November 14, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S8047 the next generation of American lead- Arizona: Amber Wutich, Associate Oregon: Sammy Basu, Professor of ers and should be recognized for the Professor of Anthropology, Arizona Politics, Willamette University. critical role they play in moving our State University. Pennsylvania: David Bartholomae, country forward. California: Manoutchehr Eskandari- Professor of English and Charles Crow I am especially proud to celebrate Qajar, Professor of Political Science Chair, University of Pittsburgh. the two national winners from my and Middle East Studies; Chair, Polit- Rhode Island: Cheryl Foster, Pro- State of Colorado. Ann Williams is a ical Science and Economics Depart- fessor of Philosophy, University of Professor of French at Metropolitan ment, Santa Barbara City College. Rhode Island. State University and is being recog- Connecticut: Michelle Loris, Pro- South Carolina: Joe Dunn, Charles A. nized as the Outstanding Baccalaureate fessor of English and Psychology, Sa- Dana Professor and Chair, Department College Professor of the Year. The cred Heart University. of History and Politics, Converse Col- judges noted her inspirational and in- Delaware: Harold Bancroft White, lege. novative teaching of the French lan- Professor of Biochemistry, University South Dakota: James D. Feiszli, Pro- guage and the cultures of French- of Delaware. fessor of Humanities and Director of speaking countries. She has served her Florida: Thomas Moore, Archibald Music Activities, South Dakota School campus community through leadership Granville Bush Professor of Natural of Mines and Technology. in her department and institution, her Science and Professor of Physics, Rol- Texas: Ceilidh Charleson-Jennings, State through participation with a lins College. Professor of Communication Studies, task force on academic standards, and Georgia: Mulatu Lemma, Chair of De- Collin College. her profession as an author and pre- partment of Mathematics, Savannah Utah: Joyce Kinkead, Professor of senter on pedagogical issues, a text- State University. English, Utah State University. book writer, a consultant to the Ad- Illinois: Jeffrey Boshart, Professor of Virginia: Scott Boltwood, Professor vanced Placement Program, and win- Art Foundations/Sculpture, Eastern Il- of English and Drama; Chair, English ner of an award for one of the 10 best linois University. Department, Emory and Henry College. practices courses in the country. Indiana: Robert Palumbo, Alfred W. Washington: Scott Linneman, Pro- Steven Pollock, Professor of Physics Sieving Chair of Engineering and Pro- fessor of Geology, Western Washington at CU-Boulder, has been chosen as the fessor of Mechanical Engineering, University. Outstanding Doctoral and Research Valparaiso University. Wisconsin: Victor Macias-Gonzalez, Universities Professor of the Year. He Iowa: Paul Kimball, Science Pro- Professor of History and Women’s Gen- brings an enthusiasm to his research fessor, Northeast Iowa Community Col- der and Sexuality Studies, University that stirs excitement for learning in lege. of Wisconsin-La Crosse.∑ Kansas: Gregory Eiselein, Professor both his undergraduate and graduate f students. His innovative methods of of English, Kansas State University. teaching and student assessment have Kentucky: Mark Lucas, Jobson Pro- MESSAGES FROM THE HOUSE fessor of English, Centre College. been widely adopted through materials ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED Maryland: Gregory Wahl, Associate he makes publically available, and he At 1:30 p.m., a message from the Professor, Department of English, has further offered his time to help House of Representatives, delivered by Montgomery College. others integrate them in their courses, Mrs. Cole, one of its reading clerks, an- Massachusetts: Susan Rodgers, Pro- fields, and institutional settings. He is nounced that the Speaker had signed fessor of Anthropology and W. Arthur also the developer of the highly re- the following enrolled bills: Garrity Sr. Professor, College of the garded Student Learning Assistant S. 330. An act to amend the Public Health Program, a mentor to undergraduate Holy Cross. Michigan: Steve Wolfinbarger, Pro- Service Act to establish safeguards and physics majors, and author of two pop- standards of quality for research and trans- ular Learning Company video courses fessor of Music (Trombone), Western plantation of organs with human immuno- on physics. Michigan University. deficiency virus (HIV). Our success as a nation is in no small Minnesota: Brian Wisenden, Pro- S. 893. An act to provide for an increase, ef- part due to the leadership and passion fessor of Biology, Minnesota State Uni- fective December 1, 2013, in the rates of com- of professors like Ann Williams and versity Moorhead. pensation for veterans with service-con- Mississippi: William Kelleher Storey, nected disabilities and the rates of depend- Steven Pollock. These educators know ency and indemnity compensation for the that focusing on student achievement Professor of History, Millsaps College. Missouri: Terrence Freeman, Pro- survivors of certain disabled veterans, and is critical to fostering the innovation for other purposes. fessor of Mechanical Engineering, St. and creativity necessary to make Colo- The enrolled bills were subsequently rado and our Nation a leader in 21st- Louis Community College at Florissant Valley. signed by the President pro tempore century job creation. I wish all the (Mr. LEAHY). winners the very best in their endeav- Montana: Sara Mae Glasgow, Pro- fessor of Political Science, University ors. Congratulations and best regards. At 2:17 p.m., a message from the of Montana Western. The four national award winners are: House of Representatives, delivered by Nebraska: Matthew Huss, Professor Mr. Hanrahan, one of its reading Outstanding Baccalaureate Colleges of Psychology, Creighton University. Professor of the Year: Ann Williams, New Hampshire: Vicki May, Instruc- clerks, announced that the House has Professor of French, Metropolitan tional Associate Professor of Engineer- passed the following bill, in which it State University of Denver ing, Dartmouth College. requests the concurrence of the Senate: Outstanding Community Colleges New Jersey: Linda Wang, Professor, H.R. 982. An act to amend title 11 of the Professor of the Year: Robert Chaney, Math Department, Brookdale Commu- United States Postal Code to require the Professor of Mathematics, Sinclair public disclosure by trusts established under nity College. section 524(g) of such title, of quarterly re- Community College New York: Curt Stager, Professor of Outstanding Doctoral and Research ports that contain detailed information re- Natural Sciences, Paul Smith’s Col- garding the receipt and disposition of claims Universities Professor of the Year: Ste- lege. for injuries based on exposure to asbestos; ven Pollock, Professor, University of North Carolina: Christopher Cooper, and for other purposes. Colorado at Boulder Associate Professor of Political f Outstanding Master’s Universities Science and Public Affairs, Western and Colleges Professor of the Year: Carolina University. MEASURES REFERRED Gintaras Duda, Associate Professor, Ohio: John Ritter, Professor of Geol- The following bill was read the first Creighton University ogy and Director of Environmental and the second times by unanimous THE 36 STATE WINNERS ARE Science, Wittenberg University. consent, and referred as indicated: Alabama: Laura Stultz, Professor of Oklahoma: Mary Phillips, Associate H.R. 982. An act to amend title 11 of the Chemistry, Birmingham-Southern Col- Professor of Biology, Tulsa Community United States Code to require the public dis- lege. College. closure by trusts established under section VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:40 Nov 15, 2013 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G14NO6.044 S14NOPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S8048 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 14, 2013 524(g) of such title, of quarterly reports that EC–3549. A communication from the Acting By Mr. MENENDEZ, from the Committee contain detailed information regarding the Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Political- on Foreign Relations, without amendment: receipt and disposition of claims for injuries Military Affairs, Department of State, trans- S. Res. 292. A resolution expressing support based on exposure to asbestos; and for other mitting, pursuant to law, an addendum to a for the victims of the typhoon in the Phil- purposes; to the Committee on the certification, of the proposed sale or export ippines and the surrounding region. Judiciary. of defense articles and/or defense services to S. 657. A bill to eliminate conditions in for- f a Middle East country regarding any possible eign prisons and other detention facilities affects such a sale might have relating to that do not meet primary indicators of ENROLLED BILLS PRESENTED Israel’s Qualitative Military Edge over mili- health, sanitation, and safety, and for other The Secretary of the Senate reported tary threats to Israel (OSS–2013–1730); to the purposes. that on today, November 14, 2013, she Committee on Foreign Relations. S. 1683. A bill to provide for the transfer of EC–3550. A communication from the Acting naval vessels to certain foreign recipients, had presented to the President of the Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Political- and for other purposes. United States the following enrolled Military Affairs, Department of State, trans- f bills: mitting, pursuant to law, an addendum to a S. 330. An act to amend the Public Health certification,
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