Page 1 4450. Declaration By a decree dated 15 January 1985, the USSR Council of Ministers approved a list of the geographical co-ordinates of the points defining the position of the baselines for measuring the breadth of the territorial sea, the exclusive economic zone and the continental shelf of the USSR off the continental coast and islands of the Arctic Ocean and the Baltic and Black seas, as given below. The same decree establishes that the waters of the White Sea south of the line connecting Cape Svyatoy Nos with Cape Kanin Nos, the waters of Cheshskaya/Bay south of the line connecting Cape Mikulkin with Cape Svyatoy/Nos (Timansky), and the waters of Baidaratskaya Bay south-east of the line connecting Cape Yuribeisalya with Cape Belushy Nos are, as waters historically belonging to the USSR, internal waters. Arctic Ocean Co-ordinates Point Geographical location North East number of point latitude longitude 1 Boundary sign No. 415 (sea buoy) 69°47'41" 30°49'15" 2 Cape Nemetsky 69°57.2' 31°56.7' 3 Islet to the east of Cape 69 57.2 31 57.2 Nemetsky 4 Cape Kekursky 69 56.7 32 03.5 5 Islet to the south-east of 69 56.4 32 05.4 Cape Kekursky 6 Islet off Cape Lognavolok 69 46.2 32 57.4 7 Islet off Cape Laush 69 44.5 33 04.8 Thence following the low-water line to point 8 8 Rybachy Peninsula, Cape 69 42.9 33 07.9 Tsypnavolok 9 Kil'din Island, north-west coast 69 22.8 34 01.8 Thence following the low-water line to point 10 10 Kil'din Island, eastern 69 20.0 34 24.2 extremity 11 Cape to the east of Cape 69 15.2 35 15.2 Teribersky 12 Cape to the west of Opasov Bay 69 15.0 35 18.0 National legislation - DOALOS/OLA - United Nations asdf Page 2 13 Voron'i Ludki Islands, northern 69 12.3 35 48.4 island 14 Bol'shie Voronukhi Island, 69 12.1 35 49.2 northern extremity 15 Islet to the north of Cape 69 06.8 36 12.9 Glyaden' 16 Cape Bely Navolok 69 05.9 36 17.0 17 Northern islet to the north 69 03.9 36 25.1 of the eastern extremity of Bol'shoy Oleny Island 18 Cape Maly Vyashchin 69 00.0 36 37.5 19 Sem' Ostrovov Islands, Kharlov 68 48.9 37 21.6 Island, north-eastern cape 20 Kharlovskie Baklyshi Islands, 68 48.3 37 24.8 northern island 21 Maly Litsky Island 68 41.8 37 46.5 22 Nokuev Island, northern 68 23.5 38 27.6 extremity 23 Cape Chërny 68 22.2 38 39.0 24 Cape Fadeyev 68 18.0 38 53.8 25 Cape Svyatoy Nos 68 09.5 39 44.6 26 Cape Kanin Nos 68 39.9 43 17.5 Thence following the low-water line to point 27 27 Cape Laidenny 68 26.1 46 00.0 28 Northern extremity of the island 68 25.2 46 04.0 to the east of Cape Laidenny 29 Kambal'nitskie Koshki Islands, 68 21.5 46 18.1 northern extremity Thence following the low-water line to point 30 30 Kambal'nitskie Koshki Islands, 68 19.3 46 22.3 southern extremity of eastern Koshka (shoal) National legislation - DOALOS/OLA - United Nations asdf Page 3 31 Cape to the south of Cape Rybny 68 06.9 46 33.0 Thence following the low-water line to point 32 32 Cape Mikulkin 67 48.5 46 41.8 33 Cape Svyatoy Nos (Timansky) 67 54.8 48 35.7 Thence following the low-water line to point 34 34 Southern headland of Verkhny 68 21.2 50 46.8 Shar Strait 35 Northern headland of Verkhny 68 22.8 50 48.9 Shar Strait Thence following the low-water line to point 36 36 Western headland of Nizhny 68 28.8 51 30.4 Shar Strait 37 Eastern headland of Nizhny 68 29.2 51 33.5 Shar Strait Thence following the low-water line to point 38 38 Cape Tonky Nos 68 34.2 52 12.6 39 Cape Kolokolkovsky Nos 68 35.4 52 16.6 Thence following the low-water line to point 40 40 Russky Zavorot Peninsula 68 59.4 54 26.9 41 Gulyaevskaya Koshka 68 59.2 54 37.5 Island No. 1, northern extremity 42 Gulyaevskaya Koshka 68 56.1 55 23.9 Island No. 3, northern extremity Thence following the low-water line to point 43 43 Gulyaevskaya Koshka 68 52.2 55 39.1 Island No. 3, south-eastern extremity 44 Gulyaevskaya Koshka 68 48.9 56 31.7 Island No. 7 National legislation - DOALOS/OLA - United Nations asdf Page 4 45 Cape Bizekov 68 42.7 57 14.0 Thence following the low-water line to point 46 46 Western entrance point of 68 48.1 57 56.7 Varandeiskaya Bay 47 Eastern entrance point of 68 48.4 57 58.8 Varandeiskaya Bay Thence following the low-water line to point 48 48 Cape Medynsky Zavorot 68 57.6 59 19.5 49 Cape Sin'kin Nos 68 42.5 59 57.9 Thence following the low-water line to point 50 50 Cape Pyrkov 69 33.4 60 11.4 51 Vaygach Island, islet to the 69 39.0 59 59.0 south of Cape Greben' 52 Islet to the south of Cape 69 42.3 59 35.8 Karpovo Stanov'e 53 Islet to the north-west of 69 43.0 59 31.9 Cape Karpovo Stanov'e 54 Lyamchin Peninsula, 69 51.4 59 04.6 south-western extremity 55 Cape to the north-west of 69 57.9 58 48.1 Lyamchin Peninsula 56 Podrezova Luda Island 70 02.7 58 36.9 57 Mikhailov Islands, western 70 12.9 58 19.9 islet to the north-west of Polilov Island 58 Novaya Zemlya Islands, rock to 70 27.6 57 08.3 the south of Cape Kusov Nos 59 Pyniny Islands, eastern island 70 26.6 56 36.0 60 Pyniny Islands, western island 70 26.6 56 31.8 National legislation - DOALOS/OLA - United Nations asdf Page 5 61 Bratkov Island, eastern 70 27.8 56 18.1 extremity Thence following the low-water line to point 62 62 Bratkov Island, western 70 27.8 56 17.5 extremity 63 Bol'shoy Sakhalin Island, 70 29.1 55 20.6 southern extremity 64 Cape Maly Kushny 70 38.7 54 39.2 65 Rakovaya Ludka Islands, 70 42.1 53 52.7 western island 66 Muchnie Islands, southern 70 46.8 53 34.2 island 67 Savina Kovriga Peninsula, 70 47.8 53 30.0 south-western extremity 68 Cape Kostin Nos 70 56.5 53 02.6 69 Mezhdusharsky Island, 71 15.6 52 15.3 western coast 70 Cape Ne-Bazar-Salya 71 32.0 51 37.7 Thence following the low-water line to point 71 71 Cape Severny Gusiny Nos 72 09.1 51 49.5 National legislation - DOALOS/OLA - United Nations asdf Page 6 Co-ordinates Point Geographical location North East number of point latitude longitude 72 Cape Britvin 72 43.0 52 24.4 Thence following the low-water line to point 73 73 Cape Chum 72 51.0 52 37.0 74 Cape Fedorov 73 07.6 53 11.4 Thence following the low-water line to point 75 75 Cape Dolgy 73 14.4 53 30.2 76 Mityushev Island, Cape Rifovy 73 25.1 54 00.6 77 Cape to the north-west of 73 37.2 53 59.8 Cape Ostrovnoy Thence following the low-water line to point 78 78 Cape Sukhoy Nos 73 47.4 53 42.4 79 Islet to the north of Cape 73 47.8 53 42.9 Sukhoy Nos 80 Cape to the north-east of Cape 73 54.0 54 16.0 Bera 81 Cape Litke 73 59.8 54 34.6 Thence following the low-water line to point 82 82 Cape Smirnov 74 09.4 55 02.2 83 Cliff to the north of Cape 74 14.8 55 06.3 Prokof'yev Thence following the low-water line to point 84 84 Cape to the south-west of Cape 74 15.7 55 07.2 Ivan Malyshev 85 Cape Pavel Zaytsev 74 20.8 55 17.0 Thence following the low-water line to point 86 National legislation - DOALOS/OLA - United Nations asdf Page 7 86 Cape Stepovoy 74 24.5 55 22.0 87 Cape Sidensner 74 32.5 55 33.7 88 Cape Ptichy 74 36.6 55 36.0 89 Borisov Island, western 74 47.0 55 47.9 extremity 90 Cape Speedwell 74 57.6 55 50.4 91 Cape Gidrograf 75 03.1 55 45.3 Thence following the low-water line to point 92 92 Cape Nikolai 75 10.8 56 00.9 93 Cape Lava 75 16.6 56 43.4 Thence following the low-water line to point 94 94 Cape Maslennikov 75 22.8 57 02.6 95 Western islet to the south-west 75 39.0 58 00.6 of Cape Solumsky 96 Willem Island, west coast 75 48.4 58 34.6 97 Western islet to the west of 75 54.0 58 48.0 Berkha Island 98 Islet to the south of Severny 76 02.8 59 01.7 Krestovy Island Thence following the low-water line to point 99 99 Severny Krestovy Island, 76 04.2 59 07.8 northern extremity National legislation - DOALOS/OLA - United Nations asdf Page 8 Co-ordinates Point Geographical location North East number of point latitude longitude 100 Pankrat'eva Island, Cape 76 09.3 60 06.2 Nablyudenii 101 Barents Islands, western island, 76 17.0 61 01.6 Cape Bastiony 102 Barents Islands, western island, 76 17.3 61 10.5 eastern cape 103 Barents Islands, eastern island 76 17.6 61 22.6 104 Cape Nassau 76 17.9 61 39.6 105 Cape Utesheniya 76 15.6 62 45.8 106 Cape Nalivkin 76 19.7 63 43.6 107 Gulfstream Islands, northern 76 25.1 64 10.0 island, western extremity Thence following the low-water line to point 108 108 Gulfstream Islands, northern 76 25.3 64 12.0 island, eastern extremity 109 Cliff off Cape Vize 76 28.9 64 56.0 110 Western islet off Cape Balashov 76 32.6 65 24.0 111 Cape Kushakov 76 38.8 65 49.4 Thence following the low-water line to point 112 112 Cape Medvezhy 76 44.2 66 01.5 113 Cape Anna 76 49.1 66 26.6 114 Cape Bol'shoy Ledyanoy 76 52.4 66 43.5 115 Cape Ermolayev 76 54.8 66 56.4 116 Cape Varnek 76 56.3 67 02.9 117 Bol'shie Oranskie Islands, 77 02.2 67 40.2 western island National legislation - DOALOS/OLA - United Nations asdf Page 9 118 Bol'shie Oranskie Islands, 77 02.6 67 45.4 eastern island 119 Loshkin Island, 76 58.2 68 30.3 north-eastern cape 120 Island to the north-east of 76 57.2 68 36.2 Cape Zhelaniya 121 Cape Mona 7 6 51.9 68 49.7 122 Cape De Veer 76 46.8 69 00.2 123 Vlissinger Hoofd 76 42.1 69 05.4 124 Cape Konstantin 76 32.1 68 57.0 125 Cape Spory Navolok 76 14.9 68 18.4 Thence following the low-water line to point 126 126 Cape Opasny 75 36.7 63 47.4 127 Cape to the north-east of 75 34.8 63 22.5 Cape Skalisty Thence following the low-water line to point 128 128 Edward Point 75 25.2 62 14.0 129 Novy Peninsula, south-eastern 75 12.8 61 30.0 extremity 130 Kamen' Island 75 01.8 60 58.9 131 Cape to the north-east of 74 51.1 60 34.0 Neupokoyev Bay 132 Cape Vysoky 74 44.1 60 16.2 133 Cape to the north-east of 74 35.8 59 51.4 Cape Gorka 134 Glumyanoy Island 74 26.4 59 35.0 135 Kamen'Yuzhny Rock
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