'.ory. Will NEW YEAR r Good Family give i^ase o>i property. 4-rtjom V Phone TErminal 33730 living quarters. Dees -.i.iuiid $6000 montnlv. From NEW 'fEAR! Or Work Car Located at SEE THESE FOR 6 OOD USED CARS You Want INDIVIDUAL SALES KENDALL FINANCED 22630 So. Normandie If You Di.dn'tGet Seller Gots All Cash, 1935 CHEVROLET PICK-UP ................... $ 345 ieo Us Today Torrance 730 Our New Year's SEE US ar--BUY I93S OLDSMOBILE SEDAN ................... T. R. SWENSON Resolution Is: ANewCi $ 395 390 W. Seventh St. TE 3-3838 SAN PEDFIO 1936 DODGE PANEL .... ................... $ 695 FIRST! SMALL CAFE To Sell More Cars in '48 A TRU-W^LU CAR 1937 FORD PICK-UP .... ................... $ 696 BUY A HOME per day. Just the right business 1 942 PONTIAC 4-door sedan. for two to operate without over- To Sell Better Used Cars 1938 DODGE SEDAN ..... ..... ............$ 795 A perfect Xmas present. For Only $695 $3850 R"L Only $1495. A Lever Bros. T^il'!.-. Sleep* 4 LEVESQUE in '48 We can help you fill that post-Christmas comfortably. The condition of this 1939 DODGE 2-DOOR, SED/ ^N ................ $ 995 tr.ulni shown fine c.iro. See to FOR LESS! void. A wonderful se ection of completely )942 CHEVROLET. A real nice nppreclntc nt 1512 Acncin Ave., 117 W. Anaheim, Wilmington 1941 PLYMOUTH 2-DOOR SEDAN Torrance. reconditioned Tru-Va lu cars is here. You ............ $1195 Car. Full price $1395. For Example: 1941 PONTIAC SEDAN . ............ ...... *'fJK HAbl-I Ill-mot iiMiiiu. Inillcr. 3 CASH FOK Your Biigliman, iiiiu-liln- are safe when you >uy a Tru-Valu $1295 1941 FORD 2-door, radio, new , 10:4.13. p|. -lily of . al.in.'ls, pcr- oi-y, flxturc'H, in-rcliHiifllsi', < (<-., used paint, new upholstery. man-iil |MM| Smull ili.wii |mv- or will soil on commission. 1936 CHRYSLER SEDAN $395 1941 FORD CONVERTIBLE C OUPE ............. $1295 ni.nl hiiinll.-H. MMl! Niil-lvniim. THrnnwall 0100 ORchard 71293. car - - - for comple e satisfaction marks Good rubber. $1295 full Loinihi. .^^*_____ ^ 1939 PONTIAC 6 each trarisaction. 1940 DODGE P/2-TON STA KB ................ $1295 price. HEHVJCE STATION for siilo. MiwtiT Club Coupe . $845 1. :il»c. Avi.'l-nKi; 8000 KllllimH liionth- 1941 OLDSMOBILE. Radio. See Iv. rorn..|- of IWIth nn<! W-M-ni SEE, INSPECT, DRIV E ONE OF THESE 1941 DODGE 2-DOOR SED/>iN ................ $1395 iivunufl. 1741 FORD V-0 this one for only $i295. Sedan ........ $1245 1941 DODGE 4-DOOR SED/ W ................ $1395 OLDSMOBILE 1929 GRAHAM 4-dr. Sedan. .New 1933 BUICK 4-door Sedan. 4 brand 1940 WILLYS 4-door sedan. Classified Ads Must Be In By tires. new tires. New paint. CADILLAC 12 Noon WednoHday. 1946 CHEVROLET 1942 MERCURY 2-DOOR SE DAN .............. $1395 Radio, heater. A good 4-door Sedan . $iV95 $79 $295 OWNERS 1942 MERCURY 4-DOOR SEDAN .............. $1445 economical car. Full price Money to Loan 92 (trade) 1935 CHRYSLER 2-door Touring $750. 1830 CHEVROLET Coupe. Sedan. It Pays to Get And Many More. $99 $325 1931 MODEL A FORD. 2 to choose from. GENUINE . REAL ESTATE LOANS Buy Vour Used Car From 1Q34 CHEVROLET Mniter Deluxe. WALTER <5. LINCH 1930 PONTIAC Coupe with pick-up New paint. Motor, transmission and OLDSMOBILE Kendall in '48. body. Priced at rear end completely overhauled. Your Licenced an d Bonded Dealer 1937 PLYMOUTH. 2 to choose o and b'/a% lonns on improved nc.i! DODGE, PLVMOL. TH AND DODGE CADILLAC Estate. Let me help you If you $175 af'$495 lsl°iy> from. want to refinance or get a now JOB-RATE 3 TRUCKS SERVICE loan. KENDALL We Have Many More De­ 1933 STUDEBAKER RocKne Coupe. 1937 CHEVROLET Coupe. New pendable Low-Priced Cars To AT The Chevrolet Dealer In Very clean. Mechanically very good. paint and upholstery. 200 Feet South e f Torrance Blvd. BOB HAGGARD Choose From, 1409 Marcelina Ave., Torrance REDONDO BEACH $185 $695 On Pacific Coast 1Highway, Redondo CECIL L. THOMAS 315 N. Pacific Coast Hlway AND SONS Phone 654 Redondo Beach Phone FRe ntiar 2122 Cadillac Oldsmoblle (Just Opposite High School) TORRANCE QMC Trucks Phone FRontier 8422 ANAKIN-KOLASH 4th and Pacific Dial TE 3-529« USED CARS Pan Pedro CALL AT Open Evenings Until 8, Sundoye Authorized Studebaker Dealer 2320 101 HIGHWAY Included, 2030 Torrance Blvd. LOMITA PHONE 173 We Specialize in 1850 SOUTH P ACIFIC AVENUE GOOD USED CARS Phone 126 Co Sell Vour Trust Deeds and SAN f>EDRO AUTO PAINTING Contracts, to Borrow Money, 1948 FORD CLUB COUPE. Beautiful maroon paint job, radio Manager, Jack Freeman to Repair or Build. BEAT and heater, no miles, spotlight, foglights. Only $550 Complete Satisfaction With Every Transaction down. BODY and FENDER P. H. ROWLAND & SON 1. E. WORK THESE TRU- /ALU 1947 CHEVROLET ARROW SEDAN. Beautiful maroon paint UNUSUAL OPEN DAILY \ / SUNDAYS job. Radio, white beauty rims. Full price $2595. Signs by Lehr 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ' ' 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 1946 BUICK SUPER SEDANETTE. Low mileage car, radio and FREE ESTIMATES LOANS ON FULL PRICES! heater. Just the car you are looking for. Will finance USED CAR Autoi, Furniture, Fixture!, Budget Terms Arranged Equipment and Trucks 1 940 PONTIAC 6, 2-door. Ra­ $1830. BARGAINS 1524 Cravens Ave.. Torrance dio, heater, seat covers, 1942 WILLYS STATION WAGON. Reconditioned motor, new ORRIS BROS. Phone 670 overhauled motor, clean. AT THE paint, new tires. Only $345 down. MODEL A FORD $1050. Coupe. Only BODV AND FENDER SHOP Whitney Finance Co. 1941 CHEVROLET CUSTOM CLUB COUPE. Carson top, fender $225 full prire, as is. 25604 Narbonne Ave., Lomitt 1940 DODGE 2-door . $725 USED CAIR CENTER skirts, extra bumper guard, radio and heater, flashiest 1935 DODGE coupe. Only GETTING . -KIED? Come 1937 OLDSMOBILE car in town. Will finance $1040. $375 full price, as is. in and sco our wide selection of Club Coupe $525 WHERE APPEARANCE and PERFORMANCE REALLY COUNT RUMLEY'S 1941 CHEVROLET CLUB COUPE. New oamt, new tires, radio 1938 BUICK limited. Radio wedding invitations made from and heater, perfect family car. $495 down. and heater. Only $695 MACHINE SHOP 1936 CHEVROLET Coupe $450 1947 CHEVROLET FLEETMAST ER 4-DOOR SEDAN. RADIO, full price. AND GARAGE thp hl-rhpsf fi'tllty stnnh 2-TONE FINISH, MANY EXTRAS. JUST LIKE NEW. 1941 FORD CLUB COUPE. A one-party owner. Radio, heater, 1935 CHEVROLET 2-dr. $275 1710 LOMITA BLVD. real clean tar. Only $1395 full price. 1938 PLYMOUTH 2-door, ra­ 1947 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DE tUXE 4-DOOR. RADIO, FOG- Harbor City-Lomita Automobiles 95 1935 FORDS. 3 to choose dio. $250 down. from. $395 up. LIGHTS. PRICED TO SEL L. 1941 CHEVROLET SPECIAL DELUXE SEDAN. A nice clean car, Complete Motor new paint, good rubber. $1295 full price. 1940 PONTIAC 2-door, radio 1947 PONTIAC TORPEDO 2-t)OOR SEDAN. RADIO 1934 FORD convertible coupe. AND and heater, excellent con­ Rebuilding HEATER, MANY EXTRAS, LOW MILEAGE. 1940 OLDSMOBILE 4-DOOR TRUNK SEDAN. Radio and heat- New top, good motor, dition. $350 down. Genaral Auto Repairing SPECIAL clean inside and out. 1941 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN ETTE. MECHANICALLY VERY family car. Will finance $815. Acetylene and Electric $395. GOOD. PRICED TO SELL. $1445. 1940 CHEVROLET club coupe. 1941 PONTIAC 4-Door Sedan. 1046 Radio. $375 down. motor Radio and heater. 1936 FORD 4-DOOR SEDAN. $395 full price. Welding 1934 OLDSMOBILE 2-dcor, 1941 PONTIAC 6 TORPEDO 4- DOOR SEDAN. CLEAN, BEAU- $1395 guaranteed mechanically, TIFUL DOVE GRAY FIN ISH. $1395. Phone Lomita 342 Many Work Cars to Choose from 1946 CADILLAC "62" 4-Door Sedan $350. Locally owned. Like new. 1940 PONTIAC 6, 2-DOOR S EDAN, MOTOR COMPLETELY PAUL'S 1930 FORD Panel ... $225 1946 FORD Super Deluxe "6" 4- OVERHAULED. COME IN AND DRIVE THIS ONE We Are Badly In Need Of Late Model Cars A & A GARAGE Door Sedan. Like new. Driven only AWAY FOR ONLY $IOS 5. 6000 miles. OPEN SUNDAYS CHEVROLET 248th and Narbonne, Lomita 1941 OLDSMOBILE 4-Dooi' "76" Consignment Cars Wanted. 1939 FORD 85, 2-DOOR SEDXW. GOOD MOTOR, BEAUTI- 1640 Cabrillo Ave. Sedan. FUL GREEN FINISH, CLE AN THROUGHOUT. $895. GARDENA USED CAR LOT Torrance 617 Phone Lomita 83 339 S. Pacific Avenue Don Basile, Proprietor PRIVATE PARTY 1939 FORD STANDARD COU 3E, ONE OWNER CAR. $895. Motor Repair Our Specialty CECIL L. THOMAS 1939 PLYMOUTH DELUXE CO UPE. DRIVE THIS AWAY FOR 16430 S. Normandie MEnlo 4-4606 General Auto Repair CAR CO. ONLY $895. 1941 GMC '/.-TON PANEL. Body and Fender Work and SONS Rebuilt motor, good tires $995 Auto Painting Cadilliic-Olclsmvibll* QMC Trucks 17017 S. Western, Gardena Free Estimates 4th and Pacific TE 3-5291 MEnlo 4-3771 TRANSPORT/<TION CARS 1940 STUOEBAKER CHAM­ PION 2-door. Overdrive, heat­ Open 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. 1937 DODGE 4-DOOR SEDAN ..................... $695 HAPPY FOR BETTER er .................... $925 Chuck Arana and M. "Hat" Medina 1935 OLDSMOBILE COUPE . ...................... $495 1940 DE SOTO SEDAN. Radio, COME WHERE THERE ARE NEW YEAR USED CAR overdrive. Original finish $1065 AUTO TOPS MANY CLEAN CARS TO SELECT FROM AND UPHOLSTERY HARBOR PONTIAC Wifh A Big P. J. RICKS MW BARGAINS NASH DEALER 'lira Seati Built in Coupes CLEAN CAR LOT Fine Tailoring on Sport Topi SPECIALS YEAR END 500 N.
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