~k~ ' Coll£c£ :t)- $fAtt 11 The Northerner 11 ' lta ~ , KENTUCKY'S FINEST NORTHERN KENTUCKY STATE COLLEGE APRIL 18, 1975 SMALL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER HIGHLAND HEIGHTS, KENTUCKY VOLUME 3 NUMBER 28 We're Number One Northerner Declared Tops In Statewide Competition The Northerner is the best small college colleaes w1th a 5000 or below student newspaper in the state of Kentucky. enrollment. That claim is supported by the recent Individual awards included these won award The Northerner received from the by photoarapher Karl Kuntz, first place tn news photoaraphy, fu-st place in sports Kentucky lnter-colleaiate Press photography, first place in photo feature A~sociatlon (KIPA) convention at Eastern Kentucky Un1vers•tY on Apnl 12, 1975. essay, second place in house ads, and KIPA IS an oraanizat1on compoM:d of thud place for feature photo ~ Joyce college newspapers throughout the state Daugherty won first place for sports w1th a membership of about 14 papers. entry, Gary Wehb and Tim Funk tied for The Northerner •s m Division 8 wh1ch is first place '" specialty column cateaory, dcs1gnat ed for newspapers pnntcd at and David Jo nes won second place awards •n ncwswnlln& and ed1torial categones. The louisville Courier Journal JUd&ed D1vision B wh1le the Cmcinnall Enquirer JUdced D1vision A. The Courier included Reminder From written statements about the entries With thclf awards. l:.ditorials were Judged as Accounting Dept. ''balanced" and The Northerner layout as All amounts owed by students for tuition or fees are now bold. In judgmg the specialty column delinquent. If the delinquency is cateaory, The Courier sa1d "it was simply not removed by May 1, 1975, the 1mpOSS1ble to choose one of these wrilen student will not receive a grade above the o ther. Mr. Webb displayed a report, be allowed to araduate, or w1de knowledge of his subject combined receive a transcnpl. w1th a lleft. spicy wnllng style. 1-Hs rev1ews sparkled, yet avoided pomposity. Mr. Funk showed his arasp of the subject NK Grant .. his reasoning was sound, his writing consistently clear and sharp. " According to the KIPA rules, individual To Develop awards mean points based on a system of three points for first place, two points for second place and one point for third (pnoto bV .Uri Kunu) Special Services place entries. The Northerner garnered enough points to win the sweepstakes No rrhern Kentucky State College award as the best newspaper in its BrtJrtnl Mu1l1 President Frank Steely announced today division. This is the second year in a row The the receipt of a grant in the amount of Jackson Browne briahtens Reaents Hall with his brand of Northerner has won the sweepstakes $35,000 from the United States Office of country/folk/rock music Mo nday, April 14. Education (USOE). The grant is to be cateKory and marks the first time used for the development and operation consecutive wins have occurred in of a Special Services Proaram at NKSC. Division B. Under this program, Northern will employ two full·time and three part-time people to serve as a Special Services Staff durina the 197S-76 academic year. The staff will be workin& with students who Seniors: Prepare For Graduation NOW have scored 17 or lower on the American Colleae Test (ACT) and meet federal The Thud Annual Commencement of Juns Ooctor.. ... 316, 317,318,319 etc ... ) should be taken care or criteria of havina come from a family NKSC will be&m at 3:00 p. m. in Reaents Master of Arts in Education ..... 314 immediately to insure that your name is with demonstrated financial need. The Hall May 11, 1975, but for seniors, Bachelor of Arts ..... 4 tO, 412,413, 414, mcluded on the prQ&ram . If these physically handicapped are also eliaible preparation for araduation must beam 41S, 416 obhaahons are not met, seniors will not wathout havinJ, to meet the financial sooner. Bachelor of Fmc Arts ..... 417 be allowed to araduate. criteria of the federal schedule. The first step for the araduates to take Bachelor of Mu ic .....417 Please request that family and auests A total of 75 students, either incomina before crossina the staae to receive their Bachelor of Science ..... 400, 401 , 403, arrive on-campus at least one hour earlier freshmen or upcomina sophomores, will diplomu is to pick up caps and aowns at 404, 40S, 406, 408 than the 3:00 p.m. startina time, since be selected to participate in the proaram. the Johns tliJI Bookstore. Tfle academic Associate of Applied Science ... .. 300, this wlll help m scatina arranaements and Northern will provide sufficient student reaalia is available for pick up and should 301 , 302, 303, 304, 30S, 306 expedite the now of the processional aid in the form of arants, loans, and be done u soon as poaibte. Hours of There will be si&ns posted over the between the two buildinp. student employment to meet their operalion for the bookstore are Monday doors of the above rooms indicatina the Details and arranaements for this Third educational expenses. In addition, the and Thursday, 9:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m.~ dearee and letters of the last names for Annual Commencement wen~ arran&ed by NKSC Special Services Staff will provide Tuesday and Wednesday, 9:00 a.m.-5:00 persons assianed to the rooms. the J97S Commencement Committee necessary advlsina, counsclina and p.m.; and Friday, 9 :00 a.m.-4: IS p.m. Sance sccunty cannot be provided in composed of faculty, staff and student tutorina to each of the students to insure The bookstore is not open on Saturdays Nunn Hall, it is suuested that seniors representatives Lori Schnieders, semor academic success. The next step is to be present in Nunn leave valuables with parents or auests for class president, Darrell Meader, School cou nsctors or area hllh school Hall by I :30 p.m. May t 1. It is essential safekeepma. vace·pre11dent of the sen1or class; Joyce students desarinl additional information that ten ion be on lime smce the linin& up Senaors unable to attend should notify Crabtree, seniOr class SC!cretary; Karl on this proaram, should contact Dr. of araduates takes a considerable amount Dr. Ralph Tesscneer, vice·pret~dent for Kuntz, senaor class treasurer~ Landa Roser Meade, director of research at of time. Seniors should aather an the AcademK: Aff11rs and Dean of the Scales, assoctate dearee representative, Northern Kentucky State Colleae followana rooms accordina to deareea C'olleae, by h~tter . Delinquent financlll and Ted Weankam, Student Bar (781-2600). bema aranted· obliaat10ns(parkinactt1t1ons,libnary fees, Association preSident for 1974. 0670.tif APRIL /8, 1975 PAGE 2, THE NORTHERNER Personals From The Editor I ht, tS Iora lly self-servmg. As you probably know by nuw The orthcrncr won some awards thts past week. We arc proud of the ac~omph.shmcnt, but u we lool h:u• .k on the rut scmc,:tcr, we reaiiiC~ the JOb would have been mul;h harder than 11 was wtthout the help of 10me ~.:cr tam key people. Dr Mu.:hacl I urncy ami Ms. lol5 Sutherland always seemed to be there when we needed advu:c or someone to turn to. rhat adVlce made The Norlherncr the kmd of paper that I he Loutsvtllc Councr Journal deemed the best for our dtvtJton. Out the rest of the laurels go to the <;taff who faced countless oddSJustwvcnna the commonplace, hndm& a new way to ptL.turc eve nts, pnnttna ca~,;h Thu,-,day rn Cynthtana , K cn tudy, and 50mchow ftndms tunc to work on that h1story paper wh•l:h the wntcr JUSt realu:ed wu due an r1ve hours. It takes a lo t or work to be mvolvcd m any o raamzat1 on and the starr I have worked w1th th1s se mester have spent ma ny Wed nesday mahts (which eventually ~.: hanae d to Thursday mornm&s) workmg o n the paper. I take tins space to applaud them 1n pnnt , they deserve 11. ( Ohoto by Pam B•rrym•n ) Display ina the inimitabl~ style and verve that carried The Northerne~ to Rt~illll"l an Unprecedented second overall win in the Kenlucky lntercolleatate u, Prea contest, ladies and aendemen, The Northerner Staff! (left to This is the last issue of The rlaht): Karl Kuntz, pholoarapher; Tim Funk, film crl~ic; Gary W ~bb, Northerner for this .-metter. Watch mu.1ic crllic; Harry Nilsson , pianist; Dave Jones. ed1tor ; Jan Ktpp, for w aeain in the r.n, ..me price, man11in1 editor; Debbie Cafazzo, usi.stanl manaaina editor; Bryan ume paper rack. Ferry, Roxy MU!ic and Joyce Daugherty, sportseditor. Around llortllern On Saturday May 24th, Special will be grAnt ed . Sheila F. Levi, 200 Merravay , Florence; DeMoisey, 227 Highland Avenue, Ft. Olympics for the Ha ndicapped will be • The 1975 rCcipients of the Master of Susan Lynn Kelly Victor, 192 N. Hands Thomas; Sandra Lillard. Route I , held for the fLrst time in Northern Arts in Education dearee are Edward W. Road, Ft. Mitc hell ; Ja ne Susan Kunkel Crittenden, and Gary Dennison, 72 Kentucky at Boone County Hiah School Christaanscn, 10 Ashcraft Drive, Florence; Bush, Route I , Walton; Verner Lee Cherry II ill, Williamstown. with the help of the Student Council for E~tceptional Children. Volunteers are needed to help wilh the kids to make sure they get to thelt assigned competitio n, c hee ring them on. and staylllg w1th them during the day's eve nts. Anyone inte rested in helpmg can sia n T1hany also stated that he "did not "Professors take turns teaching night By Jan K1pp up o n Tuesdav.
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