Lenten fasting Thinking of Fasting has spiritual, physical our soldiers benefits but also Cathedral Prep’s points to good JROTC reaches out works, page 2. to soldiers overseas, page 4. www.ErieRCD.org BI-WEEKLY NEWS BULLETIN OF THE DIOCESE OF ERIE March 27, 2011 Church Calendar Events of the local, American and universal church Feast days By Catholic News Service TOKYO – As the magnitude of the disaster in Japan unfolded, reli- gious and humanitarian aid organiza- tions stepped up efforts to provide as- sistance. The earthquake was followed by tsu- namis that wiped out entire cities and by fears of catastrophe at nuclear power Diocese of Erie to take St. Francis St. John Baptist stations damaged in the quake. Govern- up special collection of Paola de la Salle ment officials estimated that tens of Bishop Donald Trautman has authorized thousands of people lost their lives in the parishes of the Diocese of Erie to take April 2 St. Francis of Paola (1416-1507), the March 11 disasters. up a second collection on the weekend of hermit, founder of the Minim Friars The Diocese of Sendai includes April 2-3 on behalf of the people of Japan. the areas hardest-hit in the disaster, “It will take years for the people of Japan April 4 St. Isidore of Seville (c.560-636), reported the Asian church news bishop, doctor of the church to rebuild their lives,” Bishop Trautman agency UCA News. said. “We can assist them by our prayers, April 5 St. Vincent Ferrer (1350-1419), priest Japanese church officials are set- solidarity and support.” ting up an emergency center to coor- Those who would like to donate directly April 7 St. John Baptist de la Salle dinate humanitarian aid operations (1651-1719), priest to Catholic Charities should make checks in Sendai, the area most devastated out to that organization, marking Japan by the March 11 earthquake and tsu- Earthquake in the memo line. They can be nami. sent to Catholic Charities, 429 Bishop Martin Tetsuo Hiraga of Sen- E. Grandview Blvd., Erie, PA 16504. dai and the diocesan chancellor, Father Catholic Charities is among the nation’s Peter Shiro Komatsu will be the director largest human services and disaster Confi rmations and vice director of the center, and a response organizations. Caritas worker will be stationed there to (CNS photo) All funds will be distributed through coordinate aid work, reported the Asian A man walks through destruction in the town of Minamisanriku, Catholic Relief Services (CRS), the offi cial St. Tobias, Brockway – Sunday, March 27 at church news agency UCA News. Clergy and Japan, March 14. Government offi cials estimated that tens of international humanitarian agency of the 11 a.m. Confirmation classes include Assump- laypeople from other dioceses may also join thousands of people lost their lives in the March 11 earthquake U.S. bishops. tion of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Sykesville; St. the work. and tsunami. Mark, Reynoldsville; and St. Tobias, Brockway. The center is expected to operate for six months, UCA News reported. Immaculate Conception, Brookville – Sun- Father Komatsu said gasoline is the most sands of people. shima plant. ment announcements, we have no day, March 27 at 3 p.m. Confirmation classes in- needed commodity. Earlier, Bishop Hiraga told “You living in other countries other source of information. We clude St. Charles, New Bethlehem, and Immacu- After the magnitude 9 earthquake, reactors Vatican Radio that many area have a much better idea of the trag- don’t even know what has hap- late Conception, Brookville. at the Fukushima nuclear power plant were residents, cut off without electric- edy,” the bishop told Vatican Ra- pened to our parishes in the towns hit by explosions, and Japanese officials were ity and with some phone service dio. and villages along the coast. We St. Boniface, Erie – Monday, March 28 at 7 working to avoid leakage of radiation. They just restored, were unaware of the “We are terrified,” the bishop p.m. ordered evacuations for hundreds of thou- worsening situation at the Fuku- said. “We only have the govern- See JAPAN, page 3 St. Bernard of Clairvaux, Bradford – Friday, April 1 at 7 p.m. Confirmation classes include Our Mother of Perpetual Help, Hawk Run, and St. Bernard of Clairvaux, Bradford. Rite of Election St. Catherine of Siena, DuBois – Saturday, April 2 at 11 a.m. Confirmation classes include Church to welcome new members St. Bernard, Falls Creek; St. Michael the Arch- angel, DuBois; St. Joseph, DuBois; and St. Cath- at Easter Vigil erine of Siena, DuBois. Tens of thousands of new initiation or admission into the St. Bartholomew, Sharpsville – Saturday, Catholics will join the church at church. It formally acknowledg- April 2 at 4:30 p.m. Confirmation classes include the Easter Vigil. es the readiness of those prepar- Good Shepherd, West Middlesex, and St. Bar- The Diocese of Erie will wel- ing to receive the sacraments of tholomew, Sharpsville. come 221 new members this initiation—baptism, confirma- year. tion and the Eucharist—at the Queen of the World, St. Marys – Sunday, Sixty-three catechumens and Easter Vigil, this year on April April 3 at 2 p.m. Confirmation classes include 168 candidates, along with their 23. Candidates and catechu- Sacred Heart, St. Marys; St. Mary, St. Marys; sponsors, families and guests mens are participating in the and Queen of the World, St. Marys. filled St. Peter Cathedral in Erie Rite of Christian Initiation of and St. Callistus Parish in Kane Adults (RCIA) at their parishes. St. Gabriel the Archangel, Port Allegany – for the Rite of Election ceremo- Catechumens, or those to Sunday, April 3 at 7 p.m. Confirmation classes ny Feb. 13. About 1,000 people be baptized, are preparing to include St. Eulalia, Coudersport, and St. Gabriel participated in both locations. enter the Catholic Church by the Archangel, Port Allegany. Bishop Donald Trautman pre- receiving the sacraments of ini- Bishop Donald Trautman greets candidate sided over services at the cathe- tiation—baptism, confirmation Lauren Lim of St. Peter Cathedral Parish Holy Redeemer, Warren – Monday, April 4 at dral. Msgr. Robert Smith, vicar and Eucharist—at the Easter in Erie during the Rite of Election Feb. 7 p.m. Confirmation classes include St. Anthony, general of the Erie Diocese, pre- Vigil. 13. Catechumen Timothy Dennison of Be- Sheffield; St. Luke, Youngsville; St. Joseph, War- sided at St. Callistus. Candidates, who are already loved Disciple Parish in Grove City signs ren; and Holy Redeemer, Warren. The Rite of Election, cel- baptized in another faith tradi- the Book of the Elect while his sponsor Ed ebrated annually in cathedrals tion and seek full communion Dietrich looks on. Blessed Sacrament, Erie – Wednesday, April and churches around the world with the church, are preparing 6 at 7 p.m. on the first Sunday of Lent, to receive confirmation and first marks the official countdown to Eucharist at the Easter Vigil. Christ the King, Houtzdale – Friday, April 8 at 7 p.m. Confirmation classes include St. Basil the Great, Coalport; St. Agnes, Morrisdale; Ss. Peter and Paul, Hawk Run; Immaculate Concep- Ash Wednesday tion, Osceola Mills; St. Mary of the Assumption, Newest volunteer starts blog for Frenchville; St. Severin, Drifting; and Christ the King, Houtzdale. Mission of Friendship By Jason Koshinskie FaithLife editor The new Roman Missal Volunteers and organizers of the Mission Volunteer Beth Silence of Friendship have been searching for ways Boyd is pictured to keep people posted of the weekly hap- with some of The General Instruction of the Roman Missal’s penings of the mission and its programs. (GIRM) section on sacred silence has been ex- her new friends One of the newest volunteers at the Mis- at the Mission panded, recommending that “even before the cel- sion of Friendship seems to have found a ebration itself, it is commendable that silence be of Friendship in way to do that: in the form of a blog. Merida, Mexico. observed in the church, in the sacristy, in the vest- The blog, Misión de Amistad: A Journey ing room, and in adjacent areas, so that all may of Faith and Friendship, seeks to update Serafin, a coordinator of the mission. dispose themselves to carry out the sacred action viewers on visits from guests, work from The Mission of Friendship is a formalized in a devout and fitting manner.” (45) visiting volunteer groups, sister parish news exchange between the Diocese of Erie and Admonishing that the Liturgy of the Word and information otherwise pertinent to the the Archdiocese of Yucatan, Mexico. This “must be celebrated in such a way as to promote Mission of Friendship. year marks the mission's 40th anniversary. meditation,” (56) the Instruction cautions against The blog was created by volunteer Boyd is the most recent volunteer arrival “any kind of haste which impedes recollec- Beth Boyd and will be maintained by her to the Misión de Amistad. A native of War- tion” and recommends brief moments of silence throughout the coming months. Her latest ren, she is a graduate of Mercyhurst Col- throughout the liturgy, especially after the read- posts include topics such as her first day as lege with a degree in psychology and world ings and the homily so that the word of God may a volunteer, celebrating Carnaval in Merida languages and cultures. She is a member of be “taken into the heart by the fostering of the and a new church in Temozon. The blog Holy Redeemer Parish in Warren and said Holy Spirit.” (56) can be found at http://bethboydmissionof- she has been inspired to join the Mission staff – United States Conference of Catholic Bishops friendship.blogspot.com.
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