i ' \ V " -rmOAY, JANUAI - Average DaUjr-Nefr Prww-Rmr — ------- The Weather - - — - • . ■ i f Ag e t w e l v e For the Week Ended Foreenat of V. 8. Wenther Bannu UlattrlfPHtfr 1Etffnttt0 Iffralii Jan. 10, 1*58 Tonight IncreMlng cloiidinena, The Tall Cedara of Lebanon will 1 0 , 8 3 3 low tt-t.l, Sunday snow rhaaglng meet at the Maaoiilc Temple at 7 Team That Put Out Polio jDrive G>in FoW ers Foreign Policy to sleet, then rabi, then freeZing ■ About T o ^ clock tonight to proceed from Meiaber. o f tlM Audit rabi. ' there to the E. G. Flsette Funeral B n reu o f CHrralntloBa r - y ManchesteTr-r-A d t y qf UiW we Charm Kta* D«\id Lodge of Odd TP*el- HdmeV'20' Slsaoh avehae, Hert­ f u e - 8 n c lowa will meet tonight at 7^0 Ih ford, to pay last respects to Frank Pearson. Odd Fi^ow e Hall. Noble Grand (Classified .Advertising Page 8) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JANUARY 17. 1953 (TEN PAGES) PRICE FIVE CENtS Edwin Palmer and the other newly Silverstein and English VOL. LXXIL NO. 91 Inatalled officers Vi'lll occupy their The Klwanls Club will meet Educator W ill Disensa poaitiona fo r the first time. Monday at 12:18 p. m. at the Country Club. The program will Mutual Security Unit Mra. Frank Blckmore. legislative be puf on by Edward Krasenlcs,* Manchester’s director of Civil De­ Rail Union chairman, will be In charge of the The League of Women 'Voters o f Ike’s Aides Hungary Arrests fense, and the attendance prise will program for the meeting of the Manchester will present a timely be awarded by Matthew Moriarty. American Legion Auxiliary Mon­ discusaion on one phase of U. S. day night at 8 o’clock'In the Le­ foreign policy, the Mutual Securi­ Strike Near Crushes Mum onFBI gion Home. A newly reorganised Hartford- ty Agency, at its January. open Top Jewish Chief Northfield Oub will open Ita first meeting to be held Monday at 8 The meeting of the Brother­ meeting on "ruesday,. Jhn. 20, with p. m.- In the crafts room of the In Canada hood of the Oovenant-Congrega- movlea of Northfleld Highlights, Waddell School bn Broad street. Ban of Two TtiiHnnpsl H u m rarv Jan 17'4 charged with operating under or- tlonal Church, scheduled for this shown by Miss Mabel Darrah, ex­ The apeakei'S will be Hugh Davlea, is:mape.si, H u n g a ry , oan. described evening, has been postponed In­ ecutive secretary of the Alumnae an English educator and Saul BH- — (A*) —^Hungary announced as s link for western Intelligence Montreal, Jan. 17— (/P)— definitely. Association from N o rth fleld New York, Jan. 17— (A’)— veratein. American induatrialist. today the arrest of Lajos services. Canada face.s the threat of a School for Girls, "rhe event will be Mr. Davies is an exchange President-elect Eisenhower’s h eld -a t the Hartford Courant ■Stoedder,. president .. ,pf. Hun­ The newspaper here recalled nation-j»;iderai|waj* "trike un- teacher at the East Hartford High headquarters has refused to auditorium. Broad street, Hart­ gary’s Jewish community, that IsVaei G. Jacdbs6n''bf .BdlTAlO'. ie.as wage and hour demands School- from Lewes County High ■ * confirm or deny a published N. V., last director in Hungary ford, beginning at 8 p. m. School, SU.S8CX, England, snd for­ A one-sentence communique of 25,000 railroad operating report that two minor New said police “ fpund a considerable of AJDC, vvas expelled In Decem­ MILITARY mer lecturer for the Ministry of ber. 1949, but said his banishment employes are met within two' Bruce D.' McElroy of Bridgeport Education in Great Britain. | York office employes have quantity of dollars snd Swiss arrived In Hartford yesterday to fr7nc8"'’ tn"Vhrhom« of’ Stoeckler" ' did not mean all traces of the weeks. Mr. Slfvcrsteln, president o f i been barred from prospective organiZation s activities had been Flags Go Up Along Parade Route Uke up his duties as a member of who was described ia "a former’ Representatives of the varioys Mossadegh WHIST Rogers Corporationr of this town',' White House jobs on the basis, removed. The ' newspapers said trades within the Canadian Broth­ 40 Arrested the Charter Oak Council, Boy was a member of a team of experts industrialist.” Scouts of America, professional of FBI inquiries. , Stockier had headed the Jewish Jacobson had been expelled fo r erhood of Railway Trainmen voted Given By appointed by the Mutual Security The report came as Eisenhower "spying." unanimously last night to walk out Alnmnl and Intermediate staff. He and Mrs. McElroy hope Agency and sent to Belgium last community of Hungary since the to reside In Manchester.-where he made ready to announce more ap­ Feb. 2 if a "aatlsfactory settle­ Report Due Sperta AhaoclaMon summer in ordes- to spread Am eri­ end of World War II. It Is un­ As Plotters will give field service to this town pointments to positions In the new At the time of his expul.sion. the ment" had not been reached by can industrial techniques, for .in­ derstood the community adminis­ and the East District. For the past administration tonight. tered the funds of the American Hungarian government said Jacob then .The action wa.s announced by creasing the production and ef­ son had been guilty of Indiscretion WEST SIDE REG two years Mr. McElroy served as ^ \ The President-elect had no call­ Joint Distribution Committee BRT President W. P; Kennedy. ficiency of Belgium industry.. ers scheduled in advance at his but "was not quite a spy.” .lacpb The BRT represents conductors, On Oil Plan By field Scout executive In Pomeraug since the Jewish Welfare Agency As a phase of its program on the Hotel Commodore headquarterse son himself said hia only activities Council, Brideport, ceased to exist here i(s an inde­ trainmen, porters, road snd yard Saiariay. 8:30 P. M. Herald Phqto national level, the league Is sup­ today, but he planned to be at his consisted of feeding refugees. service employes and yardmaatera. pendent body three years ago. London, Jan. 17— (/P) — ' Qf mpeclal Interest to organisa 'This is the tisam o f volunteer ~ ; porting measures which contribute desk for a final round of work In The wave of anti-Zionist charge.s aa well aa engineera and firemen Cairo, Egypt, Jan, 17—<ff) ADMISSION BOe -c-RegUtratlons are still open for - j ' . W esley C. Oryk, general chairman Hungarian newapaper. tpld the Iranian .Premier Mohammed I Uon publlcliy committee members to world, security with emphasis on Ion Manhattan.' in Communist countries since'-the working In • j*ards. Regnla r flremen The Egyptian goveihSnuint nation two days ago the nation's the following YWCA hobby workers that prepared and mailed the polio drive, urgea that, re- international economic advance-^ He leaves for Washington by Prague trial of 14 CZechoslovaks and engineera are represented by Mossadegh may indicate to-; are the two discussion seminars on cpumes;__crart _ workshop, _ tertlle tjie.thpusjmda pf._coln_ fol^der8^ for_j^tu].n8 n, made as soon as possible, danger from "undermining actlvl- announced today it hli8' effective use of newspaper and nient, 'League members strongly special train tomorrow aftemoen Includlhg Rudolf Slansky, Com- another union. "_________________ _ day whether he approves of painting, early American decora­ -tteB*" by- the- - -A JDG, - -known— aa crushed a Communist-Wafdiat radio publicity scheduled for Jan. tha Manchester March of Dim es: He reported today that the re- support constructive m.easurea to New Shipment " and win occupy "THe~ presldentlaT munlsT party boss, and, ■ 10 other The'Brpthei’hood has demanded the main points of a new U. S tion, Jewelry and metal work the supervision of Mar- ’ turns have reached the 83,000 Joint In Europe, was greater than plot to overthrow Prein^r 20 and Feb. 8 at 7:80 p. m. at the promote human welfare as being suite at the Statler Hotel there un­ Jews, has resulted in a general a 35 per cent W’age booat and the, plan fo r , .settling the drawii- tailoring, contract bridge, oil Zortkis. Each year, the coin mack. the only long-run answer to Com- til his inauguratio Tuesday. In the Soviet Union. exodus of Jewish community lead adoption of an escalator clause tie-' Maj. Gen. Mohamed’ NaguUL West Middle School, Hartford, by out oil dispute between his BANTLY the Service Bureau for Women’s painting, modern dance M d 1»11-, have proved to be the Shown in- the photo are, from mirnist promises. Farewell to Columbia This was after the Moscow an­ era' to the West from Iron Curtain ing wages to the cost of living In­ Twenty-five Army offleers ^ Ofganlaatlons. These aemlnara ate roomdwclnrli^fr?**?** —‘uw*H ■•:»''t^“ ;.,HAckbone .of the polio drive, and a . the. lefU frdnt row. .garol.. Morris, On,. th e . agenda ..of. the,. new! gli-. SLIP-ON SWEATER?, Th.e.geperal,spent yesterday gft- nouncement of an alleged . "doc­ Countries. Ten such leaders from dex. It also seeks reduction o f the country and Britain. , * ... , ...yf „ . Andi 15 civilians. werft,arra|t^.‘ Spen\o lanhUm stea; iaiid anyonti ;|iio(m'MA'auifflolent number-.of ZorskU, Mrs/ Her-^' tninistratloti WllT be, a 'general re­ trilBOrt at Colffrilbla tJhiVirilty; tors*’ ’ plot’’'fin kill high -'SHviet Baal Gerhiilny shd'1'5 merrlb'eYs 'df work week*'fr6m 48 to ''40''^6uris. Tlnar detxili.’' 0 f the'plan war* sons have signed up. Anyone Intec- has meant ,a successful campaign, i man Smith, Margaret Zbrakla and view of foreign policy which in Short sleeve, pink, blue, maize, biege.
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